Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240709 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240709

mission to try and de escalate tensions with russia over a possible invasion. also coming up, we speak to ukrainian civilians preparing to defend their country. if russia launches an attack and emergency supplies for tom, on australia's prime minister pledges aid for the country that was hit by a tsunami. all the pacific nations also rushing to send supplies by ship and turkey is hailing a new home grown cove at 19 vaccine. as a big success box, does it really work? ah, i'm going to have elf as well come to the program. united states says moscow could launch an attack on ukraine at quote, any point. washington is setting up diplomatic efforts to try and prevent a conflict. us secretary of state antony lincoln, is in kia for talks with president vladimir zalinski. ill also meet with russian counterpart, sergey lover off later in the week and speak with a german, french, and british foreign ministers. russia has deployed more than 100000 troops on the board with ukraine, but denies it is planning an invasion but are now joined by our key of bureau chief mathias bellinger in the ukrainian capital. there mathias a blanket is in key if a whole talk that talks with ukrainian president what can the ukrainians expect from this visit? well, that's hard to say. i mean, we've seen the flurry of activity a lot of diplomatic activity in the last few days. the german foreign minister was here on monday, yesterday. there was a commission from congress. and today it's the secretary of state, from the u. s. m. all this is of course, to prevent a russian attack on did to get diplomacy going, as long as it can seems that the us and for in a secret services have decided that a russian attack or an escalation is imminent. and this activity is of course, to prevent it from happening, hoping that as long as talks are going on, there will be no shooting. but he has a blink and we'll go on to meet with his russian counterpart on friday. how much space is there still full diplomacy? after a whole series of meetings between western allies and moscow, including germany, foreign minister, i'm alina burbock, just yesterday at the fail to achieve anything. well, what we can see is that russia is engaging in this diplomacy. the problem is, we do know what put his overall goal is. it is to extend or to re establish a part of the soviet sphere of an influence that the soviet union used to have and to bring ukraine back into the sphere of influence. but we do not know what his priorities are. what is this whole built of? this military built up is a scenario made to get the west to talk to him? or is he really planning to bring back ukraine into his sphere of influence by force? this is the big question that they are trying to figure out and or from what put ins tactics. what, what is a calculations are, will depend whether diplomacy at this point can still be successful or not. it is of course worth trying it. that's the consensus in western countries and in ukraine as well. so what's your feeling there on the ground ordinary ukrainians? do they feel threatened? give looks surprisingly calm in this situation. people are going about their daily business, or we don't see panic buying of groceries or we don't see a exchange rates drop or anything. um, the people are waiting. people are used to being threatened here. this war has been going on for 8 years now. and so people are prepared for a lot, and some people are also preparing for action in case russia would attack. and i've met some of them, but he has billing, or there did any of your chiefs in a key s. and some of these ukranian civilians that mathias has met adjoining uppers reservations to help the military in the event of a russian attack, for many the experienced could of be more different than their ordinary lives and day jobs. this is our martyr. used give has been spending her weekends in the past few months. she has joined ukraine's territorial defense forces, a volunteer brigade designed to support the army in the hinterland. in the case of an attack, marta is 51 and has no prior military experience. all the stuff that you couldn't just seal and then move on to do the comment iris, you know, they seemed very simple. but in general, when you started to do it, it's quite difficult because you need to know how to do it correctly or not to be and then just for yourself and for your colleague. so quite important skills, very basic, but very important. every saturday she swaps her suburban home for a training camp. during the week she works from home for a company that conducts pharmaceutical studies. an idyllic life, she shares with a family and more than a dozen stray cat she has taken in it's almost impossible to imagine what will happen if i have to leave it. if i have to just fight the end, it will be destroyed. it's good happens. i'm trying to be ready for this because definitely i don't want to preserve is a on the price of being leave onto place. if war breaks, i would be volunteer. troops will work behind the lines to secure buildings, provide logistics to the army, and possibly even deal with hostile in to trace. there are questions about how effective these troops will be marked as commander. the new middle order look is an architect. he doesn't have any prior military experienced high micro, ashton. yeah. well you, we are not servicing that. we're on duty every day. we are civilians who have other jobs, but nevertheless i have been training for 3 years now and it has already had quite an impact on when you get the one thing's for sure. the weekend warriors have attracted a lot of attention. martyr tirelessly explains in what evasion to join a list from all over the world. even if that means that her faith now well known also to the enemy. it's important not to sketch on us because i am in my