Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240708 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240708

diplomatic discussions and military maneuvers in europe as ukrainians brace for a possible russian invasion. the u. s. and they don't offer more dialogue, but no concessions to moscow. security demands the kremlin, says it's views are being ignored. also coming up germany's catholic church in crisis, the archbishop of munich demanding reckoning and reform after report detailing hundreds of cases of child sex abuse, dating back decades. solemn tribute, germany's parliament's march holocaust remembrance day with a special ceremony commemorating millions of jews and other minorities who were murdered by the nazis during the 2nd world war last, john jackson, as you have never seen her before. i, i 50 years in the spotlight. the famously private singer dave hughes, a new documentary, giving her fans a candle, look at her a long career and strained family ties. ah laura, thank you very much for joining us. we started off with the diplomatic stalemate between russia and the west over ukraine. the kremlin says there is little optimism for easing tensions with the us and nato, after both rejected russia's key security demands. the kremlin insisted on legal guarantees, barring ukraine from joining nato. and the withdrawal of nato forces from eastern europe. russia has mass more than 100000 troops on its border with ukraine, fueling fears of a potential invasion. for these soldiers, the threat of war is a familiar one. the ukraine, an army has been fighting rush and battle separatists in the countries east. for more than 7 years now, but their story in the face of the late as escalation, the deposit another, but you should not be panic. want them if you do while or when that person is crying and swearing, it would be a fiasco. a few panic to go, i so we need to stay calm. play them all other calls on his voice via in the streets of the capital, key of some residence. struggle to keep their spirits up, whispered euros. i am hoping for a peaceful solution. i can't even talk about this without trying. i am for peaceful negotiations award. on thursday, russia offered a glimmer of hope that com could still prevail after the kremlin kept opened the door for talks. despite the u. s. in nato rejecting its demands. suca, so it's suzanne, you the good as for the content of the document, there is a response which gives hope for the start of a serious conversation on secondary questions, boosted pm. but in this documentable girl, there was no positive response to the main question oxy was it's you really knew another chance for diplomacy will come next month when rash and french ukrainian and german delegates will need 4 talks in berlin. want to reach out now to our correspondence in moscow. emily, sherwin, emily, um we just obviously heard there the russian foreign minister administer a survey, live rough in the report saying, and i want to pick up on that last sent as hope for the start of a serious conversation on secondary questions. walker, those b while so russia has made it very clear that they have this main demand, which is that they want nato eastern expansion to stop. the west has repeatedly made it clear, including in that written response yesterday that that is a non starter. but over these past few weeks of talks, there has been some glimpses, i think, of things that could potentially interest russia, even though they made it very clear today. they're disappointed that they're main demand on eastern extension is not being met once again. and some of those things, i think, from the nato point of view, for example, we heard that yesterday we installed in burg, could be more arms control deals. they could be more transparency on military exercises. and i think russia would also be interested in arms control deals on a bilateral lateral level with the u. s. after all the i n f treaty on nuclear, intermediate nuclear weapons has it has fallen apart. the us left that under trump, the open skies treaty, which regulate regulates over flies between russia and the u. s. has also kind of dissipated as well. so i think even though the russians, i didn't get its demands, it seems that their strategy of bargaining very high and essentially asking for more than they know that they can get has paid off. and they've picked up some useful, some useful offers on the way it seems that they're going to be considering now. so emily, with this tiny opening that is emerging, does this make a russian incursion, more or less likely? while the russian side, i think, will most likely continue to demand, to hold on to that main demand of no more nato eastern expansion. i think at this point, you know, it's really up to the russian president and today both said love off the russian foreign minister. and also the prevalent spokesman made it clear that the president would be looking at these that risk. this written response that came from nato and from the us yesterday. but for example, the kremlin spokesperson did not exclude that there could be more talks between us and russian foreign minister as he also didn't exclude the possibility of more talks potentially on a presidential level. so, between biden and put in going forward, and there are these talks in the normandy format on peace in ukraine. you know, from the russian point of view, they've always insisted they don't want to invade russia. i mean, rather ukraine, despite those troops on the border, but they're very much leaving the military threat on the table now as well with upcoming military exercises between russia and bela bruce in the next few weeks as well. and we sure when reporting from moscow, russia, emily, thank you, want to say now about the other stories we're keeping an eye on. there's been an oil leak at a refinery