Transcripts For DW Eco India 20240707 :

Transcripts For DW Eco India 20240707

mention of japan, only hadn't drawn pictures be the way for cycled week shot, and later, the more devices to wash and auto us as the cold here in india, a primary mode of local transportation for many indians. but the heavy if you just even sure couldn't help solve this problem and address others to ah, the lobby members are like begging her when i drive. i feel a sense of freedom. i don't like being cooped up in a house, had made a new milligram. the image in there, i used to think women should stay at home had made and now i can't stay indoors for a single day. begging i am full bodied anna. can i make the only way that they're being self employed afford lanita being that freedom? 3 years ago, she was working 12 hour shifts in a storm quarry and living a bit. and now she has her own electric picture that she has her own boss in the city of fray. our garage, formerly known as alabama, is located at the confluence of the ganges and the yamuna river in the northern state of what i believe. it's home to some one and a half 1000000 people. let our beans life changed when a social enterprise helped her to become financially independent. since 2015, the company s m b green solutions has reached out to people who are marginalized due to their gender cast or class. it offers to don them into green entrepreneurs as either shop owners and drivers. no more either neglect. my bagel was finance. so i didn't have to make the down payment myself ma'am, if we could pay the loan back at our own convenience. yeah. im installments of just copies 2000 or 2 piece, 2500 down my name again. that way i paid back the loan in 4 months. it would be 15000 and daughter, but i mean until at 1 o'clock, if that's equal and off 200 euro's now. larry davina is one of some 130 female, either shall drivers and alter british who also on their vehicles. ah, the directions provided by the social enterprise come briefly with cameras and gps tracking systems that are connected to local police stations operating in 5 days, and what 10 villages across the state, the taxi service also afford greater freedom to the women who use it use in customers that women will not move out to a market or to a hospital without a male member accompanying. now they are comfortable sending the women with the women, but i was meant that son joseph, or when to see a woman driver. we also feel better about traveling alone the need for compact green quick transport options has never been more pressing in prayer garage, for example, about 80 percent of all commercial vehicles are diesel because about 2 thirds of air pollution related deaths in india are associated with diesel vehicles can help counter that provider, they have many advantages. they never refuse to take passengers and eat exhaust cause no pollution at all. that's not completely true. electric richer like little beans, have vito emissions keeping cities cleanup. but the battery production process m. it's greenhouse gases, and an india 70 percent of the energy required to reach out to lee goes come some cold. still there clearly a step in the right direction. every helix or able to save boom metric tons of carbon. by the air. i may say which, you know, done by its competitive products like i see in the patrol article. and if you see with our customer base alone with 2500 people, we are having more than 5000 metric tons of carbon buddy. eating shows make up less than 10 percent of india auto industry, but s and b green solutions is optimistic. it has more than 2 and a half 1000 era drivers across their bodies and possibly hard acquired vehicle ownership. that customers have a good return. second, the legal requirements are list, so most of the, the forgot permit free power. many states are now banning new registry offense and permit for the diesel and patrol or towed in the city. yet for the time being only a few drivers of switching from patrol or diesel vehicles to electric ones, habit and also people walk appear to be the main reasons for their reluctance. what is happening? introduce the market. it. there are fleet margins who have a fleet of 10 to 50. 200 exploits are told i am talking about event, i reckon, and they're rented to the people on delhi high. they live until it's very hard for us all for a customer on a bus, from a my life community to deal with the, with a stakeholder in the system. so dealing with the vehicle manufactured a, dealing with the department dealing with the insurance company, me from facilitating bank loans and insurance to helping with paperwork with the regional transport office and also offering smart battery swap systems. the social enterprise is trying to make it attractive, uneasy of possible to become an easy chair driver loaded the bean and husband mckendra martin. they have a 4 year old son and shed a childcare. taking it in tons to go to work. my hands supplies on either chef on the living. he's always supported his wife in her work. but in a when s m. v green solutions told me that women were driving eating shows these days and i checked with my husband. he said yes indeed they were. and he asked me if i was interested in learning and that he would help me. but only if i wanted to . i