Transcripts For DW Global 3000 - The Globalization Program 2

Transcripts For DW Global 3000 - The Globalization Program 20240708

ah, welcome to global 3000. shattered dreams. what's next for sudan after the military, co threatened coastline. how shred farmers and indonesia planned to fort the sea. but 1st, the forest of no return on the deadly migration route from south america to the usa . climate change wars, conflicts, and economic hardship are all forcing an increasing number of people to flee their homes. in 2021, there were more than 82000000 forcibly displaced people worldwide. sh people seeking a better, more secure life for themselves, and their families were forced to abandon their own home land. a dangerous path, according to un data, at least for $1470.00. my goods died globally last year, but the number of on reported cases is probably much higher. they are often not very welcome in their final destinations. between september 2020 and september 2021 . nearly 1700000 people were arrested at the u. s. border alone. most of them came from central and south america. for one of the most dangerous migration routes passes to the duddy and jungle connecting columbia and panama, many migrants don't make it out alive. it's dreadful, dreadful. my brother lived there long. don't come this way and there are lots and lots of dead bodies a more than waiting until one of the rail there were people with machine guns, school they robbed and kidnapped. i say, see it if you know, are in love with our own thought the of words of warning from people who crossed the darienne gap in the jungle on the border between columbia and panama. it's a perilous but popular route for migrants heading for the us from south america. here you can encounter criminals, poisonous snakes, and extreme weather. and yet they come in, they thousands in search of a better life for their families. the voice messages was sent to him back. so cruise, anyone going to the dorian jungle has to pass his small store in the colombian town of mclee. isn't even with the american dream held by many people. they think for us is the greatest. many people enter the jungle, but not many come out the other side. the children died from hunger and thirst and they get injured and they suffer greatly for their dreams. buddha, you're so full there myself. but as i say, until o 2 has his side set on the jungle, the haitian migrant is gathering together what he needs for the journey. make hockey is the last. before the jungle, it's a tourist result really. but for months, hiking equipment has been flying off the shelves rather than souvenirs. it's too much for too little. the migrants are easy prey. the high crime rate in haiti prompted angelo to leave. but he worked in brazil for 2 years, but didn't, and enough for his own keep, let alone cash for his parents back home. so his heading north winds. i am a man. oh, whatever challenges i face. it's my duty to confront every problem. but our forefront that quote, okay, give yet. and there are 11 of them including children who aim to strike out into the rain forest. they need provisions to last for the 5 day hike. angelo is constantly trying to find out how others have fit on route. yeah, visible, we know that there are lots of muggers. you always have to have something in your pocket if you're like, if you're ambushed, you know, and you don't have any money, then there's a very high probability that you will get killed normally. more than 100000 people, mainly haitians have risk taking this route in the last few months alone. many returns salem from all already ailing when they arrive in the complete communicating is difficult. minnesota is determined to keep going, despite suffering from stomach pain and headaches. he wants to reach the u. s. by dandy. i think that's biden treats migrants better at white. that's what haitians believe here to do. i just all been saw. you so love, illinois, and whether joe biden treats migrants better, isn't good point. omar really trumps government deported migrants and that's exactly what biden's government is doing to talk to you about that. i finished it on being a little right in the put bulletin at daybreak, angelo and over 100 others head to the jetty. every one is tennis. no one feels like talking. the trip across the water is the only way of reaching the darienne gap and the border police have turned up. every one with the passport is allowed on the boat. the trip costs $50.00 twice as much as what tourists are charged. it's a lucrative business. local smugglers have earned at least $5000000.00 from migrants so far. under lo and his wife are on the boat. he never wanted to be any legal migrant and wishes that u. s. immigration policy was more clear cut if i had a visa for mexico or the u. s. i wouldn't have to travel through all these countries and risked my life because it was a bit above it, the age of my bodies, you're my v with the region they're entering is lower less drug trafficking, paramilitary course is called the shots here as the government and the migrants are well aware for $100.00, they lead to the last camp before the buddha to panama, explains a people's smuggler who doesn't want to be identified. keep an eye on it, but nothing's going to happen to you between here in panama, because we're looking out for you. then you're on your own. a lot of bad things can happen in diary n kidnappings, rapes i came across 2 bodies on my way here. a child and another corpse nearby. the snakes frightened me. i want stepped on one another time i saw one when i was sitting on a tree stump. i feel sorry for the kids. i have a daughter myself, so i feel for them. i will live in any of them with angelo