Transcripts For DW DocFilm - To Tell A Tale - Margot Friedla

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - To Tell A Tale - Margot Friedlander In Berlin 20240709

. and emma, where's blue? the color of her favorite teen but sex its traditions prevent her from going to games and playing an insurmountable obstacle. blue girl football on the peak starts february 4th on d w. ah oh oh oh. large portrait photographs of holocaust survivors taken by luigi toscano were exhibited in german train stations in summer 2021. my godfrey plant was among ah ah ah ah is be a can we appreciate man she's been yeah. i can't bow lane eat. i dos. i'm not an unhappy person. i'm grateful really. i try to keep me. i've had 4 different lives in a wonderful childhood and a few beautiful years of adult. but too short. i called lean several extremely difficult years square. i went to a lot p n e. and then married to me. yes. and then these 10 and ethan is hastily differently. t t is so poor cookie. ah, today, ma godfrey, linda lives in berlin again. she was born here in 1921 into a jewish family. they were persecuted after the nazis came to power in 1933 mm. her parents were divorced. her mother was not able to flee germany just before she was about to go into hiding with her children more guts. younger brother, ralph was arrested, hoping to help her son. her mother turned herself into the authorities. ma got went into hiding in berlin. after 13 months, she was caught and deported to the terean's store concentration camp. she survived, her mother, brother, father and her entire family were murdered in auschwitz. shortly after the liberation of today's inch dot, and before she left, she married out of friedlander. a man she knew from berlin and whose family had also been murdered in auschwitz. they emigrated to america in 1946. ah, he hath ema amelie cur. michigan should fight kush paul hm. but i never really forgave america. because when i had needed america hobbin, they didn't let me in its mission. i guess s u. v ish no high. the time i came to america, i was free, a vice and could est here anyway on hit to be here. it was my own free. well, i might try athena if i could have come to america with my mother. i might have been very happy being placed ledgebrook ish division ah, in 2003, she returned to berlin for the 1st time in 57 years to participate in a documentary. ah and was sometime in been you get them on that's some of it had to be shut in berlin . my belief that was what changed my life more men for ish. the moment i arrived in this city where my route so bend on. for soon i realised what it meant to me give miss harper thus did so. she should miss mccoy to it. that was the essence of it as fees and dishes, and yosh b, one year later, it did in 2005 year. so i took the documentary was officially screened here at the jewish film festival or did happy sure. and then i began to write my book, i and i just, one year later, the publisher whole voice heard about it died over cuz i had to, they said they wanted to publish it, but that i should work with a co author network that was 2000 and 6 am, it's him. bo, i met marlin shred, figure that december and worked with her for one year up and yelled me to ago i was in america. and she was in berlin here by in berlin. her book, try to make your life was published in 2008. since then she has been doing regular readings from it. sometimes several a week. esteem for them like mouse glacier, reddish man, witness in this dimension. desperately. i stand in front of the neighbors building them in a moment. i will see my mother hinted, gets getting darker. he shall. the jewish couple is waiting at the little window. i can recognize the silhouettes behind the curtains. i look for my mother's familiar form. we see, but she is not there to blows. the lady opens the door for me truly. where is she? i ask out of breath. the woman waits until i'm inside. then she shuts the door. when she left lou see me. at 1st i don't understand. did i get here too late? is she out looking for me? asked you for miss she left a message for you, but he said i am for i am waiting for the woman to hand me something, but she just stands there. i look for a slip of paper in her hand, something my mother would have written down for me. it's already, i'm supposed to give you a message and done that. then she tells me what my mother can no longer tell me herself ish. i have decided to go to the police said, sabine, i am going with ralph wherever that may be. imminent death try to make your life so dead leaping to me. the only things she still has from her mother are this amber necklace and a small address book. try touching else ish to work a few in 2008 sick her when i was still on the plane on my way back to america. i asked myself in new york, say you really doing in new york area. there's so much more you can do in germany, in berlin to bill in kent in 2009, she decided to leave new york and returned to berlin for good order in. i'd often at 88 years old margaret friedlander has been repatriated and is back for good people. today she officially became a german citizen. again, the interior minister curtis presented her with the certificate and ami doesn't dig it as a said now dr. sen, curtin, that them to me, i should probably say a few words after receiving this document. all, and i think words of sanks are expected of arctic mon voltage to stunk us. that condition. i can't do that. didn't the yeah, because you have simply returned what belonged to me in the 1st place. but when what was taken away from me many decades ago, da miles back then they left the roots of a young sapling to dry out lawson. it brittany. i haven't come back to germany. come, i've come to my friends and thank you all that he, she of god dot b. i'm often asked if i miss america habitual hope. if i don't at all her as been, be perverse. filiano. i know i was in america for many years, force infidels, confluence message. but i don't really feel like i lived there for 64 years or point to certain trends say to me, so it feels like he were here the whole time. her. and as for mission, i have that same strange feeling. good. i'm totally here. been to come here. one of her greatest objectives is to tell her story to young people in schools, church communities, and adult education centers. my laser for the book i use for readings, and this is what it looks like. now. here you can see the star and what english down eggs tried 1000. no, i received the i'm hard prize for the book in 2009 for best autobiography, mr. out to be orca fee. so i was invited to berlin again to do reading st. galard ver leaves on till gibbon. i noticed how silent these young people were. yona