As critical race theory spreads across the country, California recently has approved a new 'ethnic studies' curriculum for K-12 students that are chock full of it. But at least one state is standing up against this poison. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sharply condemned this push to "teach kids to hate our country and to hate each other based on race." So, could a 2024 presidential run be in his future? And, if he does run, will he win over Trump voters? ',"none",n.insertBefore(e.captions,n.firstChild),e.captionsText=e.captions.querySelector("."+r.options.classPrefix+"captions-text"),e.captionsButton=i.default.createElement("div"),e.captionsButton.className=r.options.classPrefix+"button "+r.options.classPrefix+"captions-button",e.captionsButton.innerHTML='