Elevator contract approved by Cheshire Town Council Elevator contract approved by Cheshire Town Council March 01, 2021 10:35AM By Mariah Melendez, Cheshire Herald staff CHESHIRE â The Town Council recently approved a two-year successor service agreement with Thyssenkrupp Elevator for maintenance of elevators in town facilities. The contract will run from from April 1 of this year to May 31, 2023. There are five elevators located in different municipal buildings for which Thyssenkrupp, which has locations throughout the country, will be responsible. Councilor David Veleber introduced the particulars of the contract at a council meeting earlier this month, explaining that the elevators in question are located in the Cheshire Library, Town Hall, fire and police departments, and the Cheshire Senior Center. As a successor agreement, Thyssenkrupp agrees to the specifics for elevator maintenance already in place with Cheshire, âAnd so far the Town has been satisfied with the vendor's services,â said Veleber.