'Red-tagging' is CPP-NPA's creative, defensive tactic: Esper

'Red-tagging' is CPP-NPA's creative, defensive tactic: Esperon

NTF ELCAC vice chair Hermogenes Esperon Jr. (File photo) MANILA - Red-tagging claims have always been the tactic of communist terrorist groups and their allies to cover up the truth on their acts and atrocities, a ranking official of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) said on Monday. "There is a pattern here. A pattern that will open our eyes to the truth about the CPP-NPA-NDF (Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army-National Democratic Front) and their front organizations. Every time the NTF-ELCAC exposes to the people the links between or among a person, organization, entity, group, and or a political party to the CPP-NPA-NDF; these CPP-NPA-NDF associated or linked person/s or group/s would say, THE NTF-ELCAC RED-TAGGED US!," NTF-ELCAC vice chair Hermogenes Esperon Jr. said in statement posted at the task force's Facebook page, debunking "red-tagging" claims made against the body. He added that those still unaware of the truth will probably ride along with the operational definition given by the CPP-NPA-NDF to "red-tagging", which Esperon described as a "creatively invented term" by these groups. "Those who know the truth, would say, there is no such thing as 'red-tagging'. If we ask, who really knows the truth about the CPP-NPA-NDF? Who can speak about the CPP-NPA-NDF? Who knows of the identities of the personalities within the CPP-NPA-NDF organization? Who knows of the organizations and groups linked to or affiliated with the CPP-NPA-NDF?" said Esperon, who is also National Security Adviser. He added that once these questions are answered clearly, Filipinos will know that those who have claimed that they are been "red-tagged" are actually trying to deny the "truth that they have been unmasked, exposed, and categorically identified as members of the CPP-NPA-NDF terrorist organization and/or a member of a group or organization affiliated with or linked to the CPP-NPA-NDF terrorist organization." Esperon also clarified that the NTF-ELCAC does not, did not, and will not speak about the things that they are uncertain of. "The NTF-ELCAC stands for the truth. We merely bring the message of truth to the Filipino people. When we say that the CPP-NPA-NDF committed atrocities against the Filipino people, we can support these allegations. When we say that the CPP-NPA-NDF has front organizations masquerading in different forms and modes, we can sufficiently support these claims," he added. Esperon said when NTF-ELCAC, through the whole-of-nation approach anchored on good governance, claims that they have liberated former conflict-stricken areas from the CPP-NPA-NDF influence and control, the body has facts to show or prove this. "When we unmask CPP-NPA-NDF members, leaders, supporters, collaborators, operatives, front organization members and leaders, we have the first hand accounts of individuals who know of the facts and the truth. This is because, they have come from within the ranks of the CPP-NPA-NDF," he added. Esperon said former members and allies of the CPP-NPA-NDF have seen the movement for what it truly is and they have willingly returned to the folds of the government and of the Filipino people because they have been the worst in the communist terrorists. "And they vowed never to let the CPP-NPA-NDF exploit, take advantage of, deceive, and destroy families and communities. The NTF-ELCAC speaks the truth as revealed by former CPP-NPA-NDF cadres and members. The NTF-ELCAC speaks for those who were victimized by the CPP-NPA-NDF. We speak for the communities and the families who were exploited and oppressed by the reign of terror of the CPP-NPA-NDF. The NTF-ELCAC has made a promise, Never again shall the Filipino people allow the CPP-NPA-NDF to sow terror in the countryside," he added. By speaking the truth, Esperon said the CPP-NPA-NDF has come face to face with a formidable foe, that is, the entire government bureaucracy, joined by the people, in a common goal to end the local communist armed conflict. "The NTF-ELCAC has done one thing that has not yet been done in the past, and this is to challenge the CPP-NPA-NDF front organizations and political groups in Congress which has remained