1:48 a.m., unresponsive woman, South Fifth Street; United, Byesville EMS and deputies. Calls Sunday: 6:25 p.m., unresponsive man, Dewey Avenue; United and Cambridge FD. 1:13 p.m., fallen trees blocking roadway, Eighth Street Road; Liberty FD. Calls Saturday: 6:03 p.m., all-terrain vehicle accident, Leeper Road. 12:37 p.m., unconscious motorist drove into a ditch, Lashley Road; Senecaville EMS/FD, Seneca Lake ranger and State Highway Patrol. 8:05 a.m., former employee threatened to kill a woman and her father-in-law if they didn't pay him $4,000 by 7 p.m., Morgan Road. Calls Friday: 9:44 p.m., two men, ages 63 and 33, stopped breathing, Eighth Street Road; United, Cassell Station EMS/FD, Cambridge FD, Guernsey County coroner and deputies.