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John thats our show tonight. And now, john stossel. John are you for social justice . I want to say i am because if im not wouldnt that mean im for social injustice . That sounds terrible. Its why social justice is such a powerful slogan. It usually means, well, im not clear exactly what it means. It can mean so many things. Jonah goldberg explains that in this video for prager university. Ask ten lib calls to tell you liberals to tell you what they mean by social justice and youll get ten different answers. Thats because social justice means anything its champions want it to mean. Social justice is code for good things no one needs to argue for and no one dare be against. John except me. Excuse me, i want to be against it, because those sweet words, social justice, really mean the state gets to use force to take money from some people, give it to somebody else, and also it gets to boss everybody around even more. The selfdeclared champions of social justice believe the state must remedy and remedy all perceived wrongs. Anyone who disagrees is an enemy of what is good and right. John one of those enemies of the good and right is the president of the ayn rand institute. He seems to be an enemy of whats good, because he says its immoral for a government to take peoples money and give it to others. But podcast host Jesse Meyerson says thats exactly what a moral government ought to do. Go ahead jesse, you first. There is no such thing as a market free of government intervention. In order to have an economy, commerce, finance complex trade, Debt Resolution john some governments enforce fairness. A massive government, the largest Government Programs are contract enforcement, Property Rights and resolution of debt. Without those [laughter] john the Biggest Programs are entitlements. The Biggest Program are entitlements, the regulatory agencies that actually reject contracts, they tell us that we cannot contract. [laughter] unless we abide by some guidelines or some bunch of bureaucrats have determined. I cant take whatever drug i want, i have to get permission from the fda. I cant, i cant build whatever automobile i want, ask google you have to get permission john all right. Lets go back to this the moral thing and i think most people agree with jesse on this is that lifes unfair, government should step in and make it better. And you, the ayn rand, sounds horrible, selfish. Dont. I want government to leave us alone so that individuals can pursue their own happiness voluntarily dealing with other people through trade. Look. Look, even by libertarian standards in order for a market to be free, socalled, there has to be exit from the market right . Voluntary. You have to voluntarily enter the market and exit from the market. We simply in a system like capitalism where you do not have guaranteed access, you do not have an exit from the job market. You cannot exit the job market without separating yourself from the means of your own subsistence. If you wanted a truly free market where you could exit, you would guarantee the access to everyone. John you wouldnt have to work because youd have an somebody else would work for you, because somebody has to work in order for you to subside. Somebody has to produce. You have these landowning monopolists, these patentowning no mop the lists who go out and sue companies john all right, theyre bad, we agree. Rather than taking the sur plus of society john how does society get richer over time then . There is no social wealth. [laughter] wealth is produced by individuals. Wealth is a product of individual effort, its a product of the individual mind the most valuable asset form in the United States is real estate, and most of that value is the land. Nobody produced that land. Nobody should be but the value is not in the land, the value is what was done in the land or whether its building. Thats not true. And that individual you can separate people had to farm the land create something on the land. People had to build stuff, malls the thing that makes land valuable im sorry. Listen, listen, buddy im telling you. Im going to educate john one of the biggest social justice [inaudible] politicians say things like this spread those resources theres no greater challenge this country has than income inequality. I believe this is the defining challenge of our time. John and look jesses right about this. 1 of the people own 35 of the wealth many iran. Because they created it. They created you kidding me . The kochs, the trumps the kochs created that wealth. They inherited a fortune at birth. Theyre in the lucky sperm club. Now he gets it. People actually produce. People create, people make choices. The kochs inherited a lot of money and made a lot more money. The steve jobs, the bill gates created their wealth and all of your viewers are beneficiaries enormous beneficiaries, the vast majority of the 1 are people that have worked hard, have created something, have built something and deserve it. That is absolutely preposterous. There are people who live in my building who go out and clean apartments all day who work ten times as hard as most ceos who are dirt poor. Meanwhile, ceos sit by they own a capital stock, they sit by the pool waiting for the butler to come out with a tray john jesse, you told us everyone