Transcripts For DW Eco Africa 20240707 :

Transcripts For DW Eco Africa 20240707

chris. on the yes. be projects that really give us encouragement and help like our top story this week on greenhouse funding in somalia. i am sandra 3. nobody coming to from compiler here in uganda. and here is what else is coming up. how conservation is in the d n a. see a helping st at all to hutch and making to be ocean. ah, how and the waste 5 going full just cynical is improving lives in a suburb of the capital. and why the won't be more electric boxes or narrow these rules in the future. but fast water is life. so how can you survive when the reason simply none of it's around in somalia, the rainy season has failed 3 years in a row, it has effected a quarter of the population. and more than half a 1000000 people are fleeing the drought in the capital one good issue however, so farmers afford a way to keep vegetable production going. the this believe it or not is there is a bit now dry up and full of garbage. the ship result was once a key life name in somalia. its water supply the re cultural areas near the capital green fruits and vegetables from august issue came from this region. but climate change has peace. the country on the horn of africa into drought. the you when says it's the region was drought in 40 years? pharmacy don't i don't, entire livelihood is that state a lot of those are in the last 3 seasons, the drought has heat our thumbs badly. we had no crops at all levels and the river drive that 4 months ago and all a good there was no mason, the fun to feed our family out of the bottle. you know, they're devastating. drought has already forced around 700000 people from the homes . many leave in refugee camps lay come to who's seen and her children. how? oh yes, of course i fled to my farming village after the drought heats the last 3 seasons and we couldn't from any crops, we had to leave because we didn't have any food. i mustered in, i'll talk awesome. food prices are rising driven in particular by rushes more in ukraine. that's making 8 more expensive to even for the destined for somalia doesn't always arrive because the number of donors at the beginning they already told us there's some commodities are coming, heading towards health. last committee would only be diverted in this, in the c heading to ukraine. so what can be done? this greenhouses on the age of mogadishu may be part of the solution, often financed with farmers left savings or lawns. our way of de now grows tomatoes with ground water. he needs much less water than before. thanks to drip irrigation . and because this less, if operation in a greenhouse, it was a risk that pete off and miller, or has been in the last 3 years, there was no rain on our thumbs and the river was completely dry. so i decided to move to greenhouse as to plant or cro plant, although it wasn't difficult at 1st to adapt to greenhouse technology. and as did they did a man sabrina. in contrast, in bodies, a new young tape or farmer in somalia for him. greenhouses are not an emergency solution. he started greenhouse farming at the somali national university. his family then helped him get started with seed capital of $10000.00. he says greenhouse funding produces more vegetables and more reliably, gideon hall school whole window. i and the great thing about greenhouses is that you can have is only a round tracy for that. and you don't have to worry about the dry river or an absence of renew a model for tallow. morality. as long as you have a small amount of water, you can plant any crops in it, off a telephone, madell what rebecca thought the heaviest here, twice a week, picking a total of around $400.00 killers of tomatoes. and they've taken on 6 employees as to how much when the market in mogadishu, the traders have a lot less fresh produce to offer because of the drought. some of the gaps can be fields with greenhouse produce. these fruits and vegetables are often more fresh. from growing casara, like we expect the rain to start again soon, but the river is still dry. there's no water in it at all be i'm cause i know them . we get some fruits and vegetables from greenhouse farmers who sell to us at a very high prices level, but we have no other way of getting fruits and vegetables and summer are so welcome . green houses can't solve so mild yes, food crisis, but they are an important addition that's according to agriculture expert abdul cadet shit, we're food security. go away. greenhouses can contribute to food security in somalia, when the production of conventional farms is very low in the country. late it is at this time ah, why so circle the green houses produce a huge amount of fruits and vegetables, durable, which can fill the gap in the market, or alca by ac adjuster. they also contribute to somalia economy as well, or molasses. the says global heritage does, i could just about 50 farmers near morgan issue and now green vegetables in greenhouses. it's the best alternative. as long as the ship in the river remains a drive with land, we moved from somalia to 8th, neva, kenya, and from vegetable funding to big city mobility. i can start a house, settle to read lucian, allies of public transport with electric bosses and a boss course around 4 times as much as a diesel bass. a healthy song for a company that wants to put a 1000 of them onto east african roads over the next 5 years. but i thought has been met doing a bit this week comes from narrow b. ha. nairobi is home to over 5000000 people. nearly 20000 die every year from the poor air quality, according to the w