Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20171101 :

Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20171101

armed with a paintball gun. he was shot by police. he was in critical condition at a local hospital. investigators found a note in a truck pledging loyalty to isis. bill deblasio said despite the attack, terrorism will not end. >> we know that this action was intended to break our spirit. that new yorkers are strong, resilient and our spirit will never be moved by an act of violence to intimidate us. >> he treated this. i just ordered homeland security to step up our other programs. the latest from the scene coming up this morning. markets this morning are rallying to the dow jones industrial average of the morning of better than 100 points. it has been delayed until tomorrow. european indices this morning moving into equities. dax index up one and two thirds%. stocks ended higher. the shanghai composite nikkei average of almost 2% overnight in the hang seng up one and a quarter%. kospi and three up one and a 3%. tax reform delayed for a day. lawmakers putting off plans to unveil their highly anticipated plans for tomorrow after failing to finalize changes. details still coming out. legislation will not cut the rate for the highest earners. it will also drop the corporate rate to 20%. the issues around the delay has to do with the state and local income tax. breaking down all the details on the plan. mueller's investigation, special counsel and director coming as newly indicted paul manafort and rick gave labeled as flight risks. the latest on the investigation russian interference coming out. the big story today supporting this morning your group on nsa latter "after the bell" we hear from several news of facebook, tesla, qualcomm. that will certainly set the tone for tomorrow. stories come out in june to talk about it, dagen mcdowell, homeland security director michael dell bonnie is here in "the wall street journal" editorial number, fox news contributor mary kasai. thank you for joining us. >> it was barcelona and london bridge, stockholm this year in terms of terror attacks with vehicles last year. it was nice, france, also a chairman christmas market in berlin. so now this type of terrorism has come to new york city. maria: is this the type of terrorism we should get used to? a couple months ago or two years ago isis came out with a magazine instead drive cars into big crowds. >> we did have the attack on ohio state were individual drove a car into a group of people and got out with a knife. without that type of attack beforehand. these are the first terrorism related deaths in the state of new york since 9/11. is this again the target? are we now sitting at a time where they take the battle to us of course what they've discovered is this is a very cheap in effect display of causing mayhem. very hard to dissuade them to start. >> just really quickly, one thing i'll point out in terms of where this attack happened. right-wingers have been you can always hear the police act kennedy in her heart is new yorkers would wager that kind of police activity we knew something awful it happened being here on 9/11. this truck drove from pier 44-mile without being stopped. once you get access to this bike path, it is wide open. it's hard to get on this bike path. there is a race curve to keep traffic from accessing this bike path. this individual clearly knew what he was doing that he accessed around here 40 and drove south border was finally stopped by the school bus. >> clearly some level of preparation. we should never get used to these terror attacks. unfortunately in a democracy like america we don't want to live in a police state. there are soft targets here, buried difficult to defend. one thing the n.y.p.d. has done very well as talk to muslim communities in new york, new jersey. you want people to report when you see friends and family it's getting radicalized. very difficult to defend against this type of attack. >> let's recap. guests on the subject right now. terrorism struck new york city yesterday. eight people killed at least a dozen others wounded when a truck mowed down pedestrians on a bike path in lower manhattan yesterday afternoon just after 3:00 p.m. eastern. drivers identified as 29-year-old who came to the u.s. from uzbekistan in 2010. he had been living most recently in new jersey and he is working as an uber driver for the past six months. officials say he shot i got a screen in arabic when he got out holding a paintball gun pellet gun before he was shot as a police officer. today he's recovering at a local hospital. assistant direct your the counterterrorism division. thanks very much for wayne and this morning. the suspect to survive many investigators will get a chance to question him about a motive. officials are saying he's a lone wolf. to be alone won't suggest there is no connection to anybody else but we know he left a note pledging allegiance to isis. how do you see this? >> that's a good point. the lone wolf term has been broadly accused and i would not necessarily look at him. i think of someone who really had very little social contact with people. in the middle of the mountains for years. maria: i keep thinking this is not a lone wolf. this is isis. >> anytime now it seems as if the person is a mail and they go out and they are either with one other person or they are allowed and all of the sudden they are in lone wolf. when you're married, have had kids, grow friend have a job you for retired from, those are not in my opinion in lone wolf. those are people who existed in non-relationships with people. that's not what we are necessarily looking for. even all that much more concerning. more and more people are getting into those patterns at all that's important because it he missed the indicators of intelligent people who look for her. maria: waveguide michael bodoni here. we won the last a lot of questions on the panel. tell us what investigators are looking at right now. what is the path they are following in terms of finding more information in terms of his connection and whether there is a wide wider plot that he doesn't see evidence that there was a wider plot. >> first of all, so great the new york city police department did the job they did because you have this president in custody. they didn't know who it was. you've got a great start. not only across the united states in tampa and over in new jersey and new york, but it will also be international in scope. it will cover just about every phase, investigated the national security lies. all of those facets have to come into play. overseas, that the fbi, all kinds of information about him because almost simultaneously yesterday as he was carted off to the hospital, you have believed coming to hundreds of places to find out everything there is to know about this person not only after the last few days in the last few months, but the last 10 years certainly since 2010 when he came over here. we find out he comes from uzbekistan and i'll be curious to get michael's opinion on this, but 17 years ago a company director freedom that was a big concern then because he's coming over here as a result of our immigration policy. nothing really changes and that's the frustration. >> as you know what the istanbul airport attack that was also a an individual from uzbekistan. the security community has been bracing it felt for what happens after isis loses its physical caliphate and whether this is in fact a digital caliphate coming here. the radicalization online and whether you take a look at orlando or a chelsea bombing at the boston marathon or san bernardino, what do you think is now happening in terms of radicalization within the united states? and they've become for this age group of people and the than the age group can change. and as they crumble and don't have a fortress there in the middle of iraq they still have tremendous influence all over the world. many years ago at any particular point in time, but now we can literally have people coming to the united states from anywhere, from africa, south america coming from europe in any of those people could be a potential problem because that population are really becoming warriors in a sense against america. there's authoritarianism, marxism, to all of this. if you think back to 9/11 and a couple years later was the 9/11 commission issued its report. i read it and i thought it was right on. the two major issues compared to major strategic threat to america will going into the future will be iran and all that goes with that in the islamic fundamentalists. that's exactly where we are. remember that was a nonpartisan report a nonpartisan group that put all that together. train to thank you so much. we appreciate you weighed in this morning. live right now, garrett tenney on the ground in lower manhattan has the latest this morning. garrett, over to you. reporter: right now pouring into the background of sayfullo saipov, surely not his profile, who has been in contact with since it came to the country in 2010 from his home country of his pakistan. they did a number searches that location stories known to and including his home in paterson, new jersey where he is believed to have lived this wife and two children. he also lived in the tampa, florida location at an apartment complex where he's looking for anyone to use to know him. one friend who did know him that spoke to us told us that he knew him as a very likable guy, very friendly, and described him as happy-go-lucky others describe him is very hard-working, someone who would go to work, come home and go to work next day, not someone who would party a lot. officials told "the associated press" when he came to the country that he was in ohio and he worked as a commercial truck driver. he registered at least two truck driving businesses there. looking for his e-mails text messages, browsing history essays always been contact with any history or connection of him looking up propaganda messages from isis and other islamic state outlets. we also no criminal history. an arrest in 21748 ticket. they are digging deep because becoming happy-go-lucky, something changed enough that they are trying to determine tuesday what happened. maria: will keep coming back to you as things develop. garrett tenney. the state and local tax reduction on the key issues because house republicans postponing the release of the tax reform plan by one day. we will talk about that right after this short break. stay with us. to central new york. and turning the airport into a first-class transportation hub. all while growing urban areas into vibrant places to live and work. across new york state, we're building the new new york. to grow your business with us in new york state, visit and i'm the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it's great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i've got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything's pretty much done. it's so much easier so now, we're ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free. i enjoy the fresher things in life.o. fresh towels. fresh soaps. and of course, tripadvisor's freshest, lowest... ...prices. so if you're anything like me...'ll want to check tripadvisor. we now instantly compare prices... ...from over 200 booking sites... find you the lowest price... ...on the hotel you want. go on, try something fresh. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. you'dreamt about it, it, maybe you should just go ahead and do it. we're legalzoom, and we've helped over a million people just like you start their own businesses. legalzoom. legal help is here. when it might be time to buy or sell? with fidelity's real-time analytics, you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today. maria: total for tax reform. house republicans have delayed the unveiling of the tax reform bill until tomorrow. reports that the gop plan will preserve a top individual tax rate of 39.6%. during this does make him as ceo and chairman of favre's international wednesday. thanks for joining us. what you make of the delay this morning? bruce of us have a peanut today. now we get it tomorrow. >> it's a difficult and ambitious schedule to say the least but we better get it right. the middle-class country hasn't had a salary increase for years and we are taxing the daylights out of these people small businesses which can double in size this they have access to capital and a decent tax torture. we can create jobs in i think it is important we devised the tax code. we've got to get the middle-class more money because that's going to generate jobs at small businesses will get smarter and better budget is an ambitious schedule. we get or get it right. traded to what you mean get it right? does getting it right manual is the top-rated 39.6%? bringing the highest earners and pay higher taxes? is getting it right get bullied in terms of not reversing the estate tax? the trump administration is mimicking what the democrats are saying, which is playing class warfare. somehow it's bad to get rich in america and we can't cut the taxes and the people employing other americans that that is bad. there's talk of a corporate tax cuts phased in. that is bad. i think what you're seeing on capitol hill as republicans are losing it. what is the point of doing this kind is all you do -- cutting the corporate tax rate, yes that's fine. if you are phasing it in, not doing other things to promote growth, trump might not get a second term to get a second bite at the sample. all they care about is some kind of magical budget dollars over 10 years that may or may not happen. they should set that aside, go big. maria: what happens to the troubled time economics? dagen: republicans deserve to be lambasted until we're blue in the face for not having macs together. they have had years. this is the moment they've been waiting for. train to new york, connecticut, new jersey. are you shocked by that? maria: they have been shamed into body than regurgitating. >> you guys on the editorial page of a site to the likes of marco rubio in mike lee. this is a form of welfare through the tax code. it is income redistribution that would potentially cost $1.5 trillion. seemed like he wants to stand up and say i gave sent to parents of america. >> of your against us you hate children and that is to leave. >> the biggest problem is they don't have that message. bring them back to the united states if you grow the economy. with the message for the american people. train to stay right there. we will be right back. i accept i don't bike as far as i used to. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but no matter where i ride, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i'm still going for my best. and for eliquis. ask your doctor about eliquis. ♪ whentertaining us,es getting us back on track,hing? 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take care of themselves first. train to you mean senators? >> all of the above. >> republicans like paul ryan care about process. good policies here. and then you have played higgins died, get off the process. big differences in terms of increasing the deficit. you can increase the deficit with welfare programs, entitlement programs that are fraud ridden or you can temporarily increase the deficit with a massive tax cut that will spur growth and prosperity of eventually be paid for as companies start to invest and expand. train to where all of these deficit hawks in the last eight years as president obama doubled the debt from 10 trillion to 20 trillion. where were they then? >> that's a great point. nobody should miss the fact that they don't deliver having both houses of congress, it is going to be a disaster. dagen: if these guys really cared about the deficit they would've passed health care reform which was a massive entitlement reform and a major spending reform. train to what the answer? what is going on? trade do go, ed. >> you guys sitting at the table could go into room and read a better tax plan because you've got, and cents. maria: thank you. >> most other republicans want a bigger tax plan. we should shame them. marco rubio, mike lee, ivanka trump. they just want to spend money. they don't want to give us a break. train to this is obviously one of the major stories of the day. that delay until tomorrow. i assume will have it tomorrow because the president is leaving for asia before he leaves on the trip. ed renzi, thank you. fired up this morning. thank you so much. new documents showing why the farmer campaign officials called manafort and brake kits are flight risks. cheryl casone with that. >> paul manafort enriquez are facing 188 and 15 in prison respectively paired robert mueller's office says that establishes them as potential flight risks. both were charged with financial kinds of the russian investigation on monday. both pleaded not till two. robert mueller team wants to interview president trump communication direct your whole pay. they will face the team after her trip to asia with the president. white house aides are also said to be on mueller's radar. while executives from facebook, twitter and google apologized to congress for the role in political tension during the presidential campaign? why they didn't discover russia linked accounts. >> americans political ads in russian mining, how could you not connect those two guys? people are buying ads on your platform with the rules. they are political ads. google has all knowledge underdeveloped. you can't put together the rules of a political ads and go from, those two data boys spell out something bad. >> executives promised to take more responsibility for policing political content in the future. investors "after the bell" today speck team $10 billion in revenue. facebook trading at an all-time high gaining ground almost 155%. we'll also hear from test but after the expected to look past that to get production numbers for tesla very important model 3. stock is soaring of 50% this year ahead of the opening bell, maria. maria: coming up next, horrific attack in new york city yesterday, a man mowes down pedestrians in what authorities are calling terrorism act as well as a delay in the tax plan, stay with us. i'm a concrete mason. i had severe fatigue, went to a doctor. became diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma. i had to put my trust in somebody. we recommended chemotherapy, and then a stem cell transplant. when his disease progressed, i thought that he would be a good candidate for immune therapy to unleash his immune system against the cancer. i'm back to working hard. i've honestly have never felt this great. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. maria: welcome back, good wednesday morning, thank you so much for joining us in a busy morning, i'm maria bartiromo, it is wednesday november 1st, top stories right now 6:30 a.m. on the east coast. terrorism in downtown new york city. 8 people are dead this morning, a dozen others injured after a terrorist in a rental truck plowed through a busy bike path in downtown. >> scheduled. be advised. [inaudible] >> mass casualty situation here. maria: rampage ending near ground zero. screaming god is great in arabic. >> i want to commend the response for nypd officer who was on post who stopped the carnage moments that it began. maria: authorities are searching more clues into this isis-inspired attack if two locations in new jersey there. they are searching right now. andrew cuomo and peter king will weigh in this morning, they will join us coming up. dow industrials expected to be better than 100 despite that the tax plan will be delayed by a day. s&p 500 and nasdaq are also in positive territory. earnings driving the story. higher across the board, dax index, up 1 and a half percent in germany, 200 points higher. in asia overnight stocks closed higher, best performer was japan. nikkei average almost 2%. a parent holding a teacher hostage for several hours before being killed by police. the details coming up. the teacher is safe, we will tell you about all of that. major outage, messaging service was down for several hours. model 3 production delays a legal problem for tesla, new lawsuit ahead of the company's earnings report. the names reporting this morning, groupon and lauder. the go decides to delay and will issue on thursday, a lot of issues surrounding state and local income taxes that gop wants to eliminate. first to scene of deadly attack, tracee carrasco in lower manhattan this morning near the scene, tracee, good morning to you. tracee: good morning, maria, yes, we are about a block away from where deadly rampage unfolded. behind me you can see that the investigation is ongoing and has been going on throughout the night, there are flashing police lights and just beyond that is the rented home depot truck that 29-year-old suspect used to carry out this deadly attack along the west side highway, that popular bike path that so many people use, he traveled about a mile down that path mowing down eight people, killing them, injuring about 11 others. the suspect was shot by nypd officer in the abdomen. all of them unfolded just a few feet from memorial. here is what mayor de blasio had to say about attacks. >> we have been tested before and new yorkers do not give in in the face of these kind of actions, we will respond as we always do, we will be undeterred. tracee: so here is what we are learning about the suspect this morning, he's in critical condition but expected to survive. he was holding fake guns and there were two notes written in arabic pledging loyalty to isis found in and near the truck. he has florida driver's license and was recently living in new jersey, he came to the u.s. legally from uzbekistan and was an uber driver and he did pass a background this morning, the company telling us, quote, we are horrified by this senseless act of violence, our hearts are with the victims and families, we have reached out to law enforcement to provide full assistance. there's an nypd briefing this morning at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. we are expecting to get more information, for now that's the latest here in lower manhattan. i will send it back to you. maria: tracee casual -- carrasco in lower manhattan this morning. the suspect left a note pledging allegiance to isis. a lone-wolf attack with no wider plot, however, nypd had new jersey mosque under surveillance for butting terrorist conspiracy. michael shed light on the investigation on special report with bret baier. >> sort of predicting that this may happen, so -- >> a picture of a cell phone in this area where this attack happened to do? >> with isis logo on it. investigators are looking into the photo, it was posted on the website of isis in august, and so that's something that investigators are looking at right now in terms of are there other people involved. maria: joining us right now is this, the man who killed osama bin laden, former navy seal rob o'neil. >> good morning, maria. maria: i have a problem calling it a lone wolf. do you really think he set this up himself and there's no connection? i'm not going to call this a lone wolf anymore. >> how many lone wolfs do we have before it's not lone anymore. this guy had hallmark of isis attack that they had online. get a vehicle, have isis flag or depiction, leave a note saying this is for isis, have a nice, so when you get out and martyr yourself which he had the fake guns. he won't hurt anyone severely with a bb gun but he it's every hallmark, this is what they are going to do. this is what isis is calling for and now that the islamic state is pretty much gone in syria, the problem is now the foreign fighters are going to go back and the other people that want to e veng what happened to isis, the islamic state that they thought they had. maria: he had a pelate gun. >> it'll be interesting to find out what the friends knew and what the family knew, if he had connections with terrorists overseas, had he been surveilled in the past. >> they should are people of mosque in new jersey. maria: i think they are. >> they have been for a while. when you get major de blasio, now we will continue to be vigilant, why weren't we vigilant? it's not if you see something, say something, if you see something, make sure that you're politically correct. >> ly ask you what an acquaintance of mine who spent years trying to get the green card in this country, he asked me this morning, he's from colombia, why was this man in this country on a green card. why was it easy for him -- >> because of random of getting green cards. based on different cultures. something. >> we don't know when he was radicalized. he could have been radicalized within the last year. what i want to know is was he on anybody's radar screen prior to attack f he wasn't, he's sitting in the basement with getting radicalized with the flickering screen of the computer, that's really concerning. maria: that's how you think he got radicalized. >> we don't know that. >> you have seen a lot of investigations and how difficult is it for us to respond in terms of an urban center and preventing these -- >> it's extremely difficult. but this is where one of my points we bring up, we are not going win the war with bomb and bullets, we need help from the vast majority of muslims and they don't like the religion being drug in the mud by fanatics. there are people who said he never said good morning, he never wanted picture taken. these are certain things, what is going on with this guy? >> commit these attacks and turn people on the muslim communities within the united states. >> if they can split them up, they did that in iraq to us when we invaded. started isis in iraq so he can start killing shiite, we are in the middle of it. this is what they tell us what they are going to do. we are going to need help from the muslim community, no doubt about it. check out mosque and find out who he spent time, talk to his family, how many trips did he make or did he go to syria, we fought these people in afghanistan and when returning to foreign fighters, we know we are dealing with serious people. they have the islamic movement which did pledge allig reins to isis. dagen: 88% muslim, that country. >> that's not the middle east, that's asia. it's one of those thing where it's not a war against arabs, radical islam wherever it is. maria: you think this is going to happen again? >> yeah, no doubt about it. maria: rob o'neil joining us there. the messaging app affected 9 million users, stay with us. adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. there. i can also help with this. does your bed do that? 