deserves a dignified life. Absolutely. John in which their material security is a guaranteed right. And that includes a College Education healthy food if people want a College Education john comfortable housing and health care. Free time and money to spend during it. Every Single Person that is not dignity. When people get without producing anything, when they get all these things, thats not dignity. John jesse calls himself, proudly, a communist. That is horrific for anybody to call themself a communist. John hasnt worked well around the world. What hasnt worked well . John communism. Weve talked about this before. Socialism works fine here in certain instance, you know . We have Social Security. John the Social Security is by far the best antipoverty measure this country has john address that. Where its much more equal that transfer payments are a really good way to insure dignity. John Social Security and scandinavia. You take it. Scandinavia is nowhere near the heaven that jesse portrays it, and its nowhere near as socialist as people portray it. They have less regulations than we do, it has school choice. It is far freer in terms of the economy. Yes, they have massive wealth transfer exactly what im arguing for. And that is holding them back. [laughter] that no. Bankruptcy in 1994 where they had to shrink those wealth transfers since then. And, look, it hurts Human Dignity the to use jesses words. Millions of children who live in poverty every night [inaudible conversations] its somebody elses expense. You do not leave that is what capitalists do. Capitalists employ people who do the work john all right, enough. That is, youre describing capitalists when you say that. John thank you gentlemen. Talking about social justice reminds me of a snarky movie about a college where the activists, the movie calls them causeheads, have lots of causes. Save the whales. Gays in the military now. Free nelson mandela. They freed him already. They find a worldthreatening issue and stick with it about a week. What happened to the ozone layer . That was last week. John now it is meat. Do you know how badly those animals are treated . Do you know how much Greenhouse Gas they produce . And one of the social Justice Movements biggest enemies these days is walmart. Not only does walmart sell meat, the chain doesnt pay enough. The activists says the workers must be given a raise to at least 15 an hour. When do we want it . No and if we dont get it [inaudible] shut it down. If we dont get it shut it down john shut down walmart if it doesnt pay more . But will that help walmarts workers or other workers . Michael strong travels the world looking at how poor people fare under different systems. And he says most americans are clueless about the benefits everyone gets even from Companies Like walmart. What do you mean . Walmart is one of the best things thats ever happened to the poor. Walmart has reduced prices for the poor by an estimated 2,000 plus per household, thats from jason furman who was obamas economic adviser. More than 2,000 to every family in america can. John this was his research before obama. Exactly. Intellectually honest economist. If youre poor and you can reduce your costs, your life is better. Capitalism, when allowed to do so, always reduces costs, increases quality and creates more diversity which is why we need to allow walmart and other companies to give more poor people more access to better goods and services for lower prices. John all right. They and we can buy stuff save money, buy it for less. But when theyre paying 9 an hour and they voluntarily raised it above minimum wage because its good pr for them, and it helps them keep good workers and its how the market should work but people say 9 thats good middle that guts good middle class jobs. People cant live on that. In fact a lot of walmart workers are getting government subsidies. Its not walmarts fault. Walmart is part of a globalization movement. Millions of jobs are moving around the world. It is going to be tough with or without walmart when we see more people going around the world to produce things. People in the u. S. Are going to have to come up and do something else. Thats why we need more innovation less regulation so we can have more innovation and more jobs. Its not walmarts fault these are global realities. France is creating pretend jobs. Europe is going to go down because theyre pretending to create value. We need to create real value, thats the only answer. John and like this communist who just spoke. Doesnt it weird you out that so many young people just dont get this . It is sad because the only way that were going to help the global poor is to release the forces of free enterprise. John when the market is free, poor people get all kinds of new things cheap cell phones, half the people in africa have these now. But where government regulates heavily this is education and housing and health care. Manufactured homes, 50 per square foot. New york, manhattan almost 2,000 per square foot. Anything and everything could become cheaper if you allow the market to do its work. If we care about poor people, we urgently need to allow entrepreneurs to create higher quality, lower cost products in every domain. Thats the only way were going to help seven billion people have a wonderful life, and its sad people