KNBN NewsCenter1 The current drought can cause grassfires that start from equipment hitting rocks or other accidents. July 8, 2021 The current drought can cause grassfires that start from equipment hitting rocks or other accidents. 1/14 "); $spagination = flexSlider.find(".spagination"); SPagination.Init($spagination.get( 0 ), { size: slide_obj.count, // pages size page: 1, // selected page step: 3, // pages before and after current cb: function(p){ flexSlider.flexAnimate(p-1, true); } }); } } } function gtx_gallery_slide_before(slide_obj){ var slide=slide_obj.animatingTo; $active_slide=$all_slides.eq(slide) ; slideshow_ad_loaded = false; var current_html = $active_slide.children(".gtx-ad-container").html(); if (current_html) {$active_slide.children(".gtx-ad-container").html(current_html.trim())}