Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240708 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240708

as russia flexes its muscle, moscow has station tens of thousands of troops along the ukrainian border, igniting concerns of a military conflict. desperately needed drinking water arrives in tonga and more aid is on the way as the scale of the devastation from last weeks to nami becomes clearer and watch out via munich, bruised adornment, close in on the bundles, legal leaders after they see off hoffen hind ah, an abbey clubhouse, and welcome to the program. we begin in ukraine. this our were the 1st shipment of additional american military aid has arrived. according to the u. s. embassy, this is part of a package worth $200000000.00 us dollars promised to kiev last week, by u. s. secretary of state antony blinkin. the initial delivery includes ammunition for ukraine's front lines as the country amps up its preparedness for a possible invasion by russia. moscow has deploy tens of thousands of troops near its border with ukraine, but insists it has no plans to launch an attack. the russian military flexing its muscles in the worn at region bordering ukraine. moscow denies its planning and invasion, but with this slick video released by its defense ministry and at least wants to send the message that it's ready to fight. there is real concern in the region about russia's motives. russian troops are now positioned in bella, rues, all along russia's border to ukraine, and our maston, eastern ukraine, where fighting has been ongoing for years. further to the north, the baltic states of estonia, latvia and lithuania, are promising to support ukraine with shipments of weaponry and military support. arguing that diplomacy alone can't prevent an armed conflict. aggressiveness, who said that her guiding was the aggressor, always weighed impossible, losses sausages and likely damage, also victim. i think that a strong state or capable of defending itself or steve is really the only way to increase the chances of a peaceful resolution. oh, really me there last year to be just was but it's however, it's a principle of deterrence not endorsed by germany, which is disappointed kiya by refusing to supply weaponry to crane because chug. now, off the cuff comments by germany's naval chief have added more fuel to the diplomatic fire. hi, of him shewn back on a visit to india, said russian president vladimir putin probably deserved respect. and that the crimean peninsula annexed by russia would not return to ukraine. just looking to somebody in clay, brought me up in los is go look on this subject a we have to do that. oh, oh, the go issues. ah, actually let you most these remarks have now cost him his job. and the fo paul has added to the misgivings in kiev over germany stance on ukraine. but with the uncertainty looming, ukraine has been assured that it doesn't stand alone. the u. k sent anti tank missiles earlier this week. and the 1st delivery of u. s. military supplies has already touched down. meanwhile, residence in kiev formed a human chain in celebration of ukraine's national unity day, hoping that opposing sides can still come together and hold on to their stated goal of a diplomatic solution. oh, now what is merican? british and other military support mean for ukraine? earlier we asked are washington correspondent carolina. she moy, who provided this update. russia has deploy troops, tanks and to missiles along the ukrainian border. and trash and forces are surrounding ukraine on different sides. and the u. s. has sent a military aid package and has delivered military equipment as you just mentioned. but they of course, want to show that they are willing to support and to help you crane on a military ground. but the important question here is, what happens if russia as actions are not purely military? what if russia acts in a so called gray zone, meaning as paste between war and peace, like, for example, election meddling or cyber attacks in ukraine? would this be enough to, to make the united states and its allies impose the severe sanctions? a president biden has been talking about rash, i can definitely also shape the fate of a nation with these kind of strategies. we have already seen that in history and without the cost of a war in the middle east or fears of a resurgence of the so called islamic state and syria and iraq after several deadly attacks, the militant groups largest in 2 years. experts say instability in both countries is helping i asking ground. the sound of intense gunfire, fills the air in the syrian city of his soccer. as kurdish lead forces fight with militants from the so called islamic state. the battles had been centered around the gray run. prison were thousands of suspected ios fighters are held. the fighting broke out late on thursday when i a sleeper cells launched an attack on the prison. 