Transcripts For DW DW News - Asia 20240709 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - Asia 20240709

magic corner check hot spot for food and some great cultural memorials to boot d w. travel off we go on the green. do you feel worried about the planet we to i'm neil. host of the on the green and gold coast. and to me it's clear we need to change the solutions are out there. join me for a deep dive into the green transformation. for me to do with ah, visit the dublin years. asia coming up today is asi on feeling, the people of me and mom very elected leader gets more general time just days off the cambodia. prime minister visits with the military went off, have asi on leaders failed in their push to restore democracy. and why the development of hypersonic missiles could push the arms race on the korean peninsula into a watering new phase. ah . i british manager, welcome to deed up, no news. asia, glad you could join us. i mean, bob board has sentence to posted leader on sang sushi to 4 more years in jail for legally importing and possessing walkie talkies. she already faces a 2 year gerald term on other charges. rights groups have called the proceedings a court courtroom circus. but they have got it on even as a regional grouping assay on attempt to manage the crisis. and me and mark last week can vote in prime minister once and visited the country, the 1st form leader to do so. since last year school, he met military ruler, min own p n. a meeting criticized by pro democracy protest us and rights groups. but cambodia, which currently leads us young, said it was trying to push for a return to peace in me and my this was a visit that critics had urge cambodian prime minister to cool off. they said his trip would not only empower the leaders of a violent cou. it would also be an insult to the more than $1300.00 people. the military has killed since last february. but thompson asked for patience. and after the talks were over, his foreign minister said progress have been made i may know what we achieved in this negotiation, not the medium. our leader was a very good positive result with the progressive step forward on the implementation of the 5 point consensus. that all ozzie and leaders agreed upon june morning. morgan walked at graham graham, the 5 point consensus. a kind of road map to peace was agreed to by all the leaders in indonesia last april, back then me and mar, promised to end the violence and engage in political dialogue. but that didn't happen as the crackdown continued asi and bond me in march from attending its summit last october. now to visit my commodious prime minister, who himself seized power, nicu in 1997, looks like an attempt to allow me a mar back into the fold. without preconditions. this is angered, the supporters of democracy, me a more they took to the streets in towns across the country over the weekend. the people on them are, are clearly sending a very strong message that home son is not welcome in law. they are very upset that that on son his a should be providing visit a visit to the moderate honda and which is actually terrorized the whole country. but despite such opposition to the visit, cambodia is this a different approach is needed? is piece is typically stood amy mar. yeah. and from on this, i'm joined from bank of by phil robinson from human rights watch fill, the so called 5 point plan agreed to buy asi on members. last april, admittedly hasn't worked. good. the can. borden prime minister's approach of meeting me and mars military rulers directly be worth trying out. well, judging by the joint statement that came out of that meeting between henson and our senior gentlemen on line, i think the answer is probably no. the statement itself touted a ceasefire. that was agreed by the myanmar military till the end of 2022. but the reality is they're busy bombarding and attacking ethnic organizations all across the country. and no one's interested in talking to them about a ceasefire. so the fact that prime minister hans, and how did this as some sort of political progress shows either that he has been duped by the burmese or that he's playing along with a charade. to try to indicate there's progress one. in fact, there is none. you mean can border isn't being sincere and its efforts to secure biesen muma that is still a very open question. ah, and our assessment based on that joint statement is that no, because cambodia also did not insist on meeting with all parties involved in myanmar including on sang. so she and other imprisoned elected leader from the november 2020 election. you know, this was a meeting between dictators between once an a, who's that his own human rights problems in cambodia and are the general who's leading a brutal myanmar. ha ha ha, which has been massacring villagers and bombarding settlements and committing human rights violations all across the country. and now you have cambodia as chair of us he on for this year. what then can we expect from the technician block when it comes to muma? well, we'll see next week when the foreign ministers of assay and meet and see a maria in cambodia ah, for their foreign ministers, retreat weather once and gets an earful from the other foreign ministers for basically stepping out of turn. ah, there wasn't really very much consultation with the other us young leaders before who and send get it off to our myanmar. and a, it appears that he'd got very little from his conversations there and appears to have endorsed a statement that on its face is problematic. so he's got a lot the answer for, and i think that the foreign ministers or the other countries, particularly indonesia, ah, malaysia and singapore who have been