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Enel Chile S A : On July 12, 2023, Enel Chile signed a contr
Enel Chile S A : On July 12, 2023, Enel Chile signed a contr
Enel Chile S A : On July 12, 2023, Enel Chile signed a contract with Sonnedix, an international renewable energy company, regarding the sale of Enel Chile's 99.99% ownership share of subsidiary Arcadia Generación Solar S.A. for approximately US$ 550 million, price which may vary according to the adjustments established in the sales agreement. The transaction is expected to have a positive US$ 110 million net income effect on the Company in 2023. Arcadia Generación Solar S.A. owns four ph
On July 12, 2023, Enel Chile signed a contract with Sonnedix, an international renewable energy company, regarding the sale of Enel Chile's 99.99% ownership share of...
Related Keywords
Spain ,
Diego De Almagro ,
Iii Region ,
Chile ,
Argentina ,
Domeyko ,
Chilean ,
Spanish ,
Carrera Pinto ,
Territoria Santa Rosa ,
Enel Generaci ,
Enel Transmisi ,
Enel Colina ,
Inversionesk Cuatro ,
Enel Distribuci ,
Sistema El ,
Territoria Apoquindo ,
Sociedad Transmisora Metropolitana ,
Inversiones Grupo Saesa Ltda ,
Endesa Energ ,
Energy Sales ,
Antofagasta ,
Chile National Economic Prosecutor Office ,
Distribution Networks ,
Distribution Networks Segment ,
Exchange Rate ,
National Energy Commission ,
Energy Losses ,
Energy Sales Gwh ,
Tariff Stabilization Fund ,
Ministry Of Energy ,
Assets Of The Company ,
Chilean Treasury Department ,
Distribution Networks Business ,
Saesa Group ,
Enel Finance International ,
Enel Chile Group ,
Enel Chile ,
Arcadia Generaci ,
Nacional Econ ,
Social Agenda ,
Official Gazette ,
Regulated Customer ,
From January ,
Electricity Law ,
Consumer Price Index ,
Exempt Resolution ,
Tariff Stabilization ,
Observed Exchange Rate ,
Balance Payment Chart ,
System Coordinator ,
Payment Document ,
General De La Rep ,
Stock Purchase Agreement ,
Sociedad Transmisora Metropolitana Spa ,
Inversiones Grupo Saesa ,
National Economic Prosecutor ,
Securities Market Law ,
Public Tender Offer ,
Enel Green Power Chile ,
Chilean Government ,
Metropolitan Region ,
Consolidated Procurement ,
Services Costs ,
Tariff Stabilization Law ,
Tariff Stabilization Laws ,
Enel Global Trading Spa ,
Pampa Solar Norte ,
Santa Rosa ,
Sociedad De Inversionesk Cuatro Spa ,
Sonnedix Chile Arcadia Spa ,
Sonnedix Chile Arcadia Generaci ,
Santa Rosa Complex ,
Enelx Chile ,
Current Assets ,
Markets ,