h. o. and the ubiquitous many buses, a huge carbon emitters. i think we are bet home where we can no longer than a blind eye to the contribution of transport based coupling emissions tool that environment. so nairobi wants to run more electric vehicles and it's public transport network. there are already 2 electric buses in operation on a full charge. they can cover around 250 kilometers enough for the whole day line as post theory has been driving his new boss for 3 months now, there's no. 2 i look over expenses in this boss, like i, i decided boss. for example, i used to do a service every month. this one, you don't do any service in time. tickets for the electric bus is set to be cheaper than the diesel ones. the bus can take 25 passengers. internet is free and they can charge their phones at the same time, get logged in about younger services that others can't provide any one or you feel relaxed and there's no noise. leona medina gets nice getting in the middle of the transport company only has one charging station right now. it takes up to 4 hours to charge the buses, the fur missile. so training engineers to work on the electric vehicles. the plan is to steadily increase the number of the buses over the next 5 years, a key step towards better rac quality in the canyon capital. and how about you? if you are also doing your bid, tell us about it, visit our website center. so tweak ah stag, doing your bit re share your stories getting to where you're headed simply is also the topic of one next report. only one c total in a 1000 lives is able to reach adulthood many never even reach the water. in the sondra, those cute little creatures have many enemies, seabirds crowds on october was all love to eat. freshly hatched tattoos, national park rangers in the democratic republic of congo are given a huge boost to their chances of survival. ah, a helping hand to cross the dangerous shore ranger casteel domain carries these baby turtles right to the water's edge to make sure they get there safely. it's always special for him when they hatch them for walker. i like it when the babies come out of their nests. it makes me very happy in company. since the end of october, castiano, dante and his colleagues have scoured the democratic republic of congo or d. r c's near 38 kilometers of beach for total ness. they took 50000 eggs to an incubation center where they were protected by wire mesh and mosquito nets. the baby turtles hatched after 50 days. the project is run by the countries nature conservation authority. it protects the vulnerable creatures from the locals and birds. they both eat the eggs. this generation has survived, but future generations might not to walk. it was ill. erosion often eliminates the coastline sunny manila, like why don't we have a lot of threats on erosion as bob oil rising sea levels and erosion have swept away over 55 meters of the beaches. during the last 30 years, the park rangers estimate that almost a quarter of nesting sites have been destroyed. now a new threat has emerged only a couple of kilometers along the coast where the congo river reaches the c. d r c president felix cheese. the katie has laid the foundation for a new deep sea port, the park ranger sphere that the port means even more danger for the turtles habitat . the congolese institute for the conservation of nature agrees and says it was not consulted by developers as follows. i know the result, good year, but i'm by month and then. but we need to city and you know, we don't have them. the new port will be built at the edge of a man grow forest. it's a nature reserve where an enormous number of endangered plant and animal species thrive, including foreign turtle species, manatees and mud skippers, the head of african whistleblower protection platform. goblin bo don't. phantom says, the potential damage could be catastrophic. the non governmental main groups are important because they stopped floods in a period of rapidly rising waters. we unfortunately don't know what effect the disappearance of the mangrove forests would have for on the floods that could affect the congolese atlantic coast. wanted. the last few of the 300 turtles castiano dante brought to the waterfront to day are finally being carried out by the waves door. and he was on a desert employment in the years to come again. we hoped to see the baby turtles that are here to day or to return as when their adults had rather been the uncle. it is and then lay their eggs on our beach. this seal not libellous. and he hopes that when they return, they'll find their home beach is still a welcoming habitat. you couldn't exactly call the police. we are going to in our next report. a walk um inhabited illegal projects bought from germany, a created toxic woodland. it romania. it's a little crick to business for the wisp mafia because disposal side charge just a fraction of the cost. in western europe. bought octavia box, joe, new from book arrest, is determined to track down the whist smugglers. yet again, a case of arson at an illegal romanian landfill. octavian but johnny was then had commissioner of romanians environmental guard. well, he let the investigation that was a year ago. but with the north little brought them out of them. a lot of garbage was burned here from school, which for 20 minutes a school there was a lot of smoke them were for 2 more fires like got in the south of bucharest would be engulfed and smoke and stench. in fact, all of the caressed suffers from serious environmental problems. several times in recent years, limits have been exceeded a 100 times over. the problem isn't just heavy traffic. there's also the repeated a legal binding of waste, some of which comes from germany. last summer, romanian beaudet police made a major discovery and the black seaport of constantia more than 1800 tons of suspicious waste. their shipping documents showed it had been declared as plastic, but it also contained metal. ty is batteries and even carcinogenic, as best us. a dangerous mix that's prohibited by the e. u. we want to confront the german company mellow with the accusations, and had to hamburg. it's home to europe's 3rd largest port. each year, millions of containers a shipped from here. some contain waste. we discovered that greenpeace also has been aware of mellow, for some time. over the mellow says it doesn't want to comment. 