The Enforcement Directorate has arrested two people following raids on the premises of a firm promoted by a Maharashtra MLA for alleged "illegal diversion of bank funds" in the Rs 4,300-crore PMC Bank fraud and money laundering case, official sources said on Saturday. On Friday, the agency searched five residential and business premises linked to the Viva Group, promoted by Bahujan Vikas Agadhi (BVA) party chief and MLA Hitendra Thakur, its associates and two of its financial consultants in the Vasai-Virar area of Maharashtra's Palghar district and Andheri, Juhu and Chembur suburbs of Mumbai, the sources said. Mehul Thakur, managing director of the Viva Group, and Gopal Chaturvedi, a chartered accountant, were arrested under sections of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) after the raids.