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[vo] progress is an unstoppable force. the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. maria: welcome back, delays in rolling out the tesla model 3 for one to lawyer up. improperly hid information from investors. tesla set to report earnings, report a loss of 2.26 a rare, $2.95 million. rebecca, good to see you. what do you think of the tesla story, check us status tesla, the rest of the market? >> they have a long way to go to getting production up where it needs to be. they have a backlog of 450,000 depositors, it's going to take them a long time to work through that and people are going to get impatient. >> isn't that a good problem to have. don't most businesses want to have that demand. >> this is a wonderful problem to have but people are going to get impatient. there's only so long you want to wait. i think i'm like 350,000 in the depositors, so at current rate that's years. maria: you have to get a car before a year. >> that's the interesting thing s this actually holding back some people from buying a car right now. is this having a negative effect on car sales which you're doing really well, 17 million units but those 450,000 people are in the car market right now while they wait. dagen: the opportunity for every other car manufacturer because vehicles even again those hot-selling pickup trucks, they are so much more fuel efficient, they still have internal combustion i think and get great fuel economy. >> thank you, i got out of ashton martin -- [laughter] >> 23 miles per gallon. it was unbelievable. [laughter] maria: i love it. >> tesla still isn't making money. i'm still paying as u.s. taxpayer for tesla. when are we going to get them off of that. dagen: we are all paying, if you run a car on a fuel, tesla drivers don't pay the gas tax to basically fix the roads in this country, so there's a double whammy. >> we can talk about regulation and electric vehicle demand because it's only about 1% of new car sales globally are electric vehicles and that's about the same in the u.s. and on kelly blue book, only 3 to 4% that come to our site every month even investigate an electric vehicle. >> it's expensive car, right? >> the model 3 is supposed to be in that $35 base range. that's what it's supposed to solve, getting the electric vehicles mainstreamed. >> part of the problem is they haven't been able to built the infrastructure to plug in anywhere they go. >> maybe you can raise my taxes. good idea. [laughter] >> we haven't built a high-speed infrastructure but you can plug in your own garage. maria: what's your favorite car right now, give us your best car? >> did i mention ashton martin? every day i look for porsche. maria: nice. >> i came back and i was like who holy cow, what happened to mercedes. [laughter] maria: thank you so much. we will be right back my name is jeff sheldon, and i'm the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it's great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i've got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything's pretty much done. it's so much easier so now, we're ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free. when it might be time to buy or sell? with fidelity's real-time analytics, you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today. maria: welcome back, good wednesday morning, thank you so much for joining us, i'm maria bartiromo, it is wednesday november 1st, top stories right now 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. eight people are dead this morning, a dozen others injured after a man plowed a truck on manhattan's lower west side. >> oh, my god. hey, i need -- can you call 9-1-1. i've got -- oh, my god. oh, my god! i need an ambulance right here. right here. come on. there's a kid right there. maria: the suspect has been identified, 29-year-old who was originally from uzbekistan and shouted ach exiting the vehicle armed with paint gun and investigators found a note in the truck pledging loyalty to isis, nueva york governor andrew cuomo vowed the attack terrorism will not win. >> new york is an international symbol of freedom and democracy and we are proud of it, that also makes us a target. we have lived with this before, we felt the pain before, we feel the pain today, but we go forward, we are not going to let them win. maria: very latest from the scene coming up this morning. tax reform is being delayed by a day. lawmakers putting off their plans to unveil their highly-anticipated legislation until tomorrow after failing to finalize last-minute changes. one of the key issues state and local tax deduction elimination. ly speak with governor cuomo and senator king. that has the dow jones industrial average up 128 points. the high of the morning right here. nasdaq up 25 points, one half of 1%. in europe similar stories with best performer in germany, 214 points right now, one and two-thirds percent. stocks closed higher with best performer in japan. nikkei average up 2% overnight. robert mueller says newly indicted paul manafort and rick gates pose a serious threat to fleeing the country. latest into potential russian interference coming up. top names reporting this morning, estee lauder, topped expectations, after the bell tonight we will hear from technology, facebook, tesla and qualcomm all on the docket after the close tonight. backlash for best buy meanwhile while the retailer is stocking sales of iphone x after customers complained overpricing. all the stories joining me to talk about it fox business dagen mcdowell, homeland security director michael and the wall street journal editorial fox news contributor mary, great to see you. thank you so much for being here, everybody. i want to talk to you at as opposed to point about the fusion gps and dossier, you worked so hard on that story and in the last two weeks we found out. i want to get with you at some point today. >> it's a big story and the media is largely missing where the so-called collusion is happening, not on the republican side, i think the big story is on the democratic side. maria: tax reform delay is the other major story but we want to start here, terrorism in new york city, eight people have been killed, at least a dozen others were injured when a truck plowed through pedestrians on a bike path in lower manhattan afternoon. happened 3:00 p.m. eastern. garrett, the -- >> one of the questions is to determine whether the terrorist was inspired, they found two handwritten notes, one in the vehicle and one outside in the vehicle pledging loyalty to isis and while isis has not claimed responsibility overnight our own katherine is reporting that several isis accounts are plotting the attack online using the #the slap of terrorism. so investigators are really pouring into the background, last night the fbi searched home in patterson, new jersey where he lived with wife and two children. previously he lived in the tampa, florida area as well as in ohio where he worked as truck driver. we spoke to a friend of his from when he lived in florida and they described him a couple of years as having been a very friendly, kind guy, a very hope go lucky as they described it, something changed over the last couple of years, he doesn't appear to have any real criminal history of any meaning other than an arrest last year in missouri but that was because of unpaid traffic ticket essentially, at this point not sure if he was on law enforcement radar, but an official told wall street journal that an associate of his was and is known to authorities, they wouldn't elaborate anymore than that. investigators will hopefully get a chance to question the attackers soon because he's out of surgery, surviving gun wounds and expect today recover, maria. maria: garrett tenney with the very latest. former army intelligence officer andrew peek, gentlemen, it is good to see you both. thank you so much for joining us this morning, guys, fred, let me kick this off with you, the suspect was married with children just like the san bernardino shooter, what do you make of attacks and similarities here, what should we be taking out from this? >> maria, good to be here, we have to acknowledge the threat. the threat is not violent exterrorism, it's not terrorism but radical islam that's at war with modern society. we have to sweep away the political correct innocence the news media promoted by the obama administration and focus on this and get the american public to -- to report, see something, say something, is really the best deches against these possible attacks. it's impossible for us to guard every inch of a city like new york. we need the public's help. maria: andrew, how do you see this, obviously this is terrorism. >> this is terrorism. you know, i think unlike the las vegas shooter of a few weeks ago the motive is very clear. i agree with fred largely, the biggest untold story in this is it could have been much worse, the carry -- the suspect carried rubber weapons, fake weapons like a pellet gun meant that he meant to take hostages, that's the only reason you take these weapons, the take away for me the nypd did a great job. dagen: andrew, i will point out that the time of day was critical here. that's why there weren't more deaths, this terrorist drove this rented flat bed truck for a mile, a mile heading south on the bike path adjacent to the west side highway and it was a time of day where it was largely we have seen the victims who were killed, they were tourists out riding vehicles, this is a time of day where you don't have a lot of new yorkers out to and from work out pushing children in baby carriages. maria: on halloween. dagen: kids weren't out there yet trick or treating, some of this was luck that there weren't more victims. >> i think that's true. i would point out that a lot of new yorkers point out in the afternoon. the evening is the time when people go to job, west side, i think really the tactical circumstance in the time of day, i think there's truth to that, but really the luck factor is very large overall. dagen: let me point one thing out, though, this is an area -- it's a pier 40 is where people were hit by the vehicle and attack ended in high school roughly a mile south, the area, that area, there is an entire separate pedestrian park running path over on the water that's -- no, that's why he was on the bike path and not the actual pedestrian path, so that's one other reason why more people weren't injured. >> gentlemen, weigh in on the targeting here, so we have a guy who is in home depot in new jersey, he drives now to manhattan and looks for this spot, what does that say to you -- maria: why that spot? was he meaning to attack the bus, what can you glen from the circumstances of this attack as to what motivation is in terms of targeting? >> you know, it wouldn't surprise me if this was specifically target to find a site near the world trade center. we know isis is facing tactic, smaller terrorist attacks like this that are harder to stop that use basically devices that are not weapons, that are basically -- we can't outlaw everybody trying to reserve a truck and, you know, the possibility of all these attacks succeed asking low but they don't have to have many of them to succeed, to get a major perfect relations bananza. maria: thank you very much for weighing in on the story this morning. they will join us along with fox news senior judicial analysts judge andrew napolitano, we will talk about the terrorism with the governor and the congressman as well as the tax story. peter king has been pushing back aggressively against the so-called salt, local, state deduction. what house ways and means committee kevin brady said about that process next. mueller argues manafort and gates are flight risk after the two were indicted. coming up. maria: welcome back, now this, postponed tax prose posal as details are getting ironed out. the republican house members are working hard and late for massive tax cuts that they know you deserve. this will be the biggest ever, let's talk about this, mary, key hold up, what's your take on this? >> i don't see why taxpayers across america should subsidize tax--- we should get a break just like everybody else? republicans need to focus on growth, they need to streamline the tax plan, bring down rates, bring back from overseas and this is part of the simplification, republicans on capitol hill are also focused on balancing the budget over long-term, they are going to say that's why this is necessary. maria, really, i think there's another incentive here, in the long run, if you don't take deductions, people in new york, new jersey, california, they're going to feel the burden of their state and local taxes and they'll be pressure, political pressure on them to lower them. that's just as important. maria: they are looking for ways to pay for this, that's part of the delays, as the details come out the journal is reporting that the top individual rate currently 39.6 for highest earners will stay and that delays the plan -- the plan repeal of the estate tax. we know the senate was pushing back on the estate tax, it looked like those senators have won on that. >> we talked about this. we lack a message. what is this budget? progrowth -- maria: it's supposed to be about growth, like mary said. >> what are the factors, we are talking about tax cuts, if we really go from 35% to 20% in terms of corporate tax rate, that's going to be huge. why aren't we focusing on that issue? as long as the budget stays out there, you will have everybody pick a part and muddles the whole message. dagen: can i say one thing, though, i'm so sick -- and this goes straight to president trump quite frankly, i'm cutting taxes on the middle class. listen, half of this country pays no net federal income tax, so you're not actually cutting taxes for people, it's called -- it's called wealth redistribution. maria: they want to cut taxes on people who don't pay taxes. dagen: 40% of people when asked about the gop tax plan said they were uncertain. it's not -- it's not a surprise because 40% of people in this country actually get net money back from the federal government, not only do they not pay any federal income tax, they actually get a kickback, they get basically a -- they get tax money back that they never even put into the system. >> i think it's also important to distinguish between tax reform which is what republicans said that they wanted and tax cuts and i think republicans are moving toward a big corporate tax cut, that is good if they do it immediately, by the way, not if they faze it in. maria: who is going to invest if you will get the rate till 2022? >> nobody, because you might get a president elizabeth warren. forget it. we can't afford that and good-bye tax cut. maria: they wouldn't do that. i would be hard-pressed they would do the faze-in. >> i thought they were going to repeal and replace obamacare. look, they have the majority of both houses, they have the white house, this is the opportunity for major tax reform and i think we are seeing a real lack of courage on behalf of the republicans. dagen: and another exclamation point proving that the handling of this by the gop leadership is a complete mess is the fact that they spring the idea as revenue raiser of completely taking a hatchet to the 401(k) system in the country when you really want to upset the stock market, you want to upset people how they save and they throw that in at the last minute, if they were going to do that they should have started messaging it months ago if not years ago. maria: not only that but it's not significant revenue relative to like the state and local is suppose today get 1.3 trillion. that 401(k), $260 billion in terms -- they are scrapping -- dagen: over ten years, it's a little more about a quarter of trillion dollars over a ten-year period. instead you have marco rubio and mike lee who want to double the child tax credit which, by the way, would cost a trillion and a half dollars over ten years. the journal points out today that that's enough to cut corporate taxes by 15 percentage points. >> thanks, ivanka. she's the one nagging that. dagen: president trump said in wall street journal pages, my friends that are rich say they're willing to pay more in taxes. maria: he brings up robert kraft. not everybody is robert kraft. i'm talking to people that make 300,000, 400,000. >> the only people that feel guilty is the ultra rich like president trump. they aspire to be rich. that's the message that we should be sending. maria: ending up making money and actually achieving success. why are we punishing that now? dagen: i don't know and i think that i will call president trump out on this, the language he's using, what he has said, my rich friends don't mind paying more taxes, we need to cut tacks on the middle-class, he's giving gop leadership cover for essentially keeping taxes high on wealthier americans and actually raising them. >> it's going to hurt growth and growth aspect of the plan and whose votes are they going to get because democrats aren't going to vote? maria: by the way, who is the middle class? let's talk about because we have no idea what the brackets are. that's the problem. he's not identifying who least referring to as middle class, when you look at the numbers, almost 50% are not paying any tax. >> at tend to have day, americans want to know when this is passed how does it affect us. those details are missing and therefore you have such weak support finish tax cuts. maria: yeah. we will take a break, when we come back we are all fired up this morning, obamacare open enrollment begins today, then there's that. more americans would blame republicans for higher health care costs now. we break down that survey next. best buy stops sales of iphone x after retailer charged $100 extra for the device. backlash back in a moment whoooo. i enjoy the fresher things in life. fresh towels. fresh soaps. and of course, tripadvisor's freshest, lowest... ...prices. so if you're anything like me...'ll want to check tripadvisor. we now instantly compare prices... ...from over 200 booking sites... find you the lowest price... ...on the hotel you want. go on, try something fresh. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. this is not a cloud. this is a tomato tracked from farm to table on a blockchain, helping keep shoppers safe. this is a financial 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tillerson said he would continue diplomatic efforts until the first bomb drops and all this comes as the state departments considers north korea as state responsor of terrorism. president trump plans to visit south korea next week as part of asia tour, the white house say it is president will not visit the dmz. well, open enrollment for obamacare starts today. american who is don't get health insurance through job or government program will have until december 15th to apply for much of the country but they face higher premiums for coverage. president trump is due to sign an executive order tomorrow that calls for federal agencies to provide relief to unsubsidized obamacare customers, but help won't come in time for this year's enrollment process. meanwhile a new nbc wall street poll finds that more people will blame trump if health care costs increase under obamacare and if more people lose their coverage. now, the president tweeted recently, here is what he said, usual, obamacare premiums will be up, the dems own it but we will repeal and replace and have great health care soon after tax cuts. okay, best buy caving to criticism. they were charging $100 more for the iphone 10 above sticker price. customers we wanted to purchase phone and had to pay premium, a lot of backlash specially on media and best buy said to end practice. now they are selling the phone through basic way. shares up 31% so far this year. iphone 10 a hot, hot ticket. maria: not only a thousand dollars but best buy is charging you a $100? >> they were until people flipped out on them on social media. maria: t expensive already. >> i don't know if you have been to the latest samsung story, screen is better. maria: the 10? >> well, yeah, even on the 10. dagen: once you have been sucked to the apple world, you can't give it up. >> at that price, i just think people are going to go forget it. samsung phone is superior. dagen: you have to leave your i tune and app world. maria: that's why they put blackberry out of business and had all the apps. the terrorist came into our country throw what is called the diversity visa program, mary, what you said ten minutes ago. dagen: roughly 50,000 people come under the visa program, to promote diversity, bringing in immigrants, giving them green cards from other areas of the country and an acquaintance of mine brought this up, the issue this up this morning and he bluntly asked me, i immigrated from colombia and i'm a catholic and i don't get preferential treatment because of where i came from and he was pointing out that it took him years and years, and had to stay in colombia while his wife lived in the country. >> free market and competition and yet when we talk about merit-based program, it's still a government bureaucrat saying we want this kind of worker that kind of worker from that country or that country, there's a little bit of a conflict there intellectual conflict. >> of course, the challenge is what is the vetting process? no matter what the program is, when someone enters this country -- >> it's pretty good, though. we have done very well. we don't know when this guy was radicalized. >> right. maria: he came here in 2010, right? >> a bit before that, but we don't have enough information about how he was radicalized. dagen: wife and two children and had employment so there goes the argument that radicalization is somehow related to a lack of economic opportunity. he had -- all opportunities handed to him by the great united states and he got in a truck and killed eight people. maria: all right, we will take a break, special counsel robert mueller gearing up to interviewing hope hicks, latest of investigation into potential russian western feerns next. we break down what you need to know on that after a huge year for the stock, back in a moment. , trades are now just $4.95. we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. .. .. opportunities aren't always obvious. sometimes they just drop in. cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances. good wednesday morning everyone. it was so much for being with us. it is wednesday november 1. your top stories right now. 7:30 a.m. on the east coast. eight people are dead this morning and dozen others injured after terrorists in the rental truck plowed through a busy mike --dash bike path. we will people on the ground. this is a mass casualty situation. the driver crashes the truck and screams god is great in arabic. this was an act of terror and the pope particularly a particularly cowardly act of terror. people going about their lives who annoyed it was about to hit them. two locations and they are searching in new jersey. in washington tax reform hanging in the balance. they had delayed the roll out. of their tax cut plan. cedric. they will weigh in on taxes and terrorism later this morning. the terror attack is not readily markets this morning. they are rallying strong. they are expected to be up better than a hundred 30 points us money. it is the been getting of november. oftentimes you see that. nasdaq composite up about 30 points because nobody seems to know why this market is as strong as it is this morning. the best performer up one and two thirds percent. in asia over night stocks also closed higher with japan the best performer. 