near peruse capital lima authority say it happened during work on an underwater pipeline at the lap bumpy le refinery, owned by spanish energy giant reps. all workers are still trying to clean up a major oil spill, which took place just 10 days ago badly needed international aid has been delivered to the pacific island nation of tonga vessels from australia, britain and china have now arrived, bringing water and basic medical and sanitation supplies the island kingdom was devastated by an underwater volcanic eruption and soon army 2 weeks ago, it destroyed villages and knocked out communications. interest rates of the united states could soon be going up. the federal reserve has not indicated when all by how much but says rising, raising the cost of borrowing will be needed to tackle inflation, which is increasing at its fastest rate in for decades. here in germany, the archbishop of munich has been responding to a damming report release last week about how the archdiocese handled sexual abuse cases. in the catholic church between 19452019 cardinal reinhardt marks said he was ready to take moral responsibility for the church's failings during his time. but, and said he won't be stepping down. last week, the defendant report was heavily critical of formal code benedict the 16th, who himself had at the archdiocese from 1977. to 1982, it faulted his handling of several cases of sexual abuse. while the report is the 1st formal accusation that benedict did not stop abuse of priest, but instead allowed them to continue working with children. here's a look at what we know so far. like rocher mode on the level chip it call, bob had he knew about the abuse and he didn't stop it. a new independent report has found form a pope benedict failed to act in full cases of child sexual abuse by catholic pledge human the cases date back to the time before he became pope, then known as joseph rat, singer in the late 19 seventy's and early 19 eighties, he was the archbishop of munich, and pricing and southern germany. the reports found that under his watch, abusive priests were allowed to continue their work in the church, while victims received no support. the allegations could shots and the former pope's legacy at all. ma'am, he mentioned in dodge, like people in germany, no longer trust jasa fry's thing, or the former pope. you see the catholic church in germany is in a serious crisis alone and many people are leaving the church that many are doubting their bishop life. and i'm you many are calling for more action to finally be taken. does perhaps also that the state should push forward with investigating the abuse and compensating the victims for miss boss up for, for hm. carp oh, rat, singer has already admitted he made a false statement during the investigation. it found evidence he was at a meeting where an abusive priests with disgust after he had repeatedly claimed he didn't attend. he now says that with an oversight he's previously denied any wrong doing and as yet to give a full response to the findings. but the report commissioned by the catholic church in munich, found abuse was wide spread and suggested a culture of cover ups. it found at least 495 cases of abuse in the archdiocese of munich between 194520. 19. the real figure is thought to be far higher. you spun the fog. it is the interesting question is whether that singer could also face legal action. no one knows whether the diplomatic immunity he had as a pope would still protect him as some one who has resigned his pope and now lives in the vatican as a private individual. even as all righty can leaped to you, it is. is it a few months time? theoretically, we could expect to see lawyers and germany following a lawsuit or pursuing legal action against joseph lot. singer, he who at the time in munich did not tackle cases of abuse, but covered them up. self connect. that's the one for touched at. the former pope is now 94 years old and he's facing mounting pressure over his mishandling of sexual abuse within the catholic church. a scandal that reaches far beyond germany . we're now joined by a catherine there wrist hole for in munich. she is the co founder of maria to point out a catholic initiative that raises awareness about sexual abuse in the church. thank you so much for joining us on. this is by all accounts, a very, very serious crisis. the archbishop of munich, as we just heard, will not step down. he refuses to step down despite all the accusations. what does that signal to you? well, he offered to step down before and po prentice did not accept this resignation. so he, we retired on that now. 5 and says, well, i offered it and he told me you hold on and you tied up the mask that you left. so anyways, understandable and i guess we have to accept that he does it. and he has taken a lot of measures within the last 2 years. so since 2018, i mean, he gets like packed on thousands, your office, personal money to foundation supporting victims. and i guess that's what fort foremost the thing that has to be done now look on the people who are affected and to no longer should be victims or who at least get psychologists caring for them. and if you really move that forward now, we will measure him by his deeds. and he promised that he will do more and more, and that he will do a lot of good things for the sonata path and strengthen that. so if he does that, we shall be fine with it, i guess. but should people be held accountable? well, when does it stop? is it like, can you abuse kits and when you're 80, for it stops or with 1994? i guess, i mean we are in germany here, nation of country, the categorical imperative, each of your actions should be the basis of a general law of co existence. so everyone is responsible for their personal of the lifelong and if that's what you learn out of this, that would be quite