is still on the shore 3 hours from the camp. he's lost some of his group, and he's very anxious. he has to negotiate the journey to the camp of the people smugglers. what if he loses even more of the group and r e n? or if someone has an accident, mama, lira mothers who lose their children in diary, an lizza fine children who lose their mother's image of it. i'll do what i can for my group ordinary. let us know hospital there in a some decent the on. if i had to, i would carry someone i was injured to the nearest house. yes, gallagher misses, misses the last we see of angelo. it's getting dog. and migraines are still heading up to the can. it's highly likely, not all of them will get out of the dorian gap alive, let alone find a better life. in the us. there was jubilation on the streets of sedans, capital cartoon in 2019, when dictator, omar alba, sheer was ousted from office after months of protest. many people were hopeful for a democratic revival after decades of brutal military rule. but it seems that the dream of freedom is over yet again. at the end of october, last year, the military to clue since then all demonstrations have been suppressed in sedans, past conflicts are threatening to escalate once more. outside the camp market stalls are laden with fresh fruit, vegetables, and meat. but few people can afford to buy much 100000 people live in the o tosh camp in the yellow south dar for some of them have been here for nearly 20 years. makeshift hunts have given way to houses made of brick, but there's still no proper infrastructure. no electricity. water is delivered by donkey and has to be paid for. most people here have given up hope of ever returning home. they fear they'll be stuck here forever. ma'am tune up dollar and does family have lived in the old tosh camp for 17 years? when i came here i was 4 years old or i can't remember all the actions, but i've been reminded by my father lang that his actions that haven't taken place . lay get the killing and winning and also some of the children who has died when they arrived, they named the camp after their home village of o tosh. with fighting continuing and dar for returning home was never an option enough. people here would take any job they could find says mac tune up dollar, but there's no work to be had. he's eager to learn and is already taught himself english, turkish and spanish. now he's focusing on german, hoping he can improve his chances of leaving the camp. where mere survival is a daily struggle. many in sudan faced starvation and depend on international aid relief, such as the world food program. in south dar for 30 percent of children suffer from acute malnutrition, like her dear solomon's daughter, rosin. she's brought her to the health center where she regularly receives healthy fat and vitamin supplements. it's all about buffalo as on was born exactly a year ago. uh huh. when she was 6 months old, i realized she wasn't well, someone from the health center brought us in. oh yeah. now thankfully, she's doing better. it has been, but rosin will continue to need medical attention. her mother isn't in a position to feed her properly because of the u. s. world food program has thousands of tons of food stored here and our for 13000000 daily rations are piled high, made up of green oil and pulses. but security is a huge issue, just 200 kilometers from here in the city of alpha share, un warehouses containing way more food than here were recently. and this is that amount of food was taken. what you see here is around 400 metric tons of food. so they, 10 times the amount was taken out of our warehouses in our fashion. not only that, the warehouses themselves were completely destroyed, so it's critical that the government provides security. otherwise we can't deliver this very urgent food assistance to people who need at the most the losses of force the world food program to temporarily suspend aid to the whole of northern dar for 2000000 people are no longer getting food assistance militia. former nomads are believed to be responsible for the swoop. a longstanding conflict as re ignited between nomads and farmers over rights to grazing land and water. since 2003, the crisis and our 4 has claimed 400000 lives, malicious, burned down farms, and murdered the inhabitants driving thousands from their homes. nearly 2 decades on many still don't dare to go back to equip them with the basic skills they would need to return. the world food program provides training, teaching them how to grow vegetables. for example, actually a nina, we didn't have anything at the cam if we couldn't afford anything that and that's why we came back on top of it. we just wanted to be able to live. it was emanating . now we're glad we came. we grow tomatoes. the women earn money from the crops they harvest and sell at market and also receive financial support until their self sufficient gets an incentive to keep going only in such conditions that people actually start to return home from being internally displaced and are empowered to have livelihood opportunities, economic opportunities so far though few are benefiting from the support and the state barely contribute. since the military took over the central government last october, prompting mass protest, sudan has once again been plunged into chaos. so the camps look sec to continue. education can offer an alternative way out of the camp, but it's not easy to come by. the school in the o tash camp is dilapidated, there's no furniture proper books or stationery, but mark tomb is about to take an exam. he hopes that one day he'll get to study at university indication is a basic right full of a child regardless of the religion or regardless of