Even A Small Portion Of Pizza Or Burger Can Risk Your Heart: Study | 5 Healthy Snack Options Even A Small Portion Of Pizza Or Burger Can Risk Your Heart: Study | 5 Healthy Snack Options Avoiding fried food can help you promote aa healthy heart. A new research sheds light on the link between heart and fried food. Those greasy, calorific and decadent pizzas and burgers define indulgence. But we all are well aware of the fact that such indulgence is severely sinful. A diet full of fried foods has long been linked to various lifestyle and chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, heart issues etc. But did you know that even a small portion of it can increase heart risk by leaps and bound? A recent study found that a 114-gram weekly serving of such foods heightens the risk of major heart disease and stroke. The findings were published in the journal Heart.