good because and everybody says, oh, it was the church and it's years back and they did it that way at the time. so i was just supporting my catholic church and the weight was but nobody can resign on that. not everybody has to be responsible for what they do. you or any hope that they look. you are in close contact to understand with victims of abuse on what are survivors telling you what, what are they telling you about what needs to happen for healing to take place? well, i guess the 1st step is an apology. that starts to take place. i mean, they want that people believe them. and that starts the bishops actually say, sorry, i mean, we can't excuse ourselves and you can excuse us. but there are talks now, like marx went to gushing and there were, there are lots of people who were violated by pat r h, the verse case, i guess that we had in germany. so he went there and he said, sorry and to listen to them. so that the 1st step, the next step is they need money for psychologists at the moment. that's not completely normal. that happens, that people actually do get upset column just for longer than $2425.00 or 50 hours . so i guess they church should pay for that as long as it takes for them. i mean, nobody can ever heal but to be able to cope with their own life again. so that's one of the things that would really help. right. and then yeah. and then hope and justice. yeah, go, we're fighting for us. well, it's like prolong the statute of limitations for rape. i mean that's a 20 year snow and lot of people don't speak up for a long time after abuse. so people start talking now because so many people talk. so when one person tells me this, bishop has abused me or this priest has abused me, it's easier for others to say the same. so it starts just now that people dare to speak up, cause for yet decades. really? nobody believe them. i mean if you ask, although people who, where weakens they say you ask them, well why didn't tell anybody? and they say, who would have believed us? i mean that our priest, somebody high up and the person of god has reduced me, can start told her it is a turning point. indeed, catherine aristo her in munich, a co founder of maria to point our catholic initiative. that raises awareness about sexual abuse in the church. thank you. you're welcome. the german parliament has marked holocaust remembrance day with a special ceremony including tributes to victims and witness testimony. remembrance day march the day more than 75 years ago when soviet troops liberated the off switch, extermination camp. 11000000 men, women and children including 6000000 jews were murdered in the holocaust. she survived the delays inch that concentration camp, which she entered with her parents when she was just 7 years old. 20 members of inca auerbach, his family were killed by the nazi regime. she endured horrible conditions, antilles inched out for 3 years and was bedridden for for more, such was the dire effect on her health. to day on holocaust memorial day, i will buy her worn the german boon. this tug that anti semitism is still alive. a horror b. o hob and no i still have very clear memories of that dark time. a time of terror and hate. sadly this cancer has returned and hate of the jews has become commonplace again, in many countries of the world including germany. this disease has to be eradicated, these like as swiftly as possible. the workman your high a cool echoed by the president of germany's parliament who said january 27th is not only a day of remembrance. points this week off today is also a day of shame for what previous generations of germans have done. shame that the perpetrators never showed sight. far too few had the answer to the courts. which fog far too many got off with punishments that amounted to were mockery of the victims for her number of fat lifetime. also in attendance was israel's parliamentary speaker, mickey levy who recalled how democracy can descend into tyranny. so it is here, a new look within the wall for this building i believe which stand a silent stone and still witnesses. he had them. oh god. yeah. we remember and knew how fragile democracy us me gone and we are reminded of our duty to protect it at all cost. dom sheila levy recited the jewish mourners prayer, reading from a book used by a german jewish boy on his bar mitzvah. i know he broke down in tears. oh, i mean to love never again. the call that echoed through the german moon. this tug on this day of remembrance. in other news, germany has seen another record number of new covert 19 infections or countries disease control center. the robert constitute registered more than 203000 new cases in a single 24 hour period that some 70000 more than the same time. last week. experts say the increase has been driven largely by the arm upon variant thailand and saudi arabia say they have agreed to restore full diplomatic ties. the announcement comes amid tie prime ministers, official visit to saudi arabia, bangkok, and will yacht have seen 3 decades of mistrust and hostility. after a political scandal back in 1989 surrounding a sensational drool rehire by to the music streaming providers. spotify is pulling neil young's music from its catalogue. this comes after request from the singer songwriter. mister young objected to the streaming service airing a popular podcast, criticised for spreading misinformation about cove in 19. earlier this month, hundreds of scientists and medical professionals signed a letter urging spotify to remove to podcast. fans of jana jackson are all a buzz about a new film, promising an unprecedented look at her life, childhood and relationship with her larger than life. brother michael, while the documentary titled simply janet jackson makes its debut on friday. it includes never before seen footage and was produced by miss jackson herself. here's