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Essay: Journey to the Weird Worlds of Sheboygan : comparemel
Essay: Journey to the Weird Worlds of Sheboygan : comparemel
Essay: Journey to the Weird Worlds of Sheboygan
Frank Bures travels to Sheboygan to experience an art museum containing some 25,000 weird (and wonderful) works.
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Sheboygan ,
Wisconsin ,
United States ,
Nebraska ,
India ,
New York ,
Milwaukee Art Museum ,
Fox Point ,
Door County ,
Price County ,
America ,
American ,
Sun Yat Sen ,
Paul Bunyan ,
Iwo Jima ,
Eugene Von Bruenchenhein ,
Albert Zahn ,
Fred Smith ,
Ruth Kohler ,
Mary Nohl ,
Loy Bowlin ,
Chelsea Hotel ,
John Michael Kohler Arts Center ,
Hart Preserve ,
Concrete Park ,
Beautiful Holy Jewel ,
Sculpture Park ,
Sauk County ,
Herman Rusch ,
Prairie Moon Sculpture Park ,
John Michael Kohler Arts ,
Kit Carson ,
Budweiser Clydesdales ,
Wisconsin Concrete ,
Von Bruenchenhein ,
Emery Blagdon ,
Stella Waitzkin ,
Charles Smith ,
American Heritage Museum ,
Black Veterans Archive ,
African American ,
Nek Chand ,
Kohler Art Preserve ,