told him instantly, yes, i want to drive with most of the was transported via big ships with the, with 70 percent of them as contain arrived cargo. but the international shipping industrial produce is as much carbon dioxide a chill as a big industrial country, like germany. our reporter done deeper into why shipping to means are go to move to transport goods between countries. take a look at your standard t shirt. where does it come from? the label says made in turkey or mexico or bangladesh, but that's only part of its epic journey. the cotton probably comes from lubbock, texas. it's then woven, treated bleached, and died across the ocean in china, cut in stone into a t shirt and bangladesh sent back to the u. s. a couple of clicks later. it's traveling across another ocean, se to berlin, where it sold for for euros. 99. it sounds like madness, but it's actually shipping. shipping is so cheap that some aspects seem absurd. for example, it rains 247 in belgium. yes, we buy our water and the is bottled in south pacific fish gets caught in the north sea. it then goes phrases to asia, where it splitting attendance and back, but there is a hidden cost to these curiosities. the full price of shipping is being paid by the environment in relative terms, shipping is very efficient. transporting one ton of cargo m. it's 16 grams of c o 2 per kilometer. it's over 10 times that by road and by air, it's a lot more. but in absolute terms, it's an absolute nightmare. this is she it distance is that mean that this emission stack up and become a problem? lucy gillian works for sees at risk and association of n g o's working to protect the oceans. $0.80. it ships depending heavy feel, no riches. i really think viscous pulling team feel it's kind of, it's one step away from tom. and you know, the industry emits as much as all the coal plants in the us and just the with less than aviation. but somehow shipping escape scrutiny. shipping is the only sector it doesn't pay for carbon pollution. fight of bass off leads the shipping program at transport, an environment and enjo campaigning for cleaner transport. it's the only sector that doesn't pay taxes on the fossil fuels uses. it doesn't pay the h t present the global leaders. they agreed to impose 15 percent global minimum corporate taxation rate that was on one second that was exempt as shipping. but how can that be given the scale ships handle some 90 percent of global trade? then there's a strange little enigma. imagine something going wrong on a japanese built american owned tanker. sailed by a philippine crew, managed by a cypriot sailing from china to canada and international waters. who do you blame? well, maybe panama panama, marshall islands, liberia, bahamas, malta is 5 countries, which you don't really hear on our, on a daily basis, right? they're not really big powers in the global politics or even economics. they are the king makers when it comes to shipping. that's because of a system called flag of convenience. the practice began during the prohibition era selling alcohol in the usa was illegal, so passenger ship owners began registering their ships in panama, so they could serve drinks on board. the international maritime organization is the only body that can set policy for the entire sector. it's a un agency task with, among other things, fighting climate change, but as done the opposite. there are multiple reasons. first of all, at the imo members, states are normally represented by the ministries of transport. they want to promote shipping aviation and so on and so forth. climate, the environmental challenge that has not been traditionally speaking their domain. that's the domain of the climate ministry or environment minister. so this is a kind of structural problem and policies are rarely put to vote. the i am o prefers to rule by consensus, which gives louder voices, a de facto veto power. and number 3, industry has powerful low being associations, electricity and national delegations, and in many cases, put pressure on the government. 30 percent of its representatives are not policy makers, but business people, the highest number in any un agency. ah managed build as a big ships to exploit economist trade. the enabled industries to create one year, right? bikinis and t shirts that it just said cheat the people think of them is disposable . and that's been facilitated by cheap shipping. that doesn't pay for depletion. oh, when it comes to emissions is absolutely no excuse how slow the shipping industry is going to address that. it's just, it's absolutely shameful. mm. but momentum for change is building. it's recognized that we can't solve climate change without also solving the emissions problem from shipping. the european union is taking a leading role to force companies to reduce emissions. and innovation can be a huge help. more believe technology such as batteries for shorter since vessels, green hydrogen, opening, hydrogen bays, fuels can fill that gap and fully to come in either sector. but it takes good timing and effort to turn a tanker around and the i m o has displayed. neither shipping hasn't shown that it can move swiftly when it comes to reforming itself. we're thing that is possible. it is doable, but it's not going to happen on his own. then