Share this article Share this article WASHINGTON, Jan. 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Fannie Mae (OTCQB: FNMA) priced a $315 million Social Multifamily DUS ® REMIC under its Fannie Mae Guaranteed Multifamily Structures (Fannie Mae GeMS™) program on January 21, 2021. FNA 2021-M1S is the first Fannie Mae Social GeMS issuance. The issuance aligns with Fannie Mae's Sustainable Bond Framework, which governs Fannie Mae's commitment to adhering to international standards in its issuance of green, social, and sustainable bonds. In 2020, Fannie Mae received a second party opinion on its Sustainable Bond Framework from independent third-party Sustainalytics. The framework builds on Fannie Mae's 32-year history of supporting multifamily affordable housing, 10-year history of multifamily green financing, and its expansion into single-family green MBS issuance in 2020. Last year, Fannie Mae's Multifamily business provided $7.8 billion in financing for rent-restricted properties and properties receiving other federal and state subsidies, $5.5 billion for manufactured housing communities, $1.5 billion for properties with rent restrictions between 60 percent and 80 percent area median income (AMI), and provided $13 billion in green financing. Fannie Mae continues to focus on quantifying and increasing the impact of its work.