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The cameras inside, very candid, very transparent, urging both sides to come to a deal on dreamers. How the president is working to bridge the gap between parties. Plus claims of major breakthroughs, north and south korea sitting down for historic meeting. We have details on what came out of the countries first talks in two years. Die an black, chairman of the House Budget Committee. Retired fourstar general jack keane. Jim jordan, House Judiciary Committee. We have howard kurtz on Ground Breaking meeting. Neil it was historic. Speaking of the market, historic today. The dow posting fourth record close of the new year and its 75th under President Trump. Nicole petallides on floor of the new york stock exchange. Open the bottles of champagne, here we go again. Is 2018 going to be like 2017 . Why not. It has been a lot of fun. You mentioned great stats. How about the 92nd record close since election day when we were hovering around 18,300. Here we are at 25,386 today. Records across the board, david and melissa. Did notice the russell is down just fractionally. That doesnt close with a high. Across the board gains. Interestingly enough only some sectors gained. Well watch for the financial earnings later in the week. Look at 10year treasury bond this is very telling. Moves above the 2. 5 level. That is the highest in 10 months. This is all based on a stronger economy. Rising energy, oil above 63 bucks, passing of sweeping tax cuts. Were seeing optimism, the bond moves higher. Take a look at Weight Watchers this is the oprah effect which continues. The stock moving 12 higher yesterday. It gained another 9 . Another high. Coming on heels of oprah speaking a the golden globes, where she was receiving a Lifetime Achievement award. She was wellreceived. A lot of talk about Oprah Winfrey for president in 2020. That given a lot of boost there, which she took a 10 stake in 2015, that is close up to 700 . Neil unbelievable. Very strange. You heard trumps comments. He likes her but he will beat her. Neil she is not going to win. Not going to win. Melissa or run. Neil nicole, thank you. Melissa. Melissa peeling back the curtain. Very rare look inside President Trumps bipartisan meeting with immigration and lawmakers. Insisting that democrats and republicans Work Together on a construction plan, i dont think weve ever seen behind the scenes on meeting like this. Blake burman live at the white house with the latest. It was marketing between genius. Everybody has to be admit it, even mainstream media. Take it away. Reporter this is pool spray. We see a lot of these, melissa at the white house. Let the media roll. President says some remarks. Others say remarks and theyre ushered out after a few minutes. To my count it went 55 minutes. You essentially saw the whole immigration meeting play out before the camera lens. Democrats and republicans in the room, alongside the president , two dozen or so lawmakers from up on capitol hill. Both republicans and democrats want to see a solution for daca and they want Border Security of some kind. The president agrees with all of that. It is the Border Security issue that is really throwing the wrench into this one. After the cameras were ushered out the white house says there was an agreement made on four different high priorities. They listed them as follow. Border security, chain migration, the visa lottery and daca. Now the white house describes that as part one of the talks and president said a comprehensive deal would take shape shortly after in part two. Democrats at meeting warned that theyre concerned with the daca fix before the march 5th protections expire. They feel some of the president s other priorities are troublesome. There are some things that youre proposing that will be very controversial and will be an impediment to agreement. But youre going to negotiate those things. Youre going to sit down, say, listen we can agree here. Well give you half of that. You will negotiate those. Mr. President , comprehensive means, comprehensive. Reporter remember over and over and over again during the campaign the president said there would be a wall along the southern border, who would pay for it . Mexico. Now it is described as a wall system and president is asking congress are to the money. He went as far as it relates to the daca fix, whatever those republicans and democrats in the room come up with, he would be okay to sign. My positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with. I am very much reliant on the people in this room. I know most of the people on both sides. I have a lot of respect for the people on both sides, and my, what i approve is going to be very much reliant on what the people in this room come to me with. Reporter the president even threw the law make arrest shield of sorts, i will take the heat, come up with something, ive taken the heat my whole life, my whole career. Democrats, really issue here will be this border wall. The president wants it. They say Border Security here at the white house but he mentioned border wall earlier today and whatever comes from that end well have to see over the next couple weeks here or potentially into march. Melissa, back to you. Melissa no, i would have to urge our fairminded audience if you did not watch the whole thing, go online, watch it yourself, think about the completely biased anchor at this hour yesterday on other channels talking about the president and early onset dementia. You watch, you judge for yourself who is in the tank, who is telling the truth. Really a lot to see today, blake, thank