very tough on man, mar, they're going to give him a hard time. what does all the say about us in so called central role in trying to negotiate an end to the crisis muma? well, i think i see on is still split right down the middle about what to do about myanmar . ah, and that is a fundamental problem. you know, the european union and it's member states continue saying that asi and st. rowdy as a core part of their policy towards myanmar. but that st. rowdy is failing because there is no consensus about where to go next. i think it's now time for the european union, the u. s. and other countries, the play a leading role and stopped trying to push this off to the regional leaders to solve for roberts and we lived there with that. i mean, but thank you so much for joining us to do. thank you to the korean peninsula annex, but a fast developing arms raised between north and south korea is set to go hypersonic . last week, north korea claimed to have tested a hypersonic missile for the 2nd time in 5 months. south korea has dismissed the claim. now whatever the truth, the danger posed by hypersonic missiles is very real compared to ballistic missiles, hypersonic missiles fly more than 5 times the speed of sound. oftentimes faster than that too. and that direction can also be changed mid flight. think of it as a stone you have thrown, but then are able to change its direction and speed as it flies through the air. this makes hypersonic misses very hard to detect. but traditional missile defense systems, for instance, a hypersonic missile fight between pyongyang and soule would take just seconds to reach its target for distance of nearly 200 kilometers. now, not korea claims it possesses such weapons. and this year, south korea intends to test its own hypersonic missiles, keeping an eye on this for us is correspondent frank smith. in so frank with our reports that south korea plans to test its own hypersonic messiah this year. is this the start of a hypersonic miss? i race on the korean peninsula? well, i think it's fair to say it is it's, it's possibly even fair to speculate. it's been developing hypersonic missile capabilities since the early 2 thousands ramping up those development efforts in, in the 20 ten's. and it also says that the hypersonic missile that it will be testing and deploying, perhaps later in the 20 twenty's is better than the one that was tested just days ago by north korea. the south korean hypersonic missile will be a hypersonic cruise missile capable of flying its entire flight at a very low altitude. and at that hypersonic high speed, making it more difficult to detect. then the missile that north korea recently tested, which initially had a ballistic missile parabolic phase that, that could be detected. and as you mentioned, it only takes reports, say 75 seconds for this cruise type hypersonic missile to theoretically reach pyongyang from sol. here in south korea, the front we're used to north korea regularly cutting out reference tests, but last year it's out of south korea district submarine launched missiles and rockets. why is soule arming itself like never before? there are a few reasons for this. south korea has been building up. it's military over the past couple of decades since about 2020 under kim dae jung. but the missile development has really taken off over the past year, especially as an agreement between south korea and the united states release to south korea from limitations on its payload in range of its ballistic missiles. south korea is also made efforts to try to develop a more independent security structure. yet you have a south korean president, moon j, in speaking of dialogue with the north. i'm and that's what he said after the recent north korean missiles test on jane's hopes for these stalks rapidly evaporating. and if a presidential election in march. well i think that's fair to say in order for peace talks to take place on the korean peninsula. first, they have to involve the united states in north korea. they have to involve d nuke, laura zation, or at least arms control. right now the u. s. really is an interested in negotiating with north korea because it has other, you know, more important items on its foreign policy and domestic agenda given the arm across cove at 900 situation. they're also north korea for it's part really felt that, you know, got pushed around at the hanoi negotiations with former us president donald trump, failing to secure any type of agreement there. well, coming to that negotiating table, you know, with an offer in some concessions. things could change here, though with the election coming up. as you mentioned, e j m young is a progressive. he's another, a liberal left winger like current president move in, and he may want to reach out to north korea once again. frank smith in cyril, we leave it there wasn't, i mean, but thank you so much for joining us today. and besides north and south korea, india, china and russia also at various stages either developing or already deploying hypersonic missiles in asia. we leave today with images of what the future of warfare is already beginning to look like. are back tomorrow, the same thing then. no matter how big horn it, or fluffy, only kind of art, how would it take to become a card? i can take a look at pop culture, that is a change global a. how can we extend a 21 d w. happiness is for everyone. human penises are very different from primates. penises, we have a totally ridiculous romanticized view of nature, a there and david and this is climate change, regulate sex, who happiness in 3 books, you'll get smarter for pre dw books on you. 232 positions. turkish tv series are soft power and they help spread.