the shape of their the place as they come from. and education is there is an issue of us, can get the skills and tools to change the whole world and have different life vacation. we can make all our dreams come through mock tombs determined to leave the camp. but most of the young students here are no tosh will have to stay and it's unlikely their dreams will ever come. true. mangrove forests are found exclusively in tropical regions around the world. they line many coasts, protecting them from erosion caused by the sea. but many forests have already been destroyed for wood used in cooking or for shrimp farms. far global ideas series. we visited the coastal province of daymark on the indonesian island of java, or a fundamental shift in thinking has begun time to check the traps. when abdul go for empties his nets, his bucket is filled with wriggling shrimp. i seal arianna, it'll money my dearly yields. his increased aloud. yes, i know. usually i get a deal yield number. have to buy one kilo in normal season mcclockey. what? thank god. even in this difficult season, it's more than 3 kilos. my so i have a good deal yield we got below. got get all of that wasn't always the case for centuries. fish, followers like go for in daymark regency. in the indonesian province of central java have earned their living fish farming. his parents also earned a living with fishing, but up to a go for his generation, have seen conditions deteriorate fast upon them by thought will mark a pen pen. gimme a lot of fish, farmers use chemicals that they disappear. those on up searches. uria your hearst, the sides. but it begun. they thought they were very i said, what my mount on the mark i a brown when using chemicals. the 1st results are very encouraging. viagra wiped out the put on, put me on. that's good and steadily worse and fool. i'll cut my yon. bobby got the gum will. i won't a little moreover, many of the mangroves were removed to make way for the shrimp and fish ponds. up to 40 per cent of indonesia. mangrove forests have disappeared. the fishers here are learning how important these trees are for aquaculture. under the guidance a scientist, sri rodzinski, and her team some of people i'm thinking, steph. mangrove is already used flora. it's higher. we would aro farro, put it in my dad. he us. but after mangrove gone daddy allies that are out that the beach, the course. if ah it, or did end up, the mac audio is fed a software problem that, together with the fisher's cerebral shaky, has been re shaping the ponds. the fish farmers have agreed to construct new levies and systems of locks by regulating the flow of water. sediment collects in certain places, mangroves grow their naturally. the aim is to create a vibrant, green band of mangrove forests to act as a protective barrier between the land and the fish ponds. it's mongrel through it as thready. important for the i cost is 7, especially a for the cost i was to some this road scott ah thought the sandy man. so it a for it there it was. she hadn't was out at all. she hadn't, as well as the before i marchman this roads also have another function because it's good. it, it can absorb, the blue ton included it brooding half we met thus as a result, the water quality has improved. the natural environment is less intact. a bit further west in the candle regency, the remaining man groves struggle to withstand the increasingly strong tides caused by the warming of the seas. fish farmers, the trees no is repairing his pond. it keeps getting destroyed by the flood tides, wiping out his income to day. and i'm a battle. the mother of course, mangroves are very helpful for protecting ponce. i had to look, the erosion is strong and thought i are allowed to ludlow contaminate. i've, i've been on my now we need coasting defenses as well as mangrove is help him with the fine arkansas coupon that leuva farrah is a philosopher. mangrove could be plant. i'm the coastal defenses, like anything on monro fever. sort of a dr. code in some areas of the region, a lot of planting is going on. thanks to the commitment of was c t o a former fisher. he's been planting mangroves court over a decade now. at 1st, the residence ridiculed him until some coastal strips began to slowly recover from the flooding. now many people are joining him. he's become a local hero, and he can use the help because time is running out of. near many people happens have disappeared. he runs away embankments are also no longer there that they've been covered by sea water aisle. i fancied that her foot, this situation needs to get attention from the government there, and the local residence that are closest now on the one, especially to maintain this last embankment. so it doesn't collapse to pull up by look that i have in it. if this last embankment collapses, man, the settlements will be directly affected by erosion in athletics. the simply, the indonesian government supports some mangrove reforest projects, but not was ito's. he has a nursery of his own and pays for its upkeep. back in daymark cerebral jackie and the phishers receive funding from universities and private investors training also gets financial backing up to a go for has learned to create organic fertilizer with the help of mangrove leaves . he composes them together with goat dung and see grass and ferments the mixture. he uses the run off to keep the bottom of the pond intact and fertile. ah, the golden once i um come to la. i've got a lot of benefits now and i can save money. he saw me so you only to buy camera. good. now i don't need to buy them anymore. and then yeah, puppy knows the money can be used for my children school needs. huh. well, the growing number of indonesian shrimp