you. Reporter you got it. Melissa david . Republican congresswoman diane black, House Budget Committee chair, member of the house ways and Means Committee, a tennessee gubernatorial candidate well talk in a moment. Was with the president on his way to tennessee. Congressman, lets first talk about what happened today because in 55 minutes, what the president did with that open meeting, opening it to the entire world, letting them see exactly what was being discussed with the ins and outs, democrats, republicans, both having a chance to push back equally, he was clearly the chair of the meeting. As melissa just said, this totally disarmed and is crazy and cant run meets like this. He did a brilliant job doing so, more than that in 5 a minutes, got more done bringing congress together on daca decision and Immigration Reform than probably days of arguments in either chamber of house. Of course i was not in that room but i will tell you what i saw watching on tv, is the president , that i known over last year, i worked with him on repeal and replace of obamacare, tax reform on the budget issue, this is a president that engaged. He allows people around the room to put their opinion in there but he is also someone who is in charge. So i think the American People saw that today, hooray, i think they will get to see the president that we all know, a strong president , who is good at making deals. We shouldnt be surprised at that he has done that for a long time. Neil by the way you were with him on air force one going down to tennessee, did he mention anything about todays meeting, how he was prepared for it, whether he open i had it up for a long time for the American Public . We were talking to the farm bureau, farmers, National Organization talking about what he is sying for them. Look, i have a big district with a lot of farmers in it. I wanted to hear his message before we got there. It was a great message and the farmers received it well. Neil it was interesting, flanked on the either side, right and left who didnt seem to know how long it would last. They seemed to be straight faced trying best to smile, not realizing they were agree. They realized it was going on, if they didnt appear to be cooperating with a deal here they would look bad in front of the American Public. I dont think they knew what hit him, do you . This is something weve been trying to do with them for quite some time. I will tell you as a person who is a member of ways and Means Committee we tried to engage their members, the democrats in everything that we have done and there has just been the resistance there. Im glad they were in front of a camera today to show that we can get things done. Neil it does seem, forgive me, but it does seem as though there was Real Progress made at end of the meeting. We heard there was agreement to get rid of chain migration which is big thorn in the side of the American Public right now. That is at the top of the list. We have to talk about the Visa Lottery Program and chain migration. We have to talk about the securing the border. Who couldnt say as an american you dont want our country to be safe . It is not just the wall but there are other mechanisms electronic mechanisms that can be used. We want to be sure we can say to our children and for me, my grandchildren, look, mimi is doing everything she can to make sure youre safe. David youre giving up a prime seat as the Budget Committee chairman. I understand to run for governor, is that right . I am. I am. I came to Congress Said i will serve for three different reasons. All three of those were accomplish ared this year. I was in the middle of them as budget chair, who thought about that i was concerned about debt, deficit spending, addressed that in the budget, repeal and replace of obamacare and tax reform. Ive been in middle of all three of those things. I believe i have done my job. Im ready to go home to work in the great state of tennessee, a state that i love. David it is fantastic. Dont forget about us. Please come see us. Good luck to you, congressman diane black. Thank you very much. Melissa we have breaking news, stefan none see bannon steppg down at his post executive chairman of Breitbart News. This is all over everywhere and social media. In the course of the wake of his firing from the white house. Then also that book by Michael Wolff. Very interesting story to watch. Ever since the Trump Administration overhauled the tax System Companies are stepping forward with benefits for employees. Jpmorgan Ceo Jamie Dimon told our own Maria Bartiromo how significant this is. Youre going to see companies doing things in the short run like increasing wages and bunch of stuff like that or onetime bonuses. Over time that retained capital will be used to grow businesses r d, hire people, wages, competition. Over time there will be very good for america. Melissa here now is lenore hawkins, thematic can research strategist, lanhee chen, Hoover Institute research fellow. Thank you for both of you joining us. Lanhee, let me start with you. That is a bit of a different tune were hearing from jamie dimon as opposed to what a lot of people predicted ahead of time, that those companies would just hoard the money. What do you think, is it real . It absolutely is. This is one of the challenges with this tax reform bill, nobody is getting the real story straight. The real story is there will be middle class tax relief. Even liberal sources were saying that 75 of households would see some benefit from this tax bill. Were seeing that already. Were seeing it in impactful way. Were seeing it in paychecks