country, i'm not doing anything wrong. and i'm just trying to protect my country. so it's like through some my site nobody doubts that. russia's troops militarily superior to ukraine's defense forces. but marta and a fellow volunteers, i determined to make an invasion as difficult as possible. all the international effort to deliver aids to tama is ramping up earlier. the government of the pacific island state released its 1st statements since last weekend's volcanic eruption anson army, calling it an unprecedented disaster with a country's only internet cable cut communications remain limited. ash spewed up by the okay, no, is covering much of the island and making it impossible for plains to land at the airport, but ships from australia and from new zealand on the way carrying relief supplies, including urgently need a drinking water. but because the enormous distances, the vessels are not expected to reach tunnel until friday. i'm not joined by sharona lee who is the c o and save the children on fiji at the what are your biggest concerns right now when it comes to a deliveries to tara? thank you for having me. um. so the biggest concerns right now in terms of a delivery is just the logistics and communication with tomba, the main cable, that is the source of connectivity, internet connectivity and when it has been severely damaged and it's going to take a few weeks to repair. they use the phone service provider, did you sell that is actually trying to put up internet and communications and that's expected in the next few days. so at this point in time, communication has been very bachelor turner, and that has been very challenging to get the information from the ground about the impact of the volcanic eruption. thankfully, so far, only a few dis have been reported. do you expect the death toll to rise? or what we have heard is that, well, there are 3 days, 3 dead. unfortunately, that has been confirmed. there are very remote islands, closer to that europe mission site and we've heard that those islands have been decimated by some army waves on this one. highland in particular, which is known as mangle. and that island has reported a infrastructural damages to all homes and the island was basically inundated by some anyways. so at this point in time, we don't know how the people living on those islands have fed in. but we have, we are incredibly concerned about the state about the situation of people in low lying islands of tomba. so what's your initial assessment? what, what's most needed? right, melbourne. the immediate needs, obviously our food and water. there are many, many people who have been evicted and have been displaced from their homes and they are now in evacuation centers. so obviously the immediate need is hold in water also because there was the ash fall and as a result of that the water sources have been contaminated. and what we're hearing also is, is that people do depend on rain water handbook, holes. so those sources have been contaminated, so it's going to be a very challenging a few weeks ahead for people in toggling them. so for security and excess to safe waterford for drinking. but other than that are, we are all saying terribly concerned about the situation of children as you are aware, save the children. and it's an organization that works and provides humanitarian related responses specifically for children. and in this case, we are very concerned about children's education as well as their mental health. and obviously, you know, such an event is find to be quite difficult insurance minds. shara ali, from most safe, the children on fiji. thank you very much for your time. thank you. turn out to have a look at some of the other stories making headlines. israeli police have evicted a palestinian family from a disputed property in the flashpoint easterwood to the neighbourhood of sake gera and demolished the building. at least 18 people were arrested during their pre dawn operations. similar evictions and may of last year ignited an 11 day war between israel and palestinian militants. and garza. the committee investigating the attack on the u. s. capital a year ago has issued subpoenas to rudy giuliani and 2 other lawyers for former presidents. donald trump. the lawyers policy pushed drums baseless claim, a voter fraud following his election defeat the committee is demanding. the lawyers sit for the positions in february 80 and t and verizon have agreed to delay activating some of their 5 g services. after us airlines have wanted, could cause catastrophic disruption to add trouble. they say the new technology might affect cockpit instruments and random mini aircraft unusable. britton's prime minister boys, johnson has denied suggestions. he lied to parliament about a lockdown breaking party at his office. he said no one warned him. it might violate strict cove at 19 rules. he's on the growing pressure to resign over several gatherings that were organized by his staffers findings from a government inquiry or do as early as this week. it was indeed of you news still to come. the plan of hong kong journalists just a flea abroad to escape beijing sprag down on press freedoms in their city. but 1st, for the 1st time since the beginning of the pandemic, germany has topped 100000 new infections in a day. the country's disease control agency says it's, we've got the record it more than 112000 new cases in the past 24 hours. a search is fueled by the highly contagious ami con variance, which now accounts more than 70 percent of new infections. the number of people in intensive care, however, is declining it, so germany has tightened restrictions again, close adult clubs, placing capital, social gatherings, and barring unvaccinated people from going to bars and restaurants or for more, let's go to our political corresponded hands. brown hands record infections in germany, but that, that sounds frightening, but is it it's certainly