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Fallen heroes: Central banks face credibility crisis as loss
Fallen heroes: Central banks face credibility crisis as loss
Fallen heroes: Central banks face credibility crisis as losses pile up
Central bankers have been celebrated as alchemists who saved the world from the abyss. Now that inflation is out of control and losses are looming, they look far less omnipotent.
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Australia ,
United States ,
Netherlands ,
Switzerland ,
France ,
Berlin ,
Germany ,
Belgium ,
Australian ,
French ,
Swiss ,
Daniel Gros ,
Christine Lagarde ,
Brian Coulton ,
Thomas Lohnes Getty ,
Derek Tang ,
Ulrich Bindseil ,
Office For Budget Responsibility ,
European Central Bank ,
Centre For European Policy ,
Swiss National Bank ,
Us Congress ,
Federal Reserve ,
European Policy ,
French President Emmanuel Macron ,
Monetary Policy ,
Budget Responsibility ,
President Joachim Nagel ,
Accounting And Auditing ,
Banks ,
Budget ,
Central Banks ,
Chile ,
Communications ,
Crisis ,
Czech Republic ,
Data ,
Debt ,
Growth ,
Inflation ,
Interest Rates ,
Loss And Damage ,
Major And Chronic Diseases ,
Mexico ,
Payments ,
Policy ,
Quantitative Easing ,
Research ,
Risk And Compliance ,
Stability ,
The Netherlands ,