with more money. When withholding begins to change over into the 2018 tax year. I think these are things that are absolutely going to be felt in very good way by middle class taxpayers across america this is very real. I wish more people aside from you guys would cover it. Melissa lenore, from our research, january 6th, at least 117 Companies Announced bonuses, pay raises, additional benefits. Are they doing this for pr to please the president as a onetime thing or do you think this is real . I think its real and i think it is actually really simple to just look at what a dollar in government is able to generate and what a dollar in the private sector can generate. We have very tight job market. Companies are having a tough time finding great talent. Theyre going to use that money to grow the talent base, keep people that they have, really like to make then happy. Melissa lanhee, that is always the argument from people on both sides that claim to be economists. They talk about the multiplier effect, when you give it to the government they do so much more than the private sector does. When others say when you give it to the private sector you see real productivity and competition and wage growth. What is the truth . Where is the dollar more impactful to regular people . Well i think if you look at recent history i think if you look even beyond that it is pretty clear that the private sector is an effective vehicle for creating opportunity. I think question has always been what needs to be done to get the private sector going. We tried the idea of direct stimulus through government. It produce as shortterm sugar high. It never produces longlasting growth in jobs and gdp and growth to the economy we want. When we give the private sector right predicates, a good regulatory system, and a good tax system, what you see, you see things take off. Youve seen that in the past. You saw it after 198 of 86 tax reform you see it in history. I think you will see the same kind of thing. Melissa lenore, they boosted 401 k match after the tax overhaul. Stephanie roll with bloomberg, she is at msnbc, arguing no, it is a economic fact all these Companies Just buy back stock in order to boost their stock price. She said there is tons of evidence for that and it is a lie basically. Was she right or wrong . Some of the money may go to share buybacks even if it does that is not all of a bad type of thing, that helps shareholders. That is not a crime against humanity to be doing that. When you look how tough the job market is, i think they will need to do this, to keep talent. Melissa yeah. Thanks to both of you. Appreciate your time. David thank you. David meanwhile bitter cold is taking a break but could have a bad toll on your health. 43 states with widespread flu outbreaks. Some experts are warning this could be the worst flew outbreak ever. Melissa talks between south and north korea claiming a breakthrough with negotiations. Retired fourstar general jack keane, what this means for Nuclear Tensions around the globe. David plus have you heard about the bombshell report, it reveals new evidence that antitrump officials in the Justice Department and fbi may be responsible for antitrump leaks to the media. Just breaking this afternoon, how the salacious trump dossier might have become deadly. A cryptic claim from fusion gps. Coming up congressman jim jordan, member of the House Judiciary Committee with the very latest. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release it, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It comes in a onceweekly, truly easytouse pen. The pen where you dont have to see or handle a needle. And it works 24 7. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not take trulicity if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, if you have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if youre allergic to trulicity. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or symptoms like itching, rash, or trouble breathing. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. To help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. Ask your doctor if onceweekly trulicity is right for you. David we have some more breaking news on this developing story with breitbart. Steve bannon is stepping down from Breitbart News. A statement on the breitbart website saying quote, stephen k. Bannon stepped down from Breitbart News network where he served as executive chairman since 2012. We will Work Together on a smooth and orderly transition. Ban nan saying im proud what the breitbart team accomplished in short period of time in building out a world class news platform. More on this story to come. Melissa. Melissa making progress. Officials from north and south Korea Holding talks aimed at easing the Nuclear Crisis ahead of next months winter olympics. The north sent a delegation including athletes as well as highranking officials. Here to react to these developments, general jack keane, retired fourstar general, fox news contributor. What do you think . Listen, negotiations are always good. You have to go into it with a clear eye. Our administration is doing that. North korea has used negotiations in the past to buy some time, advance their program and promote goodwill for themselves but nonetheless, i do think, melissa, that there are some things happening. After three u. N. Resolutions and the International Community pretty much cut off trade and business with north korea, not all of them did it immediately. The state department has been all over them, enforcing compliance, some of the, there is some evidence starting to take