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African nations having a priority and u. S. Visas. His remarks came during a private white house meeting. The national leftwing media and the dems have worked nonstop to spin the story into a story of epic proportions. Take a listen to one of those sanctimonious dems claiming offense at the president s colorful language. To no surprise the president started tweeting this morning, denying he used those words. Its not true. He said these things. He said them. Lou the dems are grand standing, doing their apparent best to ignore the president s fundamental point. What has happened to all of the aid the u. S. Government sent to haiti over the past fourth century. How was that money spent . Whose pocket did it line . What happened to all the United Nations aid, all the aid and money american churches and charities donated to haitians in that time . And why should any president , particularly this one, have to put up with the selfserving ignorance of the dems and the left who call mr. Trump a racist because he questioned why all that aid hasnt been enough to eliminate horribly persistent poverty. President trump shouldnt put up with it from any elected officials democrats or republicans. And especially those who rush from the white house after meeting with him to leak to the leftwing media. They need a reminder he will get nothing from the president they belittle and attack, even as they pretend to be civil while negotiating in his pres. Well in his pres. In his presence. Two angel moms who lost children through crimes committed by Illegal Immigrants. A budget deadline and the senate and the dems. So far there is no clear path to the end. President trump reluctantly recertifying the Iranian Nuclear deal, but he warns this is the last time he will do so. He issued a stark warning to europe to fiction the flaws or the up s. Will withdraw. Our top story, the Left Wing National Media attacking the president over his straight blunt talk. And an expletive the president denies saying. John roberts with our report. Reporter as we reported last night, multiple sources confirmed to fox news that President Trump did indeed use the word shole. And as we have seen so many times in the past, the president and not the issue has become the story. At a white house event, signing a proclamation for Martin Luther king day, he ignored shouted questions from the press about his comments yesterday. It was during a Heated Oval Office meeting that President Trump reportedly candidate, why are we letting all these people from shole countries come here. A firestorm of controversy erupted across the globe. To the u. N. High commission for human rights. The shock and shameful comments from the president of the United States. Im sorry but there is no other word one can use but racist. Reporter President Trump denied he said it. He said the language used by me at daca meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. He seemed to walk that back, never said anything derogatory about haitians other than hate he is a very poor and troubled country. But senator dick durbin did insist he used those word. He said do we need more haitians . Then he went on to describe the migration from africa. Thats when he used the vile comments calling the nations they came from sholes. Reporter House Speaker paul ryan again found himself weighing in on President Trumps comments. I read those comments last night. The first thing that came to my mind is they are unfortunate and unhelpful. I see this as a thing to celebrate and its a big part of our strength. We have great friend from africa in janesville who are doctors who are incredible citizens. Reporter this afternoon, two of the participants at the meeting said we didnt hear the president say that. In a joint statement insisting we do not recall the president saying these comments specifically but what he did call out is the imbalance in our current immigration system that does not protect our American Workers and our national interest. The president tweeted the socalled bipartisan deal presented yesterday was a big step backward. Wall was not properly funded. And the usa would be forced to take large numbers of people from highcrime countries which are doing badly. Earlier this week he appeared to gain capital with the opendoor meeting he had with members of congress. But how much of that goodwill has he squandered and how much leverage has he lost in those negotiations . Lou the standoff over immigration raises the threat of a government shut down. Democratic lawmakers are facing a prospect of having just a week to pass a spending deal. Reporter the primary emphasis of immigration talks is a Bipartisan Group of of key leaders from both chambers of congress. House Speaker Paul Ryan endorsed their effort. The four of them started bipartisan talks trying to agree gait all the ideas out there to come to a consensus. Do we need to fix daca . Yes, we need to fiction we need to fix daca. Reporter durbin who is part of those talks says today hes not giving up on that plan. Well prepare a bipartisan agreement for introduction into the senate. If the Republican Leadership has a better alternative bring it forward. Reporter while the talks continue chain migration is important. Border security. Taking care of the kids with daca. You want to avoid getting the deal too comprehensive because then there is too much to oppose. But if you can say laser focused on the four pillars, if you will. Reporter the government is due to run out of money one week from tonight. The democrats