it's the regulations that mandate switch to those sustainable behaviors. sustainable technologies on the shipping companies need to renew ships, would be far more expensive. but it, german conservation group has worked out that those $499.00 t shirts. would van cost just $0.02 more? sometimes small changes can leads to big results. in kenya, for instance, fishermen were offered the chance to swap the engines on their boats from diesel electric baldwood. let's take a look at how much of a difference it's minstrel they work. and they said on dings ah, as dusk fools, jared or tiana heads out on 2 lake victorian since he started using an electric motor, he and his team no longer have to breathe m exhaust for years. and it's not as noisy either. auto renew is one of the few fishermen here who started using an electric motor last year. it's much easier before he was constantly having to change gears or so. you have to be careful, robert, or bella, dublin. so really to tubes. it might order me get contact with her manila you the 1st 3 all the gear saw removing you to have gum cumbersome reviews. one you just do just automatically come up with the mac. the fishermen use soda lamps to mark out the area where they plan to cast their large net, with the light, slowly attracts the fish to the surface. then in the early morning, they pull up the neck. the nights are long on the lake, only after 12 hours due, the fisherman returned to me again. a beach in the town of m. b t r a t n a share the proceeds of the cat. with the other fishermen, after deducting expenses, he only has the electric motor and batteries on loan from a company called or salvo lab worker. every morning he returns the used batteries, and in the evening he receives a freshly charged set. a silver rains out the motors for the equivalent of around $38.00 euros a month. the batteries cost 7 years 50 per day. a lot of money for fishermen. here . the dutch started a sober, had to do a lot of math to develop this business model. they saw the batteries and motors from germany here in kenya, they have technicians who take care of the repairs and maintenance. they also offer a 24 hour service. if there are problems on the water, the fishermen have to call their rescue number that we can resolve on call. but sometimes when their technical issues are not in a position to be solved during that time, we have to, we have to send out as to what to go, pull them back, or maybe change something, a component of the engine for that matter. the batteries are equipped with gps track is so that the boats can be precisely located in case of emergency. more than 15 fishermen have signed a contract with the company i saw as working to improve their offer to get more customers. it's made contact with companies in kenya and uganda that refurbish used batteries. these could be rented out to the fisherman at a cheaper rate. in the 2nd life batteries will make them more duleigh. so that also we might, we mimic the current operations of our customers, but if it were castlemont we'll far, we give them more bodies. then we tried this recharge fee, but, but see like, you don't go far. we give you full batteries, you hon. short distance. we give you one or 2 batteries and you pay for what you are viewing a sofa is the 1st company in kenya to invest an e, mobility on water. and one of the few in general on the countries markets around $25000.00. both are out on lake victoria every day, and many of them belong to kenyan fishermen who used combustion engines, which pollute the lake and home the fish population. often the fishermen only get small silver, sy printed from the lake. and they catch quotas have also declined in recent years . jared or tina is wife and mother take care of the catch every morning, 1st drying it, and then selling it as quickly as possible. the fish are the main source of income for the family of 12. they also the money to pay the school fees for their full children. and they've even managed to build a 2nd boat. derek atlanta wants to equip this one with an electric motor too. he has a plan for his family. i'm praying, god willing that my children know to be fishing was so the sooner the better another's has been bizarre. i now i'm so put in the do cushion for friday. we did wishful from bare b if they're employed to become change my, our life. jared, atlanta has already persuaded some other fishermen to switch to electric motors problem, but he and a sofa, a still among the pioneers of e mobility and it will take many more like them to see a benefit to like victoria and it's fish to be more buy is a gift for each one of us. it's our ticket to participate in social life. our team met a woman taxi driver in big blue was breaking stereotypes and paving the we for more women to be independent. one drive at the time. 99 percent of the dry was in india. i'll meet the now i'm one of the few women left through it. my name is lee john seen when i'm to wendy 2 years old and i am a taxi driver. i'm looking at everyone stairs at me when i drive by dancing alignment up on them, but different people react differently mighty that up up. some people are amused by some smile that are by some will purposely overtake and got me on that. then in the ward that will import it up