10 days earlier with sent an official press inquiry with no response. then suddenly the manager appears. as you thought, we hear about shipments from mello. he found in romania on the to re legal ago. no . yes, you're being prosecuted there while though, but nonsense. it's been cleared up to the state of wonderful. now would you like to say that on camera? i'm about not the right person to talk to her honey to farm visit and have you have young? that is why we called you a fellow of no comers. a few minutes later the manager acknowledges the investigation, but it says his waist shipments were legal. i know the romanians are doing something, but they didn't analyze it. people mean they glanced at it and thought, oh, there's some cable and a circuit board in there. let me read. but d, w has seen the report on the waste, which their remaining prosecutors had analyzed in a german lab. it shows the waist also contained undeclared toxic components. back in romania, we meet octavia, but char, now at the landfill. again, he is no longer in uniform. he was released from office, did his dismissal, have to do with his efforts to stop garbage smuggling. the super good bickley morgan, he's at the coastal cooper. ok, well these are structures of organized crime that are commonly thought of the shifting waste from countries like germany, britain, italy, but also from bulgaria. and from many itself, is the cheperdak wilmarth of bulgaria. this waste sometimes travels thousands of calamities to get here. the u commission says germany is one of the most important markets for illegal waste disposal or barbara to 3rd, the not to some the locker room. some of the waste goes to cement factories. so, but allowing some contracts cover up the fact that much more waste is and ported than these factories can burn for cement production, or that you met them, cojet out it sort of waste and something burned and feel so she but thought they are u. s. h, and yet that the can put the investigation as b m headed by prosecutor tail donita. the hamburg case is just one of many examples of trash smuggling he's examining. he says, the problem isn't just as honest business owners, but also corrupt politicians and reason he is, he is repeatedly called on the government in bucharest to take action against trash smugglers elsewhere. so it only means that immediately when ministers answer left me speechless macrocosm could she said, we can't do it because it would anger the big cement producers watch him lacrosse up until cassandra, they have a strong lobby. got all of those. if they pull to nick, he had to the harbor for another inspection. with us, i just got a call from the you judicial authority about coordinating the case with germany and belgium. in romania charges have been filed against the hamburg based company. now the courts will decide whether mellow acted criminally or not. since china bombs, the import of plastic waste in 2018 waste exporters are looking more and more to countries like romania bulgaria and poland. germany is considered a world leader in recycling, but that's probably also thanks to the many waste exports to eastern europe. a similar situation to the one we've just seen in romania is fought to come on in many countries in africa as well. take synagogue, for example, a lack of any efficient waste management system. there means most waste never even make it to the landfills. that is true, crease instead, it liters and landscape the ocean or generate toxic fumes. when it gets bond in residential neighborhoods, bonded things are changing in a seaside, the bob of dhaka, a new recycle concept, husband put in place and it is working on it. so this isn't a common site. here in the darkest lab, refused. a boy took in his empty plastic lemonade bottle out to a whisk been in the yard of his home. but a but family is sticking part in a pilot project. when we look for the lender has ever hillis i before we used to throw everything into the sea that we had one been and makes everything together and then checked it out. last simpler. now we have a different bin for plastic bottle salad, one for cancelling. i'm a buffer food wasting all sorting to different policy. it's straightforwardly and every one he had most what to do. i've been here for the gala, but he believes besides plastic, metal and paper, the family also separates organic waste. every 2 weeks, the city picks it all up. the product is called zed e. c. zon, ecology, camino term, all community ecological zone. launched by the district authorities as the 1st of its kind in cynical. although it is that t o initiated zech in response to western and pollution problems in this neighborhood and along the coast line or military do air or is it a coca cola we're mixing everything together over and