hold. Gas stations are closing. Long lines are forming. There is some significant suffering that the people are going through that they have always gone through in terms of malnutrition and starvation. Melissa right. That could also an a factor here and the realization, President Trump and his team truly put the military option on the table for them. Melissa i heard both sides talk about what this means in terms of strength and weakness everywhere. You know, this shows the kim regimes strength because they feel like they have some successful Missile Launch muchs. Now they can come back to the table in a position of strength and that is what this shows. Do you agree with that analysis . Well i think certainly, theyre very comfortable with their program, and it is remarkable how much they have been able to advance it in the last few years. I think they must have gotten help from chinese or russian engineers or scientists because they had a miserable track record before the last few years. But yes, you know, i really believe that what director pompeo said on sunday on fox, he said theyre just months away from their final objective technology which is a nuclearized icbm capable of successfully reentering the earths atmosphere. If thats true, and we have every reason to believe it is, obviously he has all the facts, were just months away from some kind of a showdown with north korea. Melissa it seemed like the olympics would be a disaster they were in this really dangerous territory. I couldnt figure out why this was all going ahead. If he send his own athletes does it make the whole games safer for everybody or isnt lunatic so it doesnt really matter . I think it does make the games safer for everybody. I think, i dont think there was ever a serious threat on their part, you know, to sort of cannibalize these games by conducting some kind of terrorist at activity something to that effect that would be outrageous on their part. They would be even more of a pariah than they are now. It is interesting, can these talks lead to Something Else . I mean is really the question. Its probably unlikely but i noticed the president as of last week he said look it, im willing to talk. Im willing to talk to him if it comes to it. Melissa yeah. The president seize himself as accomplished negotiator. Melissa yeah. The issue that we have to deal with with kim jongun is that he is obsessed with the fact that the United States wants to conduct a regime change given the fact we did that in iraq, afghanistan and particularly libya after gadhafi gave up his wmd. That really got his attention. So despite the fact weve told kim jongun many times, were not interested in regime change, he doesnt buy it. Melissa yeah. Is there a way we could enter into negotiations with him and attempt to convince him that this paranoia he has, which is driving his whole Program Melissa he could stay if he gives up the program . I think the president likely has the instincts he would like to give that a try, even though success is remote. Melissa yeah. And he also said today he reinforced the idea, he knows im not screwing around when it comes to the military option i think that is probably true. Sir, thank you for coming on. Always terrific. David . David good to see the general in new york. President trump making more strides to help our nations veterans. Well tell you the positive changes he made today for americas heroes. Also, unbelievable thing happened today. The commanderinchief striking a remarkable bipartisan tone to get an immigration deal and bury any notion that he is unhinged. Howard kurtz joining us after the break on this extraordinary moment in american politics coming up. How i want it. Heres the thing just because i configured this car online doesnt mean it really exists at a dealership, but with truecar, i get real pricing on actual cars in my area. I see what others paid for them, and they show me the ones that match the car i want, so i know i can go to a truecarcertified dealer and itll be right there waiting for me. Today, right now. This is truecar. Melissa breaking news, steve bannon stepping down from Breitbart News where he served as executive chairman since 2012. Here is Fox News Media analyst howard kurtz. Not shocking given everything that is going on. What is your reaction . Pretty evident steve bannon leaving breitbart which he built into a powerful conservative website and force on the right is not voluntary. This is continuing fallout from his rather harsh comments in the new Michael Wolff book about the trump white house, the president s family. He tried issuing a statement of regret on sunday. Wasnt exactly a full apology. It didnt work. The wall street journal had reported last week, melissa, that the breitbart brain trust was considering whether bannon could keep his job. One of the main backers, Rebecca Mercer of the billionaire mercer family, issued a statement publicly distancing herself from deceive bannon. Looks likes he could not hang on. Melissa he is toast, toast, toast what you say from him, will not pop his head up endorsing candidates. I wouldnt rule out that but certainly not with breitbart dotcom. Melissa take you to the remarkable event that happened today live. Peeling back the curtain on negotiations. What is so interesting watching it, i urge the audience, if you havent watched the whole thing, watch it, be your own judge. It really seemed like the people in the room didnt know ahead of time what was going to happen. They didnt realize the whole thing would be televised. For the first time i got the feeling they were all really trying to do the