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'Peace Dividend' Dwindles as Governments Boost Security Spen
'Peace Dividend' Dwindles as Governments Boost Security Spen
'Peace Dividend' Dwindles as Governments Boost Security Spending
(Bloomberg) — The economic and budgetary benefits of lower military spending enjoyed by the West since the end of the Cold War look set to dwindle as Russia’s…
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Rich Miller ,
Margaret Thatcher ,
Alexander Weber ,
Barack Obama ,
Mario Draghi ,
Georgew Bush ,
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Lawrence Summers ,
Georgehw Bush ,
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Vladimir Putin ,
Christian Lindner ,
Kenneth Rogoff ,
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International Monetary Fund ,
Moody Investors Service ,
German Economic Institute In Cologne ,
Columbia University ,
American Enterprise Institute ,
Harvard University ,
Postmedia Network Inc ,
Foreign Affairs ,
European Union ,
Republicans In Congress ,
Peace Dividend Dwindles ,
Governments Boost Security Spending ,
Cold War ,
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher ,
Soviet Union Led Eastern ,
German Economic Institute ,
Finance Minister Christian Lindner ,
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President Joe Biden ,
Middle East ,
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President Barack Obama ,
Republican President George ,
Social Security ,
Postmedia Network ,
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