like jesse dont understand that. John you tried to start an experiment on this in honduras where there would be a place with no rules i wouldnt say no rules, a good common law. Good classical, liberal common law. In the developing world what people dont realize is its the most highly regulated. My wife is from africa its the most highly regulated region on earth. Let entrepreneurs create prosperity. The free zones and special Economic Zones in china have helped hundreds of millions of john and they were going to give you this free zone in south america, and then the politicians said, well maybe not. Its still on. Its still going to happen. So were going to see, if all goes well, prosperity in honduras. Hong kong and singapore, some of the poorest regions on earth, 50 years ago two with of the wealthiest regions. John fifty years bingo. If every place on earth was as free as hong kong and singapore, there would be no more poverty on earth. John we know what works but the politicians and these young people wont do it. And i would say many of the professors. John many of the professors. Well have one on shortly. Thank you, michael. Next, some say american capitalism succeeded on the backs of slaves. But is that the truth . You do all this research on the perfect car. Gas mileage , horse power. Torque ratios. Three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. Then smash it into a tree. Your insurance companys all too happy to raise your rates. Maybe you shouldve done a little more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. John americas worst social injustice was slavery. Today some people argue that americas success was a product of that slavery that capitalism thrived in america because whites stole labor from black people. We can say thievery was a critical element to the expansion of american empire and the establishment of the american way of life. John that michael eric dyson. Lots of people believe slavery gave american capitalists a head start because they didnt have to pay workers. So they say slavery made capitalism successful. But economist Don Boudreaux says the opposites true. What do you mean . Thats just a crazy notion. Slavery has been around for about 10,000 years, since the beginning of the agricultural revolution. If slavery were instrumental in starting capitalism, why did it take 10,000 years for it to start . Also if you look at the places in the world where capitalism first took off britain and holland they got rid of slavery early. Look at the americas. In the northern part of the United States, slavery was gotten rid of long before it was gotten rid of in the southern part, and the northern part was the capitalist part, the wealthier part john more prosperous in almost every way. For the rich and the middle classes in the north and in the south. John but theres a logic to it, if you could get free labor from some workers, then those capitalists who are making the money from that ought to do better. Well theyre not capitalists. The plantation owners did really well. They got rich but everybody else remained poor. Slavery is a system its an Economic System quite at odds with capitalism. Capitalism requires, you know innovation, it requires consumer sovereignty. Slavery is none of that. Slavery keeps everything static and thats what the south was prior to the u. S. Civil war, thats what the north was not which was why the north was booming and the south was not. John on capitalismhating msnbc though they do seem to like making money for themselves. Anyway on msnbc, reverend otis moss said dont blame christianity for slavery as some do, blame capitalism. Those who were the slave holders who claimed christianity but it was really capitalism in drag john capitalism in drag. Its thats nuts. Theres nothing more opposite of capitalism than slavery. Slavery is keeping people unfree. Capitalism is unleashing peoples freedom to spend money and work as they want. John whats this about . Theres lots of it. I look at a Huffington Post headline, how slavery led to modern capitalism. Daily beast, how slavery gave capitalism its start. The best i can figure, john is people want a lot of people dont like capitalism, so if you can tarnish it by claiming it somehow was connected with slavery, it makes it look bad. In history where slavery exists capitalism doesnt exist. Its no coincidence that great written, the home of the great britain, the home of the industrial revolution, was one of the first countries to get rid of slavery. Brazil on the other hand didnt get rid of slavery until 1888 and its still a lot poorer than certainly most people in the United States and western europe. John and america didnt really prosper until after the civil war when slavery was ended. Decades after slavery was ended, yes. John one of your points is slavery is not as efficient as people would think it would be. Thats right. Slavery is efficient for very, very mechanical tasks; growing tobacco and growing cotton. If youre a plantation owner you might do well by having slaves pick your cotton. If youre a factory owner, you dont want slaves in your factory. Its too easy for them to shirk in a thousand and one different ways that even the best overseer cannot monitor and correct for. John back to your earlier point, people hate capitalism. Yeah. John john they associate it with