and fish farmers like up to a go for are doing their bit to protect the mangroves rather than to pleat them. the farmers are working together with nature exposing young children to excess sugar has its consequences. around 40000000 children under the age of 5 worldwide are considered overweight. that's one in 6. in this age group and over we children tend to become overweight adults. there are currently more than 2000000000 people worldwide classed as overweight. so healthy eating habits should begin early getting to know mother earth digging, pulling up roots, getting down in the dirt. all to put food on the table. he come along. didn't know that. have him on the dylan. the point is to show children that food doesn't just come from the cit, the market i ducks, so you've got so good. this ticket on this teaches them to love nature and appreciated you with, oh, no, not a must see. the children are digging up sweet potatoes later, they're going to have what they harvest for lunch. oh, eco is digging up some taro. and finding out that the root vegetable can make your skin. it really is the 1st time i've ever did vegetables. it's great fun. not all the children are having fun, 1000000, but it's all a learning experience like oh, harvest day at this elementary school in co, direct tokyo is no doubt a nightmare for the cleaning staff. but for teacher heating co she right. it's a huge success. she teaches you tricia, the subject has taught in schools across the country. first, the children take a closer look at the fruits of their labor. oh it. meanwhile, the school is taking a delivery of more fresh produce. it has a contract with farmers on the edge of the city. the school canteen prepares meals over 600 children every day. today's lunch will include with the children harvested earlier. the cook discusses the meal plan with the nutrition teacher. the children get balanced meals with carbs, or fish and vegetables, not the usual school dinners that most adults prefer to forget. when i was at school, the dinners were pretty awful, to be honest. but that was a long time ago, and things have changed. school dinners have improved a lot in goes in it that their annual focusing cascade day. the idea is also to introduce the children to new flavors and textures like this charo stew. but the most important thing is that they enjoy their lunch you. e is in grade to all the children get to do kitchen duty once a month and to day it's her turn. they all have to wear aprons and fairness. they visibly enjoy themselves. they can't wait to see what the cooks have done with the vegetables. they dug up this morning. lunch is served in the classroom to day. it's fried rice with vegetables and salmon with grated radish along with the chairs, do the children 1st express their gratitude for the meal then it's finally time to dive in. obesity rates among children in japan are lower than in other industrialized nations. to these meal contains about 600 calories. the children aren't supposed to bring packed lunches from home. they're expected to eat up everything on their plate. in grade to every one. does. this do taste just right. i. i'd like to have this at home tis the only co worked so hard digging of the vegetables is really happy. it's great that so many people work hard and the farmers plant tasty vegetables for us. come get disconnected from good morning with a standard school dinner and japan consists of a starch and a protein, vegetable sides, and milk to drink. the teacher posts a photo on the school website along with the list of ingredients and their health benefits and photos of harvest day. oh boy. yeah, no, anything on that they could look into and then we didn't have a like button on the website. but when i talked to parents, they often mentioned the school dentist nodded. they'll say how interesting it sounded. and so on that day, the children expressed their appreciation for the food. the garden to table project is a great success. that was global 3000 . do you have any feedback? where did you find something particularly interesting bright to global 3000 at d, w dot com, or check out our facebook page d w global ideas by ah ah ah ah, oh, in the realm of women? no, i don't think it's good to live as a couple and how can 2 people run a whole family in the quote if you can't take care of everything? the mozilla apply the concept of a walk in marriage. men only see their partners at night. would you like to have a relationship like that? the mozilla in china? 15 d, w. eco, india. how can a country's economy grow in harmony with its people and the environment? when there are doers who look at the bigger picture? india, a country that faces many challenges and whose people are striving to create a sustainable future clever projects from europe and india. eco, india. in 60 minutes on d w. oh. hello guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for africa's youth, the speech issues and share ideas. you know, on these channels, we are not afraid to touch and delicate toughie. young people clearly have the solution, good future loans to the 7 percent. now, every weekend on d, w. one of mankind's oldest ambition could be within reach or what is it really is possible to reverse aging researchers and scientists all over the world or in a race against time. the d. n. a molecule though has 28000000 different our glasses . they are peers and rivals with one during goal, 2 out smart nature. one of the most insightful discoveries in the history of mankind. on the brink of eternal life, starts february 16th on d, w. ah ah, this is, these are the news line from berlin us order, some of it's embassy staff to leave ukraine. the state department also says.