unchallenged for the past many decades despite its glaring manifestations that it is affiliated to the CPP-NPA-NDF. The hard facts indicate that per first hand accounts of former CPP-NPA-NDF cadres, the MAKABAYAN BLOC which is also known by its acronym 'KABAG' (referring to KABATAAN, ACT, BAYAN MUNA, ANAKPAWIS, GABRIELA) are directly linked to and are associated with the CPP-NPA-NDF. This is the bitter pill of truth that some politicians and some of our kababayans refuse to swallow. This is the truth that the NTF-ELCAC has been exposing all along, that the CPP-NPA-NDF exists in our midst through their front organizations and that the CPP-NPA-NDF has infiltrated almost all sectors of our society," he added. This bitter truth, he said, proves that the CPP-NPA-NDF has been hiding in plain sight for the past many years. "And it is only now, that we, the Filipino people, are unmasking the CPP-NPA-NDF terrorist organization. It is only now that the CPP-NPA-NDF's existence, including those of their front organizations, has been challenged to the core," he added. Esperon said the task force is now at the point of the country's history where it is exposing, completely and comprehensively, the inner workings and the internal structures of the CPP-NPA-NDF terrorist organization, including their manipulation of and exploitation of the political and governmental structures to further their so-called "revolutionary struggle". Esperon said that in reality, thisis nothing more than a sugar-coated term that actually refers to that obsession on the part of the CPP-NPA-NDF to take over the government. "We are unmasking the CPP-NPA-NDF. The deception is over. It is about time that the Filipino people know the truth. Our people deserve the Truth and not the sugar-coated propaganda of politicians who sell their souls to the enemy by forming alliances with the CPP-NPA-NDF terrorist organization and their front groups. The NTF-ELCAC is committed to winning the peace by putting an end to the local communist armed conflict. In the end, truth prevails," he added. The CPP-NPA is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the Philippines. The Anti-Terrorism Council also formally designated the NDF as a terrorist organization on June 23, 2021, citing it as "an integral and inseparable part" of the CPP-NPA that was created in April 1973. (PNA) }

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Australia , Manila , Philippines , United States , New Zealand , Canada , United Kingdom , Filipino , The Philippines , Filipinos , Hermogenes Esperon Jr , National Democratic Front , People Army , Party Of The Philippines , European Union , Facebook , National Security Adviser , Terrorism Council , National Task Force , End Local Communist Armed Conflict , Communist Party , Philippines New People , Army National Democratic Front , Hermogenes Esperon , National Security , Anti Terrorism Council , Ntf Elcac Vice Chair Hermogenes Esperon Jr File Photo Manila Red Tagging Claims Have Always Been The Tactic Of Communist Terrorist Groups And Their Allies To Cover Up Truth On Acts Atrocities , A Ranking Official Of The National Task Force To End Local Communist Armed Conflict Ntf Elcac Said On Monday Quot There Isa Pattern Herea That Will Open Our Eyes Truth About Cpp Npa Ndf Party Philippines New People 39s Army Democratic Front And Their Organizations Every Time Exposes Links Between Or Amonga Person , Organization , Entity , Group , Nd Ora Political Party To The Cpp Npa Ndf These Associated Or Linked Persons Groups Would Say , He Ntf Elcac Red Tagged Us , Uot Ntf Elcac Vice Chair Hermogenes Esperon Jr Said In Statement Posted At The Task Force 39s Facebook Page , Ebunking Quot Red Tagging Claims Made Against The Body He Added That Those Still Unaware Of Truth Will Probably Ride Along With Operational Definition Given By Cpp Npa Ndf To , Hich Esperon Described Asa Quot Creatively Invented Term By These Groups Those Who Know The Truth , Would Say , Here Is No Such Thing As 39 Red Tagging If We Ask , Ho Really Knows The Truth About Cpp Npa Ndf Who Can Speak Of Identities Personalities Within Organization Organizations And Groups Linked To Or Affiliated With Quot Said Esperon , Ho Is Also National Security Adviser He Added That Once These Questions Are Answered Clearly , Ilipinos Will