1.86 percent. robert mueller lighting up his next interview. the house of cards halting production. another actor jeremy pittman is facing similar accusations this morning. holder to report quarterly numbers tonight. that is of course terrorism in new york city. tracy joins us now from the scene of the deadly attack. good morning maria. we are about a block away from where the deadly rampage it took place. the investigation has been going on all night long and as a son is starting to come up we are getting a better look at that rented truck. it was used to carry out this deadly attack. it's right behind me. he carried out this attack along the west side highway. he drove about a mile running over eight people injuring about 11 others. he finally came to a stop when he ran into a school bus police and then shot at him. one officer shot him in the abdomen. here is what the police commissioner said during a news press conference yesterday. i like to commend the response. they go near the location has stopped who stopped the carnage moments after it began. also the work of the first responders and truly helped save additional lives. here is what we are learning about. that suspect he is a critical condition but expected to be okay. he was holding two fake handguns. he had two notes written in arabic. they were found in or near the truck. he has a florida driver's license. he was living in new jersey. he came to that the u.s. in 2010 legally from pakistan and he was also an for driver. he did pass their background checks and this is what they have to say this morning. we are horrified by this senseless act of violence. our hearts are with the victims and their families. we are providing our full assistance. this is not part of a larger attack but we are expected to get more information. we will come back to this as news it develops. coming back to the probe into the election interference. they pose a risk of flight based on the serious nature of the charges. jill pled not guilty to 12 count indictment. this is coming as they confirmed they had scheduled an interview with the white house communications director. yesterday the present secretary defended the president and called out to the media for how they are covering this investigation. watch. you guys seem completely obsessed with us. the media refuses to cover it. and i think that is a distraction. instead of the focus being constantly on tax cuts and tax reform if you look at the records the questions i take in here day out have have far more to do with an investigation that frankly most americans don't care too much about a whole lot less to do with policies that actually impact them. let's bring in judge andrew napolitano. she is making the president's argument. the fact remains that these indictments blindsided the white house. it did not know that it was good to happen. they allegedly told colleagues over the weekend he was convinced even though he would have heard the rumors about the indictments were coming that he was not among them. bob mueller argued in sealed documents that he engaged the flight risk. that tells me there will be another bail hearing at which they will seek to have manafort and gates incarcerated. rather to then just confined. these are not crimes of violence. he is not a danger to women and children but they are treated him that way. that's a critical point. they want to get him to flip this is a tactic is to get gates to flip on manafort between manafort and we know they are. and the president. there is general flynn general flynn in there. a potential defendant. there is jared kushner they seized many of the banking records. what is hope hit -- hicks get to tell them. they're destroying to take the president down. there is no question. their target is donald j trump. the president of the united states. by indicting people that interacted with him there is no investigation or real focus on what happened on the democratic side. the pain for the dossier by the democrats. where is the accountability there. there is one event that took place on the democratic side and that is john podesta's brother who shared the political party and resigned from his company. if bob mueller starts indicting democrats he has an insurance policy. no one well ever argue that. there are plenty of democrats as to who there is sufficient probable cause to reseed after them. there was just a home invasion if you would. you say you could be indicted and now he comes to the court and now the judge says you are a flight risk. what happened in between july and now in terms of that. he has a lot of wealth. if he was going to flee what would you take into account. i would you make that decision now. he is not a flight risk. i might have required some bail from gates. nobody would know who he was. if you read this letter that he sent to the judge it lists every place that he has been in the past five months. thirty-five or 40 different countries. he is doing all of this flying around the world. could it be that he needs to make a spectacle to take that attention away from the fact that there is zero evidence that has been presented so far of any collision between president trump in russia that's why we see these big pr stunts. none of this has anything to do with the donald trump unless they can squeeze in these people. sometimes they sing a song that they invent because they tell the prosecutor what the prosecutor wants to hear. that's the way they act. they've been doing it for years. the real investigation as a house intelligence committee and the investigation they are doing there. he has to stop -- start looking at them. the fbi lied and they said it was line. probably the whole fbi. it's incredible when you look at the relationship between the fbi and mueller. lots of conflict. this is an fbi that does not hesitate. as long as it is favoring the democrats. netflix and the house of cards crashing down. they will suspend filming the last season. with the fallout next. and then target hitting a bull's-eye for customers. the new way to order items of the product is out of stock. welcome back. sexual harassment allegations. cbs is looking into accusations by a reality start that he groped her on two separate occasions. he stars in the new cbs series in the crowd. it did not happen. the alleged victim claimed one encounter took place in his trailer on the entourage set. hbo 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been under surveillance by the nypd even though we are in paterson new jersey about 20 miles outside the city. they've been looking at this mosque since 2005. i can also tell you that sayfullo saipov lived in an apartment that butts right up against the bath -- the back of this mosque. did he just move up into this area into new jersey in new york just to commit this attack. that we don't know right now. they came here on what is called the diversity be set back in 2010 he came to florida and spent most of the time in tampa. he was a peer working for uber. he is a wife and two kids that live in this apartment we are told. he rented that truck right down the street here. he drove into the city and jumped up onto a bike path and ran down almost two dozen people killing eight and injuring about 11 more. we understand he got out of the truck after smashing into a school bus. and screaming god is great in arabic. the suspect was shot in the leg he has already been through surgery he is out now and i'm sure authorities are leaning on him pretty heavy about how he knows this. thank you so much. we are investigating here. the sox are shaking stocks are shaking off the terror attack. there on the floor of the new york stock exchange. i know several large usual fund companies. perhaps that is one of the reasons for this big rally. we do have a really great morning happening as you noted. wrapping it up on the 31st. but a gain of a hundred 30 points we are not seen any extra security outside. downtown manhattan at least on the side of it. pretty calm and futures are looking to the upside. we have jobs on friday with that number that was revised slightly lower. we had earnings season which was 63 percent of the companies had reported and you had 73% there. let's take a look at estée lauder this morning. we saw the profit and sales doing well. that is smash box and also tom ford. the stock is up about 4% and it raises quarterly dividends. it is a winner today and benefited from an acquisition. we will have some key names right here on foxbusiness. facebook has been a winner here an all-time high yesterday. this morning facebook is looking higher as well up a 1.1 percent. we will watch for that one. we saw that got beaten down after the talk that apple may cut out that chip in the new year. then there is tesla. if 85% this year. no one is expecting a great quarter from tesla because the third quarter we note they've have a model three production issues. still have i will talk with the new york governor about the terrorist attack in new york city yesterday. plus his feeling about the tax plan into new yorkers paying higher taxes. back in a moment. she thought it was a fire. it was worse. a sinkhole opened up under our museum. eight priceless corvettes had plunged into it. chubb was there within hours. they helped make sure it was safe. we had everyone we needed to get our museum back up and running, and we opened the next day. when we love someone, we want to 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[lance] can we get a shot of this cold front, right here. winter has arrived. whooo! hahaha [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. brace yourself for the season of audi sales event. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. november it is wednesday about november 1 top storied right now 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, about are terrorism in new york city to report, issue 8 people dead this morning at least a dozen injured, after a man plowed a truck down a bike path on manhattan's lower west side. >> -- hey, i need can you call 911, i got oh, my gosh, about okay, i you need right here. >> right here. >> the guy t-boned. >> is it suspect identified as 29-year-old sayfullo saipov. originally from interest uzbekistan shoutdz "allahu akbar" exiting the vehicle armeded with paintball gun pellet gun shot by police in critical condition, in the new york, a local hospital right now, investigators found a note in the truck pledging loyalty to isis suspect recently lived in new jersey with wife and three churn, he was an uber driver for the last six months president trump tweeting saying this terrorist came into our country through what is called the diversity visa lottery program a chuck schumer beauty, i want merit based the latest from scene this morning, about tax reform has been delayed, by another day, lawmakers put off plans to unhave a ill her legislation now until tomorrow, after failing to finalize last manipulate changes one key issue the state and local tax deduction i talk about governor cuomo new york congressman peter kinging on terrorism in new york and tax reform package coming up, markets rallying strong dow industrials to open up 130 points nasdaq up 25 points, 27 points, in europe, similar story gains across the board in european ngs bests in germany dax up 1 3/4 percent the cac quarante in paris up 1 half of one pert in asia overnight stocks also closed higher, nikkei average in japan a best up almost 2%, earnings, of course, dr. i go the story top names reporting this morning estee lauder earnings revenue topped expectations at estee lauder after the bell big story happened with technology names likely moving mathematics facebook out tesla out you qualcomm all after the bell, stories coming up joining me to break it download fox business network dagen mcdowell, former new york state homeland security director, are wall street editorial board member fox news contribute mary good morning. >> good morning with. >> great to see. >> thanks for having us. maria: so much to get to this morning, issue we will get right to it top story, of course, is terrorism striking new york city, 8 people killed last night, about at least a dozen others wounded it happened 3:00 eastern in afternoon truck you can mowed down pedestrians on bike path in legislator manhattan identified 29-year-old elder sayfullo saipov. came to united states from if uzbekistan in 20 so. had been living in new jersey, working as an uber driver for the past six months, officials say he shoutdz god is great in arabic whether he got out of the truck being a paintball gun pelt gun before shot by police officer, issue o on the grounds with very latest gave arey good morning to you. reporter: googd morning to you digging into background of sayfullo saipov to determine he are who he is us what it is that led him to today out this attack, last night, gi carried out a search, at an apartment lived at with wife two kids paterson, new jersey police are also searching other areas, where he has lived previously including the tampa, florida area as well as cleveland and cincinnati ohio at this point not clear, about if he was on radar of law enforcement prior to this attack, but one official tells "the wall street journal" that an associate was and is known ep to authorities, and wouldn't about elaborate beyond that, in terms of the criminal background we have been enable to find one arrest last year missouri for unpaid fine that was related, to his work as commercial truck driver, other than that, there is not a lot there. more recently, as you mentioned he was working as a driver for for uber last few months company says he passed background check and didn't raise any red flags during the hiring process, folks news has spoken to a a friend of his from when he lived in florida couple years back they told us, at the time he was a very friendly outgoing, likable individual described as happy go lucky kind of person something he pg pging changed investigators looking at, digit footprint you been to see who he has been in communication with as well as his searching and history, to see if there is any evidence there, of isis propaganda, so often find in lone wolf attacks. >> thanks very much we will follow this, in new york, in morning, president trump tweeted about this mo morning the terrorists came into our country through wloo is called diversity visa lottery program a chuck schumer beauty, i want about the merit based, after tweeting last night, i have ordered homeland security to step up our already extreme vetting program, being politically correct is fine but not for this, joining me right now congressman he peter king of new york he says on homeland security committee and chairs subcommittee on counter intelligence thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you, maria. maria: obviously our hearts go out to families of victims in new york, what is your reaction to this dwook? what can you tell us right now in terms of emergency room of where this investigation goes sir? >> first of all let me sigh real hero police officer from long island able about to shoot and bring down, the -- the terrorist. as far as information, basically, it is this is out there in if -- i have been talking to people in the investigation, there is not appear as that there is terrorist fingerprints with them you. now, again, this is first phase of the investigationing mike balance buttoutton investigations go on about through everything in social media, anything they find out about him at all all phone records, and then talking to people who they find in those records, this can go on weeks months before you g get a full picture of him, sos -- a serious concern in new jersey nypd for years, as far as any -- any you particular motive obviously, this is is -- he obviously committed to isis whether or not heing acted on his open or not still out there. it is not unusual for him to act on his own isis is really mastered the art through internet finding people on fringes who with do not have direct contact with out there -- it is rile never had contact with isis i am sure find following on social media they were inspiring him even if they didn't know who he was there was no direct link tomorrow enabout to. >> is there anything we should be doing that a needs to happen now congressman that we're not doing in terms of are you know making sure that voting process is better this guy came on a diversity visa, so issue what do you want to see in terms of -- in he did the of getting in front of this next time i am no at it calling it "lone wolf" you are inspired by isis loan above all suggests nothing to do with anything a guy obviously inspired by yz we will see if he did get are a radicalized we don't know he or do we. >> well, i assume that he -- he came here as radical or was radicalized isis has social media can communicate have a way of -- putting out -- tracks people oning fringes of society bring them to dark side did heversity advisesa i have known a number of people in new york under the lottery system of them become citizens he came in 2010 i believe i briefed president has to be a very hand vetting system, especially a country like you see uzbekistan where they have had 800 people go to syria, to fight on behalf isis, even though the government has been cooperative with us, a hotbed isis k supporters, al-qaida supporters is almost aists fund n meantlifts in uzbekistan it has to be extreme vetting. >> let me switch gears to ask about tax story your colleagues have decided to postpone the unveiling, of their long awaitdz tax bill a day argue over how fast to cut corporate rates allow to treat state local tax deduction tell me where you come out your progress in terms of peeling to colleagues you have you said do not eliminate the deduction for state and local taxes. >> to me, the state income tax and local property tax is essentially they remain, appears moving in our direction, as far as the property tax. but the state income tax that would have takeaway that deduction would have a really devastating impact on new york state, and -- the fact is new york is a donor state we give 48 billion dollars to federal government than we get back, so right now still strong resistance to that, we came he many in four votes of -- actually two votes stopping this last week, i think the leadership knows there is a number of others out there inclined to vote no, and so it is really a -- a battle going on now we are fighting myself and others, fighting strongly to maintain state local property tax deductions tough fight forward i am sure leadership is trying to take people one by one, basically conservative principle should not be increasing taxes not taxes on taxes should not be double taxation parting of the coded since 19 t13, 10 have years. >> if you keep top rate where it is remove state and local deduction, then you are raising taxes object new yorkers and new jerseyans. >> we are the new jersey, about among largest donor states in the kin as far as giving more than we get back a tax increase for my constituents. >> even steven mnuchin i interviewed him says he understands 6 basis point increase in taxes new york california new jersey so what is the plan then? congressman how do you who he you do you keep your arms around the debt, issue pay for the districts tax cuts not have the country subsidize high tax states like new york what do you want to see in terms of of a compromise. >> first of all, i am not one squared off by by -- if -- deduction done for positive purposes as under ronald reagan, ronald reagan deficits and increased national debt towards the end or 189 million new jobs created the country had unparalleled expansion, to defeat soviet union if we energize economy, issue as long as being done positive reason, to me, tax -- tax cuts creating more jobs more businesses going to increase he wealth middle class, that is a positive focus and again, they have had nine months to put numbers together we haven't seen them that is wrong. maria: are what about that what do you i mean you have not seen them have you not enabout meeting with leadership to voice your concern? >> we have been voicing concern we have not seen entire package no one has seen it as far as profits what else is in the bill, this is going to be 1,000-page bill, are i have seen almost nothing other than talking points, and the fact that they were considering, doing away with with the state and local tax deduction,ings myself twos meantimes tomorrow leadership he two or three weeks smaller meetings with individuals i think trying to pick off. >> what is this extra day going to do do you have a meeting scheduled today going to release it today going to release it tomorrow now, what is 24 hours doing is it meeting with the guys liking you? >> not met with me, about those -- did not meet with me not donovan, i know that, so supposed to be unveiled 9:00 this morning, now thank you put off to 9:00 tomorrow morning supposed to be voted on two weeks they have 1986 tax reform had two years of debate on that two years of discussion, in ronald reagan, under democratic house republican senate, and two years tax reform plan that works now trying to get this 10 days no one has enso a its people on committee no one has seen package when unveiled expect us to vote on it two weeks on something could affect our districts our country for generations. >> have i spoke he request mnuchin last nooek treasury secretary asked him about chuck schumer's will arguments against limiting tax and i brought you up as well even governor cuomo tweeted says new yorkers getting a tax increase listen to this is. >> the issue is if we get rid of state and local taxes, it impacts different states differently. okay? senator schumer has been complainings about this singles beginning of the year, and i understand, as 600 basis point increase in in taxes, on new york, california, new jersey, and we are similar thought he turksympathetic. >> how do you work through issues they say look it is time for federal government to get