a sneak peak. i janet jackson's many, many women. she's an empowered woman. he's alleging the greatest show there were in new york, we were just there thrown around melodies. i sent you right, your verses, all right mine. because i know he had something to say what, what was your opening piece? i just want to write yours down. so i'm tired of injustice. i'm tired of the sky. eliza disgusting. so what does it mean? i think that is something that surprised me just how much she did get involved in the documentary, you know, kind of on a one to one basis with me. my father was very strict. ah, he was in charge of my life, my career. my father said you're going to sick. he gave up his father to get them in the business with jackson. mother how you feel, talking about my i can't ah, you've been very private about your personal life. up until now. why did you want to do this documentary? it's just something that needs to be done. to talk more about this superstar karen homestead is here from our culture department. i know so interesting. intensely private person. yeah. so why did she decide to release this documentary now? well, in a technically, it honors the 40th anniversary of the, of the release of her debut. album, janet jackson, which came back in 1982. so there's, so there's kind of that as the hook, but, you know, it actually, they started filming around the time of her father's death back in 2018. and they've actually been really working on this already for over 5 years. so i think, you know, just as it was a gradual process to get out of the shadow of her brothers, i mean, she was the youngest of 10 children in that family. it's incredible to think of that. it's taking her some time to really understand her own story and extricate it really from the public narrative that's been around the jackson's for so long. so, at 55, you know, she's ready to tell it in her own words, and let's not forget that she's one of the most successful recording artists ever. and, you know, her career, her, her stage shows her choreography is really had, were hugely influential for so many artists, but also for the music industry itself. so this is, you know, it's, she's definitely, as relevant as ever, long overdue, i should add, as well. i understand there are 2 parts to this documentary. and of course, the only thing that people talk about is the incident noise. i cameo out of quite a ways more than a camera. i think. i mean, 1st of all, you know, she does talk a lot about her, her childhood and sort of how, how innocent she was. i really feel, i think you really see the woman taking control of this narrative. as i said, you know, to, to quote, sort of the title of her breakthrough album. but yes, of course, she does talk about nipple gates and we'll address that. that's the incident, of course, from the super bowl halftime show in 2004 with justin timberlake. of course, he often gets forgotten. he ripped off her course and revealed her breath for i think a fraction of a section 2nd. and unfortunately it's, it's really been a defining event in her career. it is one of the most searched events, apparently in, in the history of the internet. and even inspired the founders of youtube, which is something that i didn't know. so it's interesting that with all of that, she was massively shamed by this, by this incident for years, while justin timberlake really got off scot free. it had huge implications for her career. so she's saying that it's very important for women today to actually have this conversation around that event to understand that her confidence is changed. if we look at stories like britney spears, to see how women get put into these narrative that, that they definitely were not necessarily entirely responsible for. and we're in a time in an era of reckoning. so hopefully they're to revisit that. what about her relationship with her brother, michael? well, she does address her relationship with him, especially to, to mention of course that it started to change very much with the advent of the hugeness of his start him with, with thriller for instance, with a release of that album. it's understandable that there's an awful lot of pain around that conflict complex for her, for and for the family. i'm obviously because of the scandal reflected very badly on all of them. but i think quite understand we also because of the pain that this inflicted at having lost him a 2nd time really. so she's so often been criticized in the past for not being such a word. smith. i think she's really, this is the chance for her to open up and tell her story in her own words. the cold south in the eastern mediterranean has now hit jerusalem with snow covering the ancient city. it's the heaviest snowfall jerusalem has experienced since 2013. the wintery weather has caused traffic disruption, and residents were advised to stay indoors. but as you can see, some people just couldn't resist the lure of some seasonal fun. you're watching? 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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240708 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240708