and look them on some curse and tell me to drive by door and some as if i even know how to drive a yellow or whatever like that with ah, going on. i heard about an opportunity where women could take driving lessons that even if i wanted to progress in life. so i thought this would be my best john. i did a little bit. so i learned how to drive me now and i leave at $530.00 to pick up the car i on a fixed amount every month, only for the end if i end it. but if i miss a day, i work on sundays to make up for able a send employee on their company with oh, let's not talk about traffic. it's so bad with in a good day, i only pick up female passengers. i don't drive men by the way, men look at women, it doesn't feel comfortable or speak with my date of ultimate goal will cool. when the driver is female, women feel more relax within it. a goes into like the thing. oh, she will get us there safely. and with money with ah, would they even i be scared if it is a long trip dark at night will yet women coming back from the air lord feel particularly good on my mind to take them anywhere since the client might not know the way to her destination, we'll go on, look, ah, mary, i have been stories in the news about the driver who took a woman somewhere off the main road and raped her. then that's why i'm all of the men are becoming gab drivers. ah, now he had been a part of monotony. everything is controlled by men at the moment and we may not all press god into another. you have been not just when it comes to driving a vehicle ready, then let us be equal. we are all human being, the letty now a lot of my mission down does dinner with ah, i live in a slamming bank and all here. there is a lot of alcoholism among manno. dane, this lemma. women who live in the slum work, se rebirth up in a mine, reggie table sellers, and god collectors opened it up with a little bit of there's not much money to me and a lot and there aren't many opportunities for improving your situation. either. zelner had a life, you are a sleeper, you will probably the us, we bought the money or maybe you end up selling tomatoes or other mobile payment move. in date of bending metadata when i look up. but anyway, after i finished and read, i started to wonder really why i had so few choices. they were that long. i only knew what it was like working at home of the metal filling up already so there, and i'm a good either. my mother would like me to mattie, but i don't really want to live. my dream is to put my sister's little car late, but she held my older sister. get married and buy a house with dish. when would it if my father will yo. i think he would be brown, my letterhead, go whenever a girl has a problem, whether it's been her mother in law or husband, or she shouldn't just sit back and do nothing, she sure to stand up for herself. we are capable of so much. nothing is impossible for everybody or can be broken down land when people down in our homes during the fantastic, each of us realize the value of being more by what we must take care of now is that i need to be on the move doesn't harm the environment, think about that and i'll see you again next week. good bye. and thanks for watching. ah, [000:00:00;00] a ah, ah, with who a. he'd like to stand. what's behind them? dw news africa. the show that was the issues shaping the continent. life is slowly getting back to normally on the street to give you enough reports on the inside. our correspondence is on the ground reporting from across the continent. all the trends doesn't matter to you. in 30 minutes on d, w. ah, the plain, the most powerful go of old home. that's how the checks are growing up support for the cooper version that sitting in your car. so of course we want to know how good the car is. i v and put the e s u v through the red, 90 minutes on d w. i'm the green. do you feel worried about the planning? me to a meal host of the on the grievance of cost and to me, it's clear. we need to change the solutions are out there, join me for a deep dive into the green transformation for me to do for them. or one of mankind's oldest ambitions could be within reach. or what is it really is possible to reverse aging researchers and scientists all over the world torino race against time. the d. n. a molecule though has 28000000 different powered glasses. they are piers and rivals with one daring goal to out smart nature. for a longer healthier and fuller life. one of the most insightful discoveries in the history of mankind. more life starts 28. 0 d w ah ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin. dozens of civilians have been rescued from v as off style steel plant and mario pool. at least one bus load of people has been taken from the besieged factory and handed over to united nations and ret cross representatives. rescue efforts are to continue on saturday. also coming up, after hesitating to send heavy weapons to ukraine, germany rams. up support,

Related Keywords

Malta , Yamuna , India General , India , Japan , Alabama , United States , United Kingdom , Texas , China , Liberia , Delhi , Dublin , Ireland , Canada , Uganda , Ukraine , It Un , Sichuan , Germany , Mexico , Manila , Philippines , Lake Victoria , Bangladesh , Kenya , Netherlands , Belgium , Lubbock , Panama , Marshall Islands , Cyprus , Bahamas , The , Berlin , Cypriot , German , British , Dutch , Kenyan , Japanese , American , Lee John , Letty Nowa , Klux Klan , Derek Atlanta , Larry Davina ,