intimidating. it's certainly impressive. it's a new were recall. but one has to say that while these infections are at very, very high levels, as we've just heard in hospitals, the number of cases with people sick of coverage 19 has not yet increased, as in fact, at the moment reduced slightly. so it seems that the infections that are caused by this on the con variant are mild infections. a lot of people are mildly sick, but not many of them are going to hospital at the same time. one has to say that the german health minister himself said yesterday that the real number of infections is probably twice what we are counting at the moment. and that is because the testing capacity in germany is basically exhausted. a 1000000 and a half tests are being done every week, but that is not enough to find all the infections that are present in the population. so one has to say the real number of fractions probably is 200000. but other european nations are also seeing arise in infections. how does germany compare? in fact, germany situation still is pretty good. one can say compared to its neighboring countries. in france for instance, which has fewer people. the number of infections recently has been at the level of 500005 times as high as in germany, and comparatively large are the infections also in italy, for instance, or in spain. so the reason for that is probably that germany has managed to put a break on the rate of infection through the pretty strict measures that it has impose at the same time, germany is also suffering from the kinds of effects of this infection wave that other countries are seeing as well that people are in isolation or in quarantine because they are infected or have been in contact with people that are infected. and as a result, a lot of people are missing in key areas of society such as and hospitals, for instance, or even bus drivers. so as a result of that, germany has taken similar steps to other countries as it has recently reduced the time that one needs to spend an isolation in quarantine. it's now 7 days if one has a negative taste, in most cases our political corresponded hands blunt. thank you, hans. let's have a look now. some of the other developments in the pandemic world health organization says the pandemic is quote, nowhere near over saying again that vaccine inequality could lead to new variance. emerging. france as reported more than 460000 positive cases over 24 hours. and that's a new one day record. since the start of the pandemic and australia is calling on back packets to help ease its labor shortage. fueled by the army, kron barry and the government says it's waving it's $630.00 visa application fee for backpackers arriving on work and travel visas. within the next 3 months, and authorities and turkey gave emergency approval to a home grown vaccine against coven 19 last month. the government hopes turco vac will help to keep more people safe as infections with omicron arising. but some experts say the effectiveness of the job is not yet proven. our correspondence julia hom, reports from istanbul. oh, queuing for a world prem. yet at this eastern will hospital people have been receiving the taco vac vaccine since the beginning of the year. the 1st cove at 19 jack developed and produced in turkey to go up to do to go. i have more trust until callback than in other vaccines because it's made by my own country. it is still there to go up to more. i wish they had lunch to go back sooner. i would have gotten it for all my shots school that looked them to believe me some other i haven't been vaccinated at all until today. i waited for turco voc because i trust our turkish scientists more than those abroad. a sham was engaged in for president reggie ty, about one talk havoc is a symbol of national strength with its own vaccine. he says, turkey is one of the most innovative progressive countries in the world and no longer dependent on others the government, a celebrating, talk about as a great success. but how effective as the vaccine, and doesn't protect against all me, crohn and other potential virus, marion. many medical experts here in turkey remain skeptical. isn't she not from the countries? independent doctors union criticizes the fact that hardly any data until kovak has been published. that is why she isn't recommending the new vaccine. political success, she says, seems to be more important to the government than scientific accuracy. formally, they are, i can't evaluate how effective this vaccine is, because i don't have the necessary information. the result of the phase one and phase 2 studies have not been published. we also know next to nothing about phase $380.00, until we have the scientific facts. we can't consider this a vaccine, but just some kind of liquid on the head argument. so you see on as in many countries on the chronus behind the number of new infections, rapidly surging here in turkey, the lexi nation rate is comparatively high. about 85 percent of adults have received at least 2 japs. but the uncertainty surrounding took havoc is causing concern to call o'clock. we don't know much about 2 o'clock yet. that's why i don't think it's very safe beating that i wouldn't take it because i haven't seen scientific data in studies about it. mid her marketed out of the didn't saw what was an old little vision room. we're going to change golden rule. i will get my 3rd dose of biotech to day. i don't trust the turkish. maxine, i have my doubts. glasses require renewed. m. nora teen yee, has overseen toko vox development. he says the warriors are unfounded. the turkish vaccine is a safe and effective as others. it can limit the image of it, which is what we have all figures and off studies show show. we do not have the slightest concern or doubt in terms of its effectiveness being vaccinated as better than not being vaccinated at all. if turco voc helps us convinced those who are unvaccinated, that