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Transcripts For DW Global 3000 - The Globalization Program 20240708 :

Transcripts For DW Global 3000 - The Globalization Program 20240708

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ah, welcome to global 3000. shattered dreams. what's next for sudan after the military, co threatened coastline. how shred farmers and indonesia planned to fort the sea. but 1st, the forest of no return on the deadly migration route from south america to the usa . climate change wars, conflicts, and economic hardship are all forcing an increasing number of people to flee their homes. in 2021, there were more than 82000000 forcibly displaced people worldwide. sh people seeking a better, more secure life for themselves, and their families were forced to abandon their own home land. a dangerous path, according to un data, at least for $1470.00. my goods died globally last year, but the number of on reported cases is probably much higher. they are often not very welcome in their final destinations. between september 2020 and september 2021 . nearly 1700000 people were arrested at the u. s. border alone. most of them came from central and south america. for one of the most dangerous migration routes passes to the duddy and jungle connecting columbia and panama, many migrants don't make it out alive. it's dreadful, dreadful. my brother lived there long. don't come this way and there are lots and lots of dead bodies a more than waiting until one of the rail there were people with machine guns, school they robbed and kidnapped. i say, see it if you know, are in love with our own thought the of words of warning from people who crossed the darienne gap in the jungle on the border between columbia and panama. it's a perilous but popular route for migrants heading for the us from south america. here you can encounter criminals, poisonous snakes, and extreme weather. and yet they come in, they thousands in search of a better life for their families. the voice messages was sent to him back. so cruise, anyone going to the dorian jungle has to pass his small store in the colombian town of mclee. isn't even with the american dream held by many people. they think for us is the greatest. many people enter the jungle, but not many come out the other side. the children died from hunger and thirst and they get injured and they suffer greatly for their dreams. buddha, you're so full there myself. but as i say, until o 2 has his side set on the jungle, the haitian migrant is gathering together what he needs for the journey. make hockey is the last. before the jungle, it's a tourist result really. but for months, hiking equipment has been flying off the shelves rather than souvenirs. it's too much for too little. the migrants are easy prey. the high crime rate in haiti prompted angelo to leave. but he worked in brazil for 2 years, but didn't, and enough for his own keep, let alone cash for his parents back home. so his heading north winds. i am a man. oh, whatever challenges i face. it's my duty to confront every problem. but our forefront that quote, okay, give yet. and there are 11 of them including children who aim to strike out into the rain forest. they need provisions to last for the 5 day hike. angelo is constantly trying to find out how others have fit on route. yeah, visible, we know that there are lots of muggers. you always have to have something in your pocket if you're like, if you're ambushed, you know, and you don't have any money, then there's a very high probability that you will get killed normally. more than 100000 people, mainly haitians have risk taking this route in the last few months alone. many returns salem from all already ailing when they arrive in the complete communicating is difficult. minnesota is determined to keep going, despite suffering from stomach pain and headaches. he wants to reach the u. s. by dandy. i think that's biden treats migrants better at white. that's what haitians believe here to do. i just all been saw. you so love, illinois, and whether joe biden treats migrants better, isn't good point. omar really trumps government deported migrants and that's exactly what biden's government is doing to talk to you about that. i finished it on being a little right in the put bulletin at daybreak, angelo and over 100 others head to the jetty. every one is tennis. no one feels like talking. the trip across the water is the only way of reaching the darienne gap and the border police have turned up. every one with the passport is allowed on the boat. the trip costs $50.00 twice as much as what tourists are charged. it's a lucrative business. local smugglers have earned at least $5000000.00 from migrants so far. under lo and his wife are on the boat. he never wanted to be any legal migrant and wishes that u. s. immigration policy was more clear cut if i had a visa for mexico or the u. s. i wouldn't have to travel through all these countries and risked my life because it was a bit above it, the age of my bodies, you're my v with the region they're entering is lower less drug trafficking, paramilitary course is called the shots here as the government and the migrants are well aware for $100.00, they lead to the last camp before the buddha to panama, explains a people's smuggler who doesn't want to be identified. keep an eye on it, but nothing's going to happen to you between here in panama, because we're looking out for you. then you're on your own. a lot of bad things can happen in diary n kidnappings, rapes i came across 2 bodies on my way here. a child and another corpse nearby. the snakes frightened me. i want stepped on one another time i saw one when i was sitting on a tree stump. i feel sorry for the kids. i have a