out of the way, and the rest of the country to stop subsidizing the high tax states of new york what do you say to that. >> first new york and new jersey we get 79 back every radar to washington, d.c., secondly what mnuchin said there is exactly what he said on conference call you, so things -- the -- 9 members delegation conference call cohn mnuchin said same thing similar thinkse feemz for us doing what they can so far i have seen no evidence of being taken you are going to vote no on this bill. >> i would have to if state income tax is no have the you adjusted. >> peter king we are continuing the conversation, and to follow the terrorist attack in new york city governor andrew cuomo joins me next with the latest on the investigation stay with us. just like the people who own them, with us. every business is different. but every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. whether it be with customer contracts, agreements to lease a space or protecting your work. legalzoom's network of attorneys can help you, every step of the way. so you can focus on what you do and we'll handle the legal stuff that comes up along the way. legalzoom. legal help is here. ♪ traders -- they're always looking for advantages. the smart ones look to fidelity to find 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senators pressed them why they didn't discover russia linked accounts. >> americans political ads, and russian money rubles, how could you not connect those two dots? >> people are buying ads on your platform with rubles, political ads google has all knowledge that man has ever developed, you can't put together rubles he, with a political ad and go like hmm? those two data points spell out something bad. >> have is it senator franken executives promised to containings more responsibility, for policing political content in the future, maria those are your headlines. maria: thank you so much, about thank you, about terrorism striking new york city governor andrew cuomo joins us live next with the latest from the investigation stay with retail. under pressure like never before. and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory. virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver. maria: terrorism strikes new york city 8 people dead this morning at least a dozen wounded when a truck you can plows pedestrians on bike path in lower manhattan driver 29-year-old sayfullo saipov. came to united states, from uzbekistan in 0 10 reportedly lives in new jersey was working as an uber driver has been for the last six months, officials say that he shoutdz out you "allahu akbar," god is great in arabic when he got out of the of the truck before shot by police officer, he is you in custody, at a local hospital in new york, joining me right now new york governor andrew cuomo, governor good to see you thanks for joining us this morning. >> should. >> good to be with you. >> what can you tell us in terms of this individual, what those he radicalized? what do we know this morning? >> we know maria again investigation ongoing, and relatively preliminary but from all the evidence we have he was quote up quote "lone wolf" model we don't have evidence that suggests this was part of a larger plan or there were future actions or there was a rj large effort we are seeing jihad tacts tactics bombing 199 3 new york the, 25 years, at that time there was no geographicallying located training regimen, and now over the years it is migrated om internet a simple model, rent a car rent a truck, create mayhem try to instill terror that is what this appears to be. there is no doubt in a he was he is isis will affiliated related or had a aaffection toward isis but it was all evidence points to that "lone wolf" model. maria: i have bone avoiding "lone wolf" to me "lone wolf" sort of suggests one guy who has nothing to do with isis on his own left a note pledging allegiance to isis how was he radicalized do we know how this happened what those it the internet? what did he do in terms of getting in isis's sort of under the umbrella to write that note the he pledges allegiance to them? >> yeah, it is we're going through social media now. but there has been no evidence thus far of group associations, i understand your feeling about the expression "lone wolf" i think it is used in juxtaposition to what the old model was. the old model was you were trained in boot camp,ings in the middle east and then you got on a plane came to united states. and there it was a group training is affiliation the evolution in my mind more of an internet based simpler paradigm where any depraved card you can get on internet can look up a plan that says rent a car create into a -- drive into a crowd this tracked that model. now, is there harder to police they are harder to stop. we have the best security i believe on the globe. but they are harder to anticipate and they are harder to get intelligence on because they are not associated. and that is that is the challenge have of the new he evolution going on in germany happened in ohio seeing more and more of and, that is the new proliferate. >> have he was -- in this country, on a diversity visa he arrived in 2010 what do you want to see in terms of diversity visa is that one of the issues? because this new way of doing things, getting in a truck and plowing into a crowd of people, which, of course, a what isis wrote in a magazine a year ago, telling people to do this, i mean is there any way to stop that or do you go to the visa program, to take a look at you know, are aboare eng shom he maniac doesn't get access to u.s. the way this guy did in 20 so because of the of the diversity visa. >> i think maria first on the diversity visa that was a bipartisan program it was -- was found by republican president if radicalized here, you wouldn't have caught that during the visa process anyway i think we do have to be smart intelligent about who we let into the k country, no doubt about that i think we have to be even smarter with our policing we have to evolve along with them gathering intelligence, but at the end of the day the truth is also this. new yorkers target we have a statue of liberty in our harbor holds a torch that says freedom and democracy, and that is is repugnant to a whole group of people, who want to knock being that a torch down. so they are going to come. i have no doubt. from 1993 world trade center, 9/11, they are going to come. and we will stop most of them. but ultimately you, the point is you can't let them win, they win when they disrupt. they win when they he instill terror they killed 8 people we cried about it that is not their intent they didn't want to kill 8 people they want to disrupt new york and didn't we didn't let them, i spent all yesterday afternoon inviting people to halloween parade, marched in halloween parade, not because i had a great costume maria but because the point was we're not letting them disrupt, we are families and children, you would not have known at that parade that anything happened in the afternoon. maria: are happy to see that. >> have ultimately you success. maria: and, give us a sense of what was going on there we got new york the 1 city marathon scheduled sunday what kind of security measures are you putting in place statewide he to hopefully preventative this kind of attack should be worry going into the marathon sunday? >> no, we should not be worried because worry and anxiety now they win, they instilled and anxiety in tomorrow of terror. we do need to stay ever vigilant on the policing we are getting sophisticated focusing on areasch concentration of people airports subways pennsylvania station, is you an area from the security point of view that iment ve am focused on pen station is one of the most -- heavily traveled hubs in the hemisphere. the you have 600,000 people he will through penn station focusing on penn station,ings about airports for the marathon i spoke to the homeland security secretary last night,, federal forces fbi national issue guard nypd, barriers, every precaution that with an be taken, will be taken, but, let's be honest, you can never one hundred percent police against the rental car truck, driving into a crowd situation. but we will do everything that we can. >> governor with let me switch gearss ask about tax reform package you have been vocal on this house republicans delaying rollout of long ayou waited tax bill a day continuing to argue over elements of the plan something that you talked about, the how to treat the state and local tax deduction you tweeted about this the issue, actually and i retweeted it because this is the issue that everybody is talking about, you said, under gop tax reform plan, every regional of new york the will see a tax increase. now the president has called this biggest tax cut in history. >> yeah, maria, their plan is a scam. to use a word. this is a little harsher. >> a scam? >> it is a tax cut plan. will the scam. it is a -- a tax cut plan for some people and for some states. it is basically a tax cut plan for corporations for state like new york state like california, that has state and local taxes it is as tax increase because they have limited deductability state and local taxes that ising complicated so i think trying to usual it through before people really understand what the words mean. it means you can right now deduct state kt income tax local property tact from federal tax then you are taxed just on that reduced amount, that would eliminating deductions that is a tax increase in state of no. >> that is exactly -- >> introo brief? california. >> you are right that is us what we spoke with peter king about what can you do, what can you do to move a needle do you need to take a look at new york spending do you need to take a look at lowering taxes? >> have the i have lowered taxes maria we have lower state income taxes record lower rates my increase spending year-to-year has been lowest in recorded history lower than about republican governors okay? i can't reduce. >> stay right there we want to take a hard break and wekeep go hold on. millions of you are online right now, searching one topic. that will generate over 600 million results. and if you've been diagnosed with cancer, searching for answers like where to treat, can feel even more overwhelming. so start your search with a specialist at cancer treatment centers of america. start with teams of cancer treatment experts under one roof. start where specialists use advanced genomic testing to guide precision cancer treatment... ...that may lead to targeted therapies and more treatment options. start where there's a commitment to analyzing the latest research and conducting clinical trials-to help each patient get the personalized cancer care they deserve. start at one of the cancer treatment centers of america hospitals near you. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. just like the people every business is 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deduction it is. >> the only way not to increase taxes in new york being is to stop the plan. the plan is us diabolical divisive there are 12 states i in this country that pay state and local taxes at highest amount, they all happen to be blue states. i am sure it was a coincidence. trump lost all of those states. they have minority republicans. but it is a tax increase for those states that is why new york we have nine republican congress people seven of nine against it peter king you god breshim sto bless him told the truth raising taxes on new yorkers i do believe there is a political dimension to this, it is exact opposite of what they promised. of them you you -- you raise tags in the new york you put us at a extract rally disadvantage you have a republican party saying going to tax taxes pay it is double taxation this from the party that says i am going to give you a tax reduction. >> would you be about comfortable putting a cap some make over $400,000 you will will not be able to use the deduction but those who make under that level will be able o to use the deduction? boloney maria that is is what you are saying is i am going to tax the rich in new york more. the republican theory ironically has opposed the tax in new york state for seven years, but the republican theory says those rich people will move to a state with lower taxes. >> you have to -- >> i mean to be fair businesses left new york individuals left new york they feel it is too high taxes. >> yes, but maria, this would then accelerate that. and when they leave, that tax burden falls down to the middle class and working families. so they would be raising taxes on middle class new yorkers who are the exact people the president said he was going to the help. the it is a fraud for a republican congressman -- >> this is not going to move you to lower taxes lower spending i know you said you lowered the rate of spending but this is not going to move you to make any changes because stephen mnuchin last week said we need to get federal government out of supindonesiaisu supsubsidizing you are paying more to government he said the federal government is subsidizing new york have and new jersey who is sea. >> is it steven mnuchin treasury secretary, treasury secretary is is treasury secretary steven mnuchin who is as nice new york fellow,s should absolutely look at the numbers before he speaks. the many new york is the number one donor state to the federal government. we send 48 billion dollars to washington that we never get back. >> right. >> i will i will make a deal with the treasury secretary, just give us you a new york money back. okay? have and we will call it will even. we subsidize every other state in the state of new york. every other state in the united states, new york is the number one subdieser for them to say why should they subsidize new york, that is an untrue. it is either an i go norrant statement or did he s deacceptideseput it at disadvantage push that to middle class, that is not how you govern if you hurt new york the hurt california you hurt the economic engines of this nation. >> are you saying a 20% corporate rate down from 35% is not going to move the needle on economic growth in this country? >> you cut corporate tax -- first of all, this is you supposed to be a mailed class tax cut. or i heard different campaign than you did. >> okay. >> second, the magic republican wander is wand we are going to reduce the rate will stimulate economic activity and economic activity will trickle down to the middle class and working families he. trickle down, what a new idea! trickle down on steroids. you have a premise thatsome will suggest you that cutting corporate tax ratepayer will stimulate the economy you have divided opinion on that as you know. but for sure, what this plan will do is raise taxes on the middle class and those states that pay state and local tax deduction, and to tell a republican congressperson, you should vote for a plan, that hurts your constituents, that is what they are doing. >> governor you know. >> this plan will hurt their constituents. >> you sound awfully like a go a i about to put his hat in the ring to run for president are you expecting to face off against donald trump in the 20 20. >> i am not even wearing a hat maria. >> that means. >>. >> put my hat in the ring -- i am running for governor of the state of new york, next year. and i hope all new yorkers including your k viewers vote for me. >> governor thanks for joining us this morning we appreciate it. >> we will see you soon. >> have thanks for having me. >> the governor andrew cuomo there republicans believe they are on track to get tax plan passed by thanksgiving, you heard what governor cuomo said reaction dagen: the problem is not the president trump and the tax plan the problem is governor cuomo, and the high tax rates he is charging new yorkers if new yorkers say tax rates went through roof won't have pro about with with deductions how about saying i am going to cut back on state government spending governor cuomo is the guy who has taken taxpayer money plowed into projects upstate new york, are no jobs created and few jobs maybe that a were created cost unz have of thousand dollars. >> have he said loader rate no rate of spending not lowering spending here,ing this bloat there is fraud corruption in new york. >> it is true -- more money to federal government than get back. >> new york is engine of economic growth give me a break -- >> the job creators in america. >> do you know what those states actually they are many red states in the south are takers not givers, are to his point i can't believe i am saying this but i totally agree with andrew cuomo on one issue these republican congressman from states like alabama, they take more from the federal government than they give in taxes, new york is the opposite of that. >> he does have a record of trying to cut taxes he do he is if you look at -- >> right compared to florida -- >> we will be right back. anything worth pursuing requires knowledge, hard work and a plan. at baird, we approach your wealth management strategy the same way to create a financial plan built to last from generation to generation. we'll listen. we'll talk. we'll plan. baird. hold over $6 trillion homeownin home equity?d above, yet, not enough seniors are taking advantage of this fully insured product to tap into their wealth. it's called a reverse mortgage. if you have at least 50% home equity, and you're 62 or older, you should be on the phone by the end of this commercial to find out how much you could get for your home. a government insured reverse mortgage swaps your mortgage payments for a steady, tax-free source of funds you can use for whatever you want. it's a smart way to eliminate mandatory mortgage payments, improve your home, make a large purchase, or just spoil your grandkids. the 2012 fha stabilization act completely reinvented reverse mortgages, turning them 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find out how much you could receive for retirement. lendingtree. when banks compete, you win. >> welcome back technology sector about focus on wall street facebook gearing up for earnings after the bell apple to report tomorrow joining us right now host of "varney & company" stuart varney stocks on fire going into this. >> amazing i think the market is telling us, that they expect another blowout performance this time from apple and facebook after the close of trading today, look, are, 30, 40 minutes from now, the market opens, i think you will see apple go to 70 dollars a share new high you and -- 170, facebook to 182 they don't disappoint 4:00ing when we get numbers if in line with big tech companies will low blow out reports i think you see apple go above 170 facebook towards 185 may be 190, against on turning in a blowout performance. they have got one thing going for them, this morning, before we hear those reports, and that is that according to paul ryan we are going to get an immediate 20% tax rate for big corporations will be immediate not phased in particularlying attracted to the very high profit margin progressiveabiliprogressivfitab they have got a lot going i examine records for apple facebook. >> if they put in face-to-faced in corporate tax rate cut would have been insane if not a 20% until will 2022 ways point of a tax cut plan. >> absolutely. no question about it. we're when that report came out this week that maybe about phased in over five years, that is why the market took a dive. >> right. >> because immediately reeks you can't do that the market came back up again ryan says 20% immediate you are going to get. >> it thank you for that apparently leaving highest rate 31.6% see what that means details tomorrow, thank you so much see you 10 minutes more on that "varney & company" top of the hour after "mornings with maria" join stuart 9:00 a.m. trouble for tesla electricity automaker at crossroads ahead of earnings report after the bell a lot more from all-star panel. stay with us. ♪ at lincoln financial, we get there are some responsibilities of love you gotta do on your own. and some you shouldn't have to shoulder alone. like ensuring your family is protected, today and tomorrow, no matter what the future brings. see how life insurance from lincoln can help start protecting your family's financial future now, at whentertaining us,es getting us back on track,hing? and finding us dates. phones really have changed. so why hasn't the way we pay for them? introducing xfinity mobile. you only pay for data and can easily switch between pay per gig and unlimited. no one else lets you do that. see how much you can save. choose by the gig or unlimited. xfinity mobile. a new kind of network designed to save you money. call, visit or go to maria: welcome back yeo microsoft, google apple condemning terrorist attack in new york city cheryl casone with that. cheryl: maria, microsoft ceo and google ceo calling the attack by 29-year-old erode man from uzbekistan horrific act of violence tim cook weighing in saying cigarette tonight hearts with victims of families all people of new york, our hearts and thoughts with victimizing he loved ones all in new york city impacted by horrific act of violence uber effort to secure a multibillion-dollar investment by softbank apparently in general over a spat about cofounder's role says he at us he would have with board members over limits of power doesn't have majority voting power other do his approval of any final day softbank certainly could be valued ten billion dollars to watch on this news investors gearing up for earnings from from closely followed technology companies facebook releasing results after bell expecting nearly 10 billion in revenue facebook all-time highs premarket up almost 1%, also we are going to hear from tesla after the close analysts looking for company to report third quarter loss, servers expected to being low past that always seem to production numbers for tesla all-important models stocking soaring 50% higher-than-expected ahead of opening bell more a quarter%, this there is you going to be -- a game seven in the world series, dodgers surviving he do or die situation to be the verlander since he joined are astros won 3-2, game seven tonight 8:00 pm eastern watch on fox, those are headlines. maria: thank you, coming up final thought from if all-star panel stay with us back in a minute. 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Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20171101 :

Transcripts For FBC Mornings With Maria Bartiromo 20171101