would be one of our greatest achievements. because a loser. over the next few months, as many people as possible, are expected to also get their booster shots with turkey's own vaccine. and soon, according to the government's plan, to go back will be delivered to other countries to help them. in the fight against cove, it china's crack down on descent, and hong kong has shifted its focus from democracy, activists to journalists, and recent months. a territory has seen several well known media outlets shut down . the fear of being arrested. as prompted some journalists to leave to safe places abroad. one destination is taiwan. when dw joyce lean met up with some of the recent arrivals. just 2 months ago, alan steele had hauled for his future as a journalist. he brought his prescott with him when he moved from hong kong to ty pay, but they are now worthless after to hong kong use out less. he worked for shut down and made pressure from beijing. i've been a reporter for 6 years. over news outlets. i've worked for a gone one after the other. it feels like my identity is fading away to. this is the 3rd time allen, which is not his real name lost his job in just 6 months. he was an investigative reporter for apple daily, but the police detained several editors and a paper closed. i used to work closely with the people arrested. it's terrifying and the threat feels so imminent. at 1st i thought things would get better after a while, but then you heard of former colleagues being brought to the police station and going missing. it's like the clearing, frontline journalists pro democracy publications like apple daily stand, news and citizen newest went dog after enormous government pressure authorities have insisted that price freedom remains protected. i recent survey by the hong kong foreign correspondence club found otherwise more than 70 percent of the journalists that they were worried about being arrested to or prosecuted for their work under the national security law. nearly half the respondents were considering leaving the city song. she whole flight to taiwan 6 months ago, shortly after he was sagged by the public broadcaster, i'll he h k. he host at a popular satari kotia, which is why the authorities taca to tin lay odds is here that sees i for i left, i was counting down my days am laila. when is it my turn to? we charged all huddled with those the gala, but no one has the answer on part. so not yourself, not your editor in chief and not the police. once again, it's stressful to live with such uncertainty. holly lily months halo without though your group secret gama your husband, goal challenge. he whoa now has his own youtube channel. he post clips and comments on hong kong, current affairs, toyota. but the, with the, i now have the freedom that people in hong kong don't have for jojo, like i feel obliged to speak out for them. they go gulker though i still collaborate with people in hong kong at all. and i must consider their safety under the security law that they are unfortunate fate, young hawes, in all so, so who the lawyer they don't, dunker allan says his 1st priority is his manual house after all the trauma. but he plans to keep reporting to stories of overseas, hong kong and us being a journalist is more than just the job title. it's also a way of life to seek the truth, to think critically and to care for the underprivileged. we can see things through these lenses and continue reporting even without a job titles. but a will be a struggle for allen to build a readership without resources is a fate shared by many of his fellow journalists back in hong kong. only day haven't gotten out yet. i don't want to leave you now way. the good news story from the galapagos islands were dozens of giant turtles have been released into the wild from a breeding center of 8 years of captivity. it was time for that big day. the animals 1st take them by truck and then air, lift it by helicopter to then you habitat which they will have to ship with or other giant turtle population. it looks like already starting to come out and shows you what you did. i mean is, here's a reminder off all top story, u. s. secretary of state antony lincoln has arrived. and here at this start of new diplomatic pushed to prevent a possible russian invasion of ukraine to moscow denies it is planning to launch an attack on its neighbour despite sending more than $100000.00 troops to the border reach. and a reminder that you could always get dw news on the go, just download our app from where you get your apps. that'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world. well as push notifications for any breaking news, if you happen to be part of a new story, it would also use that he w up to send us your photos and videos off what's happening around it from your up to date off. next is eco, india, and of course you can head to a website for a lot more news and information at d, w dot com and thrown in. ceramic twitter of course, handle is deep active w news. i'm gab office. thanks ah ah ah, with who a ico india. he's the pond savior. graham where tom wants to revive polluted dried up water holes. they serve a vital function for the water supply and ecosystems near metropolises. he's getting closer to his goal. thanks to the help of many volunteers. he go next on d w ah margaret friedlander is a 100 year old holocaust survivor. at the age of 19, she decided to return to germany a country she never wanted to set foot in again. our homeland. she fights for remembrance here and feels like she belongs to tell a tale. oh, margaret friedlander in berlin. in 45 minutes on d w. oh, hello guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for africa. you to repeat issues and share ideas. you know, these channels, we are not afraid to pass and then he keeps talking. young people clearly have the solution. the future belongs to the 77 percent now every weekend on d w ah .