throwing it away. if the truck didn't come, we really had to change people's mind center and get them to reflect de environment or, and also help with waste recovery by explaining that which is not something bad. west has become a resource, a mixup, recall colored issue, napa in kalamazoo literacy that went in brussels. a resource dysfunction darkest dam, nadia industrial. soon as making the most off, it's all the plastic and processes, it's into plastic pellets. the fact his manager says that as a recycling industry has taken off, plastic has gone from poly tonnes to money maker or new one as an alarm or walker. busy on a national level settlement, we see an increase in more and more every year system and now the state is putting in place, assist them to better control with management logistics and plastic waste collection assistant. there's lots of plastic waste outside the car as well, but no organized systemic met by decentralizing collection activities, side exams, and using programs like sec, it helps industrialist like last and again, my 3 are much more easily and at a lower cost. without them, i would have to organize our own collections systemic in and go hunting for the recyclable materials in this region or other regions. it would be much more difficult for us through a job vandalism, as john says that i believe it will not put it on this morning's round. west collect his half picked up the pre sorta trash of 80 families in one year. they've collected 2 tons of plastic and over 80 kilograms of aluminum cans. the system was here in refuse because the city land from initial mistakes and now does more than simply distribute trash couse lipper mercy. at 1st we put rubbish bins everywhere. but if you don't train people problems, all always be brought to take them. hon was crock metal and plastic on the roof. that's why locals have been trained to day. you see rubbish bins in front of the houses, and they will be there for a 100 years. and i mean, people not understand it's in their own interests to live the benson, where diaz, you, possible. however, it will be a long time before whist separation and recycling becomes a norm across synagogue. but less than half of the population benefiting from any kind of waste collection initiatives. open dumping and ben in are widespread methods of getting rid of household waste. new york city authorities here hope the project was set an example, because the benefits are so obvious. a while i'm mabel is even variable. there's no west here by the sea. now. you'll see it in other places where there's been no support. nozik as mitchell. that's why we want to replicate de sac off to our lin every when refuse configured and exported to other regions of synagogue export technology partners descending on thus, a pretty ambitious goal. synagogues cities generate 9000 tons of waste every day, and a volume continues to rise. they're small and made of plastic sashes. these little packets might be handy, but they quickly land in the garbage bin, and they don't ross. in our web special, we chant the journey of such a sachet from the origins of the raw materials it's made from to its ends on the rubbish heap. we find out why the number of sa chaise is growing and why they're so lucrative for businesses. and so disastrous for our planets. find out more at d, w dot com slash plastic, and the it is time for us to go already. i hope you enjoyed today's wonder through the environment. i've certainly enjoyed taking you along with us, but for now it is by until next week i sent it to nobody signing up from compiler. here in uganda. i've also enjoyed it. sandra, thank you. next big. we're back for you again. well, between now and then you can stay in touch on our social media channels with lots of new on eye catching content here. then it's good bye. from lagos, nigeria, ah, a, a with or show time, a leave kelly break each day and just getting a very special presence and unique like installation that has only ever been seen one. sit back and marvelled fear, romance. in 30 minutes on d. w. o . intimidation and transformed into an orgy of hate and violence. the history of the ku klux klan, the oldest terrorist organization in the united dates, its members fight for races, state ruled by white supremacy. what we're talking about here is not only disorganized violence, it's not only terrorism. it's politics founded over 150 years ago. it's repeatedly died out, but always been resurrected. the ku klux klan starts may 11th on d w. it's not a question of whether the next crisis will come, but only when and how the media will deal with it. how can we stay focused on what is important? shaping tomorrow now, exploring opportunities for media professionals in times of crisis. the global media for june 2020 to your ticket. now one of main kinds, oldest ambitions could be within reach or what is it really is possible to reverse aging researchers and scientists all over the world for in a race against time. they are peers and rivals with one daring goal to outsmart nature. more life starts may 28th on d, w. ah ah, ah, this is the w news live from berlin. as europe remembers the end of world war 2, german chancellor, olaf shalt says vladimir putin cannot win the war in ukraine. he says putin is falsifying history by comparing the conflict to the fight against nazi germany. and dozens are feared dead in an air strike on a school in easton ukraine. russia stepping up attacks in the run up to a controversial military parade in moscow. and the u. s. the 1st lady jill biden makes a surprise visit to ukraine.