mentioned these high school students killers, intell, and how, as soon as i started to speak, they wanted to know if and zip, sir, what's next of us? what's next? what is this woman's life lean fundraiser for? what did she live through the early and, and they always said certain it's for you. so that what we lived through never happens again. they're salvas, you've, you know, the she in golf, but via leap turban. but i don't blame any of you. of a ish key bush can assure it then because we can't forget that in those years their parents and grandparents were cheering it all on course. of course i knew that you be cabinet for me, doc. good. here i was speaking to the 3rd or 4th generation who had nothing to do with it. sean danish sent me to to none. the readings have become too exhausting for her. so friedlander has started using a video recording with a decent us largo in it. we left the company, harnish tasa in a truck, out of berlin, out of spending detour, shots and the doors closed behind us for diesel. from that moment on, everything passed me by like a nightmare you immediately forget as soon as you wake up, but which still leaves an indelible terror behind on their taught steam and on our solution. shrapner dallas, my name is eli, burnished and my num copa. my soul was not in my body in this truck on its way to theresienstadt. theresienstadt was like a large scale study and experiment, spirit i in of one question, rules our lives. we how much can a person take place, inch to say is the instead was an in between place neither life nor death vaulted in lee and death waited for us in the camps in the east or in the ghetto. there was hunger fills and cramped conditions. it was every one for themselves. i longed for some humanity, some closeness the you and it was difficult for me to, to allow those things in your day. every one existed in a kind of isolation up to lazy and that was a vacuum are called a place devoid of air and light, or new without time, sight wirelessly stickler. after the readings, the young people are curious to know more it chavez, co shaft. i made it happen, i feel like i can do something for those who didn't make out in his name. gotcha, tom. i have a duty to speak for those who can no longer speak english mesh, question cohen. gary would like to tell you that we won't forget you and that we will pass everything we've learned onto the next generation generated from latin dust. keep your craft escape real. that gives me strength. so strengths to do this because you are listening to me. well, because i believed that my words are being heard. well, of course this class cafe best buy fish, or what i'm telling you might not get through to all of you. but if i can reach 2 or 3 or 4 of you, i've achieved something. can i be faster? because it's for you. then what can i do after all? nothing. i don't have any children hunger kinda. you will have children, families, amelia, be smart. they make a good life for yourselves. ankle to learn things loud and quote. because knowledge really as everything kish leah, he was a lovely name. all the best that i'd ask with him to been sion. hum, mucus, strangers have been good to me for him to mention strangers who had nothing to do with me in my life and leave them too tall. nothin. when duff agnes had guess hm. i'll never forget that year and 3 months and more now i spent getting to know people in berlin, kin who had done something extraordinary. belin, did darma at 1st could turn. herbert, i'll never forget that. oh said good. that's how i actually discovered a true humanity mention escaped kim guilt, english ah, and, and i'd like to give some of that back. i wish been mil for lation garnish. maybe i don't really realize is me, although really i do does is feel i've done a lot of it. and o t dunc savoglio. when i look in this folder, i see all the words of sanks in there, nemo. woody dunks are gone twins in hundreds and hundreds of them aren't ordered. they're not for nothing all knish for unless they are all expressions of gratitude, dunc sagal. yes. have jim if was here some one, right. see sure. we didn't know how bad it was back then of our jewish. you've made me see it all, much more clearly, hollis feel best. they're forced air. people have written letters like that is in, in believe that anti it more but since the interesting thing is how they suddenly really learn what was going on as far lead, ah hostile, believe them all across survivor mar. godfrey lender is one of 10 berliners. a tour guide is now offering a mug. friedlander tour at cleveland, belmont gong on campus as excellent as it will be for 66 years. berlin was little more than a memory for margaret friedlander. the place denazi's once took her prisoner up who would have north you, holocaust medical survivor, margaret friedlander was awarded for her out standing dedication in germany and with awarded honorary citizenship. the highest accolade of the state of berlin. both were persecuted by the nazi regime and hidden by berliners for years and for both are still active. the day of they remind us of the atrocities and criticize anti semitism and racism on has his most. hitler grew hitler gurgling and pebbles were also honorary citizens. oh too, they did turn in their graves now even if they had graves her pet. i do then and you do choose who they didn't consider humanity mention other con who they wanted to kill you and almost managed to on to say in an fuss. good. no to day a jewish woman who to even that have become honorary citizens. so got spy, one with her honorary citizenship. friedlander is now among the great names in berlin's history. her portrait will now hang in the gallery of eminent figures in berlin's house of representatives. the president of the berlin house of representatives, ralph villani shows her how different and varied the portraits are not on the law of nature, with a very different style here. and that one of detroit denture is almost realistic. oh much schmidt with his ever present cigarettes and the snuff tobacco he always used. oh i do you look at that style? ah, ah, the astronauts. listen to you look on the other bogus though. yes, there's a list of honorary citizens from east germany. this is of sigmund yan and valerie binkowski, one in so social that's her look. berlin artist stephanie found out of it is working on a number of sketches for the official portrait. here is just, oh gosh, will it fest but he the i is to be more complete than a freshly sketched i. i crush unbelief and so does. it's not just the undercoat, it's margaret missed hark. when margaret asked me if i would paint her portrait for the house of representatives house mine, soto. when it is found a