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Transcripts For DW Eco India 20240707 :

Transcripts For DW Eco India 20240707

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mention of japan, only hadn't drawn pictures be the way for cycled week shot, and later, the more devices to wash and auto us as the cold here in india, a primary mode of local transportation for many indians. but the heavy if you just even sure couldn't help solve this problem and address others to ah, the lobby members are like begging her when i drive. i feel a sense of freedom. i don't like being cooped up in a house, had made a new milligram. the image in there, i used to think women should stay at home had made and now i can't stay indoors for a single day. begging i am full bodied anna. can i make the only way that they're being self employed afford lanita being that freedom? 3 years ago, she was working 12 hour shifts in a storm quarry and living a bit. and now she has her own electric picture that she has her own boss in the city of fray. our garage, formerly known as alabama, is located at the confluence of the ganges and the yamuna river in the northern state of what i believe. it's home to some one and a half 1000000 people. let our beans life changed when a social enterprise helped her to become financially independent. since 2015, the company s m b green solutions has reached out to people who are marginalized due to their gender cast or class. it offers to don them into green entrepreneurs as either shop owners and drivers. no more either neglect. my bagel was finance. so i didn't have to make the down payment myself ma'am, if we could pay the loan back at our own convenience. yeah. im installments of just copies 2000 or 2 piece, 2500 down my name again. that way i paid back the loan in 4 months. it would be 15000 and daughter, but i mean until at 1 o'clock, if that's equal and off 200 euro's now. larry davina is one of some 130 female, either shall drivers and alter british who also on their vehicles. ah, the directions provided by the social enterprise come briefly with cameras and gps tracking systems that are connected to local police stations operating in 5 days, and what 10 villages across the state, the taxi service also afford greater freedom to the women who use it use in customers that women will not move out to a market or to a hospital without a male member accompanying. now they are comfortable sending the women with the women, but i was meant that son joseph, or when to see a woman driver. we also feel better about traveling alone the need for compact green quick transport options has never been more pressing in prayer garage, for example, about 80 percent of all commercial vehicles are diesel because about 2 thirds of air pollution related deaths in india are associated with diesel vehicles can help counter that provider, they have many advantages. they never refuse to take passengers and eat exhaust cause no pollution at all. that's not completely true. electric richer like little beans, have vito emissions keeping cities cleanup. but the battery production process m. it's greenhouse gases, and an india 70 percent of the energy required to reach out to lee goes come some cold. still there clearly a step in the right direction. every helix or able to save boom metric tons of carbon. by the air. i may say which, you know, done by its competitive products like i see in the patrol article. and if you see with our customer base alone with 2500 people, we are having more than 5000 metric tons of carbon buddy. eating shows make up less than 10 percent of india auto industry, but s and b green solutions is optimistic. it has more than 2 and a half 1000 era drivers across their bodies and possibly hard acquired vehicle ownership. that customers have a good return. second, the legal requirements are list, so most of the, the forgot permit free power. many states are now banning new registry offense and permit for the diesel and patrol or towed in the city. yet for the time being only a few drivers of switching from patrol or diesel vehicles to electric ones, habit and also people walk appear to be the main reasons for their reluctance. what is happening? introduce the market. it. there are fleet margins who have a fleet of 10 to 50. 200 exploits are told i am talking about event, i reckon, and they're rented to the people on delhi high. they live until it's very hard for us all for a customer on a bus, from a my life community to deal with the, with a stakeholder in the system. so dealing with the vehicle manufactured a, dealing with the department dealing with the insurance company, me from facilitating bank loans and insurance to helping with paperwork with the regional transport office and also offering smart battery swap systems. the social enterprise is trying to make it attractive, uneasy of possible to become an easy chair driver loaded the bean and husband mckendra martin. they have a 4 year old son and shed a childcare. taking it in tons to go to work. my hands supplies on either chef on the living. he's always