European union, but then that has been awesome movements in this sense. So them all know parties that have this idea before, but now they are moving away from it and saying more, well, we want to keep our National Voice in this, but theyre not saying anymore that they want to get out of the european parliament. And when i said things, im moving right now what im trying to say there is fed, it all depends on the how the coalition for me will look after the european elections and how strongly spot is will be in the entry. So we have just heard that marina pens and some of them on us tonight does not want to work any more if its a german alternative for germany. And theyre right now form a group together, which is called a fall right group. Its called identity and democracy. So if so if theyre not working together so these things are still moving and even have to see how the drums are really all off to the european elections. Ok, lets see. Let me interrupt there because im going to take our viewers. Now were going to go inside and i understand the debate is about to begin. Lets listen. It will be for renew europe. Now. The every volume ever presenting your increase the candidates for the 5 d. O insulation is underlined for the european people. So already the we should also add that 2 of the political groups into youre going to call them and dispute the principle of the lease candidates system. Their parties have not put forward and official candidate for the Commission Presidency this year, so they are not represented this year to day. Now lets look at how its all going to us. We are going to cover a wide range of issues 6, actually in total with relevance to the Upcoming Elections for each topic. We will be taking questions life from the people joining us remotely from 1st time protest, annalise and i will also be putting questions we have received from social media and from our e, b, u, members, users. Each candidate will be able to speak for 45 seconds, and each candidate also has got 3 cards. They can play 3 extra opportunities to react. Well to put the questions to another candidates, theyll have 30 seconds to do so. In between each topic, the candidates in turn will come over to our spotlight section where they will have a chance address you the voters directly and then will be interviewed by one of us. The older in which the candidates um sir, and the owner of the of the School Lights was set in a random drill last week. No, i dont know about you, but were ready to roll. Its time for the 1st for economy and jobs. The b u is one of the worlds great economic power houses, but its being hit hard like cove it in the energy shop following russias full scale invasion of ukraine. The same time europes big competitors, usa and china, been able to stimulate much foster economic growth. The does have plenty its Business Success stories and unemployment has generally been following for decades. But millions of europeans and now are recognized as living in poverty and homelessness across the eu has increased substantially. Okay, lets go for the 1st question and the most recent euro barometer of opinion survey, 2 of the top 3 concerns of you citizens want to address in this upcoming election for the fight against poverty. And also the creation of new jobs. What will you do to meet these specific concerns . Mr. Smith was started with you. Well, i think that the 1st talking about the economy and talking about social is talking about the 2 sides of the same calling unpublished t. I think we have to mobilize, we have an objective of reducing poverty by 15000000, and we have really to give people the right opportunities. Reducing poverty is obviously helping them, but specially giving them good opportunities, job opportunities. And this is fundamental. Now on the uh, the other issue, it is important that people are skilled. I think investing in people is key because you cannot have improvement of job. If people are not scaled and jump, the jump market is shaday changing extremely rapidly. So these together makes a better economy, but also a Better Living center. Thank you mr. Smith. And the same question goes to you is that im in audit to be economically successful and competitive in the future. We have to break the so called contradiction between climate and economy. We need to really push for the possibilities. They are in Green Economy and with the green deal, we have taken the 1st steps to make that possible. But in order to not really put the green deal into reality, create green jobs, have a strong green industry in europe. We now need to invest. And the biggest mistake that we could do right now is to fall back into times of a start, which we need to invest into our future. That means a Common Infrastructure in europe. That means as supporting our companies in the green transformation. And that means indeed, creating equaled up. Its unities for everyone on our labor market. This will be good for the time it, but it will also be good for the people in europe that can just rank it just to remind you you the candidates and everyone else here. And also what was written, watching on your devices. Each of you were given 3 cards that you can pull up whenever you want to. One of your want to speak and the 1st of this afternoon goes to mr. Bio please. Yeah, thank you very much. I think we should be concrete when it comes to poverty. We say that one of the main reasons for poverty is to increase of housing prices and of friends. And we want the European Union to be involved in these. We want that the European Union of the sites on the direction and the directive which uh, if that would like just a Member States to put rent, kept into for pete the eviction some prime or houses. So i would like to talk and if we have problems, real life problem to dispute, they thank you. Thank you very much. The buyer and weve got, we move on to the people following is from outside this building. As we mentioned from the start this debate, this in this debate were being joined by people watching from all over to you, and some of them will put the question to to candidates directory. Lets go to from 1st colleagues in paris. The floor is yours, a. Hi, im ben barney, im a for an editor with costs individual frances public broadcaster and were here the year of experience in paris and the french capital. The context here is of the president ial majority lagging behind and the pull behind the a National Rally due to lack of popularity for menu and my coal. The institution that a presence is on strike due to a reform that will threaten jobs in the independence