Experience Creative and Diverse Cultural Opportunities in Sumter Allison Vile Discover writers share all of the places, activities and adventure that South Carolina has to offer. Read more from some of South Carolina’s locals and discover what’s happening in the Palmetto State.More from "Allison Vile" If you're into arts and history, you'll find plenty to keep you entertained in Sumter. In the historic Sumter Opera House, the crown jewel of downtown Sumter, stage performances cover an array of entertainment, including vintage movies, concerts and ballet. Celebrating 125 years of talent, culture and shared experiences, the current opera house was built circa 1893, following the destruction of the original building by fire. In 1936 the Opera House was renovated into a movie theater, which created 300 jobs for Depression-era workers. You’ll learn that tickets to the first movie were 35 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. It has endured several changes since then, but today it is home to City Hall, the city council chambers and a 550-seat theater.