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New York , United States , Lagos , Nigeria , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , New Port , Newport , United Kingdom , Hamburg , Germany , Constantia , Mogadishu , Banaadir , Somalia , Congo , Nairobi , Nairobi Area , Kenya , Uganda , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Ukraine , Manila , Philippines , Dhaka , Bangladesh , Italy , Bulgaria , Bucharest , Bucuresti , Romania , Poland , Congo River , Cebu , Berlin , Romanians , Britain , German , Romanian , Somali , Klux Klan , Leona Medina , Vladimir Putin ,

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Transcripts For DW Eco Africa 20240707 :

Transcripts For DW Eco Africa 20240707

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chris. on the yes. be projects that really give us encouragement and help like our top story this week on greenhouse funding in somalia. i am sandra 3. nobody coming to from compiler here in uganda. and here is what else is coming up. how conservation is in the d n a. see a helping st at all to hutch and making to be ocean. ah, how and the waste 5 going full just cynical is improving lives in a suburb of the capital. and why the won't be more electric boxes or narrow these rules in the future. but fast water is life. so how can you survive when the reason simply none of it's around in somalia, the rainy season has failed 3 years in a row, it has effected a quarter of the population. and more than half a 1000000 people are fleeing the drought in the capital one good issue however, so farmers afford a way to keep vegetable production going. the this believe it or not is there is a bit now dry up and full of garbage. the ship result was once a key life name in somalia. its water supply the re cultural areas near the capital green fruits and vegetables from august issue came from this region. but climate change has peace. the country on the horn of africa into drought. the you when says it's the region was drought in 40 years? pharmacy don't i don't, entire livelihood is that state a lot of those are in the last 3 seasons, the drought has heat our thumbs badly. we had no crops at all levels and the river drive that 4 months ago and all a good there was no mason, the fun to feed our family out of the bottle. you know, they're devastating. drought has already forced around 700000 people from the homes . many leave in refugee camps lay come to who's seen and her children. how? oh yes, of course i fled to my farming village after the drought heats the last 3 seasons and we couldn't from any crops, we had to leave because we didn't have any food. i mustered in, i'll talk awesome. food prices are rising driven in particular by rushes more in ukraine. that's making 8 more expensive to even for the destined for somalia doesn't always arrive because the number of donors at the beginning they already told us there's some commodities are coming, heading towards health. last committee would only be diverted in this, in the c heading to ukraine. so what can be done? this greenhouses on the age of mogadishu may be part of the solution, often financed with farmers left savings or lawns. our way of de now grows tomatoes with ground water. he needs much less water than before. thanks to drip irrigation . and because this less, if operation in a greenhouse, it was a risk that pete off and miller, or has been in the last 3 years, there was no rain on our thumbs and the river was completely dry. so i decided to move to greenhouse as to plant or cro plant, although it wasn't difficult at 1st to adapt to greenhouse technology. and as did they did a man sabrina. in contrast, in bodies, a new young tape or farmer in somalia for him. greenhouses are not an emergency solution. he started greenhouse farming at the somali national university. his family then helped him get started with seed capital of $10000.00. he says greenhouse funding produces more vegetables and more reliably, gideon hall school whole window. i and the great thing about greenhouses is that you can have is only a round tracy for that. and you don't have to worry about the dry river or an absence of renew a model for tallow. morality. as long as you have a small amount of water, you can plant any crops in it, off a telephone, madell what rebecca thought the heaviest here, twice a week, picking a total of around $400.00 killers of tomatoes. and they've taken on 6 employees as to how much when the market in mogadishu, the traders have a lot less fresh produce to offer because of the drought. some of the gaps can be fields with greenhouse produce. these fruits and vegetables are often more fresh. from growing casara, like we expect the rain to start again soon, but the river is still dry. there's no water in it at all be i'm cause i know them . we get some fruits and vegetables from greenhouse farmers who sell to us at a very high prices level, but we have no other way of getting fruits and vegetables and summer are so welcome . green houses can't solve so mild yes, food crisis, but they are an important addition that's according to agriculture expert abdul cadet shit, we're food security. go away. greenhouses can contribute to food security in somalia, when the production of conventional farms is very low in the country. late it is at this time ah, why so circle the green houses produce a huge amount of fruits and vegetables, durable, which can fill the gap in the market, or alca by ac adjuster. they also contribute to somalia economy as well, or molasses. the says global heritage does, i could just about 50 farmers near morgan issue and now green vegetables in greenhouses. it's the best alternative. as long as the ship in the river remains a drive with land, we moved from somalia