Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240708 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240708

this is news live from berlin. a key moment for wiki league founder julian assange, he will be allowed to appeal against a ruling thank he can be extradited to the united states to face charges of espionage after publishing classified information in 2010. also coming up fears grow that a crew is taking place in the west african state of booking paso report say the military has detained the president, following an army uprising and gunfire. you're the presidential palate and tension rises. nato says it's to point more forces to eastern europe and the united states orders the families of its diplomat delete key at the department that the measure is out of an abundance of caution. in case russia decides to invade to prey ah, am abby carson, welcome to the program. we begin with breaking news out of london, where britain's high court has ruled that julian sancha can appeal to the supreme court against his extradition to the united states. the decision is the latest and the wiki. we've founders long battle to avoid being sent for the united states, where he faces charges of espionage wanted for his publication of hundreds of thousands, a week documents relating to be honest bond in iraq wars outside the courtroom. a san just beyond faced ela, morris broke the news to a crowd of supporters. what happened in court today is precisely what we wanted to happen. the high court certified that we had raised the point of law points of law, of general public importance. and that the supreme court has good grounds to hear this appeal of go straight to london. now we're dw correspondent, beer get moss is standing by outside the court house, where that ruling came down just a short while ago. bare get. this is exactly what assigned and his team was hoping for, a chance to fight extradition to the united states. what's the reaction been where you are? we just heard from is beyond say there. while earlier, when the reaction was made up, when the decision was made public, there was a loud cheer here. ah, by ye, julian sanchez. many supporters who are crowding outside the court house, and you have already played a little clip with us. his fiancee, stella, morris, he said it was a win. however, it is a bit of a partial win because it by no means means that he is going to be free. he has to appeal to the supreme court and only then will there be a decision about his expedition to the yes, it could actually still be that he will be sent over and then a face charges of espionage in the united states for fil, a possibility to be for there to be a trans atlantic extradition, talk to worth a little bit about the legal process moving forward. what does that look like? well, the royal courts here have decided that is up to the, the highest code of the land, a supreme court to decide whether he can actually appeal against his expedition. and it's a long battle. he's gone from a lower court to initially said that he shouldn't be expedited because of mental health reasons. but that was appealed by the u. s. and that was basically granted say it looked like he would have to go to the united states and faced the espionage charges that but now we're looking at julian sanchez, appealed to it's really a long battle. and the background is that julian assange has been in a high security prison over a 1000 days and support to say that he is not very well at the moment. his fiancee revealed that he had a mini stroke and we speak to 2 other people. for example, reporters without borders, the organization that campaigns for press freedom and they say they should, he shouldn't even be in prison at the fast place that he is a publisher on that or what he has done is dead within the law of press freedom. so they are actually calling on the biden administration to drop the charges. and for julian sans to leave prism but doesn't look like this is going to happen any time soon. he has to face this battle at supreme court and then the decision will be ultimately up to the okay. home secretary dw, correspondent, beer get mos in london. thank you very much. bergan. let's take a look at now, and some of the other stories were falling for in this hour, the united arab emirates says it has intercepted to ballistic missiles over the skies of abu dhabi. the attack is the 2nd on the mit capital this week. yemen hootie rebels have claimed the attack and threatened to expand their military operations against the emirates, b u e is part of a saudi led coalition. it is fighting the rebels in yemen. a. another journalist has been killed in a northern mexican border town of tijuana, the 2nd in a week's time. lord s maldonado lopez. seeing here expressing her fears about the 50 of journalists to the mexican president in 2019, was found shot dead inside a car. it's the 3rd killing of a journalist in mexico. in the past month go to the former pope benedict, the 16th has admitted to giving a false statement during a german probe into sexual abuse. the pope had falsely claimed he was not present at a meeting in the 1980s. the ex pope claimed this quote did not occur with ill intent . the investigation commissioned by the catholic church, found he had failed to act in for child abuse cases. now nato allies have put forces on standby and fence ships and fighter jobs to bolster europe's eastern defences. and the european union says it is ready to impose never seen before. economic sanctions. if russia invades and in brussels, each foreign ministers want to double assistance to ukraine with a $1200000000.00 euro package. the group is also holding talk via video with u. s. secretary of state entity blinking around a $100000.00 russian troops have a mass that ukraine's borders over recent. one of the kremlin denies plans of an invasion are brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena, joins me now. alexandra, let's start with that. you foreign minister is meeting their meeting virtually. was secretary of state blank in today. of course ukraine. absolutely frightened center we just heard there. they want to provide about a 1000000000 euros in support for ukraine was come out of