right thing for the American People. Everybody on every side. They were caught offguard. There was opportunity to look good to look like they were really trying to negotiate and get something done. Whats your take on this . Well, it is not just you. A number of liberal commentators, very critical of President Trump were tweeting about how impressive this was, how unprecedented it was. We actually got to see with cameras rolling, negotiations, good faith negotiations on the very tricky issue of immigration between the president and leaders of both parties. He certainly unlike the recent narratives about this president he didnt look unhank hinged. He didnt like unstable. Or that he couldnt string two sentences together. I always said donald trump ran as independent. He wasnt into the republican orthodoxy. He said i will take the heat from some kind of immigration deal. Take the heat from both parties. The deal is not done but it was pretty impressive performance. Melissa while he wassing doing it, news was breaking life, Brian Stelter at cnn, who has been so critical of the president was caught, he was promoting some thing, personal thing he is doing tonight, not watching, it was very interesting for the rest of the media had has been so vicious over the past couple days and said, they questioned his sanity and does he have alzheimers all this kind of stuff, he also shifted his language on the wall. First time i heard the wall system which is, this new idea hownow in the context of a compromise of what the wall is going to look like. Listen to what he said, howard, get your reaction. You dont have the wall, you know in certain areas, obviously are not protected by nature. Without the wall security doesnt work. Were all wasting time. Now that doesnt mean 2000 miles of wall, because you just dont need that. We need a certain portion of that border to have the wall. If we dont have it, you can never have security. Melissa was that the right moment to shift on that, say that in a meeting where everyone is compromising . Well you know, donald trump, former Real Estate Developer is a pretty good negotiator. This doesnt mean it will be the final shape of things but seems to be a little more flexible on the wall which is such a staple of his campaign. Talking about path to at least legalization if not citizenship for many undocumented or illegal immigrants. That is going to tick off the breitbart right. He will get a lot of heat if he continues on this path from his own side but, you know, he is the president. He actually could strike a deal, a deal on immigration that barack obama couldnt get, george w. Bush, couldnt get. Im not saying it is going to happen but the president can lead on this we saw that in front ever the cameras. It is a lot better than tweeting im a stable genius. Show people. Melissa show, dont tell. Show, dont tell what they always say. Howard kurtz, appreciate it. Great job. Thanks. David the president was also doing this, helping our nations heroes. President trump signing an executive order to expand Mental Health treatments for veterans today. The order instructs the departments of defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs to develop a plan within 60 days to provide quote, seamless access to Mental Health treatment and Suicide Prevention resources this is for uniformed servicemembers in the year following their military service. Very worthwhile. Melissa yeah. Flu outbreaks across the United States. Were going to tell you how you can protect yourself from getting sick when vaccines might be getting less effective. David new evidence of potential bias. Details about a bombshell report about possible leaks from the fbi. Jim jordan, House Judiciary Committee member, sounding off coming up next. Uh, compliance training. 6 30 . Sams baseball practice. 8 30 . Tai chi. Yeah, so sounds relaxing. Alright, 9 53 . 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And get to the heart of what matters. David some companies are announcing bonuses or better 401 k options for their employees, red robin going in the opposite direction. The restaurant change doing big layoffs, sending stock down today. Gerri willis has more. Hi, gerri. Hi, david, thats right. This isnt about tax reform, but a deluge of minimum wage hikes across the country motivated this company, a burger restaurant company, red robin, to fire busboys at its 570 restaurants which will save some 8 million. That is according to the chain. Now this colorado based company has already eliminated last year, expediters. Those are the folks who put your food on the plate in the kitchen that realized a savings of nearly 10 million last year. Red robins chief Financial Officer had this to say. We need to address the labor increases weve seen. 18 states, and the district of columbia have instituted minimum wage increases just this year. The majority, the result of legislation or ballot measures approved by voters. That according to the Economic Policy institute. Eight states will have increases due to automatic changes in the minimum tied to inflation hikes. A total of 4. 