Related Keywords

Myanmar , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Malaysia , United States , United Kingdom , China , Hanoi , Ha N I , Vietnam , Republic Of , Indonesia , Russia , Dublin , Ireland , India , Cambodia , Singapore , South Korea , Berlin , Germany , Turkey , North Korean , Chinese , Turkish , Burmese , British , Cambodian , South Korean , Amy Mar , Frank Smith , Graham , Phil Robinson ,

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Transcripts For DW DW News - Asia 20240709 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - Asia 20240709

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magic corner check hot spot for food and some great cultural memorials to boot d w. travel off we go on the green. do you feel worried about the planet we to i'm neil. host of the on the green and gold coast. and to me it's clear we need to change the solutions are out there. join me for a deep dive into the green transformation. for me to do with ah, visit the dublin years. asia coming up today is asi on feeling, the people of me and mom very elected leader gets more general time just days off the cambodia. prime minister visits with the military went off, have asi on leaders failed in their push to restore democracy. and why the development of hypersonic missiles could push the arms race on the korean peninsula into a watering new phase. ah . i british manager, welcome to deed up, no news. asia, glad you could join us. i mean, bob board has sentence to posted leader on sang sushi to 4 more years in jail for legally importing and possessing walkie talkies. she already faces a 2 year gerald term on other charges. rights groups have called the proceedings a court courtroom circus. but they have got it on even as a regional grouping assay on attempt to manage the crisis. and me and mark last week can vote in prime minister once and visited the country, the 1st form leader to do so. since last year school, he met military ruler, min own p n. a meeting criticized by pro democracy protest us and rights groups. but cambodia, which currently leads us young, said it was trying to push for a return to peace in me and my this was a visit that critics had urge cambodian prime minister to cool off. they said his trip would not only empower the leaders of a violent cou. it would also be an insult to the more than $1300.00 people. the military has killed since last february. but thompson asked for patience. and after the talks were over, his foreign minister said progress have been made i may know what we achieved in this negotiation, not the medium. our leader was a very good positive result with the progressive step forward on the implementation of the 5 point consensus. that all ozzie and leaders agreed upon june morning. morgan walked at graham graham, the 5 point consensus. a kind of road map to peace was agreed to by all the leaders in indonesia last april, back then me and mar, promised to end the violence and engage in political dialogue. but that didn't happen as the crackdown continued asi and bond me in march from attending its summit last october. now to visit my commodious prime minister, who himself seized power, nicu in 1997, looks like an attempt to allow me a mar back into the fold. without preconditions. this is angered, the supporters of democracy, me a more they took to the streets in towns across the country over the weekend. the people on them are, are clearly sending a very strong message that home son is not welcome in law. they are very upset that that on son his a should be providing visit a visit to the moderate honda and which is actually terrorized the whole country. but despite such opposition to the visit, cambodia is this a different approach is needed? is piece is typically stood amy mar. yeah. and from on this, i'm joined from bank of by phil robinson from human rights watch fill, the so called 5 point plan agreed to buy asi on members. last april, admittedly hasn't worked. good. the can. borden prime minister's approach of meeting me and mars military rulers directly be worth trying out. well, judging by the joint statement that came out of that meeting between henson and our senior gentlemen on line, i think the answer is probably no. the statement itself touted a ceasefire. that was agreed by the myanmar military till the end of 2022. but the reality is they're busy bombarding and attacking ethnic organizations all across the country. and no one's interested in talking to them about a ceasefire. so the fact that prime minister hans, and how did this as some sort of political progress shows either that he has been duped by the burmese or that he's playing along with a charade. to try to indicate there's progress one. in fact, there is none. you mean can border isn't being sincere and its efforts to secure biesen muma that is still a very open question. ah, and our assessment based on that joint statement is that no, because cambodia also did not insist on meeting with all parties involved in myanmar including on sang. so she and other imprisoned elected leader from the november 2020 election. you know, this was a meeting between dictators between once an a, who's that his own human rights problems in cambodia and are the general who's leading a brutal myanmar. ha ha ha, which has been massacring villagers and bombarding settlements and committing human rights violations all across the country. and now you have cambodia as chair of us he on for this year. what then can we expect from the technician block when it comes to muma? well, we'll see next week when the foreign ministers of assay and meet and see a maria in cambodia ah, for their foreign ministers, retreat weather once and gets an earful from the other foreign ministers for basically stepping out of turn. ah, there wasn't really very much consultation with the other us young leaders before who and send get it off to our myanmar. and a, it appears that he'd got very little from his conversations there and appears to have endorsed a statement that on its face is problematic. so he's got a lot the answer for, and i think that the foreign ministers or the other countries, particularly indonesia, ah, malaysia