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Families impacted by mass stabbings at JSCN find support at
Families impacted by mass stabbings at JSCN find support at Traditional Health gathering
Nearly a year has passed since Joyce Burns's husband Earl was stabbed and killed and the scars are still very ...
Related Keywords
Red Pheasant ,
Saskatchewan ,
Canada ,
Janice Brittain ,
Laverne Laliberte ,
James Smith Cree ,
Mya Burns ,
Vanessa Burns ,
Myles Sanderson ,
Nicole Ouelette ,
Brian Hardlotte ,
Earl Burns ,
Deborah Burns ,
Nigel Maxwell ,
Twitter ,
First Nations ,
Aries Mya Burns ,
Red Pheasant First Nation ,
James Smith Cree Nation ,
Chief Brian Hardlotte ,
Chief Dutch Lerat ,