The 36 years ago. My parents played iran for germany in search of the fall of the berlin wall and the people overcome with joy and excitement as still a defining memory of our new home. For me, it was an incredibly beautiful moment. All those people, some of them for the 1st time in their lives, truly felt free today. Freedom, at least in wealthy countries, is something we almost take for granted. We can choose how we want to live. For most people around the world, thats just a dream. And its under threat now in the west to my name is peggy adoni. And im an actor in this film, im going on a journey to ask, what does freedom mean in the 21st century the it was 3 centuries ago, the age of enlightenment began. Bringing with the progress reason and human rights today, these achievements arteries. Do we need a new enlightenment . The 21st century. The its monday. Morning onset. In hamburg. For 3 years, ive played a Police Investigator in a crime series. I used to be a kind of go to person for anything foreign and exotic, but now that the Film Industry has caught on germany is a country of immigrants. I can practically pick and choose my roles during the french revolution, one moment to find convention and chose her own destiny. She came from humble beginnings, bone, marie cruz. She was the daughter of a butcher under washable and 1765. 00. At the age of 17, she was married to a restaurant to who died soon afterward. Some said it was the noble lot of the man room to be her true father the process of paris, where she took the name long to googe. Although an educated lump was beautiful spirited and intelligent, which both the access to the cellphones and to people of influence. She became a fixture in high society and she began to pin risings that held up in me reach the fashionable, loopy scene. Pre revolutionary a lead. Swept up by discussions of resolution, she became a social reformer activist for womens rights. Its odd that i dont know anything about a lot more than 200 years ago. She insisted women could enjoy every freedom at a time when that was to do, did her life and her ideas end up shipping my own life, my own pass. If you look at the time of enlightenment and some of the cheap talk latest, you know, when i look at that as a woman man, as a woman of color, im surprised when i see men and more men and more men. A large majority of the people in this world, i am not free. So im very, very skeptical about that notion of freedom, especially as people forget it by the worst, each and every human being has a dignity that cannot be taken away. Is a fundamental idea of the enlightenment. On the eve of the french revolution, the people were called for freedom equality and for tennessee, this was more than a bridge rights. The demands would go on to the fundamentally re shape society, along to goose attended meetings with their junk about clubs, and became a political activist in a pencil thats addressed to clean the re engineers. She would move the traditional role of women in another pass that she encouraged the team to abdicate outspoken entity in united. She became more vehement as the resolution progressed. It was this refusal to be silent. That unfortunately helps you cite im going to live in on where my journey begins. Our world is an upheaval, just like it was during the french revolution. And like the small country in the middle east, the 11 on was once a flourishing place, which some called the switzerland of the middle east. They route was a financial hub, elegant and cosmopolitan. Then came the civil war. Today there are power outages, almost every day. Food prices are storing, and most people live in desperate poverty. And a zip that werent enough. A warehouse in the Harbor HoldingAmmonium Nitrate exploded, leaving much of the city in ruins. The of the lebanon has one of the most in equal distributions of wealth in the world. If society is being torn apart, something has to change the in the french revolution, people demanded liberty, equality, and brotherhood. Because those ideas are intertwined. If you demand freedom, youre also demanding fairness. But in a country like 11 on where do you even begin the heavy b bush just to give you the total implant, the term justice, like the term freedom is hard to define who she is. Detective justice should guide all public action to be today. Sort of my goal must be to achieve social harmony with at least a minimum level of contentment. For all those you almost satisfaction. I think we really need to marry a liberal of the social democratic conception of freedom. None of those freedoms are worth anything. If you dont have the material means to realize in a place like this where the state is so weak, you need strong individuals to push for change. Like do you mind i had that she was the 1st person to publish an erotic magazine in the era of world and has received countless death threats. She also found at the Freedom Center in bay route. Im the do you mind is a journalist, author and tv. This is where the main meeting. Shes also one of the most influential women are within the airport. I have the chairs here. This. Oh wow. Wow. Yeah, and this is wonder woman because my 2 sons think i look like her so they keep sending me stuff. So what does he assured . See here . It says our evolution is, is feminist. Its something that you have to wake up every day. Advice for me, i could do nothing without this freedom. The freedom to think the way i want to think the freedom to write whatever i want to write and obviously the freedom to be the person i want to be. I have to say 11 on were lucky with the weather and its also beautiful area. Yes it is. Do you feel safe in this area to sleep in the sense you know when your, um, when they want to hurt you know, area say you have to know that my 1st crazy project was this magazine i used to do called just side. And its a antibiotic magazine was arts and culture about the body in arabic, published by a woman and loving on. And thats when all the threats really horrible threats started to, to arrive and that, and thats, thats was like a turning point in my life because i thought im not going to let myself be intimidated. And im gonna take morris and keep moving forward. And you know what i