5 million americans will get additional five Million Dollars in wages. That is what the institute says. Some will simply lose their jobs. And that is what is happening to the folks at this restaurant chain. Just want to remind you one of most interesting things ive heard this topic, andy puzder, cke restaurant ceo, he said robots make zero dollars an hour. That is the fear automation is going to take over and a lot more folks will be out of jobs. David i started as a busboy. If you stop busboys from doing their work, that put as crimp in the chain. You bet. David gerri, thank you very much. Melissa. Melissa feeling under the weather . Youre not alone. According to the cdc 46 states are reporting widespread flu activity. Health officials pointing to a deadlier form of the virus which mutates making vaccinations less effective. Here now to shed light on this growing epidemic is dr. Mike. Dont tell me that those flu shots once again arent doing the trick . Well, you know, it is always difficult for us to be able to predict what type of flu strain well get each year. We do get some guidance looking at australia interesting enough as a guide for what kind of flu strain well have, and what kind of flu season well have. What we saw in australia the flu shot was only 10 successful. It is only one of the strains. It is one of our strains known as h3n2. Doesnt mean that much to average person but doctors get excited by the numbers. Do i need a flu shot if it is so ineffective . The answer is yes. The flu shot is the biggest protection against the flu. That is the bottom line. On top of that, even if you still get the flu while getting flu shot you will have decreased, short term of the flu. Meaning it wont be as bad. You wont be as sick. You get to work and back to school quicker. Melissa well, getting back to school quicker is not a selling point to my kids, dr. Mike. I dont know if you want to say that. Im sure it is for. It is, youre right. The flu people are getting right now, the flu activity now, does this years flu shot address this flu were talking about . So we can never tell you in totality what this years flu shot is doing, until the flu season actually end. What we can do is we can monitor as australias activity and our current activity to know what the predominant strain. Looking in australia the strain was only covered 10 of the time. But the other three strains covered about 70 of the time. It averages out to 30 coverage. Melissa i got it. Usually seeing coverage 40 to 60 of the time. It is not that far off, still if it doesnt cover it fully it shortens the course, makes it more bearable. Melissa dr. Mike, thank you your time. Thank you so much. Melissa did you get a flu shot. David i dont get the flu shot. I dont want to discourage anybody from getting it, particularly older folks. 200 pages from the gps released. Congressman jim jordan, House Judiciary Committee member is here and he is mad. You want to hear him. You cant predict the market, but through good times and bad at t. Rowe price weve helped our investors stay confident for over 80 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Its the best thing that ever happened to me. Every great why needs a great how. David breaking news on alleged attempts by members of fbi and Justice Department to interfere in the 2016 election. First senator Dianne Feinstein just releasing 300 pages of testimony from the fusion gps founder. The firm that developed the widelydiscredited trump dossier being pushed by folks inside the fbi and justice. Also, Text Messages just released between fbi agent peter strzok and fbi lawyer lisa page indicating they were systematically leaking antitrump material to the press. Here is republican congressman jim jordan, how Judiciary Committee member all over this story, investigating it deeply. First of all, Glenn Simpsons testimony, senator feinstein on her own releasing the testimony. Some questions about whether she had the authority to do so but the one thing that jumped out at Catherine Herridge and others in that testimony Glenn Simpson talked about the fbi and that they had a source inside the Trump Campaign. Here is what Glenn Simpson told the senate Judiciary Committee. This is closed hearings but been released, internal Trump Campaign source or human source from inside the Trump Organization reported his or her concerns to the fbi. Now to me, what that says is that the fbi was actually spying on the Trump Campaign, working in cahoots with fusion gps. Why would they tell Christopher Steele, that the fbi, had another source. Steele sells simpson, and simpson testifies there is another source. That strikes me as extremely unusual and, i would agree with you, david, your conclusion. It sort of points to this idea the fbi was systematically and strategically leaking information to undermine the Trump Campaign and the Trump Presidency after he is elected because they did some of this stuff during the transition between election day and inauguration. David i just want to remind our viewers that the Democratic Party paid for the trump dossier in large part, if not entirely, millions of dollars from the Hillary Campaign went into fusion gps that created this report. The fbi was pushing it almost if it was a report from the fbi. So in a sense the fbi was working with the Democratic National committee to push the trump dossier, and this is more evidence in fact that right. That the fbi may have even had a source inside of the Trump Campaign. This is spying on a political party, on behalf of another political party. Why would the fbi, you know, relay information to Christopher Steele or whomever that they had a second source . Why would they do that . If they gave the information to chris steele, as you point out, david, he is the same guy getting paid by fusion, paid by the law firm, who was paid by the Clinton Campaign and he is the author of the dossier. That is fundamental problem. If that all took place, which sure looks like it did, that is not how it is supposed to work. David not al all. We talk about the fbi involvement, peter strzok, agent for fbi, working for the