daughter myself, so i feel for them. i will live in any of them with angelo is still on the shore 3 hours from the camp. he's lost some of his group, and he's very anxious. he has to negotiate the journey to the camp of the people smugglers. what if he loses even more of the group and r e n? or if someone has an accident, mama, lira mothers who lose their children in diary, an lizza fine children who lose their mother's image of it. i'll do what i can for my group ordinary. let us know hospital there in a some decent the on. if i had to, i would carry someone i was injured to the nearest house. yes, gallagher misses, misses the last we see of angelo. it's getting dog. and migraines are still heading up to the can. it's highly likely, not all of them will get out of the dorian gap alive, let alone find a better life. in the us. there was jubilation on the streets of sedans, capital cartoon in 2019, when dictator, omar alba, sheer was ousted from office after months of protest. many people were hopeful for a democratic revival after decades of brutal military rule. but it seems that the dream of freedom is over yet again. at the end of october, last year, the military to clue since then all demonstrations have been suppressed in sedans, past conflicts are threatening to escalate once more. outside the camp market stalls are laden with fresh fruit, vegetables, and meat. but few people can afford to buy much 100000 people live in the o tosh camp in the yellow south dar for some of them have been here for nearly 20 years. makeshift hunts have given way to houses made of brick, but there's still no proper infrastructure. no electricity. water is delivered by donkey and has to be paid for. most people here have given up hope of ever returning home. they fear they'll be stuck here forever. ma'am tune up dollar and does family have lived in the old tosh camp for 17 years? when i came here i was 4 years old or i can't remember all the actions, but i've been reminded by my father lang that his actions that haven't taken place . lay get the killing and winning and also some of the children who has died when they arrived, they named the camp after their home village of o tosh. with fighting continuing and dar for returning home was never an option enough. people here would take any job they could find says mac tune up dollar, but there's no work to be had. he's eager to learn and is already taught himself english, turkish and spanish. now he's focusing on german, hoping he can improve his chances of leaving the camp. where mere survival is a daily struggle. many in sudan faced starvation and depend on international aid relief, such as the world food program. in south dar for 30 percent of children suffer from acute malnutrition, like her dear solomon's daughter, rosin. she's brought her to the health center where she regularly receives healthy fat and vitamin supplements. it's all about buffalo as on was born exactly a year ago. uh huh. when she was 6 months old, i realized she wasn't well, someone from the health center brought us in. oh yeah. now thankfully, she's doing better. it has been, but rosin will continue to need medical attention. her mother isn't in a position to feed her properly because of the u. s. world food program has thousands of tons of food stored here and our for 13000000 daily rations are piled high, made up of green oil and pulses. but security is a huge issue, just 200 kilometers from here in the city of alpha share, un warehouses containing way more food than here were recently. and this is that amount of food was taken. what you see here is around 400 metric tons of food. so they, 10 times the amount was taken out of our warehouses in our fashion. not only that, the warehouses themselves were completely destroyed, so it's critical that the government provides security. otherwise we can't deliver this very urgent food assistance to people who need at the most the losses of force the world food program to temporarily suspend aid to the whole of northern dar for 2000000 people are no longer getting food assistance militia. former nomads are believed to be responsible for the swoop. a longstanding conflict as re ignited between nomads and farmers over rights to grazing land and water. since 2003, the crisis and our 4 has claimed 400000 lives, malicious, burned down farms, and murdered the inhabitants driving thousands from their homes. nearly 2 decades on many still don't dare to go back to equip them with the basic skills they would need to return. the world food program provides training, teaching them how to grow vegetables. for example, actually a nina, we didn't have anything at the cam if we couldn't afford anything that and that's why we came back on top of it. we just wanted to be able to live. it was emanating . now we're glad we came. we grow tomatoes. the women earn money from the crops they harvest and sell at market and also receive financial support until their self sufficient gets an incentive to keep going only in such conditions that people actually start to return home from being internally displaced and are empowered to have livelihood opportunities, economic opportunities so far though few are benefiting from the support and the state barely contribute. since the military took over the central government last october, prompting mass protest, sudan has once again been plunged into chaos. so the camps look sec to continue. education can offer an alternative way out of the camp, but it's not easy to come by. the school in the o tash camp is dilapidated, there's no furniture proper books or stationery, but mark tomb is about to take an exam. he hopes that one day he'll get to study at university indication is a basic right full of a child regardless of