truly i was overwhelmed and surprised by because margaret put so much trust in me. and her tongue is hang cat. you can't say no to that woman is 9 burden can ah, is it here being mamma, misty irving, papa. when is b o as in fear heel? deborah got my stuff on building princess in cobb willing zuni to golden vaughn. v o 2 here. full sleep them over thank uses friedlander. thank you for deciding to live among us again with your work for democratic values, your contribution towards keeping memories alive and you'll work with children and young people. you have done a lot of good for our cities. the boy honorary citizenship is the highest accolade we can award here in berlin. that's why i'm very happy about something you said recently in conversation with school students. when you visited us in the house. i am a true berliner and i love my city. if you remember, i mistook. oh, i love, i am deep gruesome romanov did soon. isaac, near the bed, sophie dawes, its door. is it no being dear here? the d as in vio, nor being the leading dears into you. in 2019 friedlander became patron of article one of the german constitution, the glen gazette. ah, every one has the right to express their opinion. whether it's gender, mation or background, who faith? no one should be deprived, our favorite human dignity is inviolable. human dignity is one inviolable, awe as likely conducted down. so i'm very happy that you might friedlander some one who reminds us why the constitution came to be, are accepting this talus man to day in the spirit of diversity and difference he visited and i am 5th actor. her ceremony was held by the german integration foundation to mark the 70th anniversary of the constitution. nimbleness alongside chancellor miracle was holocaust survivor mar gottfried lender. she received an award for her out standing integration work miracle them to the 97 year old who has been telling the story of her life under the nazi regime and schools for years. she also became patron of article one of the constitution. human dignity is inviolable . herded as mentioned is on and tougher. she been that to alicia and i'm very touched. of course louis. i don't really know what to say. bessie sadden. so shipped to a man of i did write a speech actually that firstly i just like to say thank you. vick leash. that done. as for me, it's incredible now just to experience less desk to ellie. she wrote the book of interviews, each 2 s her voice. i do it for you together with the anti semitism representative of the state of north wine westphalia. it's been a loy toys ush not, and burger. it's also meant as a warning to people to learn the lessons of history. and tis emit tis moose is here. nish, death ain't anti semitism, is not the only thing mention there against us. people didn't order our sled. no, whether it's dues or foreigners, or people with other opinions in her. they're just, it's you, they want everyone to be like them. that's vids easy in the future. so lab tripland are more deviate, you wanna mention, i'd side. so again, as a witness evolve as a person with a mission, margaret freed lender motivates young people that she puts her heart into it. she's very authentic us earn z and i think all of that makes her a great supporter of prevention, which is the most important thing when it comes to dealing with and addressing antisemitism in gettng antisemitic was that vista is ah daughter he does is margaret in nature art on fire because i have marcus around me every day in some form here and i'm dealing with her as whole closely knows that i feel like i'm always with her isn't as ish an entry, but you have been as fight yellow danesh, murky. it was impossible. for her to come here to the studio because of the stair change struck baccha on own and will i have to add the dis, building, design and stress, and number 75 is a very poignant place against bizarre art if by because this was her last hiding place to throw her before she was taken to, to raise the enchant inch to come on earth as is, i know who did wish on that sir, twist of fate. that leon ways brings me to tears beneath. when i climbed these fall flores, or when i entered the stairwell gear, i think of mar, got on each step, and of her history. think unlock right. oh. and you're going a shifter her what she experienced here was the wonderful come play a family down for now. bang from me and here come clear. when she couldn't remember which floor she lived on in the jay towels in her grove, one tucked away. she had thought she has a postcard, she sent to the come plays from theresienstadt. come cleared, also took ears and stuck. shake tut tinge cuz i saw it. well, she showed it to me, had one it said, come play a family for zion and strauser 72nd floor, lighter stock. 020 bar. so she was on the 2nd floor, 2 floors below me. i slashed oak barker, gwen tonia, hassle finish shaggy lana. that's what i looked like for a long time. quotes yes, there i am with my cross s. that was when i was in hiding. don't coincide. look how beautiful my hair was. yeah, red donna, your hair is still beautiful. it's hard to day. i asked you where you got this cross centers, and you said someone gave it to you who brought you into hiding them with an aunt at quantity when tag hofstadter. when he throws her ash though, and i was so astonished that it wasn't silver. i with only a gun. she was a very simple cord. harvard esther look caught the cool is her. i didn't have any money for a chain of it was crochet. he, he called does so it's so beautiful and often in this photo and on the original as it looks like silver. but actually when i saw you in the setting and the, well, i could sense exactly how you felt in the all the stuff. do you recognize yourself oh yes sir. ah ah ah kindness oh yes come ah sabah. i know that i visit max once or twice every summer at blunder sureness house. he has a beautiful house right on the water, and more toward cleanliness and a little motor boat, aunt duck boy, i usually bring something with me mit half a chicken shoe or a whole one depending on how many people of that cattle bought a car. and he brings coffee and cake to the garden, and then we get into the boat for an hour or so often bored. don't that, that i'm even allowed to drive it to sport fun. i love doing that to miss you, marcia. sure. and armando, we go as far as potsdam, under the bridges, and on to lake van z, a, where we look at the sailing boat and other boats of buttons, eons, children, but as ego board torn unto bordeaux in spring 2020. when the corona virus pandemic brought public life in germany to a standstill, friedlander had to slow down too. but at 99, she was on line to present the ma got friedlander award, which