Farmers Business Network Membership in Farmers Business Network has surpassed 25,000 farmer members globally, the company announced today in a press release. In the last six months – following its decision to make membership free to farmers – FBN has added over 10,000 new farming enterprises. The growing FBN community of independent farmers currently spans 70 million acres in the United States, Canada, and most recently Australia, where the movement to put Farmers First in agriculture launched with the acquisition of Farmsave Holdings announced in the summer of 2020. “We want to thank our members for making the growth of the FBN community possible,” said Amol Deshpande, Co-Founder and CEO of Farmers Business Network, in the release. “The foundation of FBN is based on the value of farmer-to-farmer connections. Those connections have grown our network as members share their experiences with each other and encourage more farmers to join and make the overall network stronger.”