to 8th, neva, kenya, and from vegetable funding to big city mobility. i can start a house, settle to read lucian, allies of public transport with electric bosses and a boss course around 4 times as much as a diesel bass. a healthy song for a company that wants to put a 1000 of them onto east african roads over the next 5 years. but i thought has been met doing a bit this week comes from narrow b. ha. nairobi is home to over 5000000 people. nearly 20000 die every year from the poor air quality, according to the w h. o. and the ubiquitous many buses, a huge carbon emitters. i think we are bet home where we can no longer than a blind eye to the contribution of transport based coupling emissions tool that environment. so nairobi wants to run more electric vehicles and it's public transport network. there are already 2 electric buses in operation on a full charge. they can cover around 250 kilometers enough for the whole day line as post theory has been driving his new boss for 3 months now, there's no. 2 i look over expenses in this boss, like i, i decided boss. for example, i used to do a service every month. this one, you don't do any service in time. tickets for the electric bus is set to be cheaper than the diesel ones. the bus can take 25 passengers. internet is free and they can charge their phones at the same time, get logged in about younger services that others can't provide any one or you feel relaxed and there's no noise. leona medina gets nice getting in the middle of the transport company only has one charging station right now. it takes up to 4 hours to charge the buses, the fur missile. so training engineers to work on the electric vehicles. the plan is to steadily increase the number of the buses over the next 5 years, a key step towards better rac quality in the canyon capital. and how about you? if you are also doing your bid, tell us about it, visit our website center. so tweak ah stag, doing your bit re share your stories getting to where you're headed simply is also the topic of one next report. only one c total in a 1000 lives is able to reach adulthood many never even reach the water. in the sondra, those cute little creatures have many enemies, seabirds crowds on october was all love to eat. freshly hatched tattoos, national park rangers in the democratic republic of congo are given a huge boost to their chances of survival. ah, a helping hand to cross the dangerous shore ranger casteel domain carries these baby turtles right to the water's edge to make sure they get there safely. it's always special for him when they hatch them for walker. i like it when the babies come out of their nests. it makes me very happy in company. since the end of october, castiano, dante and his colleagues have scoured the democratic republic of congo or d. r c's near 38 kilometers of beach for total ness. they took 50000 eggs to an incubation center where they were protected by wire mesh and mosquito nets. the baby turtles hatched after 50 days. the project is run by the countries nature conservation authority. it protects the vulnerable creatures from the locals and birds. they both eat the eggs. this generation has survived, but future generations might not to walk. it was ill. erosion often eliminates the coastline sunny manila, like why don't we have a lot of threats on erosion as bob oil rising sea levels and erosion have swept away over 55 meters of the beaches. during the last 30 years, the park rangers estimate that almost a quarter of nesting sites have been destroyed. now a new threat has emerged only a couple of kilometers along the coast where the congo river reaches the c. d r c president felix cheese. the katie has laid the foundation for a new deep sea port, the park ranger sphere that the port means even more danger for the turtles habitat . the congolese institute for the conservation of nature agrees and says it was not consulted by developers as follows. i know the result, good year, but i'm by month and then. but we need to city and you know, we don't have them. the new port will be built at the edge of a man grow forest. it's a nature reserve where an enormous number of endangered plant and animal species thrive, including foreign turtle species, manatees and mud skippers, the head of african whistleblower protection platform. goblin bo don't. phantom says, the potential damage could be catastrophic. the non governmental main groups are important because they stopped floods in a period of rapidly rising waters. we unfortunately don't know what effect the disappearance of the mangrove forests would have for on the floods that could affect the congolese atlantic coast. wanted. the last few of the 300 turtles castiano dante brought to the waterfront to day are finally being carried out by the waves door. and he was on a desert employment in the years to come again. we hoped to see the baby turtles that are here to day or to return as when their adults had rather been the uncle. it is and then lay their eggs on our beach. this seal not libellous. and he hopes that when they return, they'll find their home beach is still a welcoming habitat. you couldn't exactly call the police. we are going to in our next report. a walk um inhabited illegal projects bought from germany, a created toxic woodland. it romania. it's a little crick to business for the wisp mafia because disposal side charge just a fraction of the cost. in western europe. bought octavia box, joe, new from book arrest, is determined to track down the whist smugglers. yet again, a case of arson at an illegal romanian landfill. octavian but johnny was then had commissioner of romanians environmental guard. well, he let the investigation that was a year ago. but with the north little brought them out of them. a lot of