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diplomatic discussions and military maneuvers in europe as ukrainians brace for a possible russian invasion. the u. s. and they don't offer more dialogue, but no concessions to moscow. security demands the kremlin, says it's views are being ignored. also coming up germany's catholic church in crisis, the archbishop of munich demanding reckoning and reform after report detailing hundreds of cases of child sex abuse, dating back decades. solemn tribute, germany's parliament's march holocaust remembrance day with a special ceremony commemorating millions of jews and other minorities who were murdered by the nazis during the 2nd world war last, john jackson, as you have never seen her before. i, i 50 years in the spotlight. the famously private singer dave hughes, a new documentary, giving her fans a candle, look at her a long career and strained family ties. ah laura, thank you very much for joining us. we started off with the diplomatic stalemate between russia and the west over ukraine. the kremlin says there is little optimism for easing tensions with the us and nato, after both rejected russia's key security demands. the kremlin insisted on legal guarantees, barring ukraine from joining nato. and the withdrawal of nato forces from eastern europe. russia has mass more than 100000 troops on its border with ukraine, fueling fears of a potential invasion. for these soldiers, the threat of war is a familiar one. the ukraine, an army has been fighting rush and battle separatists in the countries east. for more than 7 years now, but their story in the face of the late as escalation, the deposit another, but you should not be panic. want them if you do while or when that person is crying and swearing, it would be a fiasco. a few panic to go, i so we need to stay calm. play them all other calls on his voice via in the streets of the capital, key of some residence. struggle to keep their spirits up, whispered euros. i am hoping for a peaceful solution. i can't even talk about this without trying. i am for peaceful negotiations award. on thursday, russia offered a glimmer of hope that com could still prevail after the kremlin kept opened the door for talks. despite the u. s. in nato rejecting its demands. suca, so it's suzanne, you the good as for the content of the document, there is a response which gives hope for the start of a serious conversation on secondary questions, boosted pm. but in this documentable girl, there was no positive response to the main question oxy was it's you really knew another chance for diplomacy will come next month when rash and french ukrainian and german delegates will need 4 talks in berlin. want to reach out now to our correspondence in moscow. emily, sherwin, emily, um we just obviously heard there the russian foreign minister administer a survey, live rough in the report saying, and i want to pick up on that last sent as hope for the start of a serious conversation on secondary questions. walker, those b while so russia has made it very clear that they have this main demand, which is that they want nato eastern expansion to stop. the west has repeatedly made it clear, including in that written response yesterday that that is a non starter. but over these past few weeks of talks, there has been some glimpses, i think, of things that could potentially interest russia, even though they made it very clear today. they're disappointed that they're main demand on eastern extension is not being met once again. and some of those things, i think, from the nato point of view, for example, we heard that yesterday we installed in burg, could be more arms control deals. they could be more transparency on military exercises. and i think russia would also be interested in arms control deals on a bilateral lateral level with the u. s. after all the i n f treaty on nuclear, intermediate nuclear weapons has it has fallen apart. the us left that under trump, the open skies treaty, which regulate regulates over flies between russia and the u. s. has also kind of dissipated as well. so i think even though the russians, i didn't get its demands, it seems that their strategy of bargaining very high and essentially asking for more than they know that they can get has paid off. and they've picked up some useful, some useful offers on the way it seems that they're going to be considering now. so emily, with this tiny opening that is emerging, does this make a russian incursion, more or less likely? while the russian side, i think, will most likely continue to demand, to hold on to that main demand of no more nato eastern expansion. i think at this point, you know, it's really up to the russian president and today both said love off the russian foreign minister. and also the prevalent spokesman made it clear that the president would be looking at these that risk. this written response that came from nato and from the us yesterday. but for example, the kremlin spokesperson did not exclude that there could be more talks between us and russian foreign minister as he also didn't exclude the possibility of more talks potentially on a presidential level. so, between biden and put in going forward, and there are these talks in the normandy format on peace in ukraine. you know, from the russian point of view, they've always insisted they don't want to invade russia. i mean, rather ukraine, despite those troops on the border, but they're very much leaving the military threat on the table now as well with upcoming military exercises between russia and bela bruce in the next few weeks as well. and we sure when reporting from moscow, russia, emily, thank you, want to say now about the other stories we're keeping an eye on. there's been an oil leak at a refinery near peruse capital lima authority say it happened during work on an underwater pipeline at the lap bumpy le refinery, owned by spanish energy giant reps. all workers are still trying to clean up a major oil spill, which took place just 10 days ago badly needed international aid has been delivered to the pacific island nation of tonga vessels from australia, britain and china have now arrived, bringing water and basic medical and sanitation supplies the island kingdom was devastated by an underwater volcanic eruption and soon army 2 weeks ago, it destroyed villages and knocked out communications. interest rates of the united states could soon be going up. the federal reserve has not indicated when all by how much but says rising, raising the cost of borrowing