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armed with a paintball gun. he was shot by police. he was in critical condition at a local hospital. investigators found a note in a truck pledging loyalty to isis. bill deblasio said despite the attack, terrorism will not end. >> we know that this action was intended to break our spirit. that new yorkers are strong, resilient and our spirit will never be moved by an act of violence to intimidate us. >> he treated this. i just ordered homeland security to step up our other programs. the latest from the scene coming up this morning. markets this morning are rallying to the dow jones industrial average of the morning of better than 100 points. it has been delayed until tomorrow. european indices this morning moving into equities. dax index up one and two thirds%. stocks ended higher. the shanghai composite nikkei average of almost 2% overnight in the hang seng up one and a quarter%. kospi and three up one and a 3%. tax reform delayed for a day. lawmakers putting off plans to unveil their highly anticipated plans for tomorrow after failing to finalize changes. details still coming out. legislation will not cut the rate for the highest earners. it will also drop the corporate rate to 20%. the issues around the delay has to do with the state and local income tax. breaking down all the details on the plan. mueller's investigation, special counsel and director coming as newly indicted paul manafort and rick gave labeled as flight risks. the latest on the investigation russian interference coming out. the big story today supporting this morning your group on nsa latter "after the bell" we hear from several news of facebook, tesla, qualcomm. that will certainly set the tone for tomorrow. stories come out in june to talk about it, dagen mcdowell, homeland security director michael dell bonnie is here in "the wall street journal" editorial number, fox news contributor mary kasai. thank you for joining us. >> it was barcelona and london bridge, stockholm this year in terms of terror attacks with vehicles last year. it was nice, france, also a chairman christmas market in berlin. so now this type of terrorism has come to new york city. maria: is this the type of terrorism we should get used to? a couple months ago or two years ago isis came out with a magazine instead drive cars into big crowds. >> we did have the attack on ohio state were individual drove a car into a group of people and got out with a knife. without that type of attack beforehand. these are the first terrorism related deaths in the state of new york since 9/11. is this again the target? are we now sitting at a time where they take the battle to us of course what they've discovered is this is a very cheap in effect display of causing mayhem. very hard to dissuade them to start. >> just really quickly, one thing i'll point out in terms of where this attack happened. right-wingers have been you can always hear the police act kennedy in her heart is new yorkers would wager that kind of police activity we knew something awful it happened being here on 9/11. this truck drove from pier 44-mile without being stopped. once you get access to this bike path, it is wide open. it's hard to get on this bike path. there is a race curve to keep traffic from accessing this bike path. this individual clearly knew what he was doing that he accessed around here 40 and drove south border was finally stopped by the school bus. >> clearly some level of preparation. we should never get used to these terror attacks. unfortunately in a democracy like america we don't want to live in a police state. there are soft targets here, buried difficult to defend. one thing the n.y.p.d. has done very well as talk to muslim communities in new york, new jersey. you want people to report when you see friends and family it's getting radicalized. very difficult to defend against this type of attack. >> let's recap. guests on the subject right now. terrorism struck new york city yesterday. eight people killed at least a dozen others wounded when a truck mowed down pedestrians on a bike path in lower manhattan yesterday afternoon just after 3:00 p.m. eastern. drivers identified as 29-year-old who came to the u.s. from uzbekistan in 2010. he had been living most recently in new jersey and he is working as an uber driver for the past six months. officials say he shot i got a screen in arabic when he got out holding a paintball gun pellet gun before he was shot as a police officer. today he's recovering at a local hospital. assistant direct your the counterterrorism division. thanks very much for wayne and this morning. the suspect to survive many investigators will get a chance to question him about a motive. officials are saying he's a lone wolf. to be alone won't suggest there is no connection to anybody else but we know he left a note pledging allegiance to isis. how do you see this? >> that's a good point. the lone wolf term has been broadly accused and i would not necessarily look at him. i think of someone who really had very little social contact with people. in the middle of the mountains for years. maria: i keep thinking this is not a lone wolf. this is isis. >> anytime now it seems as if the person is a mail and they go out and they are either with one other person or they are allowed and all of the sudden they are in lone wolf. when you're married, have had kids, grow friend have a job you for retired from, those are not in my opinion in lone wolf. those are people who existed in non-relationships with people. that's not what we are necessarily looking for. even all that much more concerning. more and more people are getting into those patterns at all that's important because it he missed the indicators of intelligent people who look for her. maria: waveguide michael bodoni here. we won the last a lot of questions on the panel. tell us what investigators are looking at right now. what is the path they are following in terms of finding more information in terms of his connection and whether there is a wide wider plot that he doesn't see evidence that there was a wider plot. >> first of all, so great the new york city police department did the job they did because you have this president in custody. they didn't know who it was. you've got a great start. not only across the united states in tampa and over in new jersey and new york, but it will also be international in scope. it will cover just about every phase, investigated the national security lies. all of those facets have to come into play. overseas, that the fbi, all kinds of information about him because almost simultaneously yesterday as he was carted off to the hospital, you have believed coming to hundreds of places to find out everything there is to know about this person not only after the last few days in the last few months, but the last 10 years certainly since 2010 when he came over here. we find out he comes from uzbekistan and i'll be curious to get michael's opinion on this, but 17 years ago a company director freedom that was a big concern then because he's coming over here as a result of our immigration policy. nothing really changes and that's the frustration. >> as you know what the istanbul airport attack that was also a an individual from uzbekistan. the security community has been bracing it felt for what happens after isis loses its physical caliphate and whether this is in fact a digital caliphate coming here. the radicalization online and whether you take a look at orlando or a chelsea bombing at the boston marathon or san bernardino, what do you think is now happening in terms of radicalization within the united states? and they've become for this age group of people and the than the age group can change. and as they crumble and don't have a fortress there in the middle of iraq they still have tremendous influence all over the world. many years ago at any particular point in time, but now we can literally have people coming to the united states from anywhere, from africa, south america coming from europe in any of those people could be a potential problem because that population are really becoming warriors in a sense against america. there's authoritarianism, marxism, to all of this. if you think back to 9/11 and a couple years later was the 9/11 commission issued its report. i read it and i thought it was right on. the two major issues compared to major strategic threat to america will going into the future will be iran and all that goes with that in the islamic fundamentalists. that's exactly where we are. remember that was a nonpartisan report a nonpartisan group that put all that together. train to thank you so much. we appreciate you weighed in this morning. live right now, garrett tenney on the ground in lower manhattan has the latest this morning. garrett, over to you. reporter: right now pouring into the background of sayfullo saipov, surely not his profile, who has been in contact with since it came to the country in 2010 from his home country of his pakistan. they did a number searches that location stories known to and including his home in paterson, new jersey where he is believed to have lived this wife and two children. he also lived in the tampa, florida location at an apartment complex where he's looking for anyone to use to know him. one friend who did know him that spoke to us told us that he knew him as a very likable guy, very friendly, and described him as happy-go-lucky others describe him is very hard-working, someone who would go to work, come home and go to work next day, not someone who would party a lot. officials told "the associated press" when he came to the country that he was in ohio and he worked as a commercial truck driver. he registered at least two truck driving businesses there. looking for his e-mails text messages, browsing history essays always been contact with any history or connection of him looking up propaganda messages from isis and other islamic state outlets. we also no criminal history. an arrest in 21748 ticket. they are digging deep because becoming happy-go-lucky, something changed enough that they are trying to determine tuesday what happened. maria: will keep coming back to you as things develop. garrett tenney. the state and local tax reduction on the key issues because house republicans postponing the release of the tax reform plan by one day. we will talk about that right after this short break. stay with us. to central new york. and turning the airport into a first-class transportation hub. all while growing urban areas into vibrant places to live and work. across new york state, we're building the new new york. to grow your business with us in new york state, visit and i'm the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it's great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i've got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything's pretty much done. it's so much easier so now, we're ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free. i enjoy the fresher things in life.o. fresh towels. fresh soaps. and of course, tripadvisor's freshest, lowest... ...prices. so if you're anything like me...'ll want to check tripadvisor. we now instantly compare prices... ...from over 200 booking sites... find you the lowest price... ...on the hotel you want. go on, try something fresh. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. you'dreamt about it, it, maybe you should just go ahead and do it. we're legalzoom, and we've helped over a million people just like you start their own businesses. legalzoom. legal help is here. when it might be time to buy or sell? with fidelity's real-time analytics, you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today. maria: total for tax reform. house republicans have delayed the unveiling of the tax reform bill until tomorrow. reports that the gop plan will preserve a top individual tax rate of 39.6%. during this does make him as ceo and chairman of favre's international wednesday. thanks for joining us. what you make of the delay this morning? bruce of us have a peanut today. now we get it tomorrow. >> it's a difficult and ambitious schedule to say the least but we better get it right. the middle-class country hasn't had a salary increase for years and we are taxing the daylights out of these people small businesses which can double in size this they have access to capital and a decent tax torture. we can create jobs in i think it is important we devised the tax code. we've got to get the middle-class more money because that's going to generate jobs at small businesses will get smarter and better budget is an ambitious schedule. we get or get it right. traded to what you mean get it right? does getting it right manual is the top-rated 39.6%? bringing the highest earners and pay higher taxes? is getting it right get bullied in terms of not reversing the estate tax? the trump administration is mimicking what the democrats are saying, which is playing class warfare. somehow it's bad to get rich in america and we can't cut the taxes and the people employing other americans that that is bad. there's talk of a corporate tax cuts phased in. that is bad. i think what you're seeing on capitol hill as republicans are losing it. what is the point of doing this kind is all you do -- cutting the corporate tax rate, yes that's fine. if you are phasing it in, not doing other things to promote growth, trump might not get a second term to get a second bite at the sample. all they care about is some kind of magical budget dollars over 10 years that may or may not happen. they should set that aside, go big. maria: what happens to the troubled time economics? dagen: republicans deserve to be lambasted until we're blue in the face for not having macs together. they have had years. this is the moment they've been waiting for. train to new york, connecticut, new jersey. are you shocked by that? maria: they have been shamed into body than regurgitating. >> you guys on the editorial page of a site to the likes of marco rubio in mike lee. this is a form of welfare through the tax code. it is income redistribution that would potentially cost $1.5 trillion. seemed like he wants to stand up and say i gave sent to parents of america. >> of your against us you hate children and that is to leave. >> the biggest problem is they don't have that message. bring them back to the united states if you grow the economy. with the message for the american people. train to stay right there. we will be right back. i accept i don't bike as far as i used to. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but no matter where i ride, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i'm still going for my best. and for eliquis. ask your doctor about eliquis. ♪ whentertaining us,es getting us back on track,hing? and finding us dates. phones really have changed. so why hasn't the way we pay for them? introducing xfinity mobile. you only pay for data and can easily switch between pay per gig and unlimited. no one else lets you do that. see how much you can save. choose by the gig or unlimited. xfinity mobile. a new kind of network designed to save you money. call, visit or go to maria: back with former amounts ceo ed renzi. looking worm on the tax issue. 25% of people who answered this poll are calling the trump tax plan a good idea according to the new "wall street journal" poll. 35% say good idea. 40% no opinion. people don't understand the details. what do you make of these numbers? >> the american people are turning out anything anybody says that the federal level and most a-levels. the arguments back and forth or childish. they say how are we going to pay for this? they haven't worried about paying for anything the last 20 years. the deficits out of control. it's a bunch of noise. get yourselves in gear and start worrying about the middle-class creating jobs. we have a cancer in this country called the federal deficit and spending is out of control. i listened to schumer stand at the podium, put his glasses down at his notes. he is so sanctimonious. he talks down to everybody. the american people are fed up with it, checking out. leave me alone. i don't want to be a part of a period where the cancer attacking us. an internal cancer with their politicians who only want to get it. they are not doing their jobs. train to your channel and with so many people are channeling. yesterday you heard from lobbyists around the state and local deduction. at some point, republicans need to come out and cut taxes. do it already. >> the republicans are a bunch of cowards because they are afraid they're not going to get good if they don't do the right and proper thing. eight years that they just need the house, the senate to fix all these problems. they are lazy. they need to go to work. maria: they're actually not republicans. the republicans under a different name. >> they do not represent the people. they represent themselves. they are greedy and all they want to do is get reelected and have their cushy life. maria: i don't know that they are greedy. the bottom line -- >> why don't they participate in obamacare like the rest of us if they are not greedy? take care of themselves first. train to you mean senators? >> all of the above. >> republicans like paul ryan care about process. good policies here. and then you have played higgins died, get off the process. big differences in terms of increasing the deficit. you can increase the deficit with welfare programs, entitlement programs that are fraud ridden or you can temporarily increase the deficit with a massive tax cut that will spur growth and prosperity of eventually be paid for as companies start to invest and expand. train to where all of these deficit hawks in the last eight years as president obama doubled the debt from 10 trillion to 20 trillion. where were they then? >> that's a great point. nobody should miss the fact that they don't deliver having both houses of congress, it is going to be a disaster. dagen: if these guys really cared about the deficit they would've passed health care reform which was a massive entitlement reform and a major spending reform. train to what the answer? what is going on? trade do go, ed. >> you guys sitting at the table could go into room and read a better tax plan because you've got, and cents. maria: thank you. >> most other republicans want a bigger tax plan. we should shame them. marco rubio, mike lee, ivanka trump. they just want to spend money. they don't want to give us a break. train to this is obviously one of the major stories of the day. that delay until tomorrow. i assume will have it tomorrow because the president is leaving for asia before he leaves on the trip. ed renzi, thank you. fired up this morning. thank you so much. new documents showing why the farmer campaign officials called manafort and brake kits are flight risks. cheryl casone with that. >> paul manafort enriquez are facing 188 and 15 in prison respectively paired robert mueller's office says that establishes them as potential flight risks. both were charged with financial kinds of the russian investigation on monday. both pleaded not till two. robert mueller team wants to interview president trump communication direct your whole pay. they will face the team after her trip to asia with the president. white house aides are also said to be on mueller's radar. while executives from facebook, twitter and google apologized to congress for the role in political tension during the presidential campaign? why they didn't discover russia linked accounts. >> americans political ads in russian mining, how could you not connect those two guys? people are buying ads on your platform with the rules. they are political ads. google has all knowledge underdeveloped. you can't put together the rules of a political ads and go from, those two data boys spell out something bad. >> executives promised to take more responsibility for policing political content in the future. investors "after the bell" today speck team $10 billion in revenue. facebook trading at an all-time high gaining ground almost 155%. we'll also hear from test but after the expected to look past that to get production numbers for tesla very important model 3. stock is soaring of 50% this year ahead of the opening bell, maria. maria: coming up next, horrific attack in new york city yesterday, a man mowes down pedestrians in what authorities are calling terrorism act as well as a delay in the tax plan, stay with us. i'm a concrete mason. i had severe fatigue, went to a doctor. became diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma. i had to put my trust in somebody. we recommended chemotherapy, and then a stem cell transplant. when his disease progressed, i thought that he would be a good candidate for immune therapy to unleash his immune system against the cancer. i'm back to working hard. i've honestly have never felt this great. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. maria: welcome back, good wednesday morning, thank you so much for joining us in a busy morning, i'm maria bartiromo, it is wednesday november 1st, top stories right now 6:30 a.m. on the east coast. terrorism in downtown new york city. 8 people are dead this morning, a dozen others injured after a terrorist in a rental truck plowed through a busy bike path in downtown. >> scheduled. be advised. [inaudible] >> mass casualty situation here. maria: rampage ending near ground zero. screaming god is great in arabic. >> i want to commend the response for nypd officer who was on post who stopped the carnage moments that it began. maria: authorities are searching more clues into this isis-inspired attack if two locations in new jersey there. they are searching right now. andrew cuomo and peter king will weigh in this morning, they will join us coming up. dow industrials expected to be better than 100 despite that the tax plan will be delayed by a day. s&p 500 and nasdaq are also in positive territory. earnings driving the story. higher across the board, dax index, up 1 and a half percent in germany, 200 points higher. in asia overnight stocks closed higher, best performer was japan. nikkei average almost 2%. a parent holding a teacher hostage for several hours before being killed by police. the details coming up. the teacher is safe, we will tell you about all of that. major outage, messaging service was down for several hours. model 3 production delays a legal problem for tesla, new lawsuit ahead of the company's earnings report. the names reporting this morning, groupon and lauder. the go decides to delay and will issue on thursday, a lot of issues surrounding state and local income taxes that gop wants to eliminate. first to scene of deadly attack, tracee carrasco in lower manhattan this morning near the scene, tracee, good morning to you. tracee: good morning, maria, yes, we are about a block away from where deadly rampage unfolded. behind me you can see that the investigation is ongoing and has been going on throughout the night, there are flashing police lights and just beyond that is the rented home depot truck that 29-year-old suspect used to carry out this deadly attack along the west side highway, that popular bike path that so many people use, he traveled about a mile down that path mowing down eight people, killing them, injuring about 11 others. the suspect was shot by nypd officer in the abdomen. all of them unfolded just a few feet from memorial. here is what mayor de blasio had to say about attacks. >> we have been tested before and new yorkers do not give in in the face of these kind of actions, we will respond as we always do, we will be undeterred. tracee: so here is what we are learning about the suspect this morning, he's in critical condition but expected to survive. he was holding fake guns and there were two notes written in arabic pledging loyalty to isis found in and near the truck. he has florida driver's license and was recently living in new jersey, he came to the u.s. legally from uzbekistan and was an uber driver and he did pass a background this morning, the company telling us, quote, we are horrified by this senseless act of violence, our hearts are with the victims and families, we have reached out to law enforcement to provide full assistance. there's an nypd briefing this morning at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. we are expecting to get more information, for now that's the latest here in lower manhattan. i will send it back to you. maria: tracee casual -- carrasco in lower manhattan this morning. the suspect left a note pledging allegiance to isis. a lone-wolf attack with no wider plot, however, nypd had new jersey mosque under surveillance for butting terrorist conspiracy. michael shed light on the investigation on special report with bret baier. >> sort of predicting that this may happen, so -- >> a picture of a cell phone in this area where this attack happened to do? >> with isis logo on it. investigators are looking into the photo, it was posted on the website of isis in august, and so that's something that investigators are looking at right now in terms of are there other people involved. maria: joining us right now is this, the man who killed osama bin laden, former navy seal rob o'neil. >> good morning, maria. maria: i have a problem calling it a lone wolf. do you really think he set this up himself and there's no connection? i'm not going to call this a lone wolf anymore. >> how many lone wolfs do we have before it's not lone anymore. this guy had hallmark of isis attack that they had online. get a vehicle, have isis flag or depiction, leave a note saying this is for isis, have a nice, so when you get out and martyr yourself which he had the fake guns. he won't hurt anyone severely with a bb gun but he it's every hallmark, this is what they are going to do. this is what isis is calling for and now that the islamic state is pretty much gone in syria, the problem is now the foreign fighters are going to go back and the other people that want to e veng what happened to isis, the islamic state that they thought they had. maria: he had a pelate gun. >> it'll be interesting to find out what the friends knew and what the family knew, if he had connections with terrorists overseas, had he been surveilled in the past. >> they should are people of mosque in new jersey. maria: i think they are. >> they have been for a while. when you get major de blasio, now we will continue to be vigilant, why weren't we vigilant? it's not if you see something, say something, if you see something, make sure that you're politically correct. >> ly ask you what an acquaintance of mine who spent years trying to get the green card in this country, he asked me this morning, he's from colombia, why was this man in this country on a green card. why was it easy for him -- >> because of random of getting green cards. based on different cultures. something. >> we don't know when he was radicalized. he could have been radicalized within the last year. what i want to know is was he on anybody's radar screen prior to attack f he wasn't, he's sitting in the basement with getting radicalized with the flickering screen of the computer, that's really concerning. maria: that's how you think he got radicalized. >> we don't know that. >> you have seen a lot of investigations and how difficult is it for us to respond in terms of an urban center and preventing these -- >> it's extremely difficult. but this is where one of my points we bring up, we are not going win the war with bomb and bullets, we need help from the vast majority of muslims and they don't like the religion being drug in the mud by fanatics. there are people who said he never said good morning, he never wanted picture taken. these are certain things, what is going on with this guy? >> commit these attacks and turn people on the muslim communities within the united states. >> if they can split them up, they did that in iraq to us when we invaded. started isis in iraq so he can start killing shiite, we are in the middle of it. this is what they tell us what they are going to do. we are going to need help from the muslim community, no doubt about it. check out mosque and find out who he spent time, talk to his family, how many trips did he make or did he go to syria, we fought these people in afghanistan and when returning to foreign fighters, we know we are dealing with serious people. they have the islamic movement which did pledge allig reins to isis. dagen: 88% muslim, that country. >> that's not the middle east, that's asia. it's one of those thing where it's not a war against arabs, radical islam wherever it is. maria: you think this is going to happen again? >> yeah, no doubt about it. maria: rob o'neil joining us there. the messaging app affected 9 million users, stay with us. adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. there. i can also help with this. does your bed do that? 