of this institution or economics. People feel angry. Salaries are kept. Prices are through the roof and is presented over a price of electricity in the country that has an expertise over a nuclear plants. The economics is the topic here from friends and for that im joined by mr. Cuts law. His 24. He started business lives in the normans, the town of the, of mr. Cats now for it. So it was the question go through. Im going to be here. So this is my question. What impact do . Think it launch minutes. We left on your lips economy and do things the childrens accession process, phone human. This should be split up also down. I want to thank you for your question. Ill feel that you are candidates immediately mr. Because it is this for you. A question about the impact of enlargement on europes economy and whether the currants accession process should be sped up or slow down what your on so recent is no 1000, which was if these 3 and these 3 as a recall that we have conceived that you will be on project for all the people in the goal and not only for the if you will have 6 at the beginning because we have the only democracies, the only those who make the choice. But to day, of course, we want to unify the content. Of course we want to open it they, you know, 12 are creating young brother and sisters for example. And while a friend for worth of boxes about these korea, its impossible to realize without the reform, without 334, without budget to the form. It is clear that we have to rethink and to increase the budget for the cohesion policy to increase the budget for mc on. Come like, got your policy. Just get that. We have to respond. Yes. 3 stories about that was because they kind of pay the price, so we have to rethink the software fuel to be able to unified the content. Ok, thank you for that, sir. Mr. Bye. And whats your take on this question . We dont see that your opinion is a close choice. Thats why we are afraid to getting favor of engagement. At the same time, we think that in documents will be beneficial to the interest of the working people in the countries who apply for membership and for the working people, particularly for the workers to nurses, the farmers in the member conference of the European Union. So yes to involvement, but at the same time involvement, respecting workers rights, respecting labor rights, respecting democracy and human rights and for the state European Left Party is available to fight for. Thank you very much, mr. Via. Thank you. At least, like we said before, you, the European Public have had a significant say and the questions that were now asking, one on the final one on this topic comes from social media from ernst and germany asks, what about a European Pension for people from the private sector and so you can see above us, which is wonderland. In recent years, European Union has introduced upon European Pension products, but the take up has been rather limited. What is your answer to ends and others on this particular top . Well, this proves that we have pension systems and the different Member States, which is the quote responsibility of the Member States that your opinions, Corporate Responsibility is not there, but were supporting a lot, for example, sites against poverty. We have introduced the minimum wage, which is a precondition that works work pays off all for example the, the work for better housing. We have a next generation you, our investment 1081000000000 euros for renovation of houses and 21000000000 for social housing. A strong pillar of social rights. So um for the competitive business, ill say your opinion here, i think we should look very closely at us how to access better capital. So finish and complete the Capital Markets union and work on skills that of so much needed in the European Union. So europe can help, even if its not the full competence. This is on the line. Thank you for your answer. Its time and though to move to a 1st stop lights interview, we mentioned it before in this section. It kind of that gets to address you devote just directly followed by a one on one interview with martin or with me. And the 1st candidates to be called into the spotlight is nicholas schmidt. Mr. Smith, please join martin in the for the Nicholas Smith is 70 years old and comes from books from the fluids. In 5 languages, including luxembourg is the full, as he likes to be known. A 17 years old when he 1st joined the socialist work as far so far east campaigns in the 60 events across europe. And his favorite quote is from home on European Commission president is that the message made. You have one minutes to address the public through this camera, the boat assembled 1st and we will then do a short question and answer section 6. Go ahead. Thank you. Well, as a lead candidate of being social democrats, what drives me is obviously to improve Living Conditions and the daily living, Living Conditions of your being citizens. So the workers who are facing the cost of living problems, we need to give them decent wages, good working conditions, what we call quality quality jobs to women. We have to make sure that equality is applying in the work in the work labor world. We have to make sure that the fundamental rights respect to, to young people, we have to respond to their wish that transition that the green transition is implemented. But also we have to give them the right prospect, good job and not precarious jobs. And although its, we need goods, so the social services, we have to make sure that you are deliver on good social services. And this period of big changes. I think people that have these concerns and the social democrats, what do they live on that by a strong europe, europe, a europe that enters into peoples concerns that delivers and make sure that the, uh, the us we want to be as close to citizens. Thank you. Miss mr. Mr. Smith, for this uh address. You have stated verified, or d, as in minot that was given to you and youve been at the commission for the last 5 years. What have you done to make these priorities actually come true . Well, theres a lot we have done, i have done. The minimum wage is one of the great achievements to give people decent wages all over europe. Theres no reason why in some parts of europe, people that have very little wages, they cannot be making a decent living out of that. Uh there is uh, the protection of special categories of what goods like the platform would, cuz we have no protection in many countries. We have now adopted a directive on protecting them, but also protecting them against the defense of algorithms. We have created a child guarantee