is bestowed on school projects that keep alive the memory of the nazi era. terrors as it is it's i don't guns. and so we're all sitting in very different constellations and of our screens in so many places. and some of you are together. some of you are alone. i'm just happy, it's working out in my name is peter landman. my name is ron schmidt with the support of survivors and volunteers. the association presents readings, stories and contemporary witness statements to the public nog. why did you have to get on the train? sandy, gallo, michelle help my. i'd like to thank you again for the school. i think it's great that you're doing this my effort. it's very close to my heart for you 1st, my number, it is become my mission. if so, how it all boyish? no, not. today. at 99, i'm very eager for you to continue the work theater. a got there so that it won't be forgotten by beard on. demetrius finished her guests. ah, no, i think we can take off our masks. one year later, she can start working again. this time outgoing chancellor angle america will give the speech in honor of the prize winners. he told us, was he what sort thing you do this? because you believe that is to stream be important to motivate young people, to turn their backs on exclusion, violation racism, anti semitism, and all forms of hostility to those other groups. ultimate. so now i mentioned find this kind of in you have on gosh, mom out in this work give special significance to the award named after margaret friedlander. and i'm delighted to see the interest this award is attracting among young people all over germany, or trend of hip inter ah yes, dank of much love as kansas guy sometimes think about what i might have done in life is gone his, but i can't imagine it your porch day was fear. sherpa shy, india is probably a dressmaker. a space. i don't know if i yet awful easy. i was very young when hitler came to power. as in my car. i saw it just wasn't an option any more. i just got short, girlish mia. we had to grow up too quickly. calling hale said pierre, have vaccine govern put scheme still until 1938 through kirsten until the christina i we tried to more or less have a life. i mean, i only got mars he leaves and saw him is that it was too short. d, you'll those young years? 18 to 24 is when you meet someone and start dating debbie human kingdom, coin those years were missing, configured. is not real, frivolity wound is k or the m. how should i put it a doctor if i regrets? not having that is 5 dollar was always some bitterness, mid bitter kite demon. but let's have a look in here to our heart hold. this house is house will dance, house foot tie plats boil, where the monument is here. death is years where philip levine used to do his dressmaking. philip levine saying, oh, quite true mama. i see. so i left school, i didn't do my final year or school leaving exams or gama been writing wanted. so she shalaka, i went to the fashion design school at believe that's where i met philip levine. it's all last year. she was very nice and i was very much in love scramble off shiny. i think that was the 1st and only time, at least it was the 1st time i got drunk and the top is showing. oh, of her gerlene closing. baker seems cursor self that. yeah, yeah. they you, she paid the p f. i agree. jewish there was a huge table where the patterns were cut. p as a guess. is that true leash that would have been my world. that one. the other? yeah. ah . photographer mathias siegler to portraits are free lender for a photo book for her 100 birthday. at locations that played an important role in her life. like here at house, folk type lots, where her parents shop with . he presents her as a modern woman who has grown from her difficult past. thinking in mercy. these have brought to my knowledge. i always think my mother's words shaped me, but i only processed them in later years. when i was here, this kish the other night, it says you had tried to make your life. now i'm making a life. indeed, i'm doing something in my life and your belief awareness of what friedlander does is not confined to germany. when u. s. secretary of state anthony blinking and his german counterpart hiker mos arranged a joint conference to commemorate the holocaust. once again, it was friedlander who was there to remind people of the equality of all human beings. i tell them that this no christian jewish or muslim blocked that is or ne human black and t i am and co still is now own was under g. s to talk to people it is for you guys. you threaten make room timidly away. say, i hope i can keep going for a while longer to sleep. gay life gave me the chance to do this as this mission is in miss shorn that i don't just live my own life, but that i speak for those who can't speak for themselves. good ah ah ah ah, the child there tight. so the witnesses of that era, a goal no of the new ways of remembering the show her must be found full, especially when racism and anti semitism are emerging once again in society. here in germany very to appear endorsement of comp oh ah colonel, his own as well as politicians as society. we can and we should all work to look back to reflect of to remember and to think about the future. we have a huh. huge responsibility to do our best here when we follow this call to your memory, and i very much hope, mrs. friedlander, that we will, the worthy of your legacy does fields information this bill to cover bottom. you kind of flushed along. i don't imagine how much will be left, and after i pass away up lieberman bly, great people have done things. but what i do is very, very little about mind. taller is stockton, we're c, as seo, gavin to lashed may be the current generation listening to me and schools will talk about it to their children. he, he, and kingdom, if possible. been, how far it will go. i have no idea kind because so many people keep saying they don't want to talk about it any more. evelyn galvan but his bell question. ah ah, not only is he i everything has been changing. and lapland, since with signs, are clear to see and hear the saw me a long will they be able to preserve their way. if i close up in 30 minutes on d. w is consumerism good or evil? how does the candy wrapper from germany end up in a river in lisa? is basmati just the type of rice or the specific brand? the brain in packaging? why do we reach for certain products? is all about marketing made in germany. in 90 minutes on d w. american home, any portion of lunch or thrown out in the world right now, climate change very cost the story. this is life less the way from just one week. how much work can really get we still have time to go. i'm going all with his subscriber all morning like ah ah, this is.