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[vo] progress is an unstoppable force. the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. maria: welcome back, delays in rolling out the tesla model 3 for one to lawyer up. improperly hid information from investors. tesla set to report earnings, report a loss of 2.26 a rare, $2.95 million. rebecca, good to see you. what do you think of the tesla story, check us status tesla, the rest of the market? >> they have a long way to go to getting production up where it needs to be. they have a backlog of 450,000 depositors, it's going to take them a long time to work through that and people are going to get impatient. >> isn't that a good problem to have. don't most businesses want to have that demand. >> this is a wonderful problem to have but people are going to get impatient. there's only so long you want to wait. i think i'm like 350,000 in the depositors, so at current rate that's years. maria: you have to get a car before a year. >> that's the interesting thing s this actually holding back some people from buying a car right now. is this having a negative effect on car sales which you're doing really well, 17 million units but those 450,000 people are in the car market right now while they wait. dagen: the opportunity for every other car manufacturer because vehicles even again those hot-selling pickup trucks, they are so much more fuel efficient, they still have internal combustion i think and get great fuel economy. >> thank you, i got out of ashton martin -- [laughter] >> 23 miles per gallon. it was unbelievable. [laughter] maria: i love it. >> tesla still isn't making money. i'm still paying as u.s. taxpayer for tesla. when are we going to get them off of that. dagen: we are all paying, if you run a car on a fuel, tesla drivers don't pay the gas tax to basically fix the roads in this country, so there's a double whammy. >> we can talk about regulation and electric vehicle demand because it's only about 1% of new car sales globally are electric vehicles and that's about the same in the u.s. and on kelly blue book, only 3 to 4% that come to our site every month even investigate an electric vehicle. >> it's expensive car, right? >> the model 3 is supposed to be in that $35 base range. that's what it's supposed to solve, getting the electric vehicles mainstreamed. >> part of the problem is they haven't been able to built the infrastructure to plug in anywhere they go. >> maybe you can raise my taxes. good idea. [laughter] >> we haven't built a high-speed infrastructure but you can plug in your own garage. maria: what's your favorite car right now, give us your best car? >> did i mention ashton martin? every day i look for porsche. maria: nice. >> i came back and i was like who holy cow, what happened to mercedes. [laughter] maria: thank you so much. we will be right back my name is jeff sheldon, and i'm the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it's great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i've got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything's pretty much done. it's so much easier so now, we're ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free. when it might be time to buy or sell? with fidelity's real-time analytics, you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today. maria: welcome back, good wednesday morning, thank you so much for joining us, i'm maria bartiromo, it is wednesday november 1st, top stories right now 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. eight people are dead this morning, a dozen others injured after a man plowed a truck on manhattan's lower west side. >> oh, my god. hey, i need -- can you call 9-1-1. i've got -- oh, my god. oh, my god! i need an ambulance right here. right here. come on. there's a kid right there. maria: the suspect has been identified, 29-year-old who was originally from uzbekistan and shouted ach exiting the vehicle armed with paint gun and investigators found a note in the truck pledging loyalty to isis, nueva york governor andrew cuomo vowed the attack terrorism will not win. >> new york is an international symbol of freedom and democracy and we are proud of it, that also makes us a target. we have lived with this before, we felt the pain before, we feel the pain today, but we go forward, we are not going to let them win. maria: very latest from the scene coming up this morning. tax reform is being delayed by a day. lawmakers putting off their plans to unveil their highly-anticipated legislation until tomorrow after failing to finalize last-minute changes. one of the key issues state and local tax deduction elimination. ly speak with governor cuomo and senator king. that has the dow jones industrial average up 128 points. the high of the morning right here. nasdaq up 25 points, one half of 1%. in europe similar stories with best performer in germany, 214 points right now, one and two-thirds percent. stocks closed higher with best performer in japan. nikkei average up 2% overnight. robert mueller says newly indicted paul manafort and rick gates pose a serious threat to fleeing the country. latest into potential russian interference coming up. top names reporting this morning, estee lauder, topped expectations, after the bell tonight we will hear from technology, facebook, tesla and qualcomm all on the docket after the close tonight. backlash for best buy meanwhile while the retailer is stocking sales of iphone x after customers complained overpricing. all the stories joining me to talk about it fox business dagen mcdowell, homeland security director michael and the wall street journal editorial fox news contributor mary, great to see you. thank you so much for being here, everybody. i want to talk to you at as opposed to point about the fusion gps and dossier, you worked so hard on that story and in the last two weeks we found out. i want to get with you at some point today. >> it's a big story and the media is largely missing where the so-called collusion is happening, not on the republican side, i think the big story is on the democratic side. maria: tax reform delay is the other major story but we want to start here, terrorism in new york city, eight people have been killed, at least a dozen others were injured when a truck plowed through pedestrians on a bike path in lower manhattan afternoon. happened 3:00 p.m. eastern. garrett, the -- >> one of the questions is to determine whether the terrorist was inspired, they found two handwritten notes, one in the vehicle and one outside in the vehicle pledging loyalty to isis and while isis has not claimed responsibility overnight our own katherine is reporting that several isis accounts are plotting the attack online using the #the slap of terrorism. so investigators are really pouring into the background, last night the fbi searched home in patterson, new jersey where he lived with wife and two children. previously he lived in the tampa, florida area as well as in ohio where he worked as truck driver. we spoke to a friend of his from when he lived in florida and they described him a couple of years as having been a very friendly, kind guy, a very hope go lucky as they described it, something changed over the last couple of years, he doesn't appear to have any real criminal history of any meaning other than an arrest last year in missouri but that was because of unpaid traffic ticket essentially, at this point not sure if he was on law enforcement radar, but an official told wall street journal that an associate of his was and is known to authorities, they wouldn't elaborate anymore than that. investigators will hopefully get a chance to question the attackers soon because he's out of surgery, surviving gun wounds and expect today recover, maria. maria: garrett tenney with the very latest. former army intelligence officer andrew peek, gentlemen, it is good to see you both. thank you so much for joining us this morning, guys, fred, let me kick this off with you, the suspect was married with children just like the san bernardino shooter, what do you make of attacks and similarities here, what should we be taking out from this? >> maria, good to be here, we have to acknowledge the threat. the threat is not violent exterrorism, it's not terrorism but radical islam that's at war with modern society. we have to sweep away the political correct innocence the news media promoted by the obama administration and focus on this and get the american public to -- to report, see something, say something, is really the best deches against these possible attacks. it's impossible for us to guard every inch of a city like new york. we need the public's help. maria: andrew, how do you see this, obviously this is terrorism. >> this is terrorism. you know, i think unlike the las vegas shooter of a few weeks ago the motive is very clear. i agree with fred largely, the biggest untold story in this is it could have been much worse, the carry -- the suspect carried rubber weapons, fake weapons like a pellet gun meant that he meant to take hostages, that's the only reason you take these weapons, the take away for me the nypd did a great job. dagen: andrew, i will point out that the time of day was critical here. that's why there weren't more deaths, this terrorist drove this rented flat bed truck for a mile, a mile heading south on the bike path adjacent to the west side highway and it was a time of day where it was largely we have seen the victims who were killed, they were tourists out riding vehicles, this is a time of day where you don't have a lot of new yorkers out to and from work out pushing children in baby carriages. maria: on halloween. dagen: kids weren't out there yet trick or treating, some of this was luck that there weren't more victims. >> i think that's true. i would point out that a lot of new yorkers point out in the afternoon. the evening is the time when people go to job, west side, i think really the tactical circumstance in the time of day, i think there's truth to that, but really the luck factor is very large overall. dagen: let me point one thing out, though, this is an area -- it's a pier 40 is where people were hit by the vehicle and attack ended in high school roughly a mile south, the area, that area, there is an entire separate pedestrian park running path over on the water that's -- no, that's why he was on the bike path and not the actual pedestrian path, so that's one other reason why more people weren't injured. >> gentlemen, weigh in on the targeting here, so we have a guy who is in home depot in new jersey, he drives now to manhattan and looks for this spot, what does that say to you -- maria: why that spot? was he meaning to attack the bus, what can you glen from the circumstances of this attack as to what motivation is in terms of targeting? >> you know, it wouldn't surprise me if this was specifically target to find a site near the world trade center. we know isis is facing tactic, smaller terrorist attacks like this that are harder to stop that use basically devices that are not weapons, that are basically -- we can't outlaw everybody trying to reserve a truck and, you know, the possibility of all these attacks succeed asking low but they don't have to have many of them to succeed, to get a major perfect relations bananza. maria: thank you very much for weighing in on the story this morning. they will join us along with fox news senior judicial analysts judge andrew napolitano, we will talk about the terrorism with the governor and the congressman as well as the tax story. peter king has been pushing back aggressively against the so-called salt, local, state deduction. what house ways and means committee kevin brady said about that process next. mueller argues manafort and gates are flight risk after the two were indicted. coming up. maria: welcome back, now this, postponed tax prose posal as details are getting ironed out. the republican house members are working hard and late for massive tax cuts that they know you deserve. this will be the biggest ever, let's talk about this, mary, key hold up, what's your take on this? >> i don't see why taxpayers across america should subsidize tax--- we should get a break just like everybody else? republicans need to focus on growth, they need to streamline the tax plan, bring down rates, bring back from overseas and this is part of the simplification, republicans on capitol hill are also focused on balancing the budget over long-term, they are going to say that's why this is necessary. maria, really, i think there's another incentive here, in the long run, if you don't take deductions, people in new york, new jersey, california, they're going to feel the burden of their state and local taxes and they'll be pressure, political pressure on them to lower them. that's just as important. maria: they are looking for ways to pay for this, that's part of the delays, as the details come out the journal is reporting that the top individual rate currently 39.6 for highest earners will stay and that delays the plan -- the plan repeal of the estate tax. we know the senate was pushing back on the estate tax, it looked like those senators have won on that. >> we talked about this. we lack a message. what is this budget? progrowth -- maria: it's supposed to be about growth, like mary said. >> what are the factors, we are talking about tax cuts, if we really go from 35% to 20% in terms of corporate tax rate, that's going to be huge. why aren't we focusing on that issue? as long as the budget stays out there, you will have everybody pick a part and muddles the whole message. dagen: can i say one thing, though, i'm so sick -- and this goes straight to president trump quite frankly, i'm cutting taxes on the middle class. listen, half of this country pays no net federal income tax, so you're not actually cutting taxes for people, it's called -- it's called wealth redistribution. maria: they want to cut taxes on people who don't pay taxes. dagen: 40% of people when asked about the gop tax plan said they were uncertain. it's not -- it's not a surprise because 40% of people in this country actually get net money back from the federal government, not only do they not pay any federal income tax, they actually get a kickback, they get basically a -- they get tax money back that they never even put into the system. >> i think it's also important to distinguish between tax reform which is what republicans said that they wanted and tax cuts and i think republicans are moving toward a big corporate tax cut, that is good if they do it immediately, by the way, not if they faze it in. maria: who is going to invest if you will get the rate till 2022? >> nobody, because you might get a president elizabeth warren. forget it. we can't afford that and good-bye tax cut. maria: they wouldn't do that. i would be hard-pressed they would do the faze-in. >> i thought they were going to repeal and replace obamacare. look, they have the majority of both houses, they have the white house, this is the opportunity for major tax reform and i think we are seeing a real lack of courage on behalf of the republicans. dagen: and another exclamation point proving that the handling of this by the gop leadership is a complete mess is the fact that they spring the idea as revenue raiser of completely taking a hatchet to the 401(k) system in the country when you really want to upset the stock market, you want to upset people how they save and they throw that in at the last minute, if they were going to do that they should have started messaging it months ago if not years ago. maria: not only that but it's not significant revenue relative to like the state and local is suppose today get 1.3 trillion. that 401(k), $260 billion in terms -- they are scrapping -- dagen: over ten years, it's a little more about a quarter of trillion dollars over a ten-year period. instead you have marco rubio and mike lee who want to double the child tax credit which, by the way, would cost a trillion and a half dollars over ten years. the journal points out today that that's enough to cut corporate taxes by 15 percentage points. >> thanks, ivanka. she's the one nagging that. dagen: president trump said in wall street journal pages, my friends that are rich say they're willing to pay more in taxes. maria: he brings up robert kraft. not everybody is robert kraft. i'm talking to people that make 300,000, 400,000. >> the only people that feel guilty is the ultra rich like president trump. they aspire to be rich. that's the message that we should be sending. maria: ending up making money and actually achieving success. why are we punishing that now? dagen: i don't know and i think that i will call president trump out on this, the language he's using, what he has said, my rich friends don't mind paying more taxes, we need to cut tacks on the middle-class, he's giving gop leadership cover for essentially keeping taxes high on wealthier americans and actually raising them. >> it's going to hurt growth and growth aspect of the plan and whose votes are they going to get because democrats aren't going to vote? maria: by the way, who is the middle class? let's talk about because we have no idea what the brackets are. that's the problem. he's not identifying who least referring to as middle class, when you look at the numbers, almost 50% are not paying any tax. >> at tend to have day, americans want to know when this is passed how does it affect us. those details are missing and therefore you have such weak support finish tax cuts. maria: yeah. we will take a break, when we come back we are all fired up this morning, obamacare open enrollment begins today, then there's that. more americans would blame republicans for higher health care costs now. we break down that survey next. best buy stops sales of iphone x after retailer charged $100 extra for the device. backlash back in a moment whoooo. i enjoy the fresher things in life. fresh towels. fresh soaps. and of course, tripadvisor's freshest, lowest... ...prices. so if you're anything like me...'ll want to check tripadvisor. we now instantly compare prices... ...from over 200 booking sites... find you the lowest price... ...on the hotel you want. go on, try something fresh. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. this is not a cloud. this is a tomato tracked from farm to table on a blockchain, helping keep shoppers safe. this is a financial 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tillerson said he would continue diplomatic efforts until the first bomb drops and all this comes as the state departments considers north korea as state responsor of terrorism. president trump plans to visit south korea next week as part of asia tour, the white house say it is president will not visit the dmz. well, open enrollment for obamacare starts today. american who is don't get health insurance through job or government program will have until december 15th to apply for much of the country but they face higher premiums for coverage. president trump is due to sign an executive order tomorrow that calls for federal agencies to provide relief to unsubsidized obamacare customers, but help won't come in time for this year's enrollment process. meanwhile a new nbc wall street poll finds that more people will blame trump if health care costs increase under obamacare and if more people lose their coverage. now, the president tweeted recently, here is what he said, usual, obamacare premiums will be up, the dems own it but we will repeal and replace and have great health care soon after tax cuts. okay, best buy caving to criticism. they were charging $100 more for the iphone 10 above sticker price. customers we wanted to purchase phone and had to pay premium, a lot of backlash specially on media and best buy said to end practice. now they are selling the phone through basic way. shares up 31% so far this year. iphone 10 a hot, hot ticket. maria: not only a thousand dollars but best buy is charging you a $100? >> they were until people flipped out on them on social media. maria: t expensive already. >> i don't know if you have been to the latest samsung story, screen is better. maria: the 10? >> well, yeah, even on the 10. dagen: once you have been sucked to the apple world, you can't give it up. >> at that price, i just think people are going to go forget it. samsung phone is superior. dagen: you have to leave your i tune and app world. maria: that's why they put blackberry out of business and had all the apps. the terrorist came into our country throw what is called the diversity visa program, mary, what you said ten minutes ago. dagen: roughly 50,000 people come under the visa program, to promote diversity, bringing in immigrants, giving them green cards from other areas of the country and an acquaintance of mine brought this up, the issue this up this morning and he bluntly asked me, i immigrated from colombia and i'm a catholic and i don't get preferential treatment because of where i came from and he was pointing out that it took him years and years, and had to stay in colombia while his wife lived in the country. >> free market and competition and yet when we talk about merit-based program, it's still a government bureaucrat saying we want this kind of worker that kind of worker from that country or that country, there's a little bit of a conflict there intellectual conflict. >> of course, the challenge is what is the vetting process? no matter what the program is, when someone enters this country -- >> it's pretty good, though. we have done very well. we don't know when this guy was radicalized. >> right. maria: he came here in 2010, right? >> a bit before that, but we don't have enough information about how he was radicalized. dagen: wife and two children and had employment so there goes the argument that radicalization is somehow related to a lack of economic opportunity. he had -- all opportunities handed to him by the great united states and he got in a truck and killed eight people. maria: all right, we will take a break, special counsel robert mueller gearing up to interviewing hope hicks, latest of investigation into potential russian western feerns next. we break down what you need to know on that after a huge year for the stock, back in a moment. , trades are now just $4.95. we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. .. .. opportunities aren't always obvious. sometimes they just drop in. cme group can help you navigate risks and capture opportunities. we enable you to reach global markets and drive forward with broader possibilities. cme group: how the world advances. good wednesday morning everyone. it was so much for being with us. it is wednesday november 1. your top stories right now. 7:30 a.m. on the east coast. eight people are dead this morning and dozen others injured after terrorists in the rental truck plowed through a busy mike --dash bike path. we will people on the ground. this is a mass casualty situation. the driver crashes the truck and screams god is great in arabic. this was an act of terror and the pope particularly a particularly cowardly act of terror. people going about their lives who annoyed it was about to hit them. two locations and they are searching in new jersey. in washington tax reform hanging in the balance. they had delayed the roll out. of their tax cut plan. cedric. they will weigh in on taxes and terrorism later this morning. the terror attack is not readily markets this morning. they are rallying strong. they are expected to be up better than a hundred 30 points us money. it is the been getting of november. oftentimes you see that. nasdaq composite up about 30 points because nobody seems to know why this market is as strong as it is this morning. the best performer up one and two thirds percent. in asia over night stocks also closed higher with japan the best performer. 1.86 percent. robert mueller lighting up his next interview. the house of cards halting production. another actor jeremy pittman is facing similar accusations this morning. holder to report quarterly numbers tonight. that is of course terrorism in new york city. tracy joins us now from the scene of the deadly attack. good morning maria. we are about a block away from where the deadly rampage it took place. the investigation has been going on all night long and as a son is starting to come up we are getting a better look at that rented truck. it was used to carry out this deadly attack. it's right behind me. he carried out this attack along the west side highway. he drove about a mile running over eight people injuring about 11 others. he finally came to a stop when he ran into a school bus police and then shot at him. one officer shot him in the abdomen. here is what the police commissioner said during a news press conference yesterday. i like to commend the response. they go near the location has stopped who stopped the carnage moments after it began. also the work of the first responders and truly helped save additional lives. here is what we are learning about. that suspect he is a critical condition but expected to be okay. he was holding two fake handguns. he had two notes written in arabic. they were found in or near the truck. he has a florida driver's license. he was living in new jersey. he came to that the u.s. in 2010 legally from pakistan and he was also an for driver. he did pass their background checks and this is what they have to say this morning. we are horrified by this senseless act of violence. our hearts are with the victims and their families. we are providing our full assistance. this is not part of a larger attack but we are expected to get more information. we will come back to this as news it develops. coming back to the probe into the election interference. they pose a risk of flight based on the serious nature of the charges. jill pled not guilty to 12 count indictment. this is coming as they confirmed they had scheduled an interview with the white house communications director. yesterday the present secretary defended the president and called out to the media for how they are covering this investigation. watch. you guys seem completely obsessed with us. the media refuses to cover it. and i think that is a distraction. instead of the focus being constantly on tax cuts and tax reform if you look at the records the questions i take in here day out have have far more to do with an investigation that frankly most americans don't care too much about a whole lot less to do with policies that actually impact them. let's bring in judge andrew napolitano. she is making the president's argument. the fact remains that these indictments blindsided the white house. it did not know that it was good to happen. they allegedly told colleagues over the weekend he was convinced even though he would have heard the rumors about the indictments were coming that he was not among them. bob mueller argued in sealed documents that he engaged the flight risk. that tells me there will be another bail hearing at which they will seek to have manafort and gates incarcerated. rather to then just confined. these are not crimes of violence. he is not a danger to women and children but they are treated him that way. that's a critical point. they want to get him to flip this is a tactic is to get gates to flip on manafort between manafort and we know they are. and the president. there is general flynn general flynn in there. a potential defendant. there is jared kushner they seized many of the banking records. what is hope hit -- hicks get to tell them. they're destroying to take the president down. there is no question. their target is donald j trump. the president of the united states. by indicting people that interacted with him there is no investigation or real focus on what happened on the democratic side. the pain for the dossier by the democrats. where is the accountability there. there is one event that took place on the democratic side and that is john podesta's brother who shared the political party and resigned from his company. if bob mueller starts indicting democrats he has an insurance policy. no one well ever argue that. there are plenty of democrats as to who there is sufficient probable cause to reseed after them. there was just a home invasion if you would. you say you could be indicted and now he comes to the court and now the judge says you are a flight risk. what happened in between july and now in terms of that. he has a lot of wealth. if he was going to flee what would you take into account. i would you make that decision now. he is not a flight risk. i might have required some bail from gates. nobody would know who he was. if you read this letter that he sent to the judge it lists every place that he has been in the past five months. thirty-five or 40 different countries. he is doing all of this flying around the world. could it be that he needs to make a spectacle to take that attention away from the fact that there is zero evidence that has been presented so far of any collision between president trump in russia that's why we see these big pr stunts. none of this has anything to do with the donald trump unless they can squeeze in these people. sometimes they sing a song that they invent because they tell the prosecutor what the prosecutor wants to hear. that's the way they act. they've been doing it for years. the real investigation as a house intelligence committee and the investigation they are doing there. he has to stop -- start looking at them. the fbi lied and they said it was line. probably the whole fbi. it's incredible when you look at the relationship between the fbi and mueller. lots of conflict. this is an fbi that does not hesitate. as long as it is favoring the democrats. netflix and the house of cards crashing down. they will suspend filming the last season. with the fallout next. and then target hitting a bull's-eye for customers. the new way to order items of the product is out of stock. welcome back. sexual harassment allegations. cbs is looking into accusations by a reality start that he groped her on two separate occasions. he stars in the new cbs series in the crowd. it did not happen. the alleged victim claimed one encounter took place in his trailer on the entourage set. hbo issued a statement everybody at hbo in a production is aware that there is zero tolerance is our policy. meanwhile netflix is suspending production is fall in revelations. at a party back in 1986. this comes just days after they announced the show would end with the sixth season. netflix shares are trading higher in the premarket. target, once a save you the trouble of ordering anything if you want what's out of stock. just bypass all of the hassle and get it through the app. target has been testing this for several months. there is this. there is good to be a game seven it's shaping up to be an awesome world series. the dodgers survive a do or die situation. game seven tonight 8:00 p.m. eastern time and of course you can watch it on fox. the technology sector and the focus on wall street. facebook is gearing up to report third-quarter earnings. we break down what you need to know right after this. infrastructure mlps? think again. it's time to shake up your lineup. the alerian mlp etf 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been under surveillance by the nypd even though we are in paterson new jersey about 20 miles outside the city. they've been looking at this mosque since 2005. i can also tell you that sayfullo saipov lived in an apartment that butts right up against the bath -- the back of this mosque. did he just move up into this area into new jersey in new york just to commit this attack. that we don't know right now. they came here on what is called the diversity be set back in 2010 he came to florida and spent most of the time in tampa. he was a peer working for uber. he is a wife and two kids that live in this apartment we are told. he rented that truck right down the street here. he drove into the city and jumped up onto a bike path and ran down almost two dozen people killing eight and injuring about 11 more. we understand he got out of the truck after smashing into a school bus. and screaming god is great in arabic. the suspect was shot in the leg he has already been through surgery he is out now and i'm sure authorities are leaning on him pretty heavy about how he knows this. thank you so much. we are investigating here. the sox are shaking stocks are shaking off the terror attack. there on the floor of the new york stock exchange. i know several large usual fund companies. perhaps that is one of the reasons for this big rally. we do have a really great morning happening as you noted. wrapping it up on the 31st. but a gain of a hundred 30 points we are not seen any extra security outside. downtown manhattan at least on the side of it. pretty calm and futures are looking to the upside. we have jobs on friday with that number that was revised slightly lower. we had earnings season which was 63 percent of the companies had reported and you had 73% there. let's take a look at estée lauder this morning. we saw the profit and sales doing well. that is smash box and also tom ford. the stock is up about 4% and it raises quarterly dividends. it is a winner today and benefited from an acquisition. we will have some key names right here on foxbusiness. facebook has been a winner here an all-time high yesterday. this morning facebook is looking higher as well up a 1.1 percent. we will watch for that one. we saw that got beaten down after the talk that apple may cut out that chip in the new year. then there is tesla. if 85% this year. no one is expecting a great quarter from tesla because the third quarter we note they've have a model three production issues. still have i will talk with the new york governor about the terrorist attack in new york city yesterday. plus his feeling about the tax plan into new yorkers paying higher taxes. back in a moment. she thought it was a fire. it was worse. a sinkhole opened up under our museum. eight priceless corvettes had plunged into it. chubb was there within hours. they helped make sure it was safe. we had everyone we needed to get our museum back up and running, and we opened the next day. when we love someone, we want to 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[lance] can we get a shot of this cold front, right here. winter has arrived. whooo! hahaha [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. brace yourself for the season of audi sales event. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. november it is wednesday about november 1 top storied right now 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, about are terrorism in new york city to report, issue 8 people dead this morning at least a dozen injured, after a man plowed a truck down a bike path on manhattan's lower west side. >> -- hey, i need can you call 911, i got oh, my gosh, about okay, i you need right here. >> right here. >> the guy t-boned. >> is it suspect identified as 29-year-old sayfullo saipov. originally from interest uzbekistan shoutdz "allahu akbar" exiting the vehicle armeded with paintball gun pellet gun shot by police in critical condition, in the new york, a local hospital right now, investigators found a note in the truck pledging loyalty to isis suspect recently lived in new jersey with wife and three churn, he was an uber driver for the last six months president trump tweeting saying this terrorist came into our country through what is called the diversity visa lottery program a chuck schumer beauty, i want merit based the latest from scene this morning, about tax reform has been delayed, by another day, lawmakers put off plans to unhave a ill her legislation now until tomorrow, after failing to finalize last manipulate changes one key issue the state and local tax deduction i talk about governor cuomo new york congressman peter kinging on terrorism in new york and tax reform package coming up, markets rallying strong dow industrials to open up 130 points nasdaq up 25 points, 27 points, in europe, similar story gains across the board in european ngs bests in germany dax up 1 3/4 percent the cac quarante in paris up 1 half of one pert in asia overnight stocks also closed higher, nikkei average in japan a best up almost 2%, earnings, of course, dr. i go the story top names reporting this morning estee lauder earnings revenue topped expectations at estee lauder after the bell big story happened with technology names likely moving mathematics facebook out tesla out you qualcomm all after the bell, stories coming up joining me to break it download fox business network dagen mcdowell, former new york state homeland security director, are wall street editorial board member fox news contribute mary good morning. >> good morning with. >> great to see. >> thanks for having us. maria: so much to get to this morning, issue we will get right to it top story, of course, is terrorism striking new york city, 8 people killed last night, about at least a dozen others wounded it happened 3:00 eastern in afternoon truck you can mowed down pedestrians on bike path in legislator manhattan identified 29-year-old elder sayfullo saipov. came to united states from if uzbekistan in 20 so. had been living in new jersey, working as an uber driver for the past six months, officials say he shoutdz god is great in arabic whether he got out of the truck being a paintball gun pelt gun before shot by police officer, issue o on the grounds with very latest gave arey good morning to you. reporter: googd morning to you digging into background of sayfullo saipov to determine he are who he is us what it is that led him to today out this attack, last night, gi carried out a search, at an apartment lived at with wife two kids paterson, new jersey police are also searching other areas, where he has lived previously including the tampa, florida area as well as cleveland and cincinnati ohio at this point not clear, about if he was on radar of law enforcement prior to this attack, but one official tells "the wall street journal" that an associate was and is known ep to authorities, and wouldn't about elaborate beyond that, in terms of the criminal background we have been enable to find one arrest last year missouri for unpaid fine that was related, to his work as commercial truck driver, other than that, there is not a lot there. more recently, as you mentioned he was working as a driver for for uber last few months company says he passed background check and didn't raise any red flags during the hiring process, folks news has spoken to a a friend of his from when he lived in florida couple years back they told us, at the time he was a very friendly outgoing, likable individual described as happy go lucky kind of person something he pg pging changed investigators looking at, digit footprint you been to see who he has been in communication with as well as his searching and history, to see if there is any evidence there, of isis propaganda, so often find in lone wolf attacks. >> thanks very much we will follow this, in new york, in morning, president trump tweeted about this mo morning the terrorists came into our country through wloo is called diversity visa lottery program a chuck schumer beauty, i want about the merit based, after tweeting last night, i have ordered homeland security to step up our already extreme vetting program, being politically correct is fine but not for this, joining me right now congressman he peter king of new york he says on homeland security committee and chairs subcommittee on counter intelligence thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you, maria. maria: obviously our hearts go out to families of victims in new york, what is your reaction to this dwook? what can you tell us right now in terms of emergency room of where this investigation goes sir? >> first of all let me sigh real hero police officer from long island able about to shoot and bring down, the -- the terrorist. as far as information, basically, it is this is out there in if -- i have been talking to people in the investigation, there is not appear as that there is terrorist fingerprints with them you. now, again, this is first phase of the investigationing mike balance buttoutton investigations go on about through everything in social media, anything they find out about him at all all phone records, and then talking to people who they find in those records, this can go on weeks months before you g get a full picture of him, sos -- a serious concern in new jersey nypd for years, as far as any -- any you particular motive obviously, this is is -- he obviously committed to isis whether or not heing acted on his open or not still out there. it is not unusual for him to act on his own isis is really mastered the art through internet finding people on fringes who with do not have direct contact with out there -- it is rile never had contact with isis i am sure find following on social media they were inspiring him even if they didn't know who he was there was no direct link tomorrow enabout to. >> is there anything we should be doing that a needs to happen now congressman that we're not doing in terms of are you know making sure that voting process is better this guy came on a diversity visa, so issue what do you want to see in terms of -- in he did the of getting in front of this next time i am no at it calling it "lone wolf" you are inspired by isis loan above all suggests nothing to do with anything a guy obviously inspired by yz we will see if he did get are a radicalized we don't know he or do we. >> well, i assume that he -- he came here as radical or was radicalized isis has social media can communicate have a way of -- putting out -- tracks people oning fringes of society bring them to dark side did heversity advisesa i have known a number of people in new york under the lottery system of them become citizens he came in 2010 i believe i briefed president has to be a very hand vetting system, especially a country like you see uzbekistan where they have had 800 people go to syria, to fight on behalf isis, even though the government has been cooperative with us, a hotbed isis k supporters, al-qaida supporters is almost aists fund n meantlifts in uzbekistan it has to be extreme vetting. >> let me switch gears to ask about tax story your colleagues have decided to postpone the unveiling, of their long awaitdz tax bill a day argue over how fast to cut corporate rates allow to treat state local tax deduction tell me where you come out your progress in terms of peeling to colleagues you have you said do not eliminate the deduction for state and local taxes. >> to me, the state income tax and local property tax is essentially they remain, appears moving in our direction, as far as the property tax. but the state income tax that would have takeaway that deduction would have a really devastating impact on new york state, and -- the fact is new york is a donor state we give 48 billion dollars to federal government than we get back, so right now still strong resistance to that, we came he many in four votes of -- actually two votes stopping this last week, i think the leadership knows there is a number of others out there inclined to vote no, and so it is really a -- a battle going on now we are fighting myself and others, fighting strongly to maintain state local property tax deductions tough fight forward i am sure leadership is trying to take people one by one, basically conservative principle should not be increasing taxes not taxes on taxes should not be double taxation parting of the coded since 19 t13, 10 have years. >> if you keep top rate where it is remove state and local deduction, then you are raising taxes object new yorkers and new jerseyans. >> we are the new jersey, about among largest donor states in the kin as far as giving more than we get back a tax increase for my constituents. >> even steven mnuchin i interviewed him says he understands 6 basis point increase in taxes new york california new jersey so what is the plan then? congressman how do you who he you do you keep your arms around the debt, issue pay for the districts tax cuts not have the country subsidize high tax states like new york what do you want to see in terms of of a compromise. >> first of all, i am not one squared off by by -- if -- deduction done for positive purposes as under ronald reagan, ronald reagan deficits and increased national debt towards the end or 189 million new jobs created the country had unparalleled expansion, to defeat soviet union if we energize economy, issue as long as being done positive reason, to me, tax -- tax cuts creating more jobs more businesses going to increase he wealth middle class, that is a positive focus and again, they have had nine months to put numbers together we haven't seen them that is wrong. maria: are what about that what do you i mean you have not seen them have you not enabout meeting with leadership to voice your concern? >> we have been voicing concern we have not seen entire package no one has seen it as far as profits what else is in the bill, this is going to be 1,000-page bill, are i