and singapore who have been very tough on man, mar, they're going to give him a hard time. what does all the say about us in so called central role in trying to negotiate an end to the crisis muma? well, i think i see on is still split right down the middle about what to do about myanmar . ah, and that is a fundamental problem. you know, the european union and it's member states continue saying that asi and st. rowdy as a core part of their policy towards myanmar. but that st. rowdy is failing because there is no consensus about where to go next. i think it's now time for the european union, the u. s. and other countries, the play a leading role and stopped trying to push this off to the regional leaders to solve for roberts and we lived there with that. i mean, but thank you so much for joining us to do. thank you to the korean peninsula annex, but a fast developing arms raised between north and south korea is set to go hypersonic . last week, north korea claimed to have tested a hypersonic missile for the 2nd time in 5 months. south korea has dismissed the claim. now whatever the truth, the danger posed by hypersonic missiles is very real compared to ballistic missiles, hypersonic missiles fly more than 5 times the speed of sound. oftentimes faster than that too. and that direction can also be changed mid flight. think of it as a stone you have thrown, but then are able to change its direction and speed as it flies through the air. this makes hypersonic misses very hard to detect. but traditional missile defense systems, for instance, a hypersonic missile fight between pyongyang and soule would take just seconds to reach its target for distance of nearly 200 kilometers. now, not korea claims it possesses such weapons. and this year, south korea intends to test its own hypersonic missiles, keeping an eye on this for us is correspondent frank smith. in so frank with our reports that south korea plans to test its own hypersonic messiah this year. is this the start of a hypersonic miss? i race on the korean peninsula? well, i think it's fair to say it is it's, it's possibly even fair to speculate. it's been developing hypersonic missile capabilities since the early 2 thousands ramping up those development efforts in, in the 20 ten's. and it also says that the hypersonic missile that it will be testing and deploying, perhaps later in the 20 twenty's is better than the one that was tested just days ago by north korea. the south korean hypersonic missile will be a hypersonic cruise missile capable of flying its entire flight at a very low altitude. and at that hypersonic high speed, making it more difficult to detect. then the missile that north korea recently tested, which initially had a ballistic missile parabolic phase that, that could be detected. and as you mentioned, it only takes reports, say 75 seconds for this cruise type hypersonic missile to theoretically reach pyongyang from sol. here in south korea, the front we're used to north korea regularly cutting out reference tests, but last year it's out of south korea district submarine launched missiles and rockets. why is soule arming itself like never before? there are a few reasons for this. south korea has been building up. it's military over the past couple of decades since about 2020 under kim dae jung. but the missile development has really taken off over the past year, especially as an agreement between south korea and the united states release to south korea from limitations on its payload in range of its ballistic missiles. south korea is also made efforts to try to develop a more independent security structure. yet you have a south korean president, moon j, in speaking of dialogue with the north. i'm and that's what he said after the recent north korean missiles test on jane's hopes for these stalks rapidly evaporating. and if a presidential election in march. well i think that's fair to say in order for peace talks to take place on the korean peninsula. first, they have to involve the united states in north korea. they have to involve d nuke, laura zation, or at least arms control. right now the u. s. really is an interested in negotiating with north korea because it has other, you know, more important items on its foreign policy and domestic agenda given the arm across cove at 900 situation. they're also north korea for it's part really felt that, you know, got pushed around at the hanoi negotiations with former us president donald trump, failing to secure any type of agreement there. well, coming to that negotiating table, you know, with an offer in some concessions. things could change here, though with the election coming up. as you mentioned, e j m young is a progressive. he's another, a liberal left winger like current president move in, and he may want to reach out to north korea once again. frank smith in cyril, we leave it there wasn't, i mean, but thank you so much for joining us today. and besides north and south korea, india, china and russia also at various stages either developing or already deploying hypersonic missiles in asia. we leave today with images of what the future of warfare is already beginning to look like. are back tomorrow, the same thing then. no matter how big horn it, or fluffy, only kind of art, how would it take to become a card? i can take a look at pop culture, that is a change global a. how can we extend a 21 d w. happiness is for everyone. human penises are very different from primates. penises, we have a totally ridiculous romanticized view of nature, a there and david and this is climate change, regulate sex, who happiness in 3 books, you'll get smarter for pre dw books on you. 232 positions. turkish tv series are soft power and they help spread.

Related Keywords

Myanmar , Pyongyang , P Yongyang Si , North Korea , Malaysia , United States , United Kingdom , China , Hanoi , Ha N I , Vietnam , Republic Of , Indonesia , Russia , Dublin , Ireland , India , Cambodia , Singapore , South Korea , Berlin , Germany , Turkey , North Korean , Chinese , Turkish , Burmese , British , Cambodian , South Korean , Amy Mar , Frank Smith , Graham , Phil Robinson ,

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