Related Keywords

Germany , New York , United States , India , Kansas , Dallas , Texas , Michigan , Berlin , America , East Germany , German , Evelyn Galvan , Harvard Esther , Sigmund Yan , Peter Landman , Philip Levine , Ralph Villani , Duff Agnes , Mathias Siegler , Mccoy Toit , Ma Godfrey , Belmont Gong , Kush Paul , Margaret Friedlander , Kish Leah , Ron Schmidt , Sophie Dawes , Gwen Tonia , Mar Gottfried , Luigi Toscano ,

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Transcripts For DW DocFilm - To Tell A Tale - Margot Friedlander In Berlin 20240709 :

Transcripts For DW DocFilm - To Tell A Tale - Margot Friedlander In Berlin 20240709

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. and emma, where's blue? the color of her favorite teen but sex its traditions prevent her from going to games and playing an insurmountable obstacle. blue girl football on the peak starts february 4th on d w. ah oh oh oh. large portrait photographs of holocaust survivors taken by luigi toscano were exhibited in german train stations in summer 2021. my godfrey plant was among ah ah ah ah is be a can we appreciate man she's been yeah. i can't bow lane eat. i dos. i'm not an unhappy person. i'm grateful really. i try to keep me. i've had 4 different lives in a wonderful childhood and a few beautiful years of adult. but too short. i called lean several extremely difficult years square. i went to a lot p n e. and then married to me. yes. and then these 10 and ethan is hastily differently. t t is so poor cookie. ah, today, ma godfrey, linda lives in berlin again. she was born here in 1921 into a jewish family. they were persecuted after the nazis came to power in 1933 mm. her parents were divorced. her mother was not able to flee germany just before she was about to go into hiding with her children more guts. younger brother, ralph was arrested, hoping to help her son. her mother turned herself into the authorities. ma got went into hiding in berlin. after 13 months, she was caught and deported to the terean's store concentration camp. she survived, her mother, brother, father and her entire family were murdered in auschwitz. shortly after the liberation of today's inch dot, and before she left, she married out of friedlander. a man she knew from berlin and whose family had also been murdered in auschwitz. they emigrated to america in 1946. ah, he hath ema amelie cur. michigan should fight kush paul hm. but i never really forgave america. because when i had needed america hobbin, they didn't let me in its mission. i guess s u. v ish no high. the time i came to america, i was free, a vice and could est here anyway on hit to be here. it was my own free. well, i might try athena if i could have come to america with my mother. i might have been very happy being placed ledgebrook ish division ah, in 2003, she returned to berlin for the 1st time in 57 years to participate in a documentary. ah and was sometime in been you get them on that's some of it had to be shut in berlin . my belief that was what changed my life more men for ish. the moment i arrived in this city where my route so bend on. for soon i realised what it meant to me give miss harper thus did so. she should miss mccoy to it. that was the essence of it as fees and dishes, and yosh b, one year later, it did in 2005 year. so i took the documentary was officially screened here at the jewish film festival or did happy sure. and then i began to write my book, i and i just, one year later, the publisher whole voice heard about it died over cuz i had to, they said they wanted to publish it, but that i should work with a co author network that was 2000 and 6 am, it's him. bo, i met marlin shred, figure that december and worked with her for one year up and yelled me to ago i was in america. and she was in berlin here by in berlin. her book, try to make your life was published in 2008. since then she has been doing regular readings from it. sometimes several a week. esteem for them like mouse glacier, reddish man, witness in this dimension. desperately. i stand in front of the neighbors building them in a moment. i will see my mother hinted, gets getting darker. he shall. the jewish couple is waiting at the little window. i can recognize the silhouettes behind the curtains. i look for my mother's familiar form. we see, but she is not there to blows. the lady opens the door for me truly. where is she? i ask out of breath. the woman waits until i'm inside. then she shuts the door. when she left lou see me. at 1st i don't understand. did i get here too late? is she out looking for me? asked you for miss she left a message for you, but he said i am for i am waiting for the woman to hand me something, but she just stands there. i look for a slip of paper in her hand, something my mother would have written down for me. it's already, i'm supposed to give you a message and done that. then she tells me what my mother can no longer tell me herself ish. i have decided to go to the police said, sabine, i am going with ralph wherever that may be. imminent death try to make your life so dead leaping to me. the only things she still has from her mother are this amber necklace and a small address book. try touching else ish to work a few in 2008 sick her when i was still on the plane on my way back to america. i asked myself in new york, say you really doing in new york area. there's so much more you can do in germany, in berlin to bill in kent in 2009, she decided to leave new york and returned to berlin for good order in. i'd often at 88 years old margaret friedlander has been repatriated and is back for good people. today she officially became a german citizen. again, the interior minister curtis presented her with the certificate and ami doesn't dig it as a said now dr. sen, curtin, that them to me, i should probably say a few words after receiving this document. all, and i think words of sanks are expected of arctic mon voltage to stunk us. that condition. i can't do that. didn't the yeah, because you have simply returned what belonged to me in the 1st place. but when what was taken away from me many decades ago, da miles back then they left the roots of a young sapling to dry out lawson. it brittany. i haven't come back to germany. come, i've come to my friends and thank you all that he, she of god dot b. i'm often asked if i miss america habitual hope. if i don't at all her as been, be perverse. filiano. i know i was in america for many years, force infidels, confluence message. but i don't really feel like i lived there for 64 years or point to certain trends say to me, so it feels like he were here the whole time. her. and as for mission, i have that same strange feeling. good. i'm totally here. been to come here. one of her greatest objectives is to tell her story to young people in schools, church communities, and adult education centers. my laser for the book i use for readings, and this is what it looks like. now. here you can see the star