2 days later, the kurdish led forces backed by u. s. coalition aircraft were still struggling to regain control ala, i suppose that now islamic state is only in the prison, it, apart from the prison. they aren't present anywhere. we've checked the college and the agriculture building, surgically the silos and the surrounding areas of the prisoner under our control, and we're surrounding them in but they do have weapons, but they can't do anything with them, but they might run out of ammunition so they can't fight back i don't, it's there when it my that goal is law. make state however said via the messaging platform telegram that it's forces were still fighting and neighborhoods outside the prison grounds. the violence has sent thousands of civilians fleeing the area around way run. they describe how i us entered their neighborhoods, killing local residence. well everything is dark on what's going on. the shelling, filtering, and death. experts say i was building up to the large scale attack over the past few months. i think these groups isn't just insurgents, whoops. are benefiting from the generally unstable situation in syria and the political term on in iraq. and i, franky, this is a reminder that i s s never in debt and it's very much alive and kicking, though it's not centrally organized. and of course, far away from the military capabilities it had a couple of years ago. just hours after the attack and syria began, i asked fighters managed to enter in iraqi army base, killing 11 soldiers in their sleep. before escaping into the night. the duel attacks show ins still looms large in iraq and syria, almost 3 years after the collapse of itself. styled caliphate. let's look now. it's in the other stories were falling for you this hour a delegation sent by have gone. his dance taliban has arrived in the norwegian. capital alls low for 3 days of talks with western diplomats and members of afghan civil society. it's the groups 1st official talks of the west on european soil. since seizing power last august. finish merits has been elected as the new chief of former chancellor anglo miracle's party, the christian democrats merits has bow to, quote, redefine conservatism in germany and connect with voters of all ages after his center. right parties, defeat, and elections last year. new zealand is upping its measures to combat coven 19 after several confirmed cases of the alma crime variant prime minister jacinta are darn says the nation is now under a red alert. our darn has followed her government guidelines and has postponed her own wedding, which was scheduled for next weekend today. hi, from the same household. aid has started arriving in tonga after last week's volcanic eruption, and su nami devastated much of the country in the south. the civic so far 3 people have been reported to have died that many more are still missing. experts are now only able to assess the scale of the damage. after days of waiting, aid is now flowing on to the pacific island of tonga. this new zealand vessel is carrying a quarter of a 1000000 leeches of clean water a top priority. according to the united nations, it's clear from the limited footage available, be destruction left by the su nami on. despite the welcome arrival of help, tompkins are aware that the road to recovery will be long. tongue as recovery from this disaster is going to be long term, and i think we need to ensure that we keep the momentum up after tongue has got enough water. we're gonna have to rebuild it. it's going to be a long road to recovery. only 3 deaths from the massive eruption have been confirmed. but the harrowing stories of survival a beginning to emerge the scariest part to me was when the waves spent from land into the sea. what came into my mind when i was helpless at sea with 2 things. one that i still had faith in god. second was my family. and i wondered if they would think that maybe i had died with communications with the islands to limited. and i'd be completed as dialed. please check the number and dial again. families around the world are facing an agonizing wait for news. yeah, it's really hard to me. do. i don't know what happened for them. flights can now land after the room way was cleared of ash, but deliveries must remain contactless to prevent covey 19 being imported, and triggering under the crisis. the country can ill afford to live on as like an hour bruce here, dorman returned to their winning ways on saturday afternoon with a 32 victory away from home against hoffen heim, having been knocked out of the german cott during the week. marco rose's team were in need of a positive result. an early goal from a certain norwegian striker insured that they got off on the right foot. oh, do it mean we're just 6 points, the drift of going to seek a leaders buyer and munich, going into their clash against hoffman heim, the home side, we're looking to continued their quest to solidify a coveted champions league spot this season. visitors, stuart men were 1st to get on the score. she tops for earling holland. his 16th school of the season kept off some quality one touch team play to open the scoring after just 6 minutes but the host are no strangers to come back. and andre, from our export dis equalizer, just before half time