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Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Australia , Taiwan , Istanbul , Turkey , United States , United Kingdom , Hong Kong , Washington , China , Beijing , Melbourne , Victoria , Fiji , Tomba , Emilia Romagna , Italy , Toko , Arunachal Pradesh , India , Ukraine , Germany , New Zealand , Israel , France , Spain , Berlin , Ukrainians , Turkish , Russian , French , Ukrainian , Soviet , German , British , Israeli , Palestinian , Alan Steele , Margaret Friedlander Isa , Shara Ali , Margaret Friedlander , Antony Lincoln , Mathias Bellinger , Kron Barry , Rudy Giuliani ,

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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240709 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240709

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mission to try and de escalate tensions with russia over a possible invasion. also coming up, we speak to ukrainian civilians preparing to defend their country. if russia launches an attack and emergency supplies for tom, on australia's prime minister pledges aid for the country that was hit by a tsunami. all the pacific nations also rushing to send supplies by ship and turkey is hailing a new home grown cove at 19 vaccine. as a big success box, does it really work? ah, i'm going to have elf as well come to the program. united states says moscow could launch an attack on ukraine at quote, any point. washington is setting up diplomatic efforts to try and prevent a conflict. us secretary of state antony lincoln, is in kia for talks with president vladimir zalinski. ill also meet with russian counterpart, sergey lover off later in the week and speak with a german, french, and british foreign ministers. russia has deployed more than 100000 troops on the board with ukraine, but denies it is planning an invasion but are now joined by our key of bureau chief mathias bellinger in the ukrainian capital. there mathias a blanket is in key if a whole talk that talks with ukrainian president what can the ukrainians expect from this visit? well, that's hard to say. i mean, we've seen the flurry of activity a lot of diplomatic activity in the last few days. the german foreign minister was here on monday, yesterday. there was a commission from congress. and today it's the secretary of state, from the u. s. m. all this is of course, to prevent a russian attack on did to get diplomacy going, as long as it can seems that the us and for in a secret services have decided that a russian attack or an escalation is imminent. and this activity is of course, to prevent it from happening, hoping that as long as talks are going on, there will be no shooting. but he has a blink and we'll go on to meet with his russian counterpart on friday. how much space is there still full diplomacy? after a whole series of meetings between western allies and moscow, including germany, foreign minister, i'm alina burbock, just yesterday at the fail to achieve anything. well, what we can see is that russia is engaging in this diplomacy. the problem is, we do know what put his overall goal is. it is to extend or to re establish a part of the soviet sphere of an influence that the soviet union used to have and to bring ukraine back into the sphere of influence. but we do not know what his priorities are. what is this whole built of? this military built up is a scenario made to get the west to talk to him? or is he really planning to bring back ukraine into his sphere of influence by force? this is the big question that they are trying to figure out and or from what put ins tactics. what, what is a calculations are, will depend whether diplomacy at this point can still be successful or not. it is of course worth trying it. that's the consensus in western countries and in ukraine as well. so what's your feeling there on the ground ordinary ukrainians? do they feel threatened? give looks surprisingly calm in this situation. people are going about their daily business, or we don't see panic buying of groceries or we don't see a exchange rates drop or anything. um, the people are waiting. people are used to being threatened here. this war has been going on for 8 years now. and so people are prepared for a lot, and some people are also preparing for action in case russia would attack. and i've met some of them, but he has billing, or there did any of your chiefs in a key s. and some of these ukranian civilians that mathias has met adjoining uppers reservations to help the military in the event of a russian attack, for many the experienced could of be more different than their ordinary lives and day jobs. this is our martyr. used give has been spending her weekends in the past few months. she has joined ukraine's territorial defense forces, a volunteer brigade designed to support the army in the hinterland. in the case of an attack, marta is 51 and has no prior military experience. all the stuff that you couldn't just seal and then move on to do the comment iris, you know, they seemed very simple. but in general, when you started to do it, it's quite difficult because you need to know how to do it correctly or not to be and then just for yourself and for your colleague. so quite important skills, very basic, but very important. every saturday she swaps her suburban home for a training camp. during the week she works from home for a company that conducts pharmaceutical studies. an idyllic life, she shares with a family and more than a dozen stray cat she has taken in it's almost impossible to imagine what will happen if i have to leave it. if i have to just fight the end, it will be destroyed. it's good happens. i'm trying to be ready for this because definitely i don't want to preserve is a on the price of being leave onto place. if war breaks, i would be volunteer. troops will work behind the lines to secure buildings, provide logistics to the army, and possibly even deal with hostile in to trace. there are questions about how effective these troops will be marked as commander. the new middle order look is an architect. he doesn't have any