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Exhibit on Marian coronations opens at St. Peter's Basilica
Exhibit on Marian coronations opens at St. Peter's Basilica
Exhibit on Marian coronations opens at St. Peter's Basilica
Each image comes from a different region in Italy and is accompanied by the story of a community's source of devotion
Related Keywords
Poland ,
Czestochowa ,
Slaskie ,
Perpetual Help ,
Iriga ,
Philippines ,
Italy ,
Polish ,
Justin Mclellan ,
Michelangelo Piet ,
Peter Square ,
Michelangelo Pieta ,
Our Lady ,
Pietro Zander ,
Mater Ecclesiae Mother Of The Church ,
Cathedral Museum In Florence On Feb ,
Vatican Pieta ,
Cathedral Museum ,
Basilica May ,
Mary May ,
San Pietro ,
John Paul ,
Apostolic Palace ,
Marian ,
St Peters Basilica ,
Catholics ,
Vatican ,
Catholic Church News ,