need to stop playing politics with our military. They say we have to solve daca, and they are stalling on budget talks over this issue. Well have to do something short term because its too short notice for the Appropriations Committee to write a longerterm bill. Reporter there is some concern about congress ability to get things done, facing some critical lead lines ahead. Lou we are coming right back. There is a lot more to cover. Stay with us. President trump blasting those six senator hospital came up with the socalled bipartisan daca deal. And the dems who arent interested in the safety and security of the american people. The president wants a wall and an end to chain migration. The president canceling his trip to london to open the new embassy because President Trump said that any dollar embassy was a bad deal for america. You cant predict the market, but through good times and bad at t. Rowe price weve helped our investors stay confident for over 80 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. When a achoo alls. Answer it. With zicam cold remedy. It shortens colds, so you get better, faster. Colds are gonna call. Answer them with zicam zicam. Get your better back. Now in delicious fruit drops. Retail. Under pressure like never before. And its connected technology thats moving companies forward fast. Ecommerce. Real time inventory. Virtual changing rooms. Thats why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent Network Speed across multiple locations. Every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. Leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. Comcast business outmaneuver. Lou the president canceled his planned trip next month to open the new u. S. Embassy in london. He tweeted that the u. S. Sold the best located embassy in london for peanuts only to build another one in an off location, bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon. No. The lease to the old embassy was sold to a qatari Real Estate Firm for 241 million. Below market value. That looks like a problem. Well find out more and keep you posted. Since the left wing Mainstream Media is focusing on the language we use when discussing immigration, i would like to remind you what senator ted season difficult said. They called the president a racist and bigot. Even if he used the word that he didnt use. I cant remember how it goes. But his sweeping immigration bill was signed into law, ted kennedy said this 42 years ago. Our cities will not be flood with a Million Immigrants annually understood the proposed bill. Will not be flood with those immigrants. Under the proposed bill the present level of immigration remains substantially the same. Secondly the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset. Contrary to the charges in some quarters. The bill will not inundate america with immigrants from any one country or area or the most of pop late and deprived nations of africa or asia. Everything he promised wouldnt happen, happened. And not you u. S. Immigration system is completely broken. Mean while the national leftwing medias continued obsession with President Trumps alleged language has reached a fever pitch. Listen to this. It doesnt make what he said any less rig more rant or less racist. Not racial, racially charged, racist. There is a distinction between the people who live in a country and the people that run it. We know that we have in the white house someone who could lead the Klu Klux Klan in the United States of america. Brown, black, purple or orange. If they are qualified and coming in to make this country a better place, im all for that. That release of you of your white guilt. I have never had white guilt. Trish oh, boy. Lou joining us, ed rollins, and john bolton. Both of our guests tonight. Good to have you here. Have you ever seen such decorum on the part of Senate Democrats where they would rush from a meeting with the president to accuse him of sordid and nasty things. Thats the way it goes these days. Who should be surprised by it . You are not going have a candid conversation with dick durbin. Whatever it might be, anything they can use they are going to go out into the driveway of the white house and say it. Do you think when tip oneill and Ronald Reagan had a glass of scotch together that he ever said he double hockey sticks . I think he did and the world didnt ends. Lou we tested it a few times and we are testing it now it seems to me, when you have a senate thats so disrespectful of the president , his powers, his prerogatives, that this kinds of ignorance would be leaked to the national leftwing media. Ed immigration is a complicated issue. The fact that durbin is not bringing a piece of paper. They need 60 votes. Show me how many votes they have. We are a long ways to go before we get a bill. Daca alone will not pass. Republicans and democrats will stop it because its about security. How do you get it worked out. 2006, the kennedy in mccain come prehencive immigration could have been solved and put into slaw except pore menendez and number of senators who wanted to retain chain migration. That was consciou a calculation. They have been proved wrong. The whole notion you are going to get comprehensive Immigration Reform is misguide. We tried it with Ronald Reagan. In 1986, control the borders. The borders werent controlled. So the problem now is twice as bad as it was in 1986. Ed you have to get a budget done if the longer you delay that you go to another temporary issue. I think the court put a delay on the daca thing. They have more time to deal with it. Lou the dems and the left wing are a frivolous bunch. We are talking about a travel warning for americans saying do not go into mexico because of the Record Number of murders and the violence spilling over across the border into the United States. This country needs Border Security desperately. 