Transcripts For FBC Forbes On FOX 20240622 :

Transcripts For FBC Forbes On FOX 20240622

And bruce. Make your case. Elizabeth, if this woman wins not only will it be great for education, but it will be great for the entire economy because unions and their rigid work rules stiffle job growth and hurt economic growth. Bruce, what do you think . Should the Supreme Court stop these mandatory union dues . She reminds me of the friend in college that refuses to pay for the pitcher of beer when it comes their turn. People shouldnt be p john you know some of these dues though, go to lobbying. We have 90 of union dues that went towards democratic campaigns over the years. What do you think . Should the Supreme Court overturn this rule . Will it benefit all workers . I think so. The right to freely associate is a fairly basic one, and to be coerced into something that you are not interested in is a bad idea. You make the essential point that a lot of these unions are heavily politicized. Youre forced to basically pay for the Political Activities of major groups. The one thing i would point out, though is i do think were talking about symptoms rather than a major problem. If government werent so large nationally and locally, there wouldnt be as much of an incentive to organize workers in this way. Weve got to fix that problem first, and then unions wont be such a big issue. We celebrate freedom today. Currently the Union Advisory a stranglehold over innovation and basically freedom to associate with whom you want to associate. Absolutely these need to be struck down. We saw this in wisconsin with scott walker when he stripped away the forced mandatory rules on unions. People dropped out because they didnt want to be force and strong dws armed into this. Heres the thing, bill 25 states now basically have laws on the books forcing public Union Members to pay these dues. What do you think . Should the Supreme Court stop these mandatory dues and how will it help all workers . I dont like unions a whole lot, but theres one thing i like even less than a union, and thats a free loader. Lets just say youre a California Teacher and you have got this fabulous pension that somebody has worked very hard to get for you. Thats who you are free loading after. Hang on mike. Lets go to mike. We are talking about these dues go towards two things. Collective bargaining for disciplinary actions, and for lobbying. Your worker pay as a teacher is basically a contract between you and the state. That is not affected by the union dues, and your sick day or vacation days. What do you think about that . Well you are absolutely right sxshs the reason why this has much broader implications than just education is because who unions represent is anticompetition. The weaker unions become the better it is for competition, the better it is for innovation. A lot of these dues used to make charter schools, and that forced Public Schools to improve their standards. This has big implications. He think at the very least they should kick it to the states and let the states decide because thats where the costs are going to be but the good news for the people fighting this is that the same lead attorney for the people for the lady is also the attorney who lost the obama care case last week. Well you know thats an interesting point, but this teacher makes a First Amendment free speech point. Already we have the Supreme Court saying you know Campaign Finance donations are a form of free speech. What do you think . You think the Supreme Court goes her way . Basically youre being forced to fund the speech of a lot of people you disagree with and im sympathetic to bruce and bills point about free loading. We are talking about groups that pay dues to people who then bid up their wages on the dime of the taxpayer. I think we need to focus on the true free loader here. People who vote themselves raise on all of our backs. Theres got to be some way to reign it in. To joins point. We have labor fat cat pay. These bosses make a lot of money, and a lot of thousands dues also go towards things like junk ets to las vegas or to the caribbean. Also they build Hotel Resorts, have built Hotel Resorts and golf resorts on union due money that even donald trump would envy. Not everybody can go to those. Right. You talk about inequality. Liberals say they care about inequality. Liberals dont care about inequality within Public Sector unions. Its such hypocrisy. Not to mention theres an inherent xwlikt of interest between the people giving political partisan donations to democrats who then turn around and give them raises to these unions. Its the most corrupt negative feedback possible. You know bill let me just clarify. Not every union member is invited on these junk ets. Often its the big wigs and the union. What do you think about what carrie just said . Let me clarify something. They already get a refund of the politicking dues. The question is whether they get a refund of the dues that went to getting that fabulous pension, and that is a free loading situation. Its got nothing to do with free speech and it is just like