will be needed to tackle inflation, which is increasing at its fastest rate in for decades. here in germany, the archbishop of munich has been responding to a damming report release last week about how the archdiocese handled sexual abuse cases. in the catholic church between 19452019 cardinal reinhardt marks said he was ready to take moral responsibility for the church's failings during his time. but, and said he won't be stepping down. last week, the defendant report was heavily critical of formal code benedict the 16th, who himself had at the archdiocese from 1977. to 1982, it faulted his handling of several cases of sexual abuse. while the report is the 1st formal accusation that benedict did not stop abuse of priest, but instead allowed them to continue working with children. here's a look at what we know so far. like rocher mode on the level chip it call, bob had he knew about the abuse and he didn't stop it. a new independent report has found form a pope benedict failed to act in full cases of child sexual abuse by catholic pledge human the cases date back to the time before he became pope, then known as joseph rat, singer in the late 19 seventy's and early 19 eighties, he was the archbishop of munich, and pricing and southern germany. the reports found that under his watch, abusive priests were allowed to continue their work in the church, while victims received no support. the allegations could shots and the former pope's legacy at all. ma'am, he mentioned in dodge, like people in germany, no longer trust jasa fry's thing, or the former pope. you see the catholic church in germany is in a serious crisis alone and many people are leaving the church that many are doubting their bishop life. and i'm you many are calling for more action to finally be taken. does perhaps also that the state should push forward with investigating the abuse and compensating the victims for miss boss up for, for hm. carp oh, rat, singer has already admitted he made a false statement during the investigation. it found evidence he was at a meeting where an abusive priests with disgust after he had repeatedly claimed he didn't attend. he now says that with an oversight he's previously denied any wrong doing and as yet to give a full response to the findings. but the report commissioned by the catholic church in munich, found abuse was wide spread and suggested a culture of cover ups. it found at least 495 cases of abuse in the archdiocese of munich between 194520. 19. the real figure is thought to be far higher. you spun the fog. it is the interesting question is whether that singer could also face legal action. no one knows whether the diplomatic immunity he had as a pope would still protect him as some one who has resigned his pope and now lives in the vatican as a private individual. even as all righty can leaped to you, it is. is it a few months time? theoretically, we could expect to see lawyers and germany following a lawsuit or pursuing legal action against joseph lot. singer, he who at the time in munich did not tackle cases of abuse, but covered them up. self connect. that's the one for touched at. the former pope is now 94 years old and he's facing mounting pressure over his mishandling of sexual abuse within the catholic church. a scandal that reaches far beyond germany . we're now joined by a catherine there wrist hole for in munich. she is the co founder of maria to point out a catholic initiative that raises awareness about sexual abuse in the church. thank you so much for joining us on. this is by all accounts, a very, very serious crisis. the archbishop of munich, as we just heard, will not step down. he refuses to step down despite all the accusations. what does that signal to you? well, he offered to step down before and po prentice did not accept this resignation. so he, we retired on that now. 5 and says, well, i offered it and he told me you hold on and you tied up the mask that you left. so anyways, understandable and i guess we have to accept that he does it. and he has taken a lot of measures within the last 2 years. so since 2018, i mean, he gets like packed on thousands, your office, personal money to foundation supporting victims. and i guess that's what fort foremost the thing that has to be done now look on the people who are affected and to no longer should be victims or who at least get psychologists caring for them. and if you really move that forward now, we will measure him by his deeds. and he promised that he will do more and more, and that he will do a lot of good things for the sonata path and strengthen that. so if he does that, we shall be fine with it, i guess. but should people be held accountable? well, when does it stop? is it like, can you abuse kits and when you're 80, for it stops or with 1994? i guess, i mean we are in germany here, nation of country, the categorical imperative, each of your actions should be the basis of a general law of co existence. so everyone is responsible for their personal of the lifelong and if that's what you learn out of this, that would be quite good because and everybody says, oh, it was the church and it's years back and they did it that way at the time. so i was just supporting my catholic church and the weight was but nobody can resign on that. not everybody has to be responsible for what they do. you or any hope that they look. you are in close contact to understand with victims of abuse on what are survivors telling you what, what are they telling you about what needs to happen for healing to take place? well, i guess the 1st step is an apology. that starts to take place. i mean, they want that people believe them. and that starts the bishops actually say, sorry, i mean, we can't excuse ourselves and you can excuse us. but there are talks now, like marx went to gushing and there were, there are lots