57 billion in illegal drugs. Just the drugs crossing alone. And the National Security threat. I think the democrats think they would benefit from a Government Shutdown its up to republicans to say we are trying to fund the government and resolve this problem. And they are not. Ed if they shut the government down the democrats will get blamed in every Congressional District in this country. This president has to be more forceful. You cant do that. He has to say this way want, security first. Lou we have got to hear some numbers about what they are talking about. The principle of trading daca for a wall, fully turned and constructed, the idea of trading daca for the end of the lottery system. That sounds terrific by the time you get through this. You heard Dianne Feinstein offer that on a clean daca bill, mr. President. Who do they think they are talking to . This president should make it clear where they need to get off. Ed she claims she had a bad cold and didnt realize she was releasing the document. Her statement was more of a mess. I think it president is confront with an extraordinarily difficult situation. They are just playing charades at this point. Lou thank you both. Be sure to vote in our poll tonight. Do you believe the president was being hateful and racist or descriptionive in his colorful or descriptive in his colorful remarks when talking about hate he. Follow me on lou dobbs, facebook and instagram loudobbstonight. The Dow Jones Industrials closing in on 26,000 after surging 228 points today. The s p up 19. Vol on the big board 3. 4 billion shares. The s p and nasdaq just under that. Listen to my reports three times a day on the salem radio network. President trump finding the d. C. Swamp filled with snakes and critters. Well have advice on dealing with the vermin. With the vermin. Stay with us. Ooooooh snap every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. Yeeaaahhh boy. 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Still he has been able to trade for a wall, an end to chain migration and the visa lottery system that would create a daca amnesty and settle the matter. But the proam necessary city and open borders and rino republicans decided to make the president s language an issue. They really dont want any Border Security at all. The dems, the establishment dont want this president to succeed on illegal immigration and Border Security. Period. They dont want him to add more success to his unprecedented achievements in this first year of his presidency. Since President Trump was elected the stock market has gained almost 8 trillion dollars in value. Unemployment is at a 17year low. The number of americans who received jobless benefits reached a 44year low, and economic growth, we are talking 4 in the fourth quarter. Not 3, and not sub2 which was the High Water Mark for obama economic policy. Americans on food stamps has fall to the lowest level since 2010 and 130 companies as a result of tax preform are offering bonuses or additional benefits to their employees and raising wages. The dems and their ignorance are the problem here, mr. The. Not you, and not in any way, and certainly not your direct clear language. The dems and the leftwing media are so ignorant and so hateful and unprincipled that they show no signs that they will at any time acknowledge your successes, achievements, accomplishments. No signs they will respect you, no matter how much you do. The american people, however, say thank you. And they support your rejection of the insip id and insuperintendenting deal on immigration the dems and rinos put in front of you, pretending to be serious. It appears to be where, mr. President , it would seem appropriate to tell the dems, the left and the chamber of commerce, all of them who dont express a great deal of concern about the nation, the middle class, our destiny as a nation. Maybe its time. This is the time and place to tell them all to go to hell until at least they learn if not respect. At least far better manners. Wouldnt that be helpful . Our quotation of the evening. This one from winston churchill. He says success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. President trump introduced the angel moms to america during his campaign. Im going to ask all the angel moms to come join me on the stage. My son Ronald Dasilva was murdered by an illegal alien. Mr. Trump i totally support you, you have my vote. Lou we are pleased to have two of those angel moms with us tonight. Get ready to beat what may be the smartest dog on earth. She first gained fame for pulling her own sled so she could pull it down a hill. But this australian shepherdborder collie mission shepherdborder collie mission can do a lot lot more. The great emperor penguin migration. Trekking a hundred miles inland to their breeding grounds. Except for these two fellows. This time next year, were gonna be sitting on an egg. I think were getting close make a uturn. Uturn . Recalculating. Man, we are never gonna breed. Just give it a second. You will arrive in 92 days. Nah, nuhuh. Nope, nope, nope. You know who im gonna follow . My instincts. As long as gps can still get you lost, you can count on geico saving folks money. Im breeding, man. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Lou our next guests each lost a child through Illegal Immigrants committing a crime. They say the Trump Administration needs to put an end to sanctuary cities before any action is taken to protect Daca Recipients. Joining us is marianne mendoza. Its great to have you with us. And agnes giveny. What is your sense of the negotiation for daca . Understanding what will be the result if the president has assured everyone the wall will be built. There will be an end to the lottery system. What do you make of it, agnes . I hope that President Trump will not give amnesty to these daca kids. I dont think they were vetted. We dont know who they are. And how many are there . We need to protect our own country. They need to do it legally like my family did. They dont deserve to cut in line ahead of others trying to come in through the front door legally. Lou marianne your thoughts. The Administration Knows there are ms13 gang members in the daca program. If there is going to be something that goes with this daca program, they have to remove anyone on welfare and public assistance. Anybody who is not a contributing member of society. Anybody who has committed a crime. They can commit three misdemeanors and stay within the daca program. A lot of these people who come before a judge, their felonies are reduced misdemeanors by a judge. Lou let me ask you both. Have you expressed your viewed to the white house about daca and about the president s judgment here . I have. Every chance i get. I tweet mr. Trump. No daca, no amnesty. President reagan gave amnesty several years ago and it has proven to be a disaster. We would just invite a million more Illegal Immigrants into this country and chain migration. We cant allow that, no. I have expressed my feeling. I sent an open letter to President Trump and the american people. Its aviacusa is our facebook page. And we sent an open letter to President Trump outlining what we expect him to do. And its all of his campaign promises. The Congress Passed kates law. Our senators left at the end of the year and didnt deal with those issues. There are 900,000 convicted felons in our country roaming the streets that both of those things would get them deported. American safety needs to be first and foremost on american officials minds. We need to get rid of criminals being released into our communities and making every day an unsafe place for americans to be. We thank you both for being here. It is a tough time for both of you as it is for the country. The president pledged to build the wall to end chain migration. And all we can do is wait and see whether the democrats want to negotiate in good faith. Well see what happens and we appreciate you rejoining us soon and often to keep this issue in front of the audience of this broadcast. If i may say something. I would ask california is a sanctuary state. If everybody would go on fight sanctuary state. Com and help fight. If california goes down, the rest of the country is going to go down. Go to fight sanctuary state. Com. Lou well tweet that out as well. Thank you, appreciate it. Big telling doubling down on its support of dreamers at the expense of their own American Workers. Forbes editorinchief, steve forbes is next. Take 5, guys. Tired of your bladder always cutting into your day . You may have overactive bladder, or oab. Thats it we really need to get with the program and see the doctor. Take charge and ask your doctor about Myrbetriq Mirabegron for oab symptoms of urgency, frequency and leakage. Its the first and only oab treatment in its class. Myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. If you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, or difficulty breathing, stop taking myrbetriq and tell your doctor right away. Myrbetriq may increase blood pressure. Tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. Myrbetriq may affect or be affected by other medications. Before taking myrbetriq, tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. Common side effects include increased blood pressure, common cold symptoms, urinary tract infection, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness and headache. Okay, time to do this dont let your bladder always take the lead. Ask your doctor if myrbetriq is right for you. And visit myrbetriq. Com to learn more. Lou it appears the worlds newly minted richest man is feeling more generous with Daca Recipients and his own workers. Hes dough naightd 3 million to a Scholarship Fund for the socalled dreamers. But 10 of amazon employees in ohio are on food stamps. Whats going on, jeff. What kinds of a business are you running . I know you are worth 5. 5 billion. I get it. But this is the image you want . Joining me, steve forbes, Forbes Magazine editorinchief. What do you make . Steve what you will see him do is do what numerous other companies have done and start to share the bootie. Numerous companies have given 1,000 and 2,000 bonuses and raids wages. I think he will follow suit. Lou 10 of his employees with this incredibly successful company, he has employees on food stamps . Steve it tells you something about food stamps. Lou and the value system that would permit a ceo and founder of a company to act like that. Steve you will see more Companies Look at how much do our people make, how many hours do they have work . But you will see in this year ahead, you will start to see real labor shortages in certain skills. You will start to see wages bid up. You will hear the Federal Reserve say the economy is getting overheated and we must do something about it. But the thing is, when you athrowf free markets to