To embed, copy and paste the code into your website or blog: Infectious disease experts have a saying: Vaccines don’t save lives, vaccinations do. As vaccinations are now widely available, and with the Biden Administration’s goal of 70% of adults at least initially vaccinated by July 4 in reach, employers eager to get back to the way things were pre-pandemic may want to mandate vaccinations. Yet, it has been reported that a still sizeable number of Americans are hesitant to take the vaccine, and news of a small number of adverse reactions may give rise to more angst. Still, employers have a duty under OSHA to keep their employees safe while at work, which includes protecting them from fellow employees, customers and others who have access to the workplace. If employers want to make vaccinations mandatory, can they force their employees hands (or, more accurately, their arms)? Short of mandating the shot(s), how can employers lawfully encourage employees to get the vaccine? How do they handle employees who refuse to be vaccinated?