this meeting so far. well, we saw a very strong statement issued by the foreign ministers condemning what day cold rushes in, the continued to aggressive actions and threat against ukraine. they cold and russia to the escalades to abide by international law and also express they support for ukraine for the countries territorial integrity serenity. and as you just mentioned, the european commission in addition, announced in you financial package for ukraine to cope with the economic and fall out of the crisis. now, in the meantime, neo troops have been put on stand by military hardware has been deployed to eastern europe. the u. s. is ordering families of diplomats in ki, have to leave and return home. does the west believe that a russian attack is imminent? alexandra? well, the stakes are high and intentions are high. and i think that everyone here in brussels and in particular, you foreign ministers, are a word that that could be a decisive week with regard to the crisis with the u. s. u. s. and to potentially need to present their written responses to russia, security demands. and what we see with to nato allies deploying war troops, warships and to fight a jed said to eastern ukraine, we can assume that the aim here is to strengthen their defense posture there. and of course, also to deter russia from attacking ukraine, making sure that to russia, that there is no miscalculation, that russia knows, that there will be massive consequences. and you want to ask you a little bit about germany. there has been some criticism. the berlin is not doing enough to be a reliable ally to you, graham, particularly with regards to deploying military support. what more can you tell us about that? well, we asked the german foreign minister here, and elena, there balk. what's her position is because as you just mentioned, the german government has been criticized for what a, some human brussels described as an ambiguous position on ukraine. but babcock told us that the german government is ascending with ukraine, that germany is ready to support ukraine politically. economically, not to deliver a defensive weapons. that is the government's policy so far. and we also ask them whether they would be ready to evacuate their an embassy staff from ukraine. and here once again, burbock told us that there assessing the situation every day, trying to figure out what's happening there. but here, once again, she told us that germany doesn't want to contribute even more uncertainty for ukraine as so they would not like to contribute to creating more. and certainly that could even scare offer business at people in ukraine. you'd always, brothels bureau chief, alexandra, phenomenal, reporting from brussel. thank you very much. alexandra. a reporters in moscow and kiev spoke to people to gouge opinions there on the tensions between their 2 countries. first, let's hear from people in the ukrainian capital. well, new goosey ruth burton burr, i am very worried when you pull things are not easy in our country at this moment, but i hope the diplomats can find an agreement and that there will be peace in ukraine. so you would, if we recruit and use novel, of course i'm worried there are people living here and they are in danger. yoga mostly, i think nothing will happen is just the usual french from the big bonding next door . but sure, bandito lascola sicily, mickelson turning assume there's nothing we can do. i have to work can feed my family. i don't have time to think about what i will do if something happens with your good news. there was yes, g. i have friends in kiev, joe and i love ukraine. are you? i'm against war. yes, for the roster christmas him a war would be pointless. there wouldn't be one. all we see right now is an attempt to world wide to heat up the atmosphere of an attempt by certain people to make others believe that one site is planning to attack the other. no, ma'am, when you've got josefa, we don't want war. ukraine is a brother, nation for us, malicious a, why war? this is a political fighting with will discuss but, but one was get my presence here and over there, do you have something in their heads? at least they don't seem empty. so war won't happen. now the head of the world health organization has said the world is at a crucial juncture in the coven. 19 pandemic, w h. o director general ted rose galbraith as says it's dangerous to assume that the highly transmissible alma kron variant would be the last variant to emerge. the stress that now as the pandemic enters its 3rd year globally, conditions are perfect for more variance to develop and urged resilience. braces urged countries to work together to bring the acute phase of the pandemic to an end . it's difficult and that out of noisy answers, but doubly joe continues to work nationally, regionally, and globally, to provide the evidence, the strategies, the tools, and the technique on an operational support, countries need. if countries use all of these strategies and tools in a comprehensive way, we can, and the acute phase of the fundamental dis you here in germany. chance are allow, schulte is set to whole talks on the pandemic with regional leaders today to discuss the way forward as alma crohn case is serge. here some politicians are calling for an end to restrictions though as the new variant appears to cause less severe disease. and vaccinated people, but some doctors, especially those working in hospitals, say it is way too early to give the all clear. a typical scene in one of germany's emergency rooms an incoming patient is tested immediately for coven 19, and receives the news they're infected with all micron. germany's latest wave has cases spreading faster than ever, and many health workers are also expected to catch the virus. the university clinic and regensburg is bracing for impact. ma'am for them so much was it that we were able to bring in students. we have a part time staff who have increased their workload. and we have teams that work in rotating shifts. teams to some extent at the fest in chicken. gov. it is how the stuff ha, dr. marcus zimmerman doesn't just lead his hospitals emergency department. he also coordinates with other clinics and physicians in the region to see