fucking hines record. we're not to his 100 thought for the club. after the break, captain, marco royce scored to put towards men back in front with what was just their 2nd shot of the match. thorton didn't need another shot on target to further extend their lead. huff and heinz, david rowe was put under pressure and scored an unfortunate own goal. hoffen heim pulled one back, but it was too little, too late to it. men held on to win $32.00, taking all 3 points, keeping them in the race for the buddhist legal title. i'm berlin, have moved up into the champions league qualification places after a victory away from home against barithium, watching glad back. it was max cruz who wrapped up the 3 points with this winner in the 84th minute. it's been incredible, weak neon who beat local rivals horta to book. i'll place in the german cup order final and now find themselves in 4th place. in the bonus league table and only their 3rd ever season in the top flight. now the 10000 sports fan attending an indoor hockey game in the united states last night, new the forecast a down poor and after the 1st goal scored by the home team, the hershey bears it began to rain. teddy bears by the thousands, the 10s of thousands. the kids charity event is held every year by the 2nd tier club in the state of pennsylvania. and the players seem to like it to the final numbers aren't in yet, but the organizers were confident they would surpass le last teddy total of nearly $45000.00 bears for children in need. and tops and remind her rather of the top story were falling for you for a shipment of american military aid has arrived and ukraine. it's part of a package worth $200000000.00, including ammunition, as the country amps up for its preparedness for possible invasion by russia. you're watching d. w. who's coming up next reporter, paradise lost. it's coming up after the break. i'm have the quote awesome for all of us here at dw news. thanks for being with us. ah.

Related Keywords

Norway , Latvia , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , United States , Munich , Bayern , Germany , United Kingdom , Kiev , Ukraine General , Ukraine , Washington , Syria , Tonga , India , New Zealand , Estonia , Iraq , Netherlands , Pennsylvania , Lithuania , Berlin , Norwegian , Holland , Iraqi , Ukrainian , British , German , Syrian , Russian , American , David Rowe , Baltic States , Hoffman Heim , Kenny Perez , Vladimir Putin , Su Nami , Max Cruz , Marco Royce ,

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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240708 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240708

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as russia flexes its muscle, moscow has station tens of thousands of troops along the ukrainian border, igniting concerns of a military conflict. desperately needed drinking water arrives in tonga and more aid is on the way as the scale of the devastation from last weeks to nami becomes clearer and watch out via munich, bruised adornment, close in on the bundles, legal leaders after they see off hoffen hind ah, an abbey clubhouse, and welcome to the program. we begin in ukraine. this our were the 1st shipment of additional american military aid has arrived. according to the u. s. embassy, this is part of a package worth $200000000.00 us dollars promised to kiev last week, by u. s. secretary of state antony blinkin. the initial delivery includes ammunition for ukraine's front lines as the country amps up its preparedness for a possible invasion by russia. moscow has deploy tens of thousands of troops near its border with ukraine, but insists it has no plans to launch an attack. the russian military flexing its muscles in the worn at region bordering ukraine. moscow denies its planning and invasion, but with this slick video released by its defense ministry and at least wants to send the message that it's ready to fight. there is real concern in the region about russia's motives. russian troops are now positioned in bella, rues, all along russia's border to ukraine, and our maston, eastern ukraine, where fighting has been ongoing for years. further to the north, the baltic states of estonia, latvia and lithuania, are promising to support ukraine with shipments of weaponry and military support. arguing that diplomacy alone can't prevent an armed conflict. aggressiveness, who said that her guiding was the aggressor, always weighed impossible, losses sausages and likely damage, also victim. i think that a strong state or capable of defending itself or steve is really the only way to increase the chances of a peaceful resolution. oh, really me there last year to be just was but it's however, it's a principle of deterrence not endorsed by germany, which is disappointed kiya by refusing to supply weaponry to crane because chug. now, off the cuff comments by germany's naval chief have added more fuel to the diplomatic fire. hi, of him shewn back on a visit to india, said russian president vladimir putin probably deserved respect. and that the crimean peninsula annexed by