Hardell Media Ten months ago, in April 2020, Norbert Bueno was busy starting a brand-new musical endeavor in the face of the pandemic. "It will take some time before people feel comfortable going out to large gatherings," he said at the time. "New ideas and forms of entertainment will rise." And rise they have. Social Antidote has, over the past year, grown a musical model that not only offers high-quality production opportunities to local artists, but expands on the very limits of visual production. Bueno and his fellow Social Antidote collaborators—Vice President Brianna Ray, Secretary and Treasurer Mychael Johnson, and Fat Fish Media friends Molly Cook and Isaac Gonzales—wanted a way to still give a stage to their folks in the music scene, safely. And so what started out as well-lit, well-produced live stream sets of local artists put together by the budding Social Antidote has since become something much more expansive, transforming the group into a creative force all their own.