saying i dont want to pay my property taxes because i dont agree with everything thats going on at city hall. It aint fair. What do you think, mike . I always am presencive about disagreeing with bill because as my former editor, he taught me so much. I dont buy his free loading argument here because really what you are then saying is theres no pushback at all allowed on unions. The politicians are behind it because theyre getting kickbacks from the unions and if you cant fight it with your union dues what other opings do you have if you still want to be a teacher . Bruce, its a lot of money for teachers. Right . Teachers dont get paid a lot already. What do you think . Well i think when you are talking about maybe there is a little bit that they have to pay out of their paycheck but, you know what Union Workers generally have really Good Health Benefits so the people who are negotiating for these teachers and the teacher who is suing, shes also had some has some of the best Health Benefits. Low copays, high deductibles. The unions this isnt about negotiating Health Benefits because thats a separate country between the worker and the state. What were talking about is a teacher doesnt agree with the political leanings of the union. We have to cut all that and allow for john the point is a state cant discriminate against a nonteacher union worker via pay, and what were really talking about is free speech about lobbying to get people elected that you dont agree with. Yeah. I think you hit on the right thing. Look if its a private sector union, if the business says you have to join this in order to work for a specific company, i have no problem with that but theres something about when government is actively discriminating against a worker as in you cannot enter this line of work precisely because you dont join a government union. That seems at odds with what government claims to want to do. I think we need to celebrate it and say in it is case the Supreme Court should strike it down. Yeah. That would have a huge ram fiction across the country. Thanks gang. Youve been terrific. Up next, terror threats on the rise is from you on social media. Proudamerican. Now back to forbes on fox and for all of your with terror threats rising here and around the world, is this any time to be closing gitmo down . Cuba is demanding it and now the white house is appoint agnew envoy to help do it. The white house says keeping gitmo open is too costly. It puts a target on our backs, but john tammany disagrees. What do you think, john . I have lot skepticism about the war on terror too, but if were going to be at war and if in fact gitmo keeps us safer and if it makes it less likely that terrorists will reach the United States and bring us harm well need to keep it open because, lets face it if they succeed, thats going to be a lot more costly than having gitmo open in the first place. Prisoners release from gitmo and they kill americans. To close gitmo right now just when weve had more alerts and more terrorism throughout the world is really ridiculous, and the most dishonest thing about this i find from obama is the fact that he says it costs too much. I mean here say president that has spent more money, borrowed more money than any other president before him, and now all of a sudden when it comes to the safety of americans, he is saying the cost is too high. Bruce, to what mike said the fact remains, the idea that gitmo is recruiting tool falls apart because terrorists were committing terrorist acts before gitmo was launched. That kind of falls apart. What do you think . Gitmo was always a reminder to me of the bushcheney era of torture and whatever. It just seems that it should be time to shut it down and move on. Its a reminder of the whole era. Coraling people, and just the whole era of terrorism and just the whole cheney and bush era. Lets shut it down and move on. You know what this is actually the pelosi era of gitmo because congress was controlled by democrats in both houses when obama took office. Obama and the campaign trail promised shut down gitmo. Congress held democrats held both houses of congress. They did not shut down get month. Thats why gitmo doesnt close as because budget has to be appropriated by congress. But, therefore, Congress Elizabeth shut it down. Obama is just fluffy right now. If you shut gitmo down and put them in a judicial they were dealing way first class pushover and, of course theyre going to ask for having gitmo given back to them, and the neck thing on their agenda is theyre going to ask president obama please give us fort knocks. Logical shutting gitmo down make us less safe . I think its hard to say, but one thing i think will always make us less safe is if we let public and in particular International Opinion drive our foreign policy. I, again, have major skepticism about a lot of whats gone on with the war on terror. I think wr is the health of the state. I think this constant war footing is so dangerous for a country like ours but if we are going to be at war if in fact it makes us safer from terroristed, we keep it open. This is