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Establish direct democracy in villages: CSD | OdishaChannel.
Establish direct democracy in villages: CSD | OdishaChannel.
Establish direct democracy in villages: CSD |
Declare one village as one panchayat irrespective of revenue and forest/un-surveyed village in the line of FRA, 2006 and PESA, 1996: CSD
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Odisha ,
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India ,
Biju Janata Dal ,
Panchayati Raj ,
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Palli Sabha ,
Odisha Channel Bureau Bhubaneswar ,
Campaign For Survival ,
Channel Bureau Bhubaneswar ,
Forest Rights Act ,
Gram Sabha ,
Panchayati Raj System ,
Forest Rights Rules ,
Odisha Even ,
State Government ,
Indira Awas Yojana ,
Nra ,
Sd ,
Csd ,
Fra ,