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Fact-Check | No, This Is Not IAS Officer Rinku Dugga Who Was
Fact-Check | No, This Is Not IAS Officer Rinku Dugga Who Was
Fact-Check | No, This Is Not IAS Officer Rinku Dugga Who Was Transferred to Arunachal Pradesh
Fact-Check | A video showing a woman screaming and saying "I have cried all night" is being shared on social media with the false claim that she is IAS Officer Rinku Dugga, who was recently transferred to Arunachal Pradesh.
Related Keywords
Ladakh ,
Jammu And Kashmir ,
India ,
Delhi ,
Rinku Dugga ,
Sanjeev Khirwar ,
Indian Expressreported ,
Principal Secretary ,
Arunachal Pradesh ,
Thyagaraj Stadium ,
Webqoof ,
Fact Check ,
Fake News ,
Imran Khan ,
Ias Officer ,
Ias Couple ,
Delhi Thyagraj Stadium ,
Ias Officer Rinku Dugga ,
Arunchal Pradesh ,
Rinku Dugga Video Fact Check ,