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End war now before it's too late for Ethiopians, UN rights c
End war now before it's too late for Ethiopians, UN rights c
End war now before it's too late for Ethiopians, UN rights chief urges fighters
All parties involved in the escalating conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray must stop fighting immediately, or else risk pushing the region’s catastrophic
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Ethiopia ,
Humera ,
Tigray ,
Eritrea ,
Gondar ,
Samara ,
Maichew ,
Geneva ,
Genè ,
Switzerland ,
Amhara ,
Bahir Dar ,
Eritrean ,
Ethiopian ,
Addis Ababa ,
Samri Tigrayan ,
Mai Kadra ,
Tigray Samre ,
Tigray Dansha ,
Tigray Wukro ,
Tigrayan Samri ,
Tigray Alamata ,
Ethiopian National Defence ,
Tigrayan Special ,
Investigation Team ,
Tigrayan Special Forces ,
Ethiopian National Defence Force ,
Amhara Special ,
Eritrean Defence ,
Ethiopian Human Rights Commission ,
Amhara Special Forces ,
Eritrean Defence Force ,
Ethiopian Government ,
Joint Investigation Team ,
Ethiopian National Defence Forces ,
High Commissioner ,
Eastern Tigray ,
Southern Tigray ,
Western Tigray ,