prior military experienced high micro, ashton. yeah. well you, we are not servicing that. we're on duty every day. we are civilians who have other jobs, but nevertheless i have been training for 3 years now and it has already had quite an impact on when you get the one thing's for sure. the weekend warriors have attracted a lot of attention. martyr tirelessly explains in what evasion to join a list from all over the world. even if that means that her faith now well known also to the enemy. it's important not to sketch on us because i am in my country, i'm not doing anything wrong. and i'm just trying to protect my country. so it's like through some my site nobody doubts that. russia's troops militarily superior to ukraine's defense forces. but marta and a fellow volunteers, i determined to make an invasion as difficult as possible. all the international effort to deliver aids to tama is ramping up earlier. the government of the pacific island state released its 1st statements since last weekend's volcanic eruption anson army, calling it an unprecedented disaster with a country's only internet cable cut communications remain limited. ash spewed up by the okay, no, is covering much of the island and making it impossible for plains to land at the airport, but ships from australia and from new zealand on the way carrying relief supplies, including urgently need a drinking water. but because the enormous distances, the vessels are not expected to reach tunnel until friday. i'm not joined by sharona lee who is the c o and save the children on fiji at the what are your biggest concerns right now when it comes to a deliveries to tara? thank you for having me. um. so the biggest concerns right now in terms of a delivery is just the logistics and communication with tomba, the main cable, that is the source of connectivity, internet connectivity and when it has been severely damaged and it's going to take a few weeks to repair. they use the phone service provider, did you sell that is actually trying to put up internet and communications and that's expected in the next few days. so at this point in time, communication has been very bachelor turner, and that has been very challenging to get the information from the ground about the impact of the volcanic eruption. thankfully, so far, only a few dis have been reported. do you expect the death toll to rise? or what we have heard is that, well, there are 3 days, 3 dead. unfortunately, that has been confirmed. there are very remote islands, closer to that europe mission site and we've heard that those islands have been decimated by some army waves on this one. highland in particular, which is known as mangle. and that island has reported a infrastructural damages to all homes and the island was basically inundated by some anyways. so at this point in time, we don't know how the people living on those islands have fed in. but we have, we are incredibly concerned about the state about the situation of people in low lying islands of tomba. so what's your initial assessment? what, what's most needed? right, melbourne. the immediate needs, obviously our food and water. there are many, many people who have been evicted and have been displaced from their homes and they are now in evacuation centers. so obviously the immediate need is hold in water also because there was the ash fall and as a result of that the water sources have been contaminated. and what we're hearing also is, is that people do depend on rain water handbook, holes. so those sources have been contaminated, so it's going to be a very challenging a few weeks ahead for people in toggling them. so for security and excess to safe waterford for drinking. but other than that are, we are all saying terribly concerned about the situation of children as you are aware, save the children. and it's an organization that works and provides humanitarian related responses specifically for children. and in this case, we are very concerned about children's education as well as their mental health. and obviously, you know, such an event is find to be quite difficult insurance minds. shara ali, from most safe, the children on fiji. thank you very much for your time. thank you. turn out to have a look at some of the other stories making headlines. israeli police have evicted a palestinian family from a disputed property in the flashpoint easterwood to the neighbourhood of sake gera and demolished the building. at least 18 people were arrested during their pre dawn operations. similar evictions and may of last year ignited an 11 day war between israel and palestinian militants. and garza. the committee investigating the attack on the u. s. capital a year ago has issued subpoenas to rudy giuliani and 2 other lawyers for former presidents. donald trump. the lawyers policy pushed drums baseless claim, a voter fraud following his election defeat the committee is demanding. the lawyers sit for the positions in february 80 and t and verizon have agreed to delay activating some of their 5 g services. after us airlines have wanted, could cause catastrophic disruption to add trouble. they say the new technology might affect cockpit instruments and random mini aircraft unusable. britton's prime minister boys, johnson has denied suggestions. he lied to parliament about a lockdown breaking party at his office. he said no one warned him. it might violate strict cove at 19 rules. he's on the growing pressure to resign over several gatherings that were organized by his staffers findings from a government inquiry or do as early as this week. it was indeed of you news still to come. the plan of hong kong journalists just a flea abroad to escape beijing sprag down on press freedoms in their city. but 1st, for the 1st time since the beginning of the pandemic, germany has topped 100000 new infections in a day. the country's disease control agency says it's, we've got the record it more than 112000 new cases in the past 24 hours. a search is fueled by the highly contagious ami con variance, which now accounts more than 70 percent of new infections. the number of people in intensive