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Experience a toe-tapping trip back in time with 'Beehive' :
Experience a toe-tapping trip back in time with 'Beehive' :
Experience a toe-tapping trip back in time with 'Beehive'
“Beehive: The ’60s Musical,” now playing in the Adventure Theatre at Cumberland County Playhouse, features a six-woman cast who drip with girl power while providing a first-person musical narrative into
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Jensen Crain Foster ,
Regina Pullin ,
Shannon Cabato ,
Stephanie Park ,
Britt Hancock ,
Heather Mccall ,
Jull Hassberger ,
Lauren Marshall ,
Briana Hernandez ,
Adventure Theatre ,
Cumberland County Playhouse ,
Way Back Machines ,
Reality Hendrix ,
Ebony Strong ,
Designer Jull Hassberger ,
Cher Bohemian ,
Music Director Lauren Marshall ,
Cumberland County ,
Entertainment ,
Usic ,
Art ,
Clothing ,
Theatre ,