work, if you dont responds to those needs, you will pave a price. Which one of those needs should we responds to . You are being so clairvoyant about it. I dont know that markets have to be completely par is a tory. A wonderful leading economic indicator. And they wouldnt keep going up if they sthopt strong clouds were ahead. People still dont believe it. You dont have the giddiness that you had in 1999. People are still cautious by the. Thats a bullish sign. Lou whats your sense . Is it going to continue in perpetuity . What would be your limit . Steve my grandfather once said we make more money selling advice than following it. The market will have a decent year barring the usual caveats. Lou you are not selling . Steve no. I would say for your retirement funds, leave them alone. Put the money in every square and let the market do the rest. Lou with that, ladies and gentlemen, i feel reassured. Steve ill take my commission after the show. After we seat performance. But you will have a commission, i guarantee you. Steve forbes, as always, great to see you. Fles roll the video and meet secret. An australian shepard mix. She can mop the floor helping with the laundry. Are you kidding me . We have a couple of chihuahuas and a jack russell who have interesting days ahead of them. By the way, the dogs all went to college. A fine remembrance they are. Chores. Its just amazing what this dog can do. She even does yoga with her owner. I think thats the most of remarkable dog i have ever seen. Now wants to see the thing with the frils be. Well go with the frisbee. Well go there next i hope. President trump demanding meritbased immigration system. Pastor Robert Jeffress joins me after the break. Im look forward to seeing the pastor. I noil be too, stay with to most people, i look like most people. But on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. Fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. Fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. Im glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. For some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. And improves function. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or actions. 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And i want to say thank you for the devotional. My wife and i are deeply appreciative. Lets start with immigration. The president s the president was treated roughly and badly by the dems and rinos who met, and six of them who went in being open borders and amnesty, likeminded. They are trying to a game the president of the United States. What an insult. Thats right. They are not going to succeed in this, lou. Apart from the language. The president was 100 correct in his poll i on meritbased immigration. In our church we welcome people of all raise and backgrounds whether they have have anything to contribute or not. But america is not a church. Its a country who has the right and responsibility to regulate who comes into this country based on what they have to offer the country. Thank god we have a president who realizes he has a biblical and constitutional responsibility to put the interests of america before every other country in the world. Lou america first. The trump doctrine. Thats the primary value under which this president wants the country to operate. But you use i think very important language. You talk about the right. There is a debate about whether we have the right to decide who enters this country when in fact its the responsibility of our government to make that determination. Its a responsibility, a duty, an obligation. Just look at history, lou. Its always been that way. There has never been unrestricted immigration to our country its always been regulated. There are sincere christians confused about that because they dont understand the difference between the responsibility of the church in showing mercy and the responsibilities god has given government to protect our nation. Lou all of the noise around what the president said, how he said it, whatever. Im old school. I believe when you are talking to the president of the United States, whats being said is for him to release to the public. Not to whom the person he is speak. How in the world can they imagine this president would put up with the insult and the deplorable behavior of people who are not committed to the issues that are under negotiation . Otherwise they would have been far more careful. Thats right. They are trying to stop him every way they can. They are not going to succeed. He hasnt even been there quite a year and hes invigorated the economy. They are not going to be able to stop him. The list goes on and these dems should be they should take a knee out of respect to the president and say thank you. If they walk away from this daca deal. If they walk away, it shows they are the hypocrites who we think they are anyway. They dont care one thing about the dreamers. Lou its clearly established who they are and what they are. Ambassador, always great to have a super storm whacks the jersey shore. You walk in. What do you find . You couldnt even get through the front door. It was overwhelming, the damage that had been done. A town institution obliterated. But could a strange inheritance of superheroes save the day . I was holding the books up, and i was screaming like a little giddy schoolgirl. [ laughs ] he had comic books from the 1940s, during the war period, like asuperman17 with superman beating the snot out of hitler. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ]

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