russia would not return to ukraine. just looking to somebody in clay, brought me up in los is go look on this subject a we have to do that. oh, oh, the go issues. ah, actually let you most these remarks have now cost him his job. and the fo paul has added to the misgivings in kiev over germany stance on ukraine. but with the uncertainty looming, ukraine has been assured that it doesn't stand alone. the u. k sent anti tank missiles earlier this week. and the 1st delivery of u. s. military supplies has already touched down. meanwhile, residence in kiev formed a human chain in celebration of ukraine's national unity day, hoping that opposing sides can still come together and hold on to their stated goal of a diplomatic solution. oh, now what is merican? british and other military support mean for ukraine? earlier we asked are washington correspondent carolina. she moy, who provided this update. russia has deploy troops, tanks and to missiles along the ukrainian border. and trash and forces are surrounding ukraine on different sides. and the u. s. has sent a military aid package and has delivered military equipment as you just mentioned. but they of course, want to show that they are willing to support and to help you crane on a military ground. but the important question here is, what happens if russia as actions are not purely military? what if russia acts in a so called gray zone, meaning as paste between war and peace, like, for example, election meddling or cyber attacks in ukraine? would this be enough to, to make the united states and its allies impose the severe sanctions? a president biden has been talking about rash, i can definitely also shape the fate of a nation with these kind of strategies. we have already seen that in history and without the cost of a war in the middle east or fears of a resurgence of the so called islamic state and syria and iraq after several deadly attacks, the militant groups largest in 2 years. experts say instability in both countries is helping i asking ground. the sound of intense gunfire, fills the air in the syrian city of his soccer. as kurdish lead forces fight with militants from the so called islamic state. the battles had been centered around the gray run. prison were thousands of suspected ios fighters are held. the fighting broke out late on thursday when i a sleeper cells launched an attack on the prison. 2 days later, the kurdish led forces backed by u. s. coalition aircraft were still struggling to regain control ala, i suppose that now islamic state is only in the prison, it, apart from the prison. they aren't present anywhere. we've checked the college and the agriculture building, surgically the silos and the surrounding areas of the prisoner under our control, and we're surrounding them in but they do have weapons, but they can't do anything with them, but they might run out of ammunition so they can't fight back i don't, it's there when it my that goal is law. make state however said via the messaging platform telegram that it's forces were still fighting and neighborhoods outside the prison grounds. the violence has sent thousands of civilians fleeing the area around way run. they describe how i us entered their neighborhoods, killing local residence. well everything is dark on what's going on. the shelling, filtering, and death. experts say i was building up to the large scale attack over the past few months. i think these groups isn't just insurgents, whoops. are benefiting from the generally unstable situation in syria and the political term on in iraq. and i, franky, this is a reminder that i s s never in debt and it's very much alive and kicking, though it's not centrally organized. and of course, far away from the military capabilities it had a couple of years ago. just hours after the attack and syria began, i asked fighters managed to enter in iraqi army base, killing 11 soldiers in their sleep. before escaping into the night. the duel attacks show ins still looms large in iraq and syria, almost 3 years after the collapse of itself. styled caliphate. let's look now. it's in the other stories were falling for you this hour a delegation sent by have gone. his dance taliban has arrived in the norwegian. capital alls low for 3 days of talks with western diplomats and members of afghan civil society. it's the groups 1st official talks of the west on european soil. since seizing power last august. finish merits has been elected as the new chief of former chancellor anglo miracle's party, the christian democrats merits has bow to, quote, redefine conservatism in germany and connect with voters of all ages after his center. right parties, defeat, and elections last year. new zealand is upping its measures to combat coven 19 after several confirmed cases of the alma crime variant prime minister jacinta are darn says the nation is now under a red alert. our darn has followed her government guidelines and has postponed her own wedding, which was scheduled for next weekend today. hi, from the same household. aid has started arriving in tonga after last week's volcanic