learned, you start to become intimidating when you do this because they think, how come shes not scared . Whats her secret . I have in also this is it. And ive been lucky so far the so the despite the threats, the demonic continues to speak out, right, and publish feminist text, the streaming is the best deal also in the lice to women, friends. They joined the resolution to lump the goes going to drugs, not just to force women, she insisted should have the right to vote, hold Public Office own prophecy and define naturally independent. The when the new National Assembly issued the declaration of the rights of man and citizens, women received no mention or lumps. Patients was afternoon in shop and forced for language. She turned to 17 articles of the declaration of the rights of man, to the declaration of the rights of women, female citizen should and sent it to the National Assembly and to queen marie antoinette. Article one woman is full and free and remains to be quotes, a man in rights, bicycle 10 woman has the right to mount the scaffold, so she should have to ride equally to mount the polk. 2 years later, this sentence would prove professor defiance come full of the gooses heights, afraid of his still relevant today, steam yet thats still fighting for equal pay signal corps walk to equal respect for women, theres a phone call, society feet higher. These are because a jackson in bay root jumanda had organized the 1st feminism festival in the protected space. So they also do phone saying there was plenty to talk about one more, but i had one hiding towing in was that you know, multiple different. But when i suggested a public floor on the topic of why we need to speak with matt and about the seminar struggles and the lease, many people are posted at 1st and not need the model of what the government is. Freedom and the legal rights that they are owed. Thats not only about the feminist struggle and its about the dignity of women names and all peoples comments. As you said, you call yourself an angry ss or feminist. Yeah. What does this mean . It means a lot of trouble. How come this became such a pass in your life . Were you treated differently as a girl . I grew up in a very conservative family like ever since i was list all the one thing save me from the environment where i grew up, which was the civil war, the conservative family, the factory article society, the catholic school. And thats was really tough. What saves me war, my readings, books look safe, my life. They changed me. I knew that there was Something Else out there and that i deserved it. What do you think . Why is the female body so mystified . So to boot, i think because its a source of power, of unlimited fall where its, its a body that gives life and this is a big issue. Why is that body such such an obsession in my culture . Why should i be shane . Does it or hide it, or protect it from the male intruder and save it for my husbands sex as one of the most google words in arabic, all we all know that, but then again, if you want to talk about this topic, youre consider at best goals and courageous and as far as the horse power women depicted in the media to mama invited the association of lebanese women in journalism to her festival. You know, i often wonder if the way that we approach feminist topics that helps bring about change the story. But in the media, all we ever see all the same traditional roles for women and man. The mother who tends to everyones needs. Do you never seen the workforce in politics or outside taking part in the struggle for freedom . We only see the women who get up to the Sunflower Seeds and go sticks about other people. The now have a to to one year risk, which is another trouble i have like 7 talk to is with i cannot to all of them. This is the word free them and an arabic. So i got this a long time ago. Freedom has been, has always been like the guiding lights for me. This is the one thing that i can not to be a tolerance with. Who decides whether you are free or not . You only you, thats you up to you to decide how many people are not free, but they do not realize that you need awareness. We are born with a huge, you know, back cuz our name, our nationality, our religion, even the political views of our parents. And so many other things. And many people live their lives without deciding whether this, that they have inherited works for them or not. The Self Determination is the key to freedom and for people like to mana, its not something that just happens. But something that requires a conscious decision. Anyone who makes that decision over and over again probably has more freedom than the powerful and privilege to because they never had to fight for their freedom the tonight and be rude. I ended up at a concert by the rep or the fire. Once again, the topic is politics and the abuse of power. 11 on arch is the safety dog. Thats probably keeping society from exploding. The i think the purpose about is the truth. The artist is on 7 of a Political Party or an ideology or a religion and a free, a free person is often very alarming to people who want to control after settling in paris alone to discover the she associated with actors. And writers began to rot place on early play was difficult home to stay on position or phone or shame. Another was accepted, but then boy crosses by the actors of the comedy fall sense, 1784. And so more in me as a mom took on the inhumanity of slavery, the oppression of women and the evils of racism and colonialism. And 1799. 