and what english down eggs tried 1000. no, i received the i'm hard prize for the book in 2009 for best autobiography, mr. out to be orca fee. so i was invited to berlin again to do reading st. galard ver leaves on till gibbon. i noticed how silent these young people were. yona mentioned these high school students killers, intell, and how, as soon as i started to speak, they wanted to know if and zip, sir, what's next of us? what's next? what is this woman's life lean fundraiser for? what did she live through the early and, and they always said certain it's for you. so that what we lived through never happens again. they're salvas, you've, you know, the she in golf, but via leap turban. but i don't blame any of you. of a ish key bush can assure it then because we can't forget that in those years their parents and grandparents were cheering it all on course. of course i knew that you be cabinet for me, doc. good. here i was speaking to the 3rd or 4th generation who had nothing to do with it. sean danish sent me to to none. the readings have become too exhausting for her. so friedlander has started using a video recording with a decent us largo in it. we left the company, harnish tasa in a truck, out of berlin, out of spending detour, shots and the doors closed behind us for diesel. from that moment on, everything passed me by like a nightmare you immediately forget as soon as you wake up, but which still leaves an indelible terror behind on their taught steam and on our solution. shrapner dallas, my name is eli, burnished and my num copa. my soul was not in my body in this truck on its way to theresienstadt. theresienstadt was like a large scale study and experiment, spirit i in of one question, rules our lives. we how much can a person take place, inch to say is the instead was an in between place neither life nor death vaulted in lee and death waited for us in the camps in the east or in the ghetto. there was hunger fills and cramped conditions. it was every one for themselves. i longed for some humanity, some closeness the you and it was difficult for me to, to allow those things in your day. every one existed in a kind of isolation up to lazy and that was a vacuum are called a place devoid of air and light, or new without time, sight wirelessly stickler. after the readings, the young people are curious to know more it chavez, co shaft. i made it happen, i feel like i can do something for those who didn't make out in his name. gotcha, tom. i have a duty to speak for those who can no longer speak english mesh, question cohen. gary would like to tell you that we won't forget you and that we will pass everything we've learned onto the next generation generated from latin dust. keep your craft escape real. that gives me strength. so strengths to do this because you are listening to me. well, because i believed that my words are being heard. well, of course this class cafe best buy fish, or what i'm telling you might not get through to all of you. but if i can reach 2 or 3 or 4 of you, i've achieved something. can i be faster? because it's for you. then what can i do after all? nothing. i don't have any children hunger kinda. you will have children, families, amelia, be smart. they make a good life for yourselves. ankle to learn things loud and quote. because knowledge really as everything kish leah, he was a lovely name. all the best that i'd ask with him to been sion. hum, mucus, strangers have been good to me for him to mention strangers who had nothing to do with me in my life and leave them too tall. nothin. when duff agnes had guess hm. i'll never forget that year and 3 months and more now i spent getting to know people in berlin, kin who had done something extraordinary. belin, did darma at 1st could turn. herbert, i'll never forget that. oh said good. that's how i actually discovered a true humanity mention escaped kim guilt, english ah, and, and i'd like to give some of that back. i wish been mil for lation garnish. maybe i don't really realize is me, although really i do does is feel i've done a lot of it. and o t dunc savoglio. when i look in this folder, i see all the words of sanks in there, nemo. woody dunks are gone twins in hundreds and hundreds of them aren't ordered. they're not for nothing all knish for unless they are all expressions of gratitude, dunc sagal. yes. have jim if was here some one, right. see sure. we didn't know how bad it was back then of our jewish. you've made me see it all, much more clearly, hollis feel best. they're forced air. people have written letters like that is in, in believe that anti it more but since the interesting thing is how they suddenly really learn what was going on as far lead, ah hostile, believe them all across survivor mar. godfrey lender is one of 10 berliners. a tour guide is now offering a mug. friedlander tour at cleveland, belmont gong on campus as excellent as it will be for 66 years. berlin was little more than a memory for margaret friedlander. the place denazi's once took her prisoner up who would have north you, holocaust medical survivor, margaret friedlander was awarded for her out standing dedication in germany and with awarded honorary citizenship. the highest accolade of the state of berlin. both were persecuted by the nazi regime and hidden by berliners for years and for both are still active. the day of they remind us of the atrocities and criticize anti semitism and racism on has his most. hitler grew hitler gurgling and pebbles were also honorary citizens. oh too, they did turn in their graves now even if they had graves her pet. i do then and you do choose who they didn't consider humanity mention other con who they wanted to kill you and almost managed to on to say in an fuss. good. no to day a jewish woman who to even that have become honorary citizens. so got spy, one with her honorary citizenship. friedlander is now among the great names in berlin's history. her portrait will now hang in the gallery of eminent figures in berlin's house of representatives. the president of the berlin house of representatives, ralph villani shows her how different and varied the portraits are not on the law of nature, with a very different style here. and that one of detroit denture is almost realistic. oh much schmidt with his ever present cigarettes and the snuff tobacco he always used. oh i do you look at that style? ah, ah, the astronauts. listen to you look on the other bogus though. yes, there's a list of honorary citizens from east germany. this is of sigmund yan and valerie binkowski, one in so social that's her look. berlin artist stephanie found out of it is working on a number of sketches for the official portrait. here is just, oh gosh, will it fest but he the i is to be more complete than a freshly sketched i. i crush unbelief and so does. it's not just the undercoat, it's margaret missed hark. when margaret asked me if i would paint her portrait for the house of representatives house mine, soto. when it is