supported his wife in her work. but in a when s m. v green solutions told me that women were driving eating shows these days and i checked with my husband. he said yes indeed they were. and he asked me if i was interested in learning and that he would help me. but only if i wanted to . i told him instantly, yes, i want to drive with most of the was transported via big ships with the, with 70 percent of them as contain arrived cargo. but the international shipping industrial produce is as much carbon dioxide a chill as a big industrial country, like germany. our reporter done deeper into why shipping to means are go to move to transport goods between countries. take a look at your standard t shirt. where does it come from? the label says made in turkey or mexico or bangladesh, but that's only part of its epic journey. the cotton probably comes from lubbock, texas. it's then woven, treated bleached, and died across the ocean in china, cut in stone into a t shirt and bangladesh sent back to the u. s. a couple of clicks later. it's traveling across another ocean, se to berlin, where it sold for for euros. 99. it sounds like madness, but it's actually shipping. shipping is so cheap that some aspects seem absurd. for example, it rains 247 in belgium. yes, we buy our water and the is bottled in south pacific fish gets caught in the north sea. it then goes phrases to asia, where it splitting attendance and back, but there is a hidden cost to these curiosities. the full price of shipping is being paid by the environment in relative terms, shipping is very efficient. transporting one ton of cargo m. it's 16 grams of c o 2 per kilometer. it's over 10 times that by road and by air, it's a lot more. but in absolute terms, it's an absolute nightmare. this is she it distance is that mean that this emission stack up and become a problem? lucy gillian works for sees at risk and association of n g o's working to protect the oceans. $0.80. it ships depending heavy feel, no riches. i really think viscous pulling team feel it's kind of, it's one step away from tom. and you know, the industry emits as much as all the coal plants in the us and just the with less than aviation. but somehow shipping escape scrutiny. shipping is the only sector it doesn't pay for carbon pollution. fight of bass off leads the shipping program at transport, an environment and enjo campaigning for cleaner transport. it's the only sector that doesn't pay taxes on the fossil fuels uses. it doesn't pay the h t present the global leaders. they agreed to impose 15 percent global minimum corporate taxation rate that was on one second that was exempt as shipping. but how can that be given the scale ships handle some 90 percent of global trade? then there's a strange little enigma. imagine something going wrong on a japanese built american owned tanker. sailed by a philippine crew, managed by a cypriot sailing from china to canada and international waters. who do you blame? well, maybe panama panama, marshall islands, liberia, bahamas, malta is 5 countries, which you don't really hear on our, on a daily basis, right? they're not really big powers in the global politics or even economics. they are the king makers when it comes to shipping. that's because of a system called flag of convenience. the practice began during the prohibition era selling alcohol in the usa was illegal, so passenger ship owners began registering their ships in panama, so they could serve drinks on board. the international maritime organization is the only body that can set policy for the entire sector. it's a un agency task with, among other things, fighting climate change, but as done the opposite. there are multiple reasons. first of all, at the imo members, states are normally represented by the ministries of transport. they want to promote shipping aviation and so on and so forth. climate, the environmental challenge that has not been traditionally speaking their domain. that's the domain of the climate ministry or environment minister. so this is a kind of structural problem and policies are rarely put to vote. the i am o prefers to rule by consensus, which gives louder voices, a de facto veto power. and number 3, industry has powerful low being associations, electricity and national delegations, and in many cases, put pressure on the government. 30 percent of its representatives are not policy makers, but business people, the highest number in any un agency. ah managed build as a big ships to exploit economist trade. the enabled industries to create one year, right? bikinis and t shirts that it just said cheat the people think of them is disposable . and that's been facilitated by cheap shipping. that doesn't pay for depletion. oh, when it comes to emissions is absolutely no excuse how slow the shipping industry is going to address that. it's just, it's absolutely shameful. mm. but momentum for change is building. it's recognized that we can't solve climate change without also solving the emissions problem from shipping. the european union is taking a leading role to force companies to reduce emissions. and innovation can be a huge help. more believe technology such as batteries for shorter since vessels, green hydrogen, opening, hydrogen bays, fuels can fill that gap and fully to