have seen almost nothing other than talking points, and the fact that they were considering, doing away with with the state and local tax deduction,ings myself twos meantimes tomorrow leadership he two or three weeks smaller meetings with individuals i think trying to pick off. >> what is this extra day going to do do you have a meeting scheduled today going to release it today going to release it tomorrow now, what is 24 hours doing is it meeting with the guys liking you? >> not met with me, about those -- did not meet with me not donovan, i know that, so supposed to be unveiled 9:00 this morning, now thank you put off to 9:00 tomorrow morning supposed to be voted on two weeks they have 1986 tax reform had two years of debate on that two years of discussion, in ronald reagan, under democratic house republican senate, and two years tax reform plan that works now trying to get this 10 days no one has enso a its people on committee no one has seen package when unveiled expect us to vote on it two weeks on something could affect our districts our country for generations. >> have i spoke he request mnuchin last nooek treasury secretary asked him about chuck schumer's will arguments against limiting tax and i brought you up as well even governor cuomo tweeted says new yorkers getting a tax increase listen to this is. >> the issue is if we get rid of state and local taxes, it impacts different states differently. okay? senator schumer has been complainings about this singles beginning of the year, and i understand, as 600 basis point increase in in taxes, on new york, california, new jersey, and we are similar thought he turksympathetic. >> how do you work through issues they say look it is time for federal government to get out of the way, and the rest of the country to stop subsidizing the high tax states of new york what do you say to that. >> first new york and new jersey we get 79 back every radar to washington, d.c., secondly what mnuchin said there is exactly what he said on conference call you, so things -- the -- 9 members delegation conference call cohn mnuchin said same thing similar thinkse feemz for us doing what they can so far i have seen no evidence of being taken you are going to vote no on this bill. >> i would have to if state income tax is no have the you adjusted. >> peter king we are continuing the conversation, and to follow the terrorist attack in new york city governor andrew cuomo joins me next with the latest on the investigation stay with us. just like the people who own them, with us. every business is different. but every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. whether it be with customer contracts, agreements to lease a space or protecting your work. legalzoom's network of attorneys can help you, every step of the way. so you can focus on what you do and we'll handle the legal stuff that comes up along the way. legalzoom. legal help is here. ♪ traders -- they're always looking for advantages. the smart ones look to fidelity to find 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senators pressed them why they didn't discover russia linked accounts. >> americans political ads, and russian money rubles, how could you not connect those two dots? >> people are buying ads on your platform with rubles, political ads google has all knowledge that man has ever developed, you can't put together rubles he, with a political ad and go like hmm? those two data points spell out something bad. >> have is it senator franken executives promised to containings more responsibility, for policing political content in the future, maria those are your headlines. maria: thank you so much, about thank you, about terrorism striking new york city governor andrew cuomo joins us live next with the latest from the investigation stay with retail. under pressure like never before. and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory. virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver. maria: terrorism strikes new york city 8 people dead this morning at least a dozen wounded when a truck you can plows pedestrians on bike path in lower manhattan driver 29-year-old sayfullo saipov. came to united states, from uzbekistan in 0 10 reportedly lives in new jersey was working as an uber driver has been for the last six months, officials say that he shoutdz out you "allahu akbar," god is great in arabic when he got out of the of the truck before shot by police officer, he is you in custody, at a local hospital in new york, joining me right now new york governor andrew cuomo, governor good to see you thanks for joining us this morning. >> should. >> good to be with you. >> what can you tell us in terms of this individual, what those he radicalized? what do we know this morning? >> we know maria again investigation ongoing, and relatively preliminary but from all the evidence we have he was quote up quote "lone wolf" model we don't have evidence that suggests this was part of a larger plan or there were future actions or there was a rj large effort we are seeing jihad tacts tactics bombing 199 3 new york the, 25 years, at that time there was no geographicallying located training regimen, and now over the years it is migrated om internet a simple model, rent a car rent a truck, create mayhem try to instill terror that is what this appears to be. there is no doubt in a he was he is isis will affiliated related or had a aaffection toward isis but it was all evidence points to that "lone wolf" model. maria: i have bone avoiding "lone wolf" to me "lone wolf" sort of suggests one guy who has nothing to do with isis on his own left a note pledging allegiance to isis how was he radicalized do we know how this happened what those it the internet? what did he do in terms of getting in isis's sort of under the umbrella to write that note the he pledges allegiance to them? >> yeah, it is we're going through social media now. but there has been no evidence thus far of group associations, i understand your feeling about the expression "lone wolf" i think it is used in juxtaposition to what the old model was. the old model was you were trained in boot camp,ings in the middle east and then you got on a plane came to united states. and there it was a group training is affiliation the evolution in my mind more of an internet based simpler paradigm where any depraved card you can get on internet can look up a plan that says rent a car create into a -- drive into a crowd this tracked that model. now, is there harder to police they are harder to stop. we have the best security i believe on the globe. but they are harder to anticipate and they are harder to get intelligence on because they are not associated. and that is that is the challenge have of the new he evolution going on in germany happened in ohio seeing more and more of and, that is the new proliferate. >> have he was -- in this country, on a diversity visa he arrived in 2010 what do you want to see in terms of diversity visa is that one of the issues? because this new way of doing things, getting in a truck and plowing into a crowd of people, which, of course, a what isis wrote in a magazine a year ago, telling people to do this, i mean is there any way to stop that or do you go to the visa program, to take a look at you know, are aboare eng shom he maniac doesn't get access to u.s. the way this guy did in 20 so because of the of the diversity visa. >> i think maria first on the diversity visa that was a bipartisan program it was -- was found by republican president if radicalized here, you wouldn't have caught that during the visa process anyway i think we do have to be smart intelligent about who we let into the k country, no doubt about that i think we have to be even smarter with our policing we have to evolve along with them gathering intelligence, but at the end of the day the truth is also this. new yorkers target we have a statue of liberty in our harbor holds a torch that says freedom and democracy, and that is is repugnant to a whole group of people, who want to knock being that a torch down. so they are going to come. i have no doubt. from 1993 world trade center, 9/11, they are going to come. and we will stop most of them. but ultimately you, the point is you can't let them win, they win when they disrupt. they win when they he instill terror they killed 8 people we cried about it that is not their intent they didn't want to kill 8 people they want to disrupt new york and didn't we didn't let them, i spent all yesterday afternoon inviting people to halloween parade, marched in halloween parade, not because i had a great costume maria but because the point was we're not letting them disrupt, we are families and children, you would not have known at that parade that anything happened in the afternoon. maria: are happy to see that. >> have ultimately you success. maria: and, give us a sense of what was going on there we got new york the 1 city marathon scheduled sunday what kind of security measures are you putting in place statewide he to hopefully preventative this kind of attack should be worry going into the marathon sunday? >> no, we should not be worried because worry and anxiety now they win, they instilled and anxiety in tomorrow of terror. we do need to stay ever vigilant on the policing we are getting sophisticated focusing on areasch concentration of people airports subways pennsylvania station, is you an area from the security point of view that iment ve am focused on pen station is one of the most -- heavily traveled hubs in the hemisphere. the you have 600,000 people he will through penn station focusing on penn station,ings about airports for the marathon i spoke to the homeland security secretary last night,, federal forces fbi national issue guard nypd, barriers, every precaution that with an be taken, will be taken, but, let's be honest, you can never one hundred percent police against the rental car truck, driving into a crowd situation. but we will do everything that we can. >> governor with let me switch gearss ask about tax reform package you have been vocal on this house republicans delaying rollout of long ayou waited tax bill a day continuing to argue over elements of the plan something that you talked about, the how to treat the state and local tax deduction you tweeted about this the issue, actually and i retweeted it because this is the issue that everybody is talking about, you said, under gop tax reform plan, every regional of new york the will see a tax increase. now the president has called this biggest tax cut in history. >> yeah, maria, their plan is a scam. to use a word. this is a little harsher. >> a scam? >> it is a tax cut plan. will the scam. it is a -- a tax cut plan for some people and for some states. it is basically a tax cut plan for corporations for state like new york state like california, that has state and local taxes it is as tax increase because they have limited deductability state and local taxes that ising complicated so i think trying to usual it through before people really understand what the words mean. it means you can right now deduct state kt income tax local property tact from federal tax then you are taxed just on that reduced amount, that would eliminating deductions that is a tax increase in state of no. >> that is exactly -- >> introo brief? california. >> you are right that is us what we spoke with peter king about what can you do, what can you do to move a needle do you need to take a look at new york spending do you need to take a look at lowering taxes? >> have the i have lowered taxes maria we have lower state income taxes record lower rates my increase spending year-to-year has been lowest in recorded history lower than about republican governors okay? i can't reduce. >> stay right there we want to take a hard break and wekeep go hold on. millions of you are online right now, searching one topic. that will generate over 600 million results. and if you've been diagnosed with cancer, searching for answers like where to treat, can feel even more overwhelming. so start your search with a specialist at cancer treatment centers of america. start with teams of cancer treatment experts under one roof. start where specialists use advanced genomic testing to guide precision cancer treatment... ...that may lead to targeted therapies and more treatment options. start where there's a commitment to analyzing the latest research and conducting clinical trials-to help each patient get the personalized cancer care they deserve. start at one of the cancer treatment centers of america hospitals near you. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. just like the people every business is 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deduction it is. >> the only way not to increase taxes in new york being is to stop the plan. the plan is us diabolical divisive there are 12 states i in this country that pay state and local taxes at highest amount, they all happen to be blue states. i am sure it was a coincidence. trump lost all of those states. they have minority republicans. but it is a tax increase for those states that is why new york we have nine republican congress people seven of nine against it peter king you god breshim sto bless him told the truth raising taxes on new yorkers i do believe there is a political dimension to this, it is exact opposite of what they promised. of them you you -- you raise tags in the new york you put us at a extract rally disadvantage you have a republican party saying going to tax taxes pay it is double taxation this from the party that says i am going to give you a tax reduction. >> would you be about comfortable putting a cap some make over $400,000 you will will not be able to use the deduction but those who make under that level will be able o to use the deduction? boloney maria that is is what you are saying is i am going to tax the rich in new york more. the republican theory ironically has opposed the tax in new york state for seven years, but the republican theory says those rich people will move to a state with lower taxes. >> you have to -- >> i mean to be fair businesses left new york individuals left new york they feel it is too high taxes. >> yes, but maria, this would then accelerate that. and when they leave, that tax burden falls down to the middle class and working families. so they would be raising taxes on middle class new yorkers who are the exact people the president said he was going to the help. the it is a fraud for a republican congressman -- >> this is not going to move you to lower taxes lower spending i know you said you lowered the rate of spending but this is not going to move you to make any changes because stephen mnuchin last week said we need to get federal government out of supindonesiaisu supsubsidizing you are paying more to government he said the federal government is subsidizing new york have and new jersey who is sea. >> is it steven mnuchin treasury secretary, treasury secretary is is treasury secretary steven mnuchin who is as nice new york fellow,s should absolutely look at the numbers before he speaks. the many new york is the number one donor state to the federal government. we send 48 billion dollars to washington that we never get back. >> right. >> i will i will make a deal with the treasury secretary, just give us you a new york money back. okay? have and we will call it will even. we subsidize every other state in the state of new york. every other state in the united states, new york is the number one subdieser for them to say why should they subsidize new york, that is an untrue. it is either an i go norrant statement or did he s deacceptideseput it at disadvantage push that to middle class, that is not how you govern if you hurt new york the hurt california you hurt the economic engines of this nation. >> are you saying a 20% corporate rate down from 35% is not going to move the needle on economic growth in this country? >> you cut corporate tax -- first of all, this is you supposed to be a mailed class tax cut. or i heard different campaign than you did. >> okay. >> second, the magic republican wander is wand we are going to reduce the rate will stimulate economic activity and economic activity will trickle down to the middle class and working families he. trickle down, what a new idea! trickle down on steroids. you have a premise thatsome will suggest you that cutting corporate tax ratepayer will stimulate the economy you have divided opinion on that as you know. but for sure, what this plan will do is raise taxes on the middle class and those states that pay state and local tax deduction, and to tell a republican congressperson, you should vote for a plan, that hurts your constituents, that is what they are doing. >> governor you know. >> this plan will hurt their constituents. >> you sound awfully like a go a i about to put his hat in the ring to run for president are you expecting to face off against donald trump in the 20 20. >> i am not even wearing a hat maria. >> that means. >>. >> put my hat in the ring -- i am running for governor of the state of new york, next year. and i hope all new yorkers including your k viewers vote for me. >> governor thanks for joining us this morning we appreciate it. >> we will see you soon. >> have thanks for having me. >> the governor andrew cuomo there republicans believe they are on track to get tax plan passed by thanksgiving, you heard what governor cuomo said reaction dagen: the problem is not the president trump and the tax plan the problem is governor cuomo, and the high tax rates he is charging new yorkers if new yorkers say tax rates went through roof won't have pro about with with deductions how about saying i am going to cut back on state government spending governor cuomo is the guy who has taken taxpayer money plowed into projects upstate new york, are no jobs created and few jobs maybe that a were created cost unz have of thousand dollars. >> have he said loader rate no rate of spending not lowering spending here,ing this bloat there is fraud corruption in new york. >> it is true -- more money to federal government than get back. >> new york is engine of economic growth give me a break -- >> the job creators in america. >> do you know what those states actually they are many red states in the south are takers not givers, are to his point i can't believe i am saying this but i totally agree with andrew cuomo on one issue these republican congressman from states like alabama, they take more from the federal government than they give in taxes, new york is the opposite of that. >> he does have a record of trying to cut taxes he do he is if you look at -- >> right compared to florida -- >> we will be right back. anything worth pursuing requires knowledge, hard work and a plan. at baird, we approach your wealth management strategy the same way to create a financial plan built to last from generation to generation. we'll listen. we'll talk. we'll plan. baird. hold over $6 trillion homeownin home equity?d above, yet, not enough seniors are taking advantage of this fully insured product to tap into their wealth. it's called a reverse mortgage. if you have at least 50% home equity, and you're 62 or older, you should be on the phone by the end of this commercial to find out how much you could get for your home. a government insured reverse mortgage swaps your mortgage payments for a steady, tax-free source of funds you can use for whatever you want. it's a smart way to eliminate mandatory mortgage payments, improve your home, make a large purchase, or just spoil your grandkids. the 2012 fha stabilization act completely reinvented reverse mortgages, turning them 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find out how much you could receive for retirement. lendingtree. when banks compete, you win. >> welcome back technology sector about focus on wall street facebook gearing up for earnings after the bell apple to report tomorrow joining us right now host of "varney & company" stuart varney stocks on fire going into this. >> amazing i think the market is telling us, that they expect another blowout performance this time from apple and facebook after the close of trading today, look, are, 30, 40 minutes from now, the market opens, i think you will see apple go to 70 dollars a share new high you and -- 170, facebook to 182 they don't disappoint 4:00ing when we get numbers if in line with big tech companies will low blow out reports i think you see apple go above 170 facebook towards 185 may be 190, against on turning in a blowout performance. they have got one thing going for them, this morning, before we hear those reports, and that is that according to paul ryan we are going to get an immediate 20% tax rate for big corporations will be immediate not phased in particularlying attracted to the very high profit margin progressiveabiliprogressivfitab they have got a lot going i examine records for apple facebook. >> if they put in face-to-faced in corporate tax rate cut would have been insane if not a 20% until will 2022 ways point of a tax cut plan. >> absolutely. no question about it. we're when that report came out this week that maybe about phased in over five years, that is why the market took a dive. >> right. >> because immediately reeks you can't do that the market came back up again ryan says 20% immediate you are going to get. >> it thank you for that apparently leaving highest rate 31.6% see what that means details tomorrow, thank you so much see you 10 minutes more on that "varney & company" top of the hour after "mornings with maria" join stuart 9:00 a.m. trouble for tesla electricity automaker at crossroads ahead of earnings report after the bell a lot more from all-star panel. stay with us. ♪ at lincoln financial, we get there are some responsibilities of love you gotta do on your own. and some you shouldn't have to shoulder alone. like ensuring your family is protected, today and tomorrow, no matter what the future brings. see how life insurance from lincoln can help start protecting your family's financial future now, at whentertaining us,es getting us back on track,hing? and finding us dates. phones really have changed. so why hasn't the way we pay for them? introducing xfinity mobile. you only pay for data and can easily switch between pay per gig and unlimited. no one else lets you do that. see how much you can save. choose by the gig or unlimited. xfinity mobile. a new kind of network designed to save you money. call, visit or go to maria: welcome back yeo microsoft, google apple condemning terrorist attack in new york city cheryl casone with that. cheryl: maria, microsoft ceo and google ceo calling the attack by 29-year-old erode man from uzbekistan horrific act of violence tim cook weighing in saying cigarette tonight hearts with victims of families all people of new york, our hearts and thoughts with victimizing he loved ones all in new york city impacted by horrific act of violence uber effort to secure a multibillion-dollar investment by softbank apparently in general over a spat about cofounder's role says he at us he would have with board members over limits of power doesn't have majority voting power other do his approval of any final day softbank certainly could be valued ten billion dollars to watch on this news investors gearing up for earnings from from closely followed technology companies facebook releasing results after bell expecting nearly 10 billion in revenue facebook all-time highs premarket up almost 1%, also we are going to hear from tesla after the close analysts looking for company to report third quarter loss, servers expected to being low past that always seem to production numbers for tesla all-important models stocking soaring 50% higher-than-expected ahead of opening bell more a quarter%, this there is you going to be -- a game seven in the world series, dodgers surviving he do or die situation to be the verlander since he joined are astros won 3-2, game seven tonight 8:00 pm eastern watch on fox, those are headlines. maria: thank you, coming up final thought from if all-star panel stay with us back in a minute. 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