care, however, is declining it, so germany has tightened restrictions again, close adult clubs, placing capital, social gatherings, and barring unvaccinated people from going to bars and restaurants or for more, let's go to our political corresponded hands. brown hands record infections in germany, but that, that sounds frightening, but is it it's certainly intimidating. it's certainly impressive. it's a new were recall. but one has to say that while these infections are at very, very high levels, as we've just heard in hospitals, the number of cases with people sick of coverage 19 has not yet increased, as in fact, at the moment reduced slightly. so it seems that the infections that are caused by this on the con variant are mild infections. a lot of people are mildly sick, but not many of them are going to hospital at the same time. one has to say that the german health minister himself said yesterday that the real number of infections is probably twice what we are counting at the moment. and that is because the testing capacity in germany is basically exhausted. a 1000000 and a half tests are being done every week, but that is not enough to find all the infections that are present in the population. so one has to say the real number of fractions probably is 200000. but other european nations are also seeing arise in infections. how does germany compare? in fact, germany situation still is pretty good. one can say compared to its neighboring countries. in france for instance, which has fewer people. the number of infections recently has been at the level of 500005 times as high as in germany, and comparatively large are the infections also in italy, for instance, or in spain. so the reason for that is probably that germany has managed to put a break on the rate of infection through the pretty strict measures that it has impose at the same time, germany is also suffering from the kinds of effects of this infection wave that other countries are seeing as well that people are in isolation or in quarantine because they are infected or have been in contact with people that are infected. and as a result, a lot of people are missing in key areas of society such as and hospitals, for instance, or even bus drivers. so as a result of that, germany has taken similar steps to other countries as it has recently reduced the time that one needs to spend an isolation in quarantine. it's now 7 days if one has a negative taste, in most cases our political corresponded hands blunt. thank you, hans. let's have a look now. some of the other developments in the pandemic world health organization says the pandemic is quote, nowhere near over saying again that vaccine inequality could lead to new variance. emerging. france as reported more than 460000 positive cases over 24 hours. and that's a new one day record. since the start of the pandemic and australia is calling on back packets to help ease its labor shortage. fueled by the army, kron barry and the government says it's waving it's $630.00 visa application fee for backpackers arriving on work and travel visas. within the next 3 months, and authorities and turkey gave emergency approval to a home grown vaccine against coven 19 last month. the government hopes turco vac will help to keep more people safe as infections with omicron arising. but some experts say the effectiveness of the job is not yet proven. our correspondence julia hom, reports from istanbul. oh, queuing for a world prem. yet at this eastern will hospital people have been receiving the taco vac vaccine since the beginning of the year. the 1st cove at 19 jack developed and produced in turkey to go up to do to go. i have more trust until callback than in other vaccines because it's made by my own country. it is still there to go up to more. i wish they had lunch to go back sooner. i would have gotten it for all my shots school that looked them to believe me some other i haven't been vaccinated at all until today. i waited for turco voc because i trust our turkish scientists more than those abroad. a sham was engaged in for president reggie ty, about one talk havoc is a symbol of national strength with its own vaccine. he says, turkey is one of the most innovative progressive countries in the world and no longer dependent on others the government, a celebrating, talk about as a great success. but how effective as the vaccine, and doesn't protect against all me, crohn and other potential virus, marion. many medical experts here in turkey remain skeptical. isn't she not from the countries? independent doctors union criticizes the fact that hardly any data until kovak has been published. that is why she isn't recommending the new vaccine. political success, she says, seems to be more important to the government than scientific accuracy. formally, they are, i can't evaluate how effective this vaccine is, because i don't have the necessary information. the result of the phase one and phase 2 studies have not been published. we also know next to nothing about phase $380.00, until we have the scientific facts. we can't consider this a vaccine, but just some kind of liquid on the head argument. so you see on as in many countries on the chronus behind the number of new infections, rapidly surging here in turkey, the lexi nation rate is comparatively high. about 85 percent of adults have received at least 2 japs. but the uncertainty surrounding took havoc is causing concern to call o'clock. we don't know much about 2 o'clock yet. that's why i don't think it's very safe beating that i wouldn't take it because i haven't seen scientific data in studies about it. mid her marketed out of the didn't saw what was an old little vision room. we're going to change golden rule. i will get my 3rd dose of biotech to day. i don't trust the turkish. maxine, i have my doubts. glasses require renewed. m. nora teen yee, has overseen toko vox development. he says the warriors are unfounded. the turkish vaccine is a safe and effective as others. it can limit the image of it, which is what we have all figures and off studies show show. we do not have the slightest concern or