found a truly i was overwhelmed and surprised by because margaret put so much trust in me. and her tongue is hang cat. you can't say no to that woman is 9 burden can ah, is it here being mamma, misty irving, papa. when is b o as in fear heel? deborah got my stuff on building princess in cobb willing zuni to golden vaughn. v o 2 here. full sleep them over thank uses friedlander. thank you for deciding to live among us again with your work for democratic values, your contribution towards keeping memories alive and you'll work with children and young people. you have done a lot of good for our cities. the boy honorary citizenship is the highest accolade we can award here in berlin. that's why i'm very happy about something you said recently in conversation with school students. when you visited us in the house. i am a true berliner and i love my city. if you remember, i mistook. oh, i love, i am deep gruesome romanov did soon. isaac, near the bed, sophie dawes, its door. is it no being dear here? the d as in vio, nor being the leading dears into you. in 2019 friedlander became patron of article one of the german constitution, the glen gazette. ah, every one has the right to express their opinion. whether it's gender, mation or background, who faith? no one should be deprived, our favorite human dignity is inviolable. human dignity is one inviolable, awe as likely conducted down. so i'm very happy that you might friedlander some one who reminds us why the constitution came to be, are accepting this talus man to day in the spirit of diversity and difference he visited and i am 5th actor. her ceremony was held by the german integration foundation to mark the 70th anniversary of the constitution. nimbleness alongside chancellor miracle was holocaust survivor mar gottfried lender. she received an award for her out standing integration work miracle them to the 97 year old who has been telling the story of her life under the nazi regime and schools for years. she also became patron of article one of the constitution. human dignity is inviolable . herded as mentioned is on and tougher. she been that to alicia and i'm very touched. of course louis. i don't really know what to say. bessie sadden. so shipped to a man of i did write a speech actually that firstly i just like to say thank you. vick leash. that done. as for me, it's incredible now just to experience less desk to ellie. she wrote the book of interviews, each 2 s her voice. i do it for you together with the anti semitism representative of the state of north wine westphalia. it's been a loy toys ush not, and burger. it's also meant as a warning to people to learn the lessons of history. and tis emit tis moose is here. nish, death ain't anti semitism, is not the only thing mention there against us. people didn't order our sled. no, whether it's dues or foreigners, or people with other opinions in her. they're just, it's you, they want everyone to be like them. that's vids easy in the future. so lab tripland are more deviate, you wanna mention, i'd side. so again, as a witness evolve as a person with a mission, margaret freed lender motivates young people that she puts her heart into it. she's very authentic us earn z and i think all of that makes her a great supporter of prevention, which is the most important thing when it comes to dealing with and addressing antisemitism in gettng antisemitic was that vista is ah daughter he does is margaret in nature art on fire because i have marcus around me every day in some form here and i'm dealing with her as whole closely knows that i feel like i'm always with her isn't as ish an entry, but you have been as fight yellow danesh, murky. it was impossible. for her to come here to the studio because of the stair change struck baccha on own and will i have to add the dis, building, design and stress, and number 75 is a very poignant place against bizarre art if by because this was her last hiding place to throw her before she was taken to, to raise the enchant inch to come on earth as is, i know who did wish on that sir, twist of fate. that leon ways brings me to tears beneath. when i climbed these fall flores, or when i entered the stairwell gear, i think of mar, got on each step, and of her history. think unlock right. oh. and you're going a shifter her what she experienced here was the wonderful come play a family down for now. bang from me and here come clear. when she couldn't remember which floor she lived on in the jay towels in her grove, one tucked away. she had thought she has a postcard, she sent to the come plays from theresienstadt. come cleared, also took ears and stuck. shake tut tinge cuz i saw it. well, she showed it to me, had one it said, come play a family for zion and strauser 72nd floor, lighter stock. 020 bar. so she was on the 2nd floor, 2 floors below me. i slashed oak barker, gwen tonia, hassle finish shaggy lana. that's what i looked like for a long time. quotes yes, there i am with my cross s. that was when i was in hiding. don't coincide. look how beautiful my hair was. yeah, red donna, your hair is still beautiful. it's hard to day. i asked you where you got this cross centers, and you said someone gave it to you who brought you into hiding them with an aunt at quantity when tag hofstadter. when he throws her ash though, and i was so astonished that it wasn't silver. i with only a gun. she was a very simple cord. harvard esther look caught the cool is her. i didn't have any money for a chain of it was crochet. he, he called does so it's so beautiful and often in this photo and on the original as it looks like silver. but actually when i saw you in the setting and the, well, i could sense exactly how you felt in the all the stuff. do you recognize yourself oh yes sir. ah ah ah kindness oh yes come ah sabah. i know that i visit max once or twice every summer at blunder sureness house. he has a beautiful house right on the water, and more toward cleanliness and a little motor boat, aunt duck boy, i usually bring something with me mit half a chicken shoe or a whole one depending on how many people of that cattle bought a car. and he brings coffee and cake to the garden, and then we get into the boat for an hour or so often bored. don't that, that i'm even allowed to drive it to sport fun. i love doing that to miss you, marcia. sure. and armando, we go as far as potsdam, under the bridges, and on to lake van z, a, where we look at the sailing boat and other boats of buttons, eons, children, but as ego board torn unto bordeaux in spring 2020. when the corona virus pandemic brought public life in germany to a standstill, friedlander had to slow down too. but at 99, she was on line to present the ma got friedlander award, which is bestowed on school projects that keep alive the memory of the nazi era. terrors as it is it's i don't guns. and so we're all sitting in very different constellations and of our screens in so many places. and some of you are together. some of you are