come in either sector. but it takes good timing and effort to turn a tanker around and the i m o has displayed. neither shipping hasn't shown that it can move swiftly when it comes to reforming itself. we're thing that is possible. it is doable, but it's not going to happen on his own. then it's the regulations that mandate switch to those sustainable behaviors. sustainable technologies on the shipping companies need to renew ships, would be far more expensive. but it, german conservation group has worked out that those $499.00 t shirts. would van cost just $0.02 more? sometimes small changes can leads to big results. in kenya, for instance, fishermen were offered the chance to swap the engines on their boats from diesel electric baldwood. let's take a look at how much of a difference it's minstrel they work. and they said on dings ah, as dusk fools, jared or tiana heads out on 2 lake victorian since he started using an electric motor, he and his team no longer have to breathe m exhaust for years. and it's not as noisy either. auto renew is one of the few fishermen here who started using an electric motor last year. it's much easier before he was constantly having to change gears or so. you have to be careful, robert, or bella, dublin. so really to tubes. it might order me get contact with her manila you the 1st 3 all the gear saw removing you to have gum cumbersome reviews. one you just do just automatically come up with the mac. the fishermen use soda lamps to mark out the area where they plan to cast their large net, with the light, slowly attracts the fish to the surface. then in the early morning, they pull up the neck. the nights are long on the lake, only after 12 hours due, the fisherman returned to me again. a beach in the town of m. b t r a t n a share the proceeds of the cat. with the other fishermen, after deducting expenses, he only has the electric motor and batteries on loan from a company called or salvo lab worker. every morning he returns the used batteries, and in the evening he receives a freshly charged set. a silver rains out the motors for the equivalent of around $38.00 euros a month. the batteries cost 7 years 50 per day. a lot of money for fishermen. here . the dutch started a sober, had to do a lot of math to develop this business model. they saw the batteries and motors from germany here in kenya, they have technicians who take care of the repairs and maintenance. they also offer a 24 hour service. if there are problems on the water, the fishermen have to call their rescue number that we can resolve on call. but sometimes when their technical issues are not in a position to be solved during that time, we have to, we have to send out as to what to go, pull them back, or maybe change something, a component of the engine for that matter. the batteries are equipped with gps track is so that the boats can be precisely located in case of emergency. more than 15 fishermen have signed a contract with the company i saw as working to improve their offer to get more customers. it's made contact with companies in kenya and uganda that refurbish used batteries. these could be rented out to the fisherman at a cheaper rate. in the 2nd life batteries will make them more duleigh. so that also we might, we mimic the current operations of our customers, but if it were castlemont we'll far, we give them more bodies. then we tried this recharge fee, but, but see like, you don't go far. we give you full batteries, you hon. short distance. we give you one or 2 batteries and you pay for what you are viewing a sofa is the 1st company in kenya to invest an e, mobility on water. and one of the few in general on the countries markets around $25000.00. both are out on lake victoria every day, and many of them belong to kenyan fishermen who used combustion engines, which pollute the lake and home the fish population. often the fishermen only get small silver, sy printed from the lake. and they catch quotas have also declined in recent years . jared or tina is wife and mother take care of the catch every morning, 1st drying it, and then selling it as quickly as possible. the fish are the main source of income for the family of 12. they also the money to pay the school fees for their full children. and they've even managed to build a 2nd boat. derek atlanta wants to equip this one with an electric motor too. he has a plan for his family. i'm praying, god willing that my children know to be fishing was so the sooner the better another's has been bizarre. i now i'm so put in the do cushion for friday. we did wishful from bare b if they're employed to become change my, our life. jared, atlanta has already persuaded some other fishermen to switch to electric motors problem, but he and a sofa, a still among the pioneers of e mobility and it will take many more like them to see a benefit to like victoria and it's fish to be more buy is a gift for each one of us. it's our ticket to participate in social life. our team met a woman taxi driver in big blue was breaking stereotypes and paving the we for more women to be independent. one drive at the time. 99 percent of the dry was in india. i'll meet the now i'm one of the few women left through it. my name is lee john seen when i'm to wendy 2 years old and i am a taxi