enough if we're still seeing growing infection rates without the staffing to reflect that will be legal. the weekly videoconference of doctors and clinics is an important means to directing the flow of patients. if one hospital is full, they can use the network to quickly find free beds for days. every one in regensburg who's tested positive for coven 19 has had the omicron variant. despite this, fewer among them need inpatient treatment. this cindy wilford, him, one of the other. it's a bit the quiet before the storm was we expect the number of incoming patients to grow and quickly ma'am. yes, but i'm more worried about the staff than about the patients. vendetta. if we have growing numbers of staff out sick, then treatment at our hospital will be stretched to its limits, hunger house fun. on dickinson, coleman, and regensburg, the helicopter unit flies and fixed teams to minimize the significant staff loss. if only kron cases continue to soar. if been put i being at a 3rd, if i'm optimistic that we will handle it, i were well prepared. we know where to put our patients and, and who knows in maybe this way will miss us. my, they inflect, lactic cloth of it, and conklin has a house with flexibility and co operation. germany's medical community is standing together despite the challenges faced. let's look now some of the latest developments in the pandemic from around the world. chinese authorities have lifted a month, long locked down on the northern city as the on the move comes a day after commercial flights resume to the city with $13000000.00 residents. tough restrictions for francis unvaccinated population going to force on monday. restaurants bars, sporting events, and long distance trains will be off limits without a job or proof of recovery from coven 19. and the civic nations of kerry boss and samoa have entered, locked down after international arrivals. tested positive for corona virus. the islands had almost completely avoided any cases. for 2 years. concerns were growing that a crew was underway in the west african nation of rookie no fossil mutinous soldiers, rather are reported to have detained president rock cavalry. his exact whereabouts are unknown. heavy gunfire was heard around the president's residence overnight and soldiers at a number of bases. stage uprisings, the military and many civilians are angry at the government's failure to reign in jer, hottest insurgency. we're going to bring in d, w. west africa correspondent america acoya, who's standing by for us a mock or we're hearing reports. the president has been detained. do we know more about where he is and why a condition he's potentially in writes abby, indeed that's report is correct or early hours. of course, as you do know, there was heavy gun battle really close to the presidency and of course, within the presidency. and that's when he was detained by the military, add the military, come from the images and reports. what gets him from local media, such as that? he's not just an easy, wasn't that didn't just go out and pick him up. the definitely must have been a struggle because the where, you know, our vehicles, emerald vehicle, of fleets, of admiral vehicle for the presidency that you know, we're shot at and all of that. so yes, we do know that he's been taken out. the still information on his new quest. catchy and as we are following the, developing the story as it develops. so we know that in the coming hours there will be more to see. but yes indeed, we know at this point that he's been detail. abby: certainly a situation that you're watching unfold there, but i do need to ask you, what is the situation in the capital right now if the president is detained? what is the sense that who is in control right now? right, that's a very crucial question. abby: that she was because i'm sure everybody would want to know. definitely it's chaotic . i mean, if you look at the images that we are seeing, imagine, are you remember that there was coffee place? but again, while the people slept, if you like, the was, these are that gum battle that led to now the, i rest of the president, the president cavalry. however, what that does is that there's definitely tension. however, as often you know, the government will lead to play. it don't play that yesterday when they said, you know, they were still in charge of. but again, we know that the people are asking nancy to support in the military. this action is really a bold statement. you know, that, you know, kind of contrasting what the government say, where it says, you know, if in child and that everything is on the control, apparently things are not on the control. it's not clear within child, but we do know again that's this is a military action, and that's as it develops, that's, that shows should be, is pittman typically that's how this things on for, so we expect end up. we hear more, you know, as the story unfolds. abby d. w. s. africa correspondent. i'm ok. acoya. thank you very much for your insights . really appreciate it. let's take a look now. some of the other stories were falling for this. our western diplomats are meeting in oslo with its only been for a 2nd day of talks on guys sounds growing humanitarian crisis. and taliban spokesman called the talks a step to legitimize the afghan government. chaffey law made the comment after meeting with women's rights activision and human rights defenders based on the disagreeable armed men. and so don, have detained human rights activists, amira osman, after a night time rate on her home in sedans, capital cartoon, that's according to osmotic sister or detention comes after. what active, a se has been a campaign of arrests of civil society and pro democracy figures in the military takeover in october. french fashion designer to remove glare, has died glares, dramatic, designed to find most detour over several decades. his work was worn by celebrities like diana rot, madonna, lady gaga, and cardi beat. the frenchman was also a dancer acrobat, an avid body builder. he was 73. italy's parliament starts voting for a new president today through secret ballot. the favorite is current prime minister mario dry he but some fear the government will be destabilized. if