eruption, and su nami devastated much of the country in the south. the civic so far 3 people have been reported to have died that many more are still missing. experts are now only able to assess the scale of the damage. after days of waiting, aid is now flowing on to the pacific island of tonga. this new zealand vessel is carrying a quarter of a 1000000 leeches of clean water a top priority. according to the united nations, it's clear from the limited footage available, be destruction left by the su nami on. despite the welcome arrival of help, tompkins are aware that the road to recovery will be long. tongue as recovery from this disaster is going to be long term, and i think we need to ensure that we keep the momentum up after tongue has got enough water. we're gonna have to rebuild it. it's going to be a long road to recovery. only 3 deaths from the massive eruption have been confirmed. but the harrowing stories of survival a beginning to emerge the scariest part to me was when the waves spent from land into the sea. what came into my mind when i was helpless at sea with 2 things. one that i still had faith in god. second was my family. and i wondered if they would think that maybe i had died with communications with the islands to limited. and i'd be completed as dialed. please check the number and dial again. families around the world are facing an agonizing wait for news. yeah, it's really hard to me. do. i don't know what happened for them. flights can now land after the room way was cleared of ash, but deliveries must remain contactless to prevent covey 19 being imported, and triggering under the crisis. the country can ill afford to live on as like an hour bruce here, dorman returned to their winning ways on saturday afternoon with a 32 victory away from home against hoffen heim, having been knocked out of the german cott during the week. marco rose's team were in need of a positive result. an early goal from a certain norwegian striker insured that they got off on the right foot. oh, do it mean we're just 6 points, the drift of going to seek a leaders buyer and munich, going into their clash against hoffman heim, the home side, we're looking to continued their quest to solidify a coveted champions league spot this season. visitors, stuart men were 1st to get on the score. she tops for earling holland. his 16th school of the season kept off some quality one touch team play to open the scoring after just 6 minutes but the host are no strangers to come back. and andre, from our export dis equalizer, just before half time fucking hines record. we're not to his 100 thought for the club. after the break, captain, marco royce scored to put towards men back in front with what was just their 2nd shot of the match. thorton didn't need another shot on target to further extend their lead. huff and heinz, david rowe was put under pressure and scored an unfortunate own goal. hoffen heim pulled one back, but it was too little, too late to it. men held on to win $32.00, taking all 3 points, keeping them in the race for the buddhist legal title. i'm berlin, have moved up into the champions league qualification places after a victory away from home against barithium, watching glad back. it was max cruz who wrapped up the 3 points with this winner in the 84th minute. it's been incredible, weak neon who beat local rivals horta to book. i'll place in the german cup order final and now find themselves in 4th place. in the bonus league table and only their 3rd ever season in the top flight. now the 10000 sports fan attending an indoor hockey game in the united states last night, new the forecast a down poor and after the 1st goal scored by the home team, the hershey bears it began to rain. teddy bears by the thousands, the 10s of thousands. the kids charity event is held every year by the 2nd tier club in the state of pennsylvania. and the players seem to like it to the final numbers aren't in yet, but the organizers were confident they would surpass le last teddy total of nearly $45000.00 bears for children in need. and tops and remind her rather of the top story were falling for you for a shipment of american military aid has arrived and ukraine. it's part of a package worth $200000000.00, including ammunition, as the country amps up for its preparedness for possible invasion by russia. you're watching d. w. who's coming up next reporter, paradise lost. it's coming up after the break. i'm have the quote awesome for all of us here at dw news. thanks for being with us. ah.

Related Keywords

Norway , Latvia , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , United States , Munich , Bayern , Germany , United Kingdom , Kiev , Ukraine General , Ukraine , Washington , Syria , Tonga , India , New Zealand , Estonia , Iraq , Netherlands , Pennsylvania , Lithuania , Berlin , Norwegian , Holland , Iraqi , Ukrainian , British , German , Syrian , Russian , American , David Rowe , Baltic States , Hoffman Heim , Kenny Perez , Vladimir Putin , Su Nami , Max Cruz , Marco Royce ,

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