driver. i'm looking at everyone stairs at me when i drive by dancing alignment up on them, but different people react differently mighty that up up. some people are amused by some smile that are by some will purposely overtake and got me on that. then in the ward that will import it up and look them on some curse and tell me to drive by door and some as if i even know how to drive a yellow or whatever like that with ah, going on. i heard about an opportunity where women could take driving lessons that even if i wanted to progress in life. so i thought this would be my best john. i did a little bit. so i learned how to drive me now and i leave at $530.00 to pick up the car i on a fixed amount every month, only for the end if i end it. but if i miss a day, i work on sundays to make up for able a send employee on their company with oh, let's not talk about traffic. it's so bad with in a good day, i only pick up female passengers. i don't drive men by the way, men look at women, it doesn't feel comfortable or speak with my date of ultimate goal will cool. when the driver is female, women feel more relax within it. a goes into like the thing. oh, she will get us there safely. and with money with ah, would they even i be scared if it is a long trip dark at night will yet women coming back from the air lord feel particularly good on my mind to take them anywhere since the client might not know the way to her destination, we'll go on, look, ah, mary, i have been stories in the news about the driver who took a woman somewhere off the main road and raped her. then that's why i'm all of the men are becoming gab drivers. ah, now he had been a part of monotony. everything is controlled by men at the moment and we may not all press god into another. you have been not just when it comes to driving a vehicle ready, then let us be equal. we are all human being, the letty now a lot of my mission down does dinner with ah, i live in a slamming bank and all here. there is a lot of alcoholism among manno. dane, this lemma. women who live in the slum work, se rebirth up in a mine, reggie table sellers, and god collectors opened it up with a little bit of there's not much money to me and a lot and there aren't many opportunities for improving your situation. either. zelner had a life, you are a sleeper, you will probably the us, we bought the money or maybe you end up selling tomatoes or other mobile payment move. in date of bending metadata when i look up. but anyway, after i finished and read, i started to wonder really why i had so few choices. they were that long. i only knew what it was like working at home of the metal filling up already so there, and i'm a good either. my mother would like me to mattie, but i don't really want to live. my dream is to put my sister's little car late, but she held my older sister. get married and buy a house with dish. when would it if my father will yo. i think he would be brown, my letterhead, go whenever a girl has a problem, whether it's been her mother in law or husband, or she shouldn't just sit back and do nothing, she sure to stand up for herself. we are capable of so much. nothing is impossible for everybody or can be broken down land when people down in our homes during the fantastic, each of us realize the value of being more by what we must take care of now is that i need to be on the move doesn't harm the environment, think about that and i'll see you again next week. good bye. and thanks for watching. ah, [000:00:00;00] a ah, ah, with who a. he'd like to stand. what's behind them? dw news africa. the show that was the issues shaping the continent. life is slowly getting back to normally on the street to give you enough reports on the inside. our correspondence is on the ground reporting from across the continent. all the trends doesn't matter to you. in 30 minutes on d, w. ah, the plain, the most powerful go of old home. that's how the checks are growing up support for the cooper version that sitting in your car. so of course we want to know how good the car is. i v and put the e s u v through the red, 90 minutes on d w. i'm the green. do you feel worried about the planning? me to a meal host of the on the grievance of cost and to me, it's clear. we need to change the solutions are out there, join me for a deep dive into the green transformation for me to do for them. or one of mankind's oldest ambitions could be within reach. or what is it really is possible to reverse aging researchers and scientists all over the world torino race against time. the d. n. a molecule though has 28000000 different powered glasses. they are piers and rivals with one daring goal to out smart nature. for a longer healthier and fuller life. one of the most insightful discoveries in the history of mankind. more life starts 28. 0 d w ah ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin. dozens of civilians have been rescued from v as off style steel plant and mario pool. at least one bus load of people has been taken from the besieged factory and handed over to united nations and ret cross representatives. rescue efforts are to continue on saturday. also coming up, after hesitating to send heavy weapons to ukraine, germany rams. up support,

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