druggy is elected president and removed from his post of prime minister d w as christine, when war reports from rome, when it's done, this will be a portrait of mario dragging. the man who may very well be italy's next president, the 74 year old technocrat, who hated the european central bank and is currently serving as prime minister. he's widely liked abroad and here at home or another. so normal, he is a very serious person and knows what he is doing. inventory of allah. he is authoritative. he has the skills recognized at european and world level. yes, and, but if your truth of it for us is perfect, but it's the political interests and not public popularity that will decide druggies of fate. choosing the head of state is the job of lawmakers just over a 1000 of them from across the country. these great electors, as they are known here, are from all sides of the political spectrum. this is the query nelly palace, the president's office in rome. one analysts put it to me this way. if mario druggie doesn't get elected as president, it will most likely be because political parties cannot agree on what happens after he leaves his office. as prime minister rigolato, he presented very boldly go as prime minister, maria druggie has brought much needed to be listened to. italy's chaotic politics, we government sia often collapse off to just one year. his departure from the premier ship could plant the country into political crisis, especially if it triggers an early election. there are 2 scenarios in, in the case of drugs, election as a person of the republic, ah, the 1st one is the are, doesn't agree man to retrieve the 4 legal forces that are composing his majority to set up another government. this is the best case scenario. the other scenario is the election of dragoon, but does not a cooperation among fully the parties very difficult to set up another government. and in this case, drug is 1st love the republic in front of cows might decide to dissolve department and coming back to vote. i think the 1st scenario is more likely bought. we cannot exclude the 2nd one. all eyes will be here on parliament this week. we secret ballots will be cost in person and a co that protocols. the artist only needed a few minutes to finish his portrait. but it's going to be at least a few days before italians know if mario druggie will indeed be there next president. to the bonus league, an hour on sunday buyer and munich easily beat her into berlin. reestablishing byron 6 point lead at the top of the table i had of dormant. with there when barn munich remain firmly in control of the title, race o fire munich visited the blue side of the capital for their clash against struggling hair to berlin. the reigning champions had beaten heritage in 6 of their last 7 meetings. fire laid on the pressure and struck 1st through corn into lisa kingsley coleman's cross found his fellow frenchman who beat his defender to the ball and finished with a strong header at the 45th minute mark thomas mueller got himself on the score sheet. doubling. byron's lead, joshua kim ich delivered a well placed free kick which mueller flicked into the net for his 7th goal of the season. that made it to nil for buyer and going in to half time, much to hurt those dismay. the 2nd half, some more goals. as leroy sunday pounced on a sloppy ball, played out by hurt as goalkeeper. alexander, swallow, easy pickings for the buyer and forward. who was quick to slot the ball into the open goal. search now are you finished off a lovely threw ball to make it for, for byron. further adding insult to injury. ah, an error from substitute diet mcconnell sub byron's clean sheet go up in smoke. but you're going excellent. comes goal was a mere consolation for one. the final score as buyer and extend their lead at the top of the buddhist. make a table back to 6 points. meanwhile, leipzig have stretched their latest bond as legal winning streak to for victory over wolf spark, who season has gone from bad to worse. it took until the 2nd half for the home side to put themselves in front. thanks the hungarian midfielder valley or bond he headed in this reba to take the lead. soon afterwards, your sco bardy all logged the ball into the net right there to make it to all spurred finished 4th last season and her now and 15th place with pressure mounting on coach florian co felt here's a look now at the buddha's lia standings after the 20th match day of the season with 14 to go, buyers are on top with dorman trailing when yawn. berlin have moved up to the rare field position of being a champions league spot. and at the very bottom, 4th, stay in last place. despite there when over mines, while outs, berg and wolves berg flip closer to the automatic relegation spots. reminder now of the top story we're following for you with this. our britain's high court has ruled the julian assange can appeal his extradition to the united states . the decision is the latest in the wiki leaks is founder's long battle to avoid being sent to the us where he faces charges of espionage. this is due to the news live from berlin up next is our environment magazine show eco, india. i'm abby called us and it will be back at the top of the hour, but you can get all the latest news any time on our website at www dot. com. thanks for being with us. i for now with ah, with who hico, india. how can a country's economy grow in harmony with its people and the environment when there are doers? who look at the bigger picture? india, a country that faces many challenges and whose people are striving to create a sustainable future deliver projects from europe and india. eco india next on d w o. a legacy she, when i arrived here i slept with a single people in a room and it was hard. i wish fear. i even got white hair is learning the gym and language hit. yeah. lots this kids to me and they go back to nicky. go and check with you want to know their story, migrant verifying and reliable information for migrant closely listen carefully. don't know how those 2 things you missed today. ah, feel the magic discover the world around you subscribe to d w documentary on youtube with