garbage was burned here from school, which for 20 minutes a school there was a lot of smoke them were for 2 more fires like got in the south of bucharest would be engulfed and smoke and stench. in fact, all of the caressed suffers from serious environmental problems. several times in recent years, limits have been exceeded a 100 times over. the problem isn't just heavy traffic. there's also the repeated a legal binding of waste, some of which comes from germany. last summer, romanian beaudet police made a major discovery and the black seaport of constantia more than 1800 tons of suspicious waste. their shipping documents showed it had been declared as plastic, but it also contained metal. ty is batteries and even carcinogenic, as best us. a dangerous mix that's prohibited by the e. u. we want to confront the german company mellow with the accusations, and had to hamburg. it's home to europe's 3rd largest port. each year, millions of containers a shipped from here. some contain waste. we discovered that greenpeace also has been aware of mellow, for some time. over the mellow says it doesn't want to comment. 10 days earlier with sent an official press inquiry with no response. then suddenly the manager appears. as you thought, we hear about shipments from mello. he found in romania on the to re legal ago. no . yes, you're being prosecuted there while though, but nonsense. it's been cleared up to the state of wonderful. now would you like to say that on camera? i'm about not the right person to talk to her honey to farm visit and have you have young? that is why we called you a fellow of no comers. a few minutes later the manager acknowledges the investigation, but it says his waist shipments were legal. i know the romanians are doing something, but they didn't analyze it. people mean they glanced at it and thought, oh, there's some cable and a circuit board in there. let me read. but d, w has seen the report on the waste, which their remaining prosecutors had analyzed in a german lab. it shows the waist also contained undeclared toxic components. back in romania, we meet octavia, but char, now at the landfill. again, he is no longer in uniform. he was released from office, did his dismissal, have to do with his efforts to stop garbage smuggling. the super good bickley morgan, he's at the coastal cooper. ok, well these are structures of organized crime that are commonly thought of the shifting waste from countries like germany, britain, italy, but also from bulgaria. and from many itself, is the cheperdak wilmarth of bulgaria. this waste sometimes travels thousands of calamities to get here. the u commission says germany is one of the most important markets for illegal waste disposal or barbara to 3rd, the not to some the locker room. some of the waste goes to cement factories. so, but allowing some contracts cover up the fact that much more waste is and ported than these factories can burn for cement production, or that you met them, cojet out it sort of waste and something burned and feel so she but thought they are u. s. h, and yet that the can put the investigation as b m headed by prosecutor tail donita. the hamburg case is just one of many examples of trash smuggling he's examining. he says, the problem isn't just as honest business owners, but also corrupt politicians and reason he is, he is repeatedly called on the government in bucharest to take action against trash smugglers elsewhere. so it only means that immediately when ministers answer left me speechless macrocosm could she said, we can't do it because it would anger the big cement producers watch him lacrosse up until cassandra, they have a strong lobby. got all of those. if they pull to nick, he had to the harbor for another inspection. with us, i just got a call from the you judicial authority about coordinating the case with germany and belgium. in romania charges have been filed against the hamburg based company. now the courts will decide whether mellow acted criminally or not. since china bombs, the import of plastic waste in 2018 waste exporters are looking more and more to countries like romania bulgaria and poland. germany is considered a world leader in recycling, but that's probably also thanks to the many waste exports to eastern europe. a similar situation to the one we've just seen in romania is fought to come on in many countries in africa as well. take synagogue, for example, a lack of any efficient waste management system. there means most waste never even make it to the landfills. that is true, crease instead, it liters and landscape the ocean or generate toxic fumes. when it gets bond in residential neighborhoods, bonded things are changing in a seaside, the bob of dhaka, a new recycle concept, husband put in place and it is working on it. so this isn't a common site. here in the darkest lab, refused. a boy took in his empty plastic lemonade bottle out to a whisk been in the yard of his home. but a but family is sticking part in a pilot project. when we look for the lender has ever hillis i before we used to throw everything into the sea that we had one been and makes everything together and then checked it out. last simpler. now we have a different bin for plastic bottle salad, one for cancelling. i'm a buffer food wasting all sorting to different policy. it's straightforwardly and every one he had most what to do. i've been here for the gala, but he believes besides plastic, metal and paper, the family also separates organic waste. every 2 weeks, the city picks it all up. the product is called zed e. c. zon, ecology, camino term, all community ecological zone. launched by the district authorities as the 1st of its kind in cynical. although it is that t o initiated zech in response to western and pollution problems