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Experts for study on bee population :
Experts for study on bee population :
Experts for study on bee population
Pesticides and other agrochemicals such as herbicides and weedicides are killing bees and other pollinators in intensively farmed areas
Related Keywords
Hyderabad ,
Andhra Pradesh ,
India ,
Calcutta ,
West Bengal ,
P Ravindra Kumar ,
Parthib Basu ,
Panchayati Raj ,
University Of Calcutta ,
Prof Jayashankar Telangana State Agriculture University ,
National Institute Of Rural Development ,
National Institute ,
Rural Development ,
Prof Parthib Basu ,
Prof Basu ,
Agriculture Scientists ,
Entomologists ,
Apiculture ,
Prof Jayashankar ,
Telangana State Agriculture University ,
Apiculture Programme ,
Bird ,
Beehives ,
Entre For Agroecology Pollination Studies ,
Gro Eco Systems ,
Neonicotinoid ,