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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240708 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240708

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this is news live from berlin. a key moment for wiki league founder julian assange, he will be allowed to appeal against a ruling thank he can be extradited to the united states to face charges of espionage after publishing classified information in 2010. also coming up fears grow that a crew is taking place in the west african state of booking paso report say the military has detained the president, following an army uprising and gunfire. you're the presidential palate and tension rises. nato says it's to point more forces to eastern europe and the united states orders the families of its diplomat delete key at the department that the measure is out of an abundance of caution. in case russia decides to invade to prey ah, am abby carson, welcome to the program. we begin with breaking news out of london, where britain's high court has ruled that julian sancha can appeal to the supreme court against his extradition to the united states. the decision is the latest and the wiki. we've founders long battle to avoid being sent for the united states, where he faces charges of espionage wanted for his publication of hundreds of thousands, a week documents relating to be honest bond in iraq wars outside the courtroom. a san just beyond faced ela, morris broke the news to a crowd of supporters. what happened in court today is precisely what we wanted to happen. the high court certified that we had raised the point of law points of law, of general public importance. and that the supreme court has good grounds to hear this appeal of go straight to london. now we're dw correspondent, beer get moss is standing by outside the court house, where that ruling came down just a short while ago. bare get. this is exactly what assigned and his team was hoping for, a chance to fight extradition to the united states. what's the reaction been where you are? we just heard from is beyond say there. while earlier, when the reaction was made up, when the decision was made public, there was a loud cheer here. ah, by ye, julian sanchez. many supporters who are crowding outside the court house, and you have already played a little clip with us. his fiancee, stella, morris, he said it was a win. however, it is a bit of a partial win because it by no means means that he is going to be free. he has to appeal to the supreme court and only then will there be a decision about his expedition to the yes, it could actually still be that he will be sent over and then a face charges of espionage in the united states for fil, a possibility to be for there to be a trans atlantic extradition, talk to worth a little bit about the legal process moving forward. what does that look like? well, the royal courts here have decided that is up to the, the highest code of the land, a supreme court to decide whether he can actually appeal against his expedition. and it's a long battle. he's gone from a lower court to initially said that he shouldn't be expedited because of mental health reasons. but that was appealed by the u. s. and that was basically granted say it looked like he would have to go to the united states and faced the espionage charges that but now we're looking at julian sanchez, appealed to it's really a long battle. and the background is that julian assange has been in a high security prison over a 1000 days and support to say that he is not very well at the moment. his fiancee revealed that he had a mini stroke and we speak to 2 other people. for example, reporters without borders, the organization that campaigns for press freedom and they say they should, he shouldn't even be in prison at the fast place that he is a publisher on that or what he has done is dead within the law of press freedom. so they are actually calling on the biden administration to drop the charges. and for julian sans to leave prism but doesn't look like this is going to happen any time soon. he has to face this battle at supreme court and then the decision will be ultimately up to the okay. home secretary dw, correspondent, beer get mos in london. thank you very much. bergan. let's take a look at now, and some of the other stories were falling for in this hour, the united arab emirates says it has intercepted to ballistic missiles over the skies of abu dhabi. the attack is the 2nd on the mit capital this week. yemen hootie rebels have claimed the attack and threatened to expand their military operations against the emirates, b u e is part of a saudi led coalition. it is fighting the rebels in yemen. a. another journalist has been killed in a northern mexican border town of tijuana, the 2nd in a week's time. lord s maldonado lopez. seeing here expressing her fears about the 50 of journalists to the mexican president in 2019, was found shot dead inside a car. it's the 3rd killing of a journalist in mexico. in the past month go to the former pope benedict, the 16th has admitted to giving a false statement during a german probe into sexual abuse. the pope had falsely claimed he was not present at a meeting in the 1980s. the ex pope claimed this quote did not occur with ill intent . the investigation commissioned by the catholic church, found he had failed to act in for child abuse cases. now nato allies have put forces on standby and fence ships and fighter jobs to bolster europe's eastern defences. and the european union says it is ready to impose never seen before. economic sanctions. if russia invades and in brussels, each foreign ministers want to double assistance to ukraine with a $1200000000.00 euro package. the group is also holding talk via video with u. s. secretary of state entity blinking around a $100000.00 russian troops have a mass that ukraine's borders over recent. one of the kremlin denies plans of an invasion are brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena, joins me now. alexandra, let's start with that. you foreign minister is meeting their meeting virtually. was secretary of state blank in today. of course ukraine. absolutely frightened center we just heard there. they want to provide about a 1000000000 euros in support for