By Dave Basner Contestants appearing on Jeopardy have a chance at making a lot of money, so long as they are able to give the correct responses to the clues on the show, however, they have an equal chance of getting roasted on Twitter if they give the wrong response, and that's just what happened to one player. About halfway through the game's first round, Steve Bright, a lawyer from Massachusetts, was in second place. He picked the $1000 clue in the category "Hot Stuff." Guest host and 60 Minutes correspondent Bill Whitaker read the clue, " Stefano Ferrara is a famous maker of these, which can reach a temperature of 800 degrees inside." Steve then rang in and responded, "What is a calzone?" Before reacting, Whitaker was silent, perhaps to determine if Steve was kidding or not, but then he just said "no," with a hint of disbelief in his voice. When no one else rang in, Whitaker revealed the correct response, "What are ovens?"