alone. i'm just happy, it's working out in my name is peter landman. my name is ron schmidt with the support of survivors and volunteers. the association presents readings, stories and contemporary witness statements to the public nog. why did you have to get on the train? sandy, gallo, michelle help my. i'd like to thank you again for the school. i think it's great that you're doing this my effort. it's very close to my heart for you 1st, my number, it is become my mission. if so, how it all boyish? no, not. today. at 99, i'm very eager for you to continue the work theater. a got there so that it won't be forgotten by beard on. demetrius finished her guests. ah, no, i think we can take off our masks. one year later, she can start working again. this time outgoing chancellor angle america will give the speech in honor of the prize winners. he told us, was he what sort thing you do this? because you believe that is to stream be important to motivate young people, to turn their backs on exclusion, violation racism, anti semitism, and all forms of hostility to those other groups. ultimate. so now i mentioned find this kind of in you have on gosh, mom out in this work give special significance to the award named after margaret friedlander. and i'm delighted to see the interest this award is attracting among young people all over germany, or trend of hip inter ah yes, dank of much love as kansas guy sometimes think about what i might have done in life is gone his, but i can't imagine it your porch day was fear. sherpa shy, india is probably a dressmaker. a space. i don't know if i yet awful easy. i was very young when hitler came to power. as in my car. i saw it just wasn't an option any more. i just got short, girlish mia. we had to grow up too quickly. calling hale said pierre, have vaccine govern put scheme still until 1938 through kirsten until the christina i we tried to more or less have a life. i mean, i only got mars he leaves and saw him is that it was too short. d, you'll those young years? 18 to 24 is when you meet someone and start dating debbie human kingdom, coin those years were missing, configured. is not real, frivolity wound is k or the m. how should i put it a doctor if i regrets? not having that is 5 dollar was always some bitterness, mid bitter kite demon. but let's have a look in here to our heart hold. this house is house will dance, house foot tie plats boil, where the monument is here. death is years where philip levine used to do his dressmaking. philip levine saying, oh, quite true mama. i see. so i left school, i didn't do my final year or school leaving exams or gama been writing wanted. so she shalaka, i went to the fashion design school at believe that's where i met philip levine. it's all last year. she was very nice and i was very much in love scramble off shiny. i think that was the 1st and only time, at least it was the 1st time i got drunk and the top is showing. oh, of her gerlene closing. baker seems cursor self that. yeah, yeah. they you, she paid the p f. i agree. jewish there was a huge table where the patterns were cut. p as a guess. is that true leash that would have been my world. that one. the other? yeah. ah . photographer mathias siegler to portraits are free lender for a photo book for her 100 birthday. at locations that played an important role in her life. like here at house, folk type lots, where her parents shop with . he presents her as a modern woman who has grown from her difficult past. thinking in mercy. these have brought to my knowledge. i always think my mother's words shaped me, but i only processed them in later years. when i was here, this kish the other night, it says you had tried to make your life. now i'm making a life. indeed, i'm doing something in my life and your belief awareness of what friedlander does is not confined to germany. when u. s. secretary of state anthony blinking and his german counterpart hiker mos arranged a joint conference to commemorate the holocaust. once again, it was friedlander who was there to remind people of the equality of all human beings. i tell them that this no christian jewish or muslim blocked that is or ne human black and t i am and co still is now own was under g. s to talk to people it is for you guys. you threaten make room timidly away. say, i hope i can keep going for a while longer to sleep. gay life gave me the chance to do this as this mission is in miss shorn that i don't just live my own life, but that i speak for those who can't speak for themselves. good ah ah ah ah, the child there tight. so the witnesses of that era, a goal no of the new ways of remembering the show her must be found full, especially when racism and anti semitism are emerging once again in society. here in germany very to appear endorsement of comp oh ah colonel, his own as well as politicians as society. we can and we should all work to look back to reflect of to remember and to think about the future. we have a huh. huge responsibility to do our best here when we follow this call to your memory, and i very much hope, mrs. friedlander, that we will, the worthy of your legacy does fields information this bill to cover bottom. you kind of flushed along. i don't imagine how much will be left, and after i pass away up lieberman bly, great people have done things. but what i do is very, very little about mind. taller is stockton, we're c, as seo, gavin to lashed may be the current generation listening to me and schools will talk about it to their children. he, he, and kingdom, if possible. been, how far it will go. i have no idea kind because so many people keep saying they don't want to talk about it any more. evelyn galvan but his bell question. ah ah, not only is he i everything has been changing. and lapland, since with signs, are clear to see and hear the saw me a long will they be able to preserve their way. if i close up in 30 minutes on d. w is consumerism good or evil? how does the candy wrapper from germany end up in a river in lisa? is basmati just the type of rice or the specific brand? the brain in packaging? why do we reach for certain products? is all about marketing made in germany. in 90 minutes on d w. american home, any portion of lunch or thrown out in the world right now, climate change very cost the story. this is life less the way from just one week. how much work can really get we still have time to go. i'm going all with his subscriber all morning like ah ah, this is.

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Germany , New York , United States , India , Kansas , Dallas , Texas , Michigan , Berlin , America , East Germany , German , Evelyn Galvan , Harvard Esther , Sigmund Yan , Peter Landman , Philip Levine , Ralph Villani , Duff Agnes , Mathias Siegler , Mccoy Toit , Ma Godfrey , Belmont Gong , Kush Paul , Margaret Friedlander , Kish Leah , Ron Schmidt , Sophie Dawes , Gwen Tonia , Mar Gottfried , Luigi Toscano ,

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