ukraine was come out of this meeting so far. well, we saw a very strong statement issued by the foreign ministers condemning what day cold rushes in, the continued to aggressive actions and threat against ukraine. they cold and russia to the escalades to abide by international law and also express they support for ukraine for the countries territorial integrity serenity. and as you just mentioned, the european commission in addition, announced in you financial package for ukraine to cope with the economic and fall out of the crisis. now, in the meantime, neo troops have been put on stand by military hardware has been deployed to eastern europe. the u. s. is ordering families of diplomats in ki, have to leave and return home. does the west believe that a russian attack is imminent? alexandra? well, the stakes are high and intentions are high. and i think that everyone here in brussels and in particular, you foreign ministers, are a word that that could be a decisive week with regard to the crisis with the u. s. u. s. and to potentially need to present their written responses to russia, security demands. and what we see with to nato allies deploying war troops, warships and to fight a jed said to eastern ukraine, we can assume that the aim here is to strengthen their defense posture there. and of course, also to deter russia from attacking ukraine, making sure that to russia, that there is no miscalculation, that russia knows, that there will be massive consequences. and you want to ask you a little bit about germany. there has been some criticism. the berlin is not doing enough to be a reliable ally to you, graham, particularly with regards to deploying military support. what more can you tell us about that? well, we asked the german foreign minister here, and elena, there balk. what's her position is because as you just mentioned, the german government has been criticized for what a, some human brussels described as an ambiguous position on ukraine. but babcock told us that the german government is ascending with ukraine, that germany is ready to support ukraine politically. economically, not to deliver a defensive weapons. that is the government's policy so far. and we also ask them whether they would be ready to evacuate their an embassy staff from ukraine. and here once again, burbock told us that there assessing the situation every day, trying to figure out what's happening there. but here, once again, she told us that germany doesn't want to contribute even more uncertainty for ukraine as so they would not like to contribute to creating more. and certainly that could even scare offer business at people in ukraine. you'd always, brothels bureau chief, alexandra, phenomenal, reporting from brussel. thank you very much. alexandra. a reporters in moscow and kiev spoke to people to gouge opinions there on the tensions between their 2 countries. first, let's hear from people in the ukrainian capital. well, new goosey ruth burton burr, i am very worried when you pull things are not easy in our country at this moment, but i hope the diplomats can find an agreement and that there will be peace in ukraine. so you would, if we recruit and use novel, of course i'm worried there are people living here and they are in danger. yoga mostly, i think nothing will happen is just the usual french from the big bonding next door . but sure, bandito lascola sicily, mickelson turning assume there's nothing we can do. i have to work can feed my family. i don't have time to think about what i will do if something happens with your good news. there was yes, g. i have friends in kiev, joe and i love ukraine. are you? i'm against war. yes, for the roster christmas him a war would be pointless. there wouldn't be one. all we see right now is an attempt to world wide to heat up the atmosphere of an attempt by certain people to make others believe that one site is planning to attack the other. no, ma'am, when you've got josefa, we don't want war. ukraine is a brother, nation for us, malicious a, why war? this is a political fighting with will discuss but, but one was get my presence here and over there, do you have something in their heads? at least they don't seem empty. so war won't happen. now the head of the world health organization has said the world is at a crucial juncture in the coven. 19 pandemic, w h. o director general ted rose galbraith as says it's dangerous to assume that the highly transmissible alma kron variant would be the last variant to emerge. the stress that now as the pandemic enters its 3rd year globally, conditions are perfect for more variance to develop and urged resilience. braces urged countries to work together to bring the acute phase of the pandemic to an end . it's difficult and that out of noisy answers, but doubly joe continues to work nationally, regionally, and globally, to provide the evidence, the strategies, the tools, and the technique on an operational support, countries need. if countries use all of these strategies and tools in a comprehensive way, we can, and the acute phase of the fundamental dis you here in germany. chance are allow, schulte is set to whole talks on the pandemic with regional leaders today to discuss the way forward as alma crohn case is serge. here some politicians are calling for an end to restrictions though as the new variant appears to cause less severe disease. and vaccinated people, but some doctors, especially those working in hospitals, say it is way too early to give the all clear. a typical scene in one of germany's emergency rooms an incoming patient is tested immediately for coven 19, and receives the news they're infected with all micron. germany's latest wave has cases spreading faster than ever, and many health workers are also expected to catch the virus. the university clinic and regensburg is bracing for impact. ma'am for them so much was it that we were able to bring in students. we have a part time staff who have increased their workload. and we have teams that work in rotating shifts. teams to some extent at the fest in chicken. gov. it is how the stuff ha, dr. marcus zimmerman doesn't just lead his hospitals emergency department. he also coordinates with other clinics and