in this neighborhood and along the coast line or military do air or is it a coca cola we're mixing everything together over and throwing it away. if the truck didn't come, we really had to change people's mind center and get them to reflect de environment or, and also help with waste recovery by explaining that which is not something bad. west has become a resource, a mixup, recall colored issue, napa in kalamazoo literacy that went in brussels. a resource dysfunction darkest dam, nadia industrial. soon as making the most off, it's all the plastic and processes, it's into plastic pellets. the fact his manager says that as a recycling industry has taken off, plastic has gone from poly tonnes to money maker or new one as an alarm or walker. busy on a national level settlement, we see an increase in more and more every year system and now the state is putting in place, assist them to better control with management logistics and plastic waste collection assistant. there's lots of plastic waste outside the car as well, but no organized systemic met by decentralizing collection activities, side exams, and using programs like sec, it helps industrialist like last and again, my 3 are much more easily and at a lower cost. without them, i would have to organize our own collections systemic in and go hunting for the recyclable materials in this region or other regions. it would be much more difficult for us through a job vandalism, as john says that i believe it will not put it on this morning's round. west collect his half picked up the pre sorta trash of 80 families in one year. they've collected 2 tons of plastic and over 80 kilograms of aluminum cans. the system was here in refuse because the city land from initial mistakes and now does more than simply distribute trash couse lipper mercy. at 1st we put rubbish bins everywhere. but if you don't train people problems, all always be brought to take them. hon was crock metal and plastic on the roof. that's why locals have been trained to day. you see rubbish bins in front of the houses, and they will be there for a 100 years. and i mean, people not understand it's in their own interests to live the benson, where diaz, you, possible. however, it will be a long time before whist separation and recycling becomes a norm across synagogue. but less than half of the population benefiting from any kind of waste collection initiatives. open dumping and ben in are widespread methods of getting rid of household waste. new york city authorities here hope the project was set an example, because the benefits are so obvious. a while i'm mabel is even variable. there's no west here by the sea. now. you'll see it in other places where there's been no support. nozik as mitchell. that's why we want to replicate de sac off to our lin every when refuse configured and exported to other regions of synagogue export technology partners descending on thus, a pretty ambitious goal. synagogues cities generate 9000 tons of waste every day, and a volume continues to rise. they're small and made of plastic sashes. these little packets might be handy, but they quickly land in the garbage bin, and they don't ross. in our web special, we chant the journey of such a sachet from the origins of the raw materials it's made from to its ends on the rubbish heap. we find out why the number of sa chaise is growing and why they're so lucrative for businesses. and so disastrous for our planets. find out more at d, w dot com slash plastic, and the it is time for us to go already. i hope you enjoyed today's wonder through the environment. i've certainly enjoyed taking you along with us, but for now it is by until next week i sent it to nobody signing up from compiler. here in uganda. i've also enjoyed it. sandra, thank you. next big. we're back for you again. well, between now and then you can stay in touch on our social media channels with lots of new on eye catching content here. then it's good bye. from lagos, nigeria, ah, a, a with or show time, a leave kelly break each day and just getting a very special presence and unique like installation that has only ever been seen one. sit back and marvelled fear, romance. in 30 minutes on d. w. o . intimidation and transformed into an orgy of hate and violence. the history of the ku klux klan, the oldest terrorist organization in the united dates, its members fight for races, state ruled by white supremacy. what we're talking about here is not only disorganized violence, it's not only terrorism. it's politics founded over 150 years ago. it's repeatedly died out, but always been resurrected. the ku klux klan starts may 11th on d w. it's not a question of whether the next crisis will come, but only when and how the media will deal with it. how can we stay focused on what is important? shaping tomorrow now, exploring opportunities for media professionals in times of crisis. the global media for june 2020 to your ticket. now one of main kinds, oldest ambitions could be within reach or what is it really is possible to reverse aging researchers and scientists all over the world for in a race against time. they are peers and rivals with one daring goal to outsmart nature. more life starts may 28th on d, w. ah ah, ah, this is the w news live from berlin. as europe remembers the end of world war 2, german chancellor, olaf shalt says vladimir putin cannot win the war in ukraine. he says putin is falsifying history by comparing the conflict to the fight against nazi germany. and dozens are feared dead in an air strike on a school in easton ukraine. russia stepping up attacks in the run up to a controversial military parade in moscow. and the u. s. the 1st lady jill biden makes a surprise visit to ukraine.

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