social injustice. Whats that about . I dont know. Capitalism is a system of voluntary exchanges. John people dont get it. They hate it. I know. And theyre wholly mistaken. Youre right they dont get it, and thats the problem. Thats what you do, you help them to try to get it. John im trying. Yeah. John thank you, Don Boudreaux. Coming up, hows that social justice thing working out in this country where they brag they were bringing social justice . Why then are these people waiting in such a long line . And what are these gunshots about . [gunfire] i built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Are you moving forward fast enough . Everywhere you look, it strategy is now business strategy. And a partnership with hp can help you accelerate down a path created by people, technology and ideas. To move your company from what it is now. To what it needs to become. John a few countries voted for what they call social justice. Venezuela did, and hollywood applauded. Danny glover, oliver stone, sean penn and Harry Belafonte praised hugo chavez. Chavez has now died, but his picture is still on walls everywhere, and one of his flunk key 401 k ies now presides. Is some of the people who voted for it are mad they didnt get all the goodies they were supposed to get, and others are mad because since chavez took over, venezuelas economy has been in the tank. The news site the pan am posts latin america and its experiments with social justice. Its editor, whats going on . People living through a nightmare of socialism. Its been were seeing the outcomes now thats been building for more than ten years. There is a wave of corruption crime, inflation. The people are leaving in droves. So john why does that have to go with socialism . This was supposed to your everything. Right. They have ruined incentive to be productive. Theyve violated Property Rights, theyve confiscated property. So they have taken away the incentive for companies to be there. So if you cant keep the fruits of your labor what incentive is there to build a productive economy . John so its an oilrich country. They make almost 100 billion a year selling oil. Theyre still poor. You have a tsunami of corruption in and out of the country and you also have a whole array of failed social programs. John also spend money on these pictures of chavez all over. People have his picture tattooed on their bodies. Right. So this is one of the most bizarre elements john they get that free. Exactly. Theyre a statesponsored there are statesponsored events where you can get a free tattoo of chavezs signature, and they have painted his eyes having big brothers eyes looking at you. It is just creepy. John it creeps me out, but people there seem to like him. And leftists all over say this is going to work. The Guardian Newspaper leftist newspaper in britain no one can explain why a rich country has no food. Thats just a crazy statement, right . So no one can explain it . There are economists all over the place explaining it. People in venezuela people outside. John once it became clear chavezs socialism wasnt working out as hoped and venezuelans were protesting and rioting, i thought american leftists would at least be embarrassed by their early enthusiasm. But no i think theyre immune to embarrassment. After the tyrant chavez died, Washington Post leftist Eugene Levinson found all kinds of nice things to say about him. He was very smart obviously, and tenacious and determined. Was he a tyrant . We should remember he was democratically elected. Why didnt he have Popular Support . Because for many decades the poor of venezuela had been ignored. He provided medical attention that the poor in venezuela hadnt received before. John john he cared about the poor. Capitalists dont. It breaks my heart to see the people who are suffering in venezuela and all these hollywood types dont seem to care or are blind to it. People like oliver stone, they dont want to see the truth. John oliver stone called him a great hero. No. Its true that he was democratically elected the first time, but he rigged the system. They had total control over the media they had total control of the electoral process. If you put your political opponents in prison, how democratic is that . John but don king, the boxing promoter he goes to venezuela and says to see what is happening here makes me feel good all over. You, he says to chavez, you are the one concerned about the poor. Danny glover a true man of the people. Where are people going to . Are they going to live in lovely venezuela, or are they coming here, right . Are the cubans hanging out there or getting on ships or little boats trying to get here . The venezuelan economy, the people in control of it, are on some insane quest to repeat the cuban multidecade failure. John but people in venezuela love these dictators. I mean, reuters reports a venezuela politician rolled out a variation of the lords prayer. Our chavez who art in heaven hallowed be your name. May your legacy come to us so we can spread it to the people. Give us your light to guide out every day. Lead us not into the temptation of capitalism. Yeah that john and people applauded. This is the cult of hugo chavez. And that is not the people of venezuela, thats the socialist party who are loyal to him. Theyre part of the crony system. Theyre part of the problem. They