physicians in the region to see enough if we're still seeing growing infection rates without the staffing to reflect that will be legal. the weekly videoconference of doctors and clinics is an important means to directing the flow of patients. if one hospital is full, they can use the network to quickly find free beds for days. every one in regensburg who's tested positive for coven 19 has had the omicron variant. despite this, fewer among them need inpatient treatment. this cindy wilford, him, one of the other. it's a bit the quiet before the storm was we expect the number of incoming patients to grow and quickly ma'am. yes, but i'm more worried about the staff than about the patients. vendetta. if we have growing numbers of staff out sick, then treatment at our hospital will be stretched to its limits, hunger house fun. on dickinson, coleman, and regensburg, the helicopter unit flies and fixed teams to minimize the significant staff loss. if only kron cases continue to soar. if been put i being at a 3rd, if i'm optimistic that we will handle it, i were well prepared. we know where to put our patients and, and who knows in maybe this way will miss us. my, they inflect, lactic cloth of it, and conklin has a house with flexibility and co operation. germany's medical community is standing together despite the challenges faced. let's look now some of the latest developments in the pandemic from around the world. chinese authorities have lifted a month, long locked down on the northern city as the on the move comes a day after commercial flights resume to the city with $13000000.00 residents. tough restrictions for francis unvaccinated population going to force on monday. restaurants bars, sporting events, and long distance trains will be off limits without a job or proof of recovery from coven 19. and the civic nations of kerry boss and samoa have entered, locked down after international arrivals. tested positive for corona virus. the islands had almost completely avoided any cases. for 2 years. concerns were growing that a crew was underway in the west african nation of rookie no fossil mutinous soldiers, rather are reported to have detained president rock cavalry. his exact whereabouts are unknown. heavy gunfire was heard around the president's residence overnight and soldiers at a number of bases. stage uprisings, the military and many civilians are angry at the government's failure to reign in jer, hottest insurgency. we're going to bring in d, w. west africa correspondent america acoya, who's standing by for us a mock or we're hearing reports. the president has been detained. do we know more about where he is and why a condition he's potentially in writes abby, indeed that's report is correct or early hours. of course, as you do know, there was heavy gun battle really close to the presidency and of course, within the presidency. and that's when he was detained by the military, add the military, come from the images and reports. what gets him from local media, such as that? he's not just an easy, wasn't that didn't just go out and pick him up. the definitely must have been a struggle because the where, you know, our vehicles, emerald vehicle, of fleets, of admiral vehicle for the presidency that you know, we're shot at and all of that. so yes, we do know that he's been taken out. the still information on his new quest. catchy and as we are following the, developing the story as it develops. so we know that in the coming hours there will be more to see. but yes indeed, we know at this point that he's been detail. abby: certainly a situation that you're watching unfold there, but i do need to ask you, what is the situation in the capital right now if the president is detained? what is the sense that who is in control right now? right, that's a very crucial question. abby: that she was because i'm sure everybody would want to know. definitely it's chaotic . i mean, if you look at the images that we are seeing, imagine, are you remember that there was coffee place? but again, while the people slept, if you like, the was, these are that gum battle that led to now the, i rest of the president, the president cavalry. however, what that does is that there's definitely tension. however, as often you know, the government will lead to play. it don't play that yesterday when they said, you know, they were still in charge of. but again, we know that the people are asking nancy to support in the military. this action is really a bold statement. you know, that, you know, kind of contrasting what the government say, where it says, you know, if in child and that everything is on the control, apparently things are not on the control. it's not clear within child, but we do know again that's this is a military action, and that's as it develops, that's, that shows should be, is pittman typically that's how this things on for, so we expect end up. we hear more, you know, as the story unfolds. abby d. w. s. africa correspondent. i'm ok. acoya. thank you very much for your insights . really appreciate it. let's take a look now. some of the other stories were falling for this. our western diplomats are meeting in oslo with its only been for a 2nd day of talks on guys sounds growing humanitarian crisis. and taliban spokesman called the talks a step to legitimize the afghan government. chaffey law made the comment after meeting with women's rights activision and human rights defenders based on the disagreeable armed men. and so don, have detained human rights activists, amira osman, after a night time rate on her home in sedans, capital cartoon, that's according to osmotic sister or detention comes after. what active, a se has been a campaign of arrests of civil society and pro democracy figures in the military takeover in october. french fashion designer to remove glare, has died glares, dramatic, designed to find most detour over several decades. his work was worn by celebrities like diana rot, madonna, lady gaga, and cardi beat. the frenchman was also a dancer acrobat, an avid body builder. he was 73. italy's parliament starts voting for a new president today through secret ballot. the favorite is current prime minister mario dry he but some fear the government