the religion or regardless of the shape of their the place as they come from. and education is there is an issue of us, can get the skills and tools to change the whole world and have different life vacation. we can make all our dreams come through mock tombs determined to leave the camp. but most of the young students here are no tosh will have to stay and it's unlikely their dreams will ever come. true. mangrove forests are found exclusively in tropical regions around the world. they line many coasts, protecting them from erosion caused by the sea. but many forests have already been destroyed for wood used in cooking or for shrimp farms. far global ideas series. we visited the coastal province of daymark on the indonesian island of java, or a fundamental shift in thinking has begun time to check the traps. when abdul go for empties his nets, his bucket is filled with wriggling shrimp. i seal arianna, it'll money my dearly yields. his increased aloud. yes, i know. usually i get a deal yield number. have to buy one kilo in normal season mcclockey. what? thank god. even in this difficult season, it's more than 3 kilos. my so i have a good deal yield we got below. got get all of that wasn't always the case for centuries. fish, followers like go for in daymark regency. in the indonesian province of central java have earned their living fish farming. his parents also earned a living with fishing, but up to a go for his generation, have seen conditions deteriorate fast upon them by thought will mark a pen pen. gimme a lot of fish, farmers use chemicals that they disappear. those on up searches. uria your hearst, the sides. but it begun. they thought they were very i said, what my mount on the mark i a brown when using chemicals. the 1st results are very encouraging. viagra wiped out the put on, put me on. that's good and steadily worse and fool. i'll cut my yon. bobby got the gum will. i won't a little moreover, many of the mangroves were removed to make way for the shrimp and fish ponds. up to 40 per cent of indonesia. mangrove forests have disappeared. the fishers here are learning how important these trees are for aquaculture. under the guidance a scientist, sri rodzinski, and her team some of people i'm thinking, steph. mangrove is already used flora. it's higher. we would aro farro, put it in my dad. he us. but after mangrove gone daddy allies that are out that the beach, the course. if ah it, or did end up, the mac audio is fed a software problem that, together with the fisher's cerebral shaky, has been re shaping the ponds. the fish farmers have agreed to construct new levies and systems of locks by regulating the flow of water. sediment collects in certain places, mangroves grow their naturally. the aim is to create a vibrant, green band of mangrove forests to act as a protective barrier between the land and the fish ponds. it's mongrel through it as thready. important for the i cost is 7, especially a for the cost i was to some this road scott ah thought the sandy man. so it a for it there it was. she hadn't was out at all. she hadn't, as well as the before i marchman this roads also have another function because it's good. it, it can absorb, the blue ton included it brooding half we met thus as a result, the water quality has improved. the natural environment is less intact. a bit further west in the candle regency, the remaining man groves struggle to withstand the increasingly strong tides caused by the warming of the seas. fish farmers, the trees no is repairing his pond. it keeps getting destroyed by the flood tides, wiping out his income to day. and i'm a battle. the mother of course, mangroves are very helpful for protecting ponce. i had to look, the erosion is strong and thought i are allowed to ludlow contaminate. i've, i've been on my now we need coasting defenses as well as mangrove is help him with the fine arkansas coupon that leuva farrah is a philosopher. mangrove could be plant. i'm the coastal defenses, like anything on monro fever. sort of a dr. code in some areas of the region, a lot of planting is going on. thanks to the commitment of was c t o a former fisher. he's been planting mangroves court over a decade now. at 1st, the residence ridiculed him until some coastal strips began to slowly recover from the flooding. now many people are joining him. he's become a local hero, and he can use the help because time is running out of. near many people happens have disappeared. he runs away embankments are also no longer there that they've been covered by sea water aisle. i fancied that her foot, this situation needs to get attention from the government there, and the local residence that are closest now on the one, especially to maintain this last embankment. so it doesn't collapse to pull up by look that i have in it. if this last embankment collapses, man, the settlements will be directly affected by erosion in athletics. the simply, the indonesian government supports some mangrove reforest projects, but not was ito's. he has a nursery of his own and pays for its upkeep. back in daymark cerebral jackie and the phishers receive funding from universities and private investors training also gets financial backing up to a go for has learned to create organic fertilizer with the help of mangrove leaves . he composes them together with goat dung and see grass and ferments the mixture. he uses the run off to keep the bottom of the pond intact and fertile. ah, the golden once i um come to la. i've got a lot of benefits now and i can save money. he saw me so you only to buy camera. good. now i don't need to buy them anymore. and then yeah, puppy knows the money can be used for my children school needs. huh. well, the growing number of indonesian shrimp and fish