of people who were violated by pat r h, the verse case, i guess that we had in germany. so he went there and he said, sorry and to listen to them. so that the 1st step, the next step is they need money for psychologists at the moment. that's not completely normal. that happens, that people actually do get upset column just for longer than $2425.00 or 50 hours . so i guess they church should pay for that as long as it takes for them. i mean, nobody can ever heal but to be able to cope with their own life again. so that's one of the things that would really help. right. and then yeah. and then hope and justice. yeah, go, we're fighting for us. well, it's like prolong the statute of limitations for rape. i mean that's a 20 year snow and lot of people don't speak up for a long time after abuse. so people start talking now because so many people talk. so when one person tells me this, bishop has abused me or this priest has abused me, it's easier for others to say the same. so it starts just now that people dare to speak up, cause for yet decades. really? nobody believe them. i mean if you ask, although people who, where weakens they say you ask them, well why didn't tell anybody? and they say, who would have believed us? i mean that our priest, somebody high up and the person of god has reduced me, can start told her it is a turning point. indeed, catherine aristo her in munich, a co founder of maria to point our catholic initiative. that raises awareness about sexual abuse in the church. thank you. you're welcome. the german parliament has marked holocaust remembrance day with a special ceremony including tributes to victims and witness testimony. remembrance day march the day more than 75 years ago when soviet troops liberated the off switch, extermination camp. 11000000 men, women and children including 6000000 jews were murdered in the holocaust. she survived the delays inch that concentration camp, which she entered with her parents when she was just 7 years old. 20 members of inca auerbach, his family were killed by the nazi regime. she endured horrible conditions, antilles inched out for 3 years and was bedridden for for more, such was the dire effect on her health. to day on holocaust memorial day, i will buy her worn the german boon. this tug that anti semitism is still alive. a horror b. o hob and no i still have very clear memories of that dark time. a time of terror and hate. sadly this cancer has returned and hate of the jews has become commonplace again, in many countries of the world including germany. this disease has to be eradicated, these like as swiftly as possible. the workman your high a cool echoed by the president of germany's parliament who said january 27th is not only a day of remembrance. points this week off today is also a day of shame for what previous generations of germans have done. shame that the perpetrators never showed sight. far too few had the answer to the courts. which fog far too many got off with punishments that amounted to were mockery of the victims for her number of fat lifetime. also in attendance was israel's parliamentary speaker, mickey levy who recalled how democracy can descend into tyranny. so it is here, a new look within the wall for this building i believe which stand a silent stone and still witnesses. he had them. oh god. yeah. we remember and knew how fragile democracy us me gone and we are reminded of our duty to protect it at all cost. dom sheila levy recited the jewish mourners prayer, reading from a book used by a german jewish boy on his bar mitzvah. i know he broke down in tears. oh, i mean to love never again. the call that echoed through the german moon. this tug on this day of remembrance. in other news, germany has seen another record number of new covert 19 infections or countries disease control center. the robert constitute registered more than 203000 new cases in a single 24 hour period that some 70000 more than the same time. last week. experts say the increase has been driven largely by the arm upon variant thailand and saudi arabia say they have agreed to restore full diplomatic ties. the announcement comes amid tie prime ministers, official visit to saudi arabia, bangkok, and will yacht have seen 3 decades of mistrust and hostility. after a political scandal back in 1989 surrounding a sensational drool rehire by to the music streaming providers. spotify is pulling neil young's music from its catalogue. this comes after request from the singer songwriter. mister young objected to the streaming service airing a popular podcast, criticised for spreading misinformation about cove in 19. earlier this month, hundreds of scientists and medical professionals signed a letter urging spotify to remove to podcast. fans of jana jackson are all a buzz about a new film, promising an unprecedented look at her life, childhood and relationship with her larger than life. brother michael, while the documentary titled simply janet jackson makes its debut on friday. it includes never before seen footage and was produced by miss jackson herself. here's a sneak peak. i janet jackson's many, many women. she's an empowered woman. he's alleging the greatest show there were in new york, we were just there thrown around melodies. i sent you right, your verses, all right mine. because i know he had something to say what, what was your opening piece? i just want to write yours down. so i'm tired of injustice. i'm tired of the sky. eliza disgusting. so what does it mean? i think that is something that surprised me just how much she did get involved in the documentary, you know, kind of on a one to one basis with me. my father was very strict. ah, he was in charge of my life, my career. my father said you're going to sick. he gave up his father to get them in the business with jackson. mother how you feel, talking about