00 over 5 version was finally performed on stage and was greeted with a venom, an outrage. Replying to one of the detractors balloons said, there are thousands of men like you to take centuries to produce a woman like me. Shortly after i returned from lebanon on my travels, came to an abrupt and one country after another went into locked down. The corona virus shut down the entire world. What an i money for a film of the freedom something i never would have imagined became our new reality. Within just a few weeks. Basic rights like the freedom of movement or severely curtailed the, to many people are democracies seem to weak and helpless. Some felt that governments were doing too little to protect our citizens and were too slow and chaotic and their response. Others felt they were being robbed at their civil liberties. The depend, demik showed us how fragile our freedoms and liberties can be. So do we need to take a leaf out of the bulk of enlightenment and explore new alternatives . Take a leap into the unknown the how often should i water them every other day. Please dont know cove and our thoughts or what just solely on the water. These are no. Ill get the other ones from the balcony. The orchids are all labeled. Please dont forget to bill dying. So this is where our familys money ends up. Right there. Which is all still have the plan phase before democracy. That doesnt mean were sure to switch the phase to some, some, some sort of kind of model. And we should all be satisfied with what we have. There might be Something Better turned on by has taught at New York University and was a fellow at harvard. He studies ethical questions and public life. And right now hes a professor or a philosophy in shanghai. I grew up believing that democracy was the best of all possible worlds. I wish i could have spoken with tongue done by in person about his concept of social utopia, a confusion alternative to the liberal democratic order. But because of the pen demik had to join in by video call becoming less than phone and a lot of people out of enlightenment is self garvin is in that would be wonderful, but a lot of people just arent able to govern themselves. Well, then maybe we should take some of their all far too away from them and give them give the power to those who are more responsible and im more confident. Thats a fundamental confusion. Believe i want to have a society where people are arts, whereas equal economically. I thought to achieve that if you need to re introduce some form upgrades or any quantity, we still preserve some form while you qualify with community. But then, so you called communities, we saw, we select difficult the best and brightest and give them more power in the political Decision Making process. Their higher status can only be justified if the poor people come benefit from their government. Has the world become too complex . 10 or liberal democracies respond adequately to enormous challenges like Climate Change or the cobra 19 pandemic is turned on by correct that his confusion hybrid system is better suited to dealing with such challenges. Challenges that involve science and complex social and economic conditions. Is it possible that experts might have Better Solutions to such problems . Just like the futures that enlightenment thinkers that the 18th century imagined in their right thanks to tom dung, by his new confucianism remains in the realm of your theory which he enjoys debating with a student either. Frequently, all he does have right in his office. Youre locked into or to that. So what do you think about freedom unenlightened meant . How do they relate to each other . On a basic level, the enlightenment can be understood as the acknowledgment of human autonomy for a relatively radical form of self knowledge storage. That way, when i began my studies, i felt i wanted freedom you the chalet. Totally realized it wasnt that much easier if you do whatever you want, you might break little and deprive others of doing what they want. If i hit you, are you allowed to hit me to mean im not the have to be limit, so theres no kind of how exactly send it caught it and thats where there are 2 kinds of freedom you dont to use active freedom or the freedom to do something and passive freedom or freedom from is lets see one usually. We mean the freedom to do your own thing. But in politics we tend to mean freedom from something being free of something we dont want, or the i didnt expect such a free thinking and philosophical discussion. In china, being a critical thinker can be dangerous. Thousands of journalists, artists, and human rights activists have been imprisoned because theyre a thorn and the i of the regime. These are some of the nation as of the chinese model. Kathy regarded as an enlightenment model because it radically constrains and prohibits Self Determination. The end of autonomy, height, and individual freedom. Im saying from me to this, i think when i have a impressive societies, people have a chance to say what they want, what they want the liberty of reason of what they dont want is tyranny, unreason. So. So it may be that in spite of all the faults of the enlightenment, all its arrow goods, few like its own bigotries. But underneath that, there are these values which are very important, something very close to universe. For long degrees, the 1st use of the resolution were intoxicating front to gain to constitution, an assembly and freedom off to the fish winds, marched on the palace, cooling out and for 5. 00 fee, small power stops, and forcing the king to return to paris, she remained committed to republican ideals, when the 16th was put on trial and resolution raced the tip to fit into a risk and tear off, she was dismayed. Scuffles and executioners of these then the results of the revolution that should have served as a model for the universe to post the shock of all spraying of tara open the attack robust p a. S. Murat and cold for a referendum on the phone with the new government. Friends she and sisters should decide but wish to be a republican, a federal ration, or a constitutional monarchy, and 1793. 00. When she went to the pool and sun michelle to begin posting her latest time 1st, she was arrested. She was brought before the revolutionary tribunal and sentence to dead the when it comes to the 2nd half of the 2nd decade. 20th. Ready century i am not particularly content. This of the last few years of seeing that the rise of authoritarian populace and nationalism became in many parts of the world. And in many ways that is a counter and Light Movement scroll, which i suppose. Yeah, yes, but its a for your loan over society is very divided long enough to get is that something federal one side supports the current for me, the me aspect of the constitution and the courts mean, nothing to them is not true. Yes, the little got changed. The other side places the great importance on freedom, boss, justice, and the distribution of powers. Well jones, was it m