dont want to have open Fair Elections and so thats why theyre afraid of it. John thank you fehr gus hodgeson. I should say you dont sound latino but youre from new zealand. John open media in all across america. John because you felt it was theres a lack of free speech, and we really have to address these topics. We go where the free speech is least so venezuela is one of those places. Cuba is even worse. John thank you. Next why markets make people less sexist and less racist. If you suffer from a dry mouth then youll know how uncomfortable it can be. But did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath . Well, there is biotene specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants. Biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. Biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. John if you want to be taught about the need for social justice, you should become a sociology major at Brooklyn College. Then you can learn about things like labor and Global Solidarity and resisting walmart. Those are two of many papers presented by the chair of the department,carely that munoz. She says america urgently needs more social justice, meaning what . Well, peoples basic needs are not being met in this country. We have, you know, persistent poverty, unemployment, the wealth gap, 50 million americans are uninsured or underinsured. Were in a crisis. John we would be in less of a crisis if government gave those people more things . Absolutely. If you look at our country historically, at the height of industrialization we saw the worst sweat shop conditions that have ever existed terrible conditions, terrible wages, worst pollution in history john the industrial revolution. Absolutely. By the 1930s, people had had enough, and because of unions and government policies, we rad candidated sweat shops we eradicated sweat shops, and working conditions improved. In the last 0 years 30 years john i thought they improved because people got rich enough to care about clean air and they could afford the ability to clean these things up. Absolutely not. John not . Really . No. Its because of new deal policies like Social Security, minimum wage standards that forced employers to improve their conditions. John so how come communist countries werent good for their people . Well, i think that we have a very few examples of, you know communist countries, first of all, and very and fewer examples of them being allowed to succeed. For example john russia wasnt allowed. [inaudible] chile, which is where im from. John ah. And that would have been a good communist country socialist. John socialist, they would have prospered . Yes. John how come hong kong did so well and singapore these basically almost free market, almost no rules countries . People went from horrible poverty to great wealth. Lets go to some of your points about how terrible things are. People are working more than ever people are working longer hours American Workers are 40 more productive than theyve ever been since 1979 john good. Which is great. And yet wages have stagnated. John wait a second. We have a chart of hours worked per year. Can we put that up . This is from the oecd. We are more leisure time than ever, were working less. I cant believe you teach your students this. I cant believe im taxed to pay you at city college to teach your students this. This is just wrong. Its not wrong. We have plenty of evidence the Economic Policy institute has dozens of papers on how americans are more productive and working more than ever before. And wages have not kept up with that. John wages. We have a chart of becames. The average household of wages. The average Household Income has grown by 40 for the middle 49 for the bottom fifth over the past 30 years, wages plus benefits. Real wages. John this is adjusted for inflation. Real wages have not gone up. John but they have [laughter] you dont have, you dont have the purchasing power that you had 30 years ago. John we have more purchasing power and things are cheaper. This used to cost 1,000. Absolutely. But, you know what . More people are in debt. John and chinas doing better. On some things. John so we could learn from china . A governmentcontrolled economy . That does better . Yes, we can. John it wasnt the recognition of private property . No. John well, lets look at heres chinas gdp. Look how it was stagnant for hundreds of years and then they recognized private property, and suddenly it boomed. The government has still funded many, many many projects that has allowed china to boom. John should government run industry . Oil companies . Railroads . Once again its not about government running things its about government regulating things. Markets on their own are not the problem its unregulated markets that are the problem. And what weve seen is in the United States when we had the strongest unions and strongest federal government policy we saw the strongest Economic Growth in history. John well, you told meow dont watch me you dont watch chris matthews, but he seems to believe government could run business better than business does. Why doesnt the president go in there, nationalize the industry and get the job done for the people . John that was after an oil spill, hes talking about the oil industry. Should government then step in after a spill and run things . Well, i think that the key there is that government and the epa should have enough regulations that these kinds of errors dont happen. I mean we were talking about Climate Change was on the front page of Time Magazine in 1970, and were still debating about whether Climate Change is an issue in 2013. John i think in the 70s, the Climate Change was Global Cooling we were worried about. Does anybody give you any pushback at Brooklyn College about what you teach . Absolutely. And i welcome those debates, and i ask them to come to my class prepared with their facts and check. John im glad to hear that. Im glad they debate. Thank you for debating this hear, carolina. Coming up, how despite all the complaints from social justice activists, those of us who live in relatively capitalist countries do get more social justice all the time. As the beatles said the world keeps Getting Better. John when people talk about social justice, Martin Luther king is somebody they often mention. When i was in high school, king led thousands of people on a 50mile march from selma to Montgomery Alabama to protest voting restrictions. During that march king said the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. That line inspired this book, the moral arc how science and reason lead humanity toward truth, justice and freedom. Its author, mikal shermer says now some people complain theres not must have social justice when were living in the most moral period ever in history. What do you mean . The expansion of civil rights womens rights gay rights animal rights. More people are freer and have more rights than at any time in history. And yet people still complain that its bad now, worse than its ever been as if all the work that dr. King did counted for nothing. So we followed the trend lines not the headlines thats the job of the media, of course, to report the bad news, but its good to take those longterm trends over the course of centuries and look at the abolition of slavery abolition of judicial torture the granting of the franchise to all adults and america didnt get the vote to women until 1920. So, i mean look how far we have come. [laughter] john and i was struck when you talk about gay rights how far weve come. Jonathan rausch writes when i was young, gay americans were forbidden to work for government forbidden to serve in the military, arrested for making love even in their own homes, beaten and killed in the streets, arrested by police for sport, fired from jobs, joked about, demeaned, bullied as a matter of course condemned as sick by scientists, condemned by their own parents. Indeed. John almost entirely changed in 20 30 years. Its the fastest, its the fastest unraveling of a you know, suppression of minorities ever. And just think about like alan turing who almost singlehandedly saved the allies by cracking the code of the nazis. He was gay. And to reward him for saving western civilization, the British Government had him chemically castrated, and he killed himself. Thats just barely more than half a century ago. John still watching the news, youd think life is getting worse. Isis is out of control. Hundreds of homes have been swept away. More violence. Rioters burning buildings and vehicles john those things did happen. Therell always be enough incidents to fill the evening news with film clips like that. But the kinds of inner city violence between the police and africanamericans, for example is far less today than it was say, in the 50s. John people dont know that. Its sharply down. There has never been a safer time to live than today including in inner cities. Think about donald sterling, the former owner of the clippers. This was a huge news story. Saying in private to his mistress that he was unhappy about africanamericans coming to his games, you know . Hes just vilified and run out of town, has to sell his team and so on. Most old guys back in the 50s thought like him, and they werent private about it. Now that you just cant say those sorts of things. I think earlier you played that song by paul mccartney, its Getting Better all the time. The next stanza he says i used to be cruel to my woman, i would beat her and keep her apart from the things she looed. When i heard that loved, when i heard that recently i thought, sir paul you cant say that anymore. Just little stuff that shifts that we just no longer do. John because of science and reason, you say and you insult religion saying religion is not the source of moral progress. Many people watching will say, yes, it is. During the enlightenment there became a movement to try to apply science of reason to solving social problems. Instead of treating behavior as a sin lets treat it as something thats a problem to be solved. How can we get homicide to go down . Get people to act nicer to each other, how can we improve the economy get people wealthier. People think adam smiths book is called wealth of nations. Thats not the title. The title is an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Inspired by newton, the principle that the universe is governed by natural laws, we can apply that not just to the physical world, but the social and economic world. There must be a better way to govern people for all of us to live for more of us to have more prosperity more freedom, more autonomy, and for three centuries weve been