[email protected] The Kaiwahine Village affordable rental project in Kihei is pictured in June. The Maui County Council on Friday passed a bill on first reading that would require 201H fast-track projects to be 75 percent affordable, unless the council approves a lower percentage above 50 percent. Photo courtesy of Moss Construction A bill that would tighten affordable housing requirements for projects seeking fast-track approval under state law squeaked by with enough votes early Friday evening to pass on first reading before the Maui County Council. In the 5-4 decision, Council Member Mike Molina, the bill’s author, voted in favor along with Vice-Chairwoman Keani Rawlins-Fernandez and Council Members Gabe Johnson, Tamara Paltin and Shane Sinenci. Those voting in opposition were Chairwoman Alice Lee and Council Members Kelly King, Tasha Kama and Yuki Lei Sugimura, who said they wanted to await the outcome of a comprehensive affordable housing plan that’s expected to be drafted by March.