Live Updates
By Tim Grabham and Jasper Sharp. With a text Response by Lucia Pietroiusti. Streaming February 19–25. Part of Uncomputables, curated by Agnieszka Kurant for the Artist Cinemas series.
Related Keywords
Tokyo ,
Japan ,
United Kingdom ,
London ,
City Of ,
Shanghai ,
China ,
Geneva ,
Genè ,
Switzerland ,
Spain ,
Vienna ,
Wien ,
Austria ,
Lithuania ,
Spanish ,
Lithuanian ,
British ,
Filipa Ramos ,
Andrew Adamatzky ,
Merlin Sheldrake ,
Sun Sea Marina ,
Percy Smith ,
Klima Biennale ,
Sylvia Plath ,
Biennale Gherde ,
Tim Grabham ,
Sun Seaby Rugile Barzdziukaite ,
Agnieszka Kurant ,
Fernando Garc ,
Lucia Pietroiusti ,
Tim Graham ,
Lina Lapelyte ,
Michael Marder ,
Marina Otero Verzier ,
Vaiva Grainyte ,
University Of The ,
Trustee Of The Gallery Climate Coalition ,
Creeping Garden ,
The Creeping Garden ,
Jasper Sharp ,
Magic Myxies ,
Jimo Rourke ,
Sonic Youth ,
Werner Herzog ,
Grizzly Man ,
Creeping Gardenis ,
Alien Intelligences ,
Artist Cinemas ,
Entangled Life ,
Heather Barnett ,
Unconventional Computing ,
James Bridle ,
Hear Plants ,
From Sylvia Plath ,
General Ecology ,
Golden Lion Winning ,
Seaby Rugile Barzdziukaite ,
Lithuanian Pavilion ,
Venice Biennial ,
Persones Persons ,
Shanghai Biennial ,
Chief Curator ,
E Werk Luckenwalde ,
Changing Seasons ,
Interior Ecologies ,
Gallery Climate ,