farmers like up to a go for are doing their bit to protect the mangroves rather than to pleat them. the farmers are working together with nature exposing young children to excess sugar has its consequences. around 40000000 children under the age of 5 worldwide are considered overweight. that's one in 6. in this age group and over we children tend to become overweight adults. there are currently more than 2000000000 people worldwide classed as overweight. so healthy eating habits should begin early getting to know mother earth digging, pulling up roots, getting down in the dirt. all to put food on the table. he come along. didn't know that. have him on the dylan. the point is to show children that food doesn't just come from the cit, the market i ducks, so you've got so good. this ticket on this teaches them to love nature and appreciated you with, oh, no, not a must see. the children are digging up sweet potatoes later, they're going to have what they harvest for lunch. oh, eco is digging up some taro. and finding out that the root vegetable can make your skin. it really is the 1st time i've ever did vegetables. it's great fun. not all the children are having fun, 1000000, but it's all a learning experience like oh, harvest day at this elementary school in co, direct tokyo is no doubt a nightmare for the cleaning staff. but for teacher heating co she right. it's a huge success. she teaches you tricia, the subject has taught in schools across the country. first, the children take a closer look at the fruits of their labor. oh it. meanwhile, the school is taking a delivery of more fresh produce. it has a contract with farmers on the edge of the city. the school canteen prepares meals over 600 children every day. today's lunch will include with the children harvested earlier. the cook discusses the meal plan with the nutrition teacher. the children get balanced meals with carbs, or fish and vegetables, not the usual school dinners that most adults prefer to forget. when i was at school, the dinners were pretty awful, to be honest. but that was a long time ago, and things have changed. school dinners have improved a lot in goes in it that their annual focusing cascade day. the idea is also to introduce the children to new flavors and textures like this charo stew. but the most important thing is that they enjoy their lunch you. e is in grade to all the children get to do kitchen duty once a month and to day it's her turn. they all have to wear aprons and fairness. they visibly enjoy themselves. they can't wait to see what the cooks have done with the vegetables. they dug up this morning. lunch is served in the classroom to day. it's fried rice with vegetables and salmon with grated radish along with the chairs, do the children 1st express their gratitude for the meal then it's finally time to dive in. obesity rates among children in japan are lower than in other industrialized nations. to these meal contains about 600 calories. the children aren't supposed to bring packed lunches from home. they're expected to eat up everything on their plate. in grade to every one. does. this do taste just right. i. i'd like to have this at home tis the only co worked so hard digging of the vegetables is really happy. it's great that so many people work hard and the farmers plant tasty vegetables for us. come get disconnected from good morning with a standard school dinner and japan consists of a starch and a protein, vegetable sides, and milk to drink. the teacher posts a photo on the school website along with the list of ingredients and their health benefits and photos of harvest day. oh boy. yeah, no, anything on that they could look into and then we didn't have a like button on the website. but when i talked to parents, they often mentioned the school dentist nodded. they'll say how interesting it sounded. and so on that day, the children expressed their appreciation for the food. the garden to table project is a great success. that was global 3000 . do you have any feedback? where did you find something particularly interesting bright to global 3000 at d, w dot com, or check out our facebook page d w global ideas by ah ah ah ah, oh, in the realm of women? no, i don't think it's good to live as a couple and how can 2 people run a whole family in the quote if you can't take care of everything? the mozilla apply the concept of a walk in marriage. men only see their partners at night. would you like to have a relationship like that? the mozilla in china? 15 d, w. eco, india. how can a country's economy grow in harmony with its people and the environment? when there are doers who look at the bigger picture? india, a country that faces many challenges and whose people are striving to create a sustainable future clever projects from europe and india. eco, india. in 60 minutes on d w. oh. hello guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for africa's youth, the speech issues and share ideas. you know, on these channels, we are not afraid to touch and delicate toughie. young people clearly have the solution, good future loans to the 7 percent. now, every weekend on d, w. one of mankind's oldest ambition could be within reach or what is it really is possible to reverse aging researchers and scientists all over the world or in a race against time. the d. n. a molecule though has 28000000 different our glasses . they are peers and rivals with one during goal, 2 out smart nature. one of the most insightful discoveries in the history of mankind. on the brink of eternal life, starts february 16th on d, w. ah ah, this is, these are the news line from berlin us order, some of it's embassy staff to leave ukraine. the state department also says.

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