a matter of Congress Getting fund and appropriating to shut down gitmo, and theyre not going to do that. Obama, he can he has been so toxic against congress. Both from his own party and against republicans. I just dont think its going to happen. Bruce, isnt it a immoral to make our troops fight the same guy twice . Isnt it immoral to release a guy and have him killed by a drone strike . Whats so moral about that . Listen you know i get your morality argument and so forth, but lets put this before the congress. I mean lets talk how much are we spending down there . What if a terrorist gets released from gitmo and kills somebody . As bruce pointed out, the money involved is probably not a big thing. Its really a political football. Thats all it is really. Do you think keeping it open will keep us safer . I think it will keep us safer, yes. What do you think, mike . Absolutely. We cant release these people. They come back to fight us. The notion its symbolically wrong is the cost is minuscule when you compare it to the safety that it can help us with. Right, and the cost of 9 11 was trillions of dollars to the global economy. If this is going to keep us safer i dont know if it is. Lets keep it open again. Again, a solid block. Thank you, guys. Hi liz. Freaking out ahead of the fireworks. America on high alert this fourth of july. Plus the dilemma over donald. Are Companies Choosing politics over business when dumping trump . We debate it. See you at 11 30. Thanks. We will be watching. Up here first to the race for 2016 and the battle between these two governors over Social Security. Who is right, and who is wron i built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . New jersey flj governor Chris Christie grabbing attention as he enters the 2016 president ial race but its what he is saying about Social Security thats also getting a lot of attention. First, we have to raise the retirement age. Retirement income. There it is. Take my money. Steal it. Youre not going to get a Social Security check. Mike huckabee he doesnt agree. If all the other republican candidates for president want to stand on one side of the stage and say that theyre going to cut peoples Social Security and cut their medicare benefits after they payed in for 50 years of work and im the only one on the other side of this stage saying i wont do that im happy to be in that very short line. Who is right . I think in this case i agree with Chris Christie in the sense that we do need reformed Social Security. The problem is its kind of a political nonstarter. George bush tried to do this in 2006. He got shut down. I agree we need to make sure that its viable for the future and we have worker to right retiree ratio thats worse. We need something. Bruce, this is political poison. Who is right on Social Security . He would say more huckabee than christie but i would say that christie did have the simpsonbowls whered to raise the retirement age to 68 and 69. That was an idea that didnt go. We should make our promises hole to those who want it and allow younger people to opt out. Bill you know Social Security really isnt a savings program. Its a Spending Program for congress. Confiscating the benefits of those that dont need it because they saved on the side. Thats a bad idea. We should not be taxing throughingel people and handing the proceeds to spend thrifts. I think theyre both being dishonest. Lets look at the reality here elizabeth. There has never been nor is there now cash in a Social Security trust fund. Its a bookkeeping entry. It gives them an excuse. Explain that. So theres no lockbox for Social Security. No no. What happens . Whats scary is the payroll tax does not create a right to your Social Security benefits. The Supreme Court has already ruled on that. Who do you think is right here . Do you agree with what mike just said . Well in a way. I mean there probably are reforms necessary. We dont have the intestinal ford tud to do it in this country, but i think they should look at potentially raising the retirement age to 1k368 69 but further out than christie wants which is what simpson bowls wanted to do. I think christie has the right idea. 25 years, two years. Raising the retirement age, thats acceptable. Do you think that would work . No. I think its a bad idea. Promises were made. They were idiotic promised but they were made. Lets give young people the option to get out of that that which makes no sense and let them fund their own retirement. Theyll get a better return than the governments skupgs of their wealth will achieve for them. When Social Security was created, we were a manufacturing based economy. Labor was much more physical, and now we have to up the age. Okay. 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Of course the fourth of july, we know that there are possible they are possibly targeting fourth of july parades, according to the joint intelligence bulletin sent out bit the fbi and homeland security. All these things converging together create a scenario that i think is almost the perfect storm

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