my i can't ah, you've been very private about your personal life. up until now. why did you want to do this documentary? it's just something that needs to be done. to talk more about this superstar karen homestead is here from our culture department. i know so interesting. intensely private person. yeah. so why did she decide to release this documentary now? well, in a technically, it honors the 40th anniversary of the, of the release of her debut. album, janet jackson, which came back in 1982. so there's, so there's kind of that as the hook, but, you know, it actually, they started filming around the time of her father's death back in 2018. and they've actually been really working on this already for over 5 years. so i think, you know, just as it was a gradual process to get out of the shadow of her brothers, i mean, she was the youngest of 10 children in that family. it's incredible to think of that. it's taking her some time to really understand her own story and extricate it really from the public narrative that's been around the jackson's for so long. so, at 55, you know, she's ready to tell it in her own words, and let's not forget that she's one of the most successful recording artists ever. and, you know, her career, her, her stage shows her choreography is really had, were hugely influential for so many artists, but also for the music industry itself. so this is, you know, it's, she's definitely, as relevant as ever, long overdue, i should add, as well. i understand there are 2 parts to this documentary. and of course, the only thing that people talk about is the incident noise. i cameo out of quite a ways more than a camera. i think. i mean, 1st of all, you know, she does talk a lot about her, her childhood and sort of how, how innocent she was. i really feel, i think you really see the woman taking control of this narrative. as i said, you know, to, to quote, sort of the title of her breakthrough album. but yes, of course, she does talk about nipple gates and we'll address that. that's the incident, of course, from the super bowl halftime show in 2004 with justin timberlake. of course, he often gets forgotten. he ripped off her course and revealed her breath for i think a fraction of a section 2nd. and unfortunately it's, it's really been a defining event in her career. it is one of the most searched events, apparently in, in the history of the internet. and even inspired the founders of youtube, which is something that i didn't know. so it's interesting that with all of that, she was massively shamed by this, by this incident for years, while justin timberlake really got off scot free. it had huge implications for her career. so she's saying that it's very important for women today to actually have this conversation around that event to understand that her confidence is changed. if we look at stories like britney spears, to see how women get put into these narrative that, that they definitely were not necessarily entirely responsible for. and we're in a time in an era of reckoning. so hopefully they're to revisit that. what about her relationship with her brother, michael? well, she does address her relationship with him, especially to, to mention of course that it started to change very much with the advent of the hugeness of his start him with, with thriller for instance, with a release of that album. it's understandable that there's an awful lot of pain around that conflict complex for her, for and for the family. i'm obviously because of the scandal reflected very badly on all of them. but i think quite understand we also because of the pain that this inflicted at having lost him a 2nd time really. so she's so often been criticized in the past for not being such a word. smith. i think she's really, this is the chance for her to open up and tell her story in her own words. the cold south in the eastern mediterranean has now hit jerusalem with snow covering the ancient city. it's the heaviest snowfall jerusalem has experienced since 2013. the wintery weather has caused traffic disruption, and residents were advised to stay indoors. but as you can see, some people just couldn't resist the lure of some seasonal fun. you're watching? did every news coming up next in the w news, asia? why the movie fight club is being stream with a different ending in china and alcove 19 is impacting travel plans for millions of chinese ahead of the lunar new year as a whole lot more coming up in just a moment with the rush energy and d w. 's asia, moroccan valencia at the top of the out ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, ah ah, the battle against, oh, the only clue variant is putting health care systems around the world to the test. vaccination campaigns are accelerating while restrictions are intensifying once again. but are these measures enough to stop the spread of oma kron. fax data and reports coven 19 special. in 60 minutes on d. w. d. w's crime fighters are back africa most successful radio drama series continues. this season, the stories focus on hate speech, cholera, prevention and sustainable charcoal production. all episodes are available online, and of course you can share and discuss on d, w, africa's facebook page, and other social media platforms, crime fighters, tune in. now. one of mankind's oldest ambition could be within reach or what is it really is possible to reverse aging researchers and scientists all over the world are in a race against time. the d. n. a molecule though has 28000000 different our glasses. they are peers and rivals with one during goal, 2 out smart nature. one of the most insightful discoveries in the history of mankind. more life starts february 16th on dw laser did have been used asia coming up to date, controlling the message chinese style called film.

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