mueller commission, his texts with his girlfriend, lisa page, how it came out, a new version of the texts a wall street journal article which lisa page says the article is out but hidden behind a paywall so you cant read it. Peter strzok, respond, wall street journal . Wall street journal initials. Boy that is fast. Should i find it and tell the team, sure looks like they were leaking antitrump stuff to the media. One of the other Text Messages between mr. Strzok and miss page we need insurance policy we need to make sure that donald trump would not be elected as necessary president by the American People. Part of insurance policy is to the the dossier, systematically, strategically leaking information, planting stories, almost selffulfilling so trillion date and legitimatize certain points we want to get out in the public that will undermine the Trump Campaign. That is sure what it looks like we did. That is why we need the documents chairman nunez has been after. That is why we need access to the witnesses. Why we need the leaks to stop. We also need a Second Special counsel which we called on for months now. David very quickly, im getting a wrap, should we have President Trump personally release a lot of the stuff regarding the fisa warrants against possibly the Trump Campaign, that so far he hasnt done . Two fundamental questions. Two fundamental questions. I have asked both attorney general sessions, i asked, fbi directorway, did you pay Christopher Steele . Were you paying him, reimbursing him at same time Clinton Campaign was paying him . Was the dossier basis for securing warrants at fisa court . Tell us answers to those questions. Those are fundamental questions. If the answer is yes to either one, that is a big problem and people need to be held accountable if that in fact happened. Congressman jim jordan. Thank you very much. Melissa i hope they get to the bottom of that. David well take a break. The longest line at ces, wait until you see what it is. Liz claman is going to tell you coming up. Melissa ces is alive an well in las vegas. Very own liz claman from countdown to the closing bell is there. Liz, what are you checking out right now . Liz were at the front entrance, the very first thing that people, 170 plus thousand people see when they stream in to ces yate 2018. You know how every t hotel room has a lgtv . Theyre talking about the lg canyon, 38foot long canyon with 92 feet of screen. It is totally emersive experience with selflighting pixels, you guys. This is sort of the natural wonders, but you can customize this for your entry building anything you want. This will be extraordinarily expensive because there are 250 ultrathin lightweight screens. My camera will stay there. You walk over to some of these screens. They call them wallpaper. They are so thin, they are thinner than a quarter and theyre extremely lightweight. So you dont have to worry about finding a very load bearing wall to put them on. We see this as a possibly big corporate headquarters, type of opportunity. Whatever you see here, which is wonders of the world, you can customize. You can put your logos in there, or your product, but i have to tell you, david and melissa, this show feels different. This is my 10th year covering ces, nine years for fox business, as we look at people streaming in, this has to be a economic story. It just feels like the economy is back. People are psyched. There are some gadgets here, that the price points arent exactly cheap and it appears theyre extremely popular. Im telling you, it really has a different feel here this year. Ive been talking to a bunch of big tech ceos from samsung north america to harman audio, to, you know, rayj. He is a rapper around a singer who has a 31 milliondollar deal and a very new techlandscape for the tech know file in urban america. Everyone seems very optimistic. So at ces, i bet well see, you guys, what i would consider recordbreaking crowds. Melissa liz claman, we love it. The colors behind you are so vivid. Very cool technology. Cant wait to see what else you have thank you so much. David a sign of how cool it is entire crew was staring at our monitors here looking at the stuff, you essentially hang on any just as a tv set, just hang one of those, if theyre lightweight and paper thin, just hang them on your wall. Melissa no, it does. Looks incredible. Who doesnt love technology. So fun. David meanwhile coming to the table to do what is right for the American People, we have more on President Trumps powerful bipartisan meeting right after the break. Dad promised he would teach me how to surf on our trip. 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I have great confidence if they come to me with things im not in love with, im going to do it because i respect them. Boy, not only did he shortcut a lot of negotiating time in congress, but he also pulled the rug out from under the argument he was a bad negotiator. Fascinating, great to watch. Risk reward starts now. I feel having the democrats in with us is absolutely vital because it should be a bipartisan bill. This should be a bill of love, truly. It should be a bill of love. And we can do that. My positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with. I know most of the people on both sides and respect the people on both sides. What i approve is very much reliant on what the people in this room come to me with. I have great confidence in the people if they come to me with things im not in love with, im going to do it, because i respect them. If we do this properly, daca, youre not

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