“Ecosocialismo: Envisioning Latin America’s Green New Deal” is a virtual event hosted by NACLA. It is the first in a special three-part series of online events on some of the most pressing issues facing the region, while also celebrating NACLA‘s 50-year history of promoting hemispheric solidarity and critical analysis. The event takes place on February 4, 2021, 7:00-9:00pm. [A Zoom meeting link will provided prior to the event.] About the Event: A radical Green New Deal for the Americas calls for thinking beyond U.S. borders. This event brings together scholars and activists from across the Americas to dig into the underlying idea of a Green New Deal—injecting massive public investment into a rapid, democratic green transition—and to share lessons, insights, and proposals from their research and organizing experiences. Their conversation will tackle pressing questions around mobilizing investment in support of climate justice and the underlying principles of a Green New Deal.