will be destabilized. if druggy is elected president and removed from his post of prime minister d w as christine, when war reports from rome, when it's done, this will be a portrait of mario dragging. the man who may very well be italy's next president, the 74 year old technocrat, who hated the european central bank and is currently serving as prime minister. he's widely liked abroad and here at home or another. so normal, he is a very serious person and knows what he is doing. inventory of allah. he is authoritative. he has the skills recognized at european and world level. yes, and, but if your truth of it for us is perfect, but it's the political interests and not public popularity that will decide druggies of fate. choosing the head of state is the job of lawmakers just over a 1000 of them from across the country. these great electors, as they are known here, are from all sides of the political spectrum. this is the query nelly palace, the president's office in rome. one analysts put it to me this way. if mario druggie doesn't get elected as president, it will most likely be because political parties cannot agree on what happens after he leaves his office. as prime minister rigolato, he presented very boldly go as prime minister, maria druggie has brought much needed to be listened to. italy's chaotic politics, we government sia often collapse off to just one year. his departure from the premier ship could plant the country into political crisis, especially if it triggers an early election. there are 2 scenarios in, in the case of drugs, election as a person of the republic, ah, the 1st one is the are, doesn't agree man to retrieve the 4 legal forces that are composing his majority to set up another government. this is the best case scenario. the other scenario is the election of dragoon, but does not a cooperation among fully the parties very difficult to set up another government. and in this case, drug is 1st love the republic in front of cows might decide to dissolve department and coming back to vote. i think the 1st scenario is more likely bought. we cannot exclude the 2nd one. all eyes will be here on parliament this week. we secret ballots will be cost in person and a co that protocols. the artist only needed a few minutes to finish his portrait. but it's going to be at least a few days before italians know if mario druggie will indeed be there next president. to the bonus league, an hour on sunday buyer and munich easily beat her into berlin. reestablishing byron 6 point lead at the top of the table i had of dormant. with there when barn munich remain firmly in control of the title, race o fire munich visited the blue side of the capital for their clash against struggling hair to berlin. the reigning champions had beaten heritage in 6 of their last 7 meetings. fire laid on the pressure and struck 1st through corn into lisa kingsley coleman's cross found his fellow frenchman who beat his defender to the ball and finished with a strong header at the 45th minute mark thomas mueller got himself on the score sheet. doubling. byron's lead, joshua kim ich delivered a well placed free kick which mueller flicked into the net for his 7th goal of the season. that made it to nil for buyer and going in to half time, much to hurt those dismay. the 2nd half, some more goals. as leroy sunday pounced on a sloppy ball, played out by hurt as goalkeeper. alexander, swallow, easy pickings for the buyer and forward. who was quick to slot the ball into the open goal. search now are you finished off a lovely threw ball to make it for, for byron. further adding insult to injury. ah, an error from substitute diet mcconnell sub byron's clean sheet go up in smoke. but you're going excellent. comes goal was a mere consolation for one. the final score as buyer and extend their lead at the top of the buddhist. make a table back to 6 points. meanwhile, leipzig have stretched their latest bond as legal winning streak to for victory over wolf spark, who season has gone from bad to worse. it took until the 2nd half for the home side to put themselves in front. thanks the hungarian midfielder valley or bond he headed in this reba to take the lead. soon afterwards, your sco bardy all logged the ball into the net right there to make it to all spurred finished 4th last season and her now and 15th place with pressure mounting on coach florian co felt here's a look now at the buddha's lia standings after the 20th match day of the season with 14 to go, buyers are on top with dorman trailing when yawn. berlin have moved up to the rare field position of being a champions league spot. and at the very bottom, 4th, stay in last place. despite there when over mines, while outs, berg and wolves berg flip closer to the automatic relegation spots. reminder now of the top story we're following for you with this. our britain's high court has ruled the julian assange can appeal his extradition to the united states . the decision is the latest in the wiki leaks is founder's long battle to avoid being sent to the us where he faces charges of espionage. this is due to the news live from berlin up next is our environment magazine show eco, india. i'm abby called us and it will be back at the top of the hour, but you can get all the latest news any time on our website at www dot. com. thanks for being with us. i for now with ah, with who hico, india. how can a country's economy grow in harmony with its people and the environment when there are doers? who look at the bigger picture? india, a country that faces many challenges and whose people are striving to create a sustainable future deliver projects from europe and india. eco india next on d w o. a legacy she, when i arrived here i slept with a single people in a room and it was hard. i wish fear. i even got white hair is learning the gym and language hit. yeah. lots this kids to me and they go back to nicky. go and check with you want to know their story, migrant verifying and reliable information for migrant closely listen carefully. don't know how those 2 things you missed today. ah, feel the magic discover the world around you subscribe to d w documentary on youtube with

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