Know That Those Who Have Claimed They Are Been Quot Red Tagged Actually Trying To Deny The Truth Unmasked , Xposed , Nd Categorically Identified As Members Of The Cpp Npa Ndf Terrorist Organization And Ora Member Ofa Group Or Affiliated With Linked To Quot Esperon Also Clarified That Ntf Elcac Does Not , Did Not , Nd Will Not Speak About The Things That They Are Uncertain Of Quot Ntf Elcac Stands For Truth We Merely Bring Message To Filipino People When Say Cpp Npa Ndf Committed Atrocities Against , E Can Support These Allegations When We Say That The Cpp Npa Ndf Has Front Organizations Masquerading In Different Forms And Modes , E Can Sufficiently Support These Claims , Uot He Added Esperon Said When Ntf Elcac , Hrough The Whole Of Nation Approach Anchored On Good Governance , Laims That They Have Liberated Former Conflict Stricken Areas From The Cpp Npa Ndf Influence And Control , He Body Has Facts To Show Or Prove This Quot When We Unmask Cpp Npa Ndf Members , Leaders , Supporters , Collaborators , Operatives , Ront Organization Members And Leaders , E Have The First Hand Accounts Of Individuals Who Know Facts And Truth This Is Because , Hey Have Come From Within The Ranks Of Cpp Npa Ndf , Uot He Added Esperon Said Former Members And Allies Of The Cpp Npa Ndf Have Seen Movement For What It Truly Is They Willingly Returned To Folds Government Filipino People Because Been Worst In Communist Terrorists Quot Vowed Never Let Exploit , Take Advantage Of , Eceive , Nd Destroy Families And Communities The Ntf Elcac Speaks Truth As Revealed By Former Cpp Npa Ndf Cadres Members For Those Who Were Victimized We Speak Exploited Oppressed Reign Of Terror Has Madea Promise , Ever Again Shall The Filipino People Allow Cpp Npa Ndf To Sow Terror In Countryside , Uot He Added By Speaking The Truth , Speron Said The Cpp Npa Ndf Has Come Face To Witha Formidable Foe , What Is , He Entire Government Bureaucracy , Oined By The People , Na Common Goal To End The Local Communist Armed Conflict Quot Ntf Elcac Has Done One Thing That Not Yet Been In Past , Nd This Is To Challenge The Cpp Npa Ndf Front Organizations And Political Groups In Congress Which Has Remained Unchallenged For Past Many Decades Despite Its Glaring Manifestations That It Affiliated Hard Facts Indicate Per First Hand Accounts Of Former Cadres , He Makabayan Bloc Which Is Also Known By Its Acronym 39 Kabag Referring To Kabataan , Fact , Bayan Muna , Anakpawis , Abriela Are Directly Linked To And Associated With The Cpp Npa Ndf This Is Bitter Pill Of Truth That Some Politicians Our Kababayans Refuse Swallow Ntf Elcac Has Been Exposing All Along , Hat The Cpp Npa Ndf Exists In Our Midst Through Their Front Organizations And That Has Infiltrated Almost All Sectors Of Society , Uot He Added This Bitter Truth , She Said , Roves That The Cpp Npa Ndf Has Been Hiding In Plain Sight For Past Many Years Quot And It Is Only Now , What We , He Filipino People , Re Unmasking The Cpp Npa Ndf Terrorist Organization It Is Only Now That 39s Existence , Ncluding Those Of Their Front Organizations , As Been Challenged To The Core , Uot He Added Esperon Said The Task Force Is Now At Point Of Country 39s History Where It Exposing , Ompletely And Comprehensively , He Inner Workings And The Internal Structures Of Cpp Npa Ndf Terrorist Organization , Ncluding Their Manipulation Of And Exploitation The Political Governmental Structures To Further So Called Quot Revolutionary Struggle Esperon Said That In Reality , Hisis Nothing More Thana Sugar Coated Term That Actually Refers To Obsession On The Part Of Cpp Npa Ndf Take Over Government Quot We Are Unmasking Deception Is It About Time Filipino People Know Truth Our Deserve And Not Propaganda Politicians Who Sell Their Souls Enemy By Forming Alliances With Terrorist Organization Front Groups Ntf Elcac Committed Winning Peace Putting An End Local Communist Armed Conflict In , Truth Prevails , Uot He Added The Cpp Npa Is Listed Asa Terrorist Organization By United States , He European Union , The United Kingdom , Nd The Philippines Anti Terrorism Council Also Formally Designated Ndf Asa Terrorist Organization On June 23 , 021 , Iting It As Quot An Integral And Inseparable Part Of The Cpp Npa That Was Created In April 1973 Pna ,

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