applying the methods of science and reason to solving more problems and the moral sphere keeps expanding, the arc keeps bending. More of us are better off than weve ever been. Despite what you see in the news, dont forget to look at the longterm trends. John a final example, murder rates. We think theres more murder now but, in fact, over time theyve plummeted. In prehistoric times a thousand per 100,000 people per year. In the middle ages 100. In the 1700s, 10. Today in america 5. And 1, less than 1 in europe. So the chances of you dying violently have gone down a thousandfold in the last thousand years. Theres never been a safer time for you to walk out on the street and not die violently. John well, we can be happy about that. We should be. John thank you michael shermer. Coming up why real social justice is driven not by government, but by free markets. The u. S. Government may soon require brake override technologies on all new cars and trucks. And they think this is a good idea. So we did it. Six years ago. This allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. Well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38 more than allergy medicines alone. So you can breathe and sleep. Shut your mouth and sleep right. Breathe right. John a thousand years ago most everyone was horribly poor. Few people had anything close to what we call social justice today except for a few kings and queens. A big reason most everyone else was poor then was because they had no Property Rights. Why work hard to build something if your neighbor the king, could just steal it . So people didnt build or invent much, and everyone stayed poor. But then a few countries recognized private property. If you built Something Police wouldnt take it from you. In fact, they might protect what you built. Once people had Property Rights progress took off. This chart shows how wealth per person grew since private property was recognized. As i showed before, this change was even more dramatic in china once the communists finally allowed private property, then the boom happened. Along with the rise in wealth came a rise in health. We now live twice as long. Thats what id call social justice. And almost all these gains came from the free market. Look how driving deaths have dropped. Much of this happened because cars are safer now and people think thats because government forced it. But thats rarely the case. Air bags appeared in cars long before bureaucrats even knew what they were. Fifty years ago a mechanical engineer named alan breed inevented a 5 device that would sense a crash and allow an airbag to inflate. Mercedes benz offered it as an option in 1980. Ten years later ford made them standard equipment. Then volvo offered side protection. And now others do. Introducing an Industry First Front Center Airbag available in the reimagined 2013 chevrolet traverse. John thats well beyond what government requires. Government didnt require any airbags until 1998, 20 years after some car makers installed them voluntarily. Likewise the first backup camera is used in a 1956 buick concept car. Nissan made them an option in the year 2000 and now most cars have them. A technological marvel that would have gotten us burned at the stake 100 years ago. John again the private markets way ahead of government as it was with automatic braking. The u. S. Government may soon require Brake Override Technology on all new cars and trucks. At nissan we think this is a good idea, so we did it. Six years ago. John the free market protects us better than the state because it allows for choice and experiments. Heres the latest improvement. Weve road tested autonomous driving over 10,000 miles, on highways and in heavy city traffic. The future of the automobile. John the driverless car will be a big lifesaver because most crashes are caused by people who make mistakes. Companies develop that not because government told them to do it, they did it voluntarily because they want to make money. Now they say the biggest obstacle to saving lives since Driverless Cars isnt technology, its government, and its rules. We need some government to have social justice to keep the peace to to protect private property, to do a few other things. But most social justice comes from the free market where businesses have an incentive to voluntarily serve as many people as possible regardless of gender, sexual preference, status or ethnic group. Government doesnt have to force it. Sellers need to be nice to people because customers are more likely to trade with people who treat them fairly. Those who dont will lose business. In a free market which unlike government is voluntary everyone gets to choose his own path. Thats social justice. And thats our show. See you next week an hour earlier. Fox has changed my show schedule again. Is our new time slot will be fridays on fbn at 8 p. M. See you then. Thanks for being with us tonight. Good night from new york. A hundred thousand creepy crawlers. Fighters that will cover your whole face. All collected from the far reaches of the world. Is it alive . Talk about a bugs life. Walt disney went into the museum and wanted to buy the collection. Is there a bigger story behind this request. That was an interesting and eye opening experience all its own. Im jamie

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