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Exhibit on water and women comes to James Watrous Gallery :
Exhibit on water and women comes to James Watrous Gallery :
Exhibit on water and women comes to James Watrous Gallery
Artist Mary Burns of Mercer uses a high-tech jacquard loom to create stunning portraits that for the next two months are at the James Watrous Gallery at Overture Center.
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Manitowish River ,
Wisconsin Academy ,
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Jody Clowes ,
Mary Burns ,
Nafisa Barot ,
Rachel Carson ,
Aleta Baun ,
Emily Stanley ,
Gretchen Gerrish ,
Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center ,
Academy Of Sciences ,
Energy Initiative ,
Overture Center ,
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Wausau Newman High School ,
Overture Center Rotunda ,
Wisconsin Academy Of Sciences ,
Carol Warden ,
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James Watrous ,
International Freshwater Ecology Conference ,
Visual Arts ,
Watrous Gallery ,
Madeline Grace Martin ,
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Wild Lakes ,
Wisconsin Arts ,
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Art ,
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Ociology ,
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