doubt in terms of its effectiveness being vaccinated as better than not being vaccinated at all. if turco voc helps us convinced those who are unvaccinated, that would be one of our greatest achievements. because a loser. over the next few months, as many people as possible, are expected to also get their booster shots with turkey's own vaccine. and soon, according to the government's plan, to go back will be delivered to other countries to help them. in the fight against cove, it china's crack down on descent, and hong kong has shifted its focus from democracy, activists to journalists, and recent months. a territory has seen several well known media outlets shut down . the fear of being arrested. as prompted some journalists to leave to safe places abroad. one destination is taiwan. when dw joyce lean met up with some of the recent arrivals. just 2 months ago, alan steele had hauled for his future as a journalist. he brought his prescott with him when he moved from hong kong to ty pay, but they are now worthless after to hong kong use out less. he worked for shut down and made pressure from beijing. i've been a reporter for 6 years. over news outlets. i've worked for a gone one after the other. it feels like my identity is fading away to. this is the 3rd time allen, which is not his real name lost his job in just 6 months. he was an investigative reporter for apple daily, but the police detained several editors and a paper closed. i used to work closely with the people arrested. it's terrifying and the threat feels so imminent. at 1st i thought things would get better after a while, but then you heard of former colleagues being brought to the police station and going missing. it's like the clearing, frontline journalists pro democracy publications like apple daily stand, news and citizen newest went dog after enormous government pressure authorities have insisted that price freedom remains protected. i recent survey by the hong kong foreign correspondence club found otherwise more than 70 percent of the journalists that they were worried about being arrested to or prosecuted for their work under the national security law. nearly half the respondents were considering leaving the city song. she whole flight to taiwan 6 months ago, shortly after he was sagged by the public broadcaster, i'll he h k. he host at a popular satari kotia, which is why the authorities taca to tin lay odds is here that sees i for i left, i was counting down my days am laila. when is it my turn to? we charged all huddled with those the gala, but no one has the answer on part. so not yourself, not your editor in chief and not the police. once again, it's stressful to live with such uncertainty. holly lily months halo without though your group secret gama your husband, goal challenge. he whoa now has his own youtube channel. he post clips and comments on hong kong, current affairs, toyota. but the, with the, i now have the freedom that people in hong kong don't have for jojo, like i feel obliged to speak out for them. they go gulker though i still collaborate with people in hong kong at all. and i must consider their safety under the security law that they are unfortunate fate, young hawes, in all so, so who the lawyer they don't, dunker allan says his 1st priority is his manual house after all the trauma. but he plans to keep reporting to stories of overseas, hong kong and us being a journalist is more than just the job title. it's also a way of life to seek the truth, to think critically and to care for the underprivileged. we can see things through these lenses and continue reporting even without a job titles. but a will be a struggle for allen to build a readership without resources is a fate shared by many of his fellow journalists back in hong kong. only day haven't gotten out yet. i don't want to leave you now way. the good news story from the galapagos islands were dozens of giant turtles have been released into the wild from a breeding center of 8 years of captivity. it was time for that big day. the animals 1st take them by truck and then air, lift it by helicopter to then you habitat which they will have to ship with or other giant turtle population. it looks like already starting to come out and shows you what you did. i mean is, here's a reminder off all top story, u. s. secretary of state antony lincoln has arrived. and here at this start of new diplomatic pushed to prevent a possible russian invasion of ukraine to moscow denies it is planning to launch an attack on its neighbour despite sending more than $100000.00 troops to the border reach. and a reminder that you could always get dw news on the go, just download our app from where you get your apps. that'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world. well as push notifications for any breaking news, if you happen to be part of a new story, it would also use that he w up to send us your photos and videos off what's happening around it from your up to date off. next is eco, india, and of course you can head to a website for a lot more news and information at d, w dot com and thrown in. ceramic twitter of course, handle is deep active w news. i'm gab office. thanks ah ah ah, with who a ico india. he's the pond savior. graham where tom wants to revive polluted dried up water holes. they serve a vital function for the water supply and ecosystems near metropolises. he's getting closer to his goal. thanks to the help of many volunteers. he go next on d w ah margaret friedlander is a 100 year old holocaust survivor. at the age of 19, she decided to return to germany a country she never wanted to set foot in again. our homeland. she fights for remembrance here and feels like she belongs to tell a tale. oh, margaret friedlander in berlin. in 45 minutes on d w. oh, hello guys. this is the 77 percent. the platform for africa. you to repeat issues and share ideas. you know, these channels, we are not afraid to pass and then he keeps talking. young people clearly have the solution. the future belongs to the 77 percent now every weekend on d w ah .

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