Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240709 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240709

i'm demonstrates a storm and set fire to public buildings in our market, the country's biggest city, and that reports of attacks on security forces. the unrest was triggered by a shop increase in the fuel prices. also on the program. i tried to no stress, teddy stano back jock of it just grunted. special permission to play at the open. despite the silence over his vaccinations status. ah fine show gail, welcome to the program. a protest us of stormed and set fire to government buildings and cassock. stands largest city, violence and al match. he follows days of mass demonstrations over surging fuel prices, appealing for calm the countries president costume jermarta took. i have spoke of death and injury sustained during the protest. a said he would act forcefully to end the unrest. thousands of protesters venting their fury at the government. a rare sight in the authoritarian ex soviet republic. for 4 days. these people have been taking to the streets. protest started in the remote oil hub of gentlemen. but they quickly spread to other cities after the government announced an end to price caps on fuel. now the unrest appears to be spiraling and hitting the country's largest city. amity, in particular, protest is a calling for white or political changes. police if deployed in numbers in a bid to curb the unrest just to show what t a guests and stun grenades have done little to dissuade protesters. neither have hundreds of arrests, nor the imposition of a curfew and movement restrictions on several regions. cassette president kasim jamal took, i have had sacked the government and moved to reinstate price controls in response . but with protests escalating the president has vowed to hold firm. furthermore, cargo august, august the head of state and from from today, the president of the security council. i intend to act as tough as possible. filbert, no matter what. yeah, i will stay in the catheter. it's a catholic stones authoritarian government usually tolerates little real opposition . but this time the protest is angus seems to call the authorities of god. that's got that he's from bruce pannier, who's a journalist who's been reporting on central asia, and he joins us from prague. welcome to d. w. a. bruce, what are you hearing? well, it sounds like the government is having a hard time getting control over over any place in the country at the moment you mentioned on t and certainly there's reports that the airport is occupied by some protesters and the government buildings. as you mentioned, is this happening in other, other cities around the country, a large country. and you know, there's maps of this and you can see cities in the north, south, east and west, all having problems at the moment. so it's, it's really unfair what the future of the cause of government is at this particular moment i'm, we're hearing about injuries not only amongst demonstrators, but amongst police as well. you know, there were clashes, you know, certainly in almost either classes overnight and the interior ministry said there was at least 190 people injured overnight. and most of those were police. but again, this is also being repeated in other cities. so, you know, we're talking about hundreds of people who have been hurt during this fighting, and now we get reports to that. there's been some shooting, at least one protest or according to our house of service, was killed in the western city of walked out on the coast. there's reports or another for ester also there was shot and there's reports of cars in october, and it almost either driving around with no license plates and taking shots that journalists, or even in the case of all of the one opposition leader without speaking i'm what is the background of these protest really about the price of petrol. no, not at all. you know, i mean, this is the building up for quite some time now. you know, there's a 1st, there's a segment of society, very small. it's growing very rich under nurses on those are by many of our family members of course and associates. but more generally, you know, he stepped down in march 2019, and there was expectations on the part of a lot of people that this was going to usher in something of a new era. but you know, it passed our on to trust in georgia tech i have is eric eric eric. and even though another guy was no one, and he still has a lot of what was going on in the country in the way the country was govern, didn't change really at all. so all these people that have been waiting, you know, 20 years or something to happen, something new, something that might improve their life. i've been very disappointed that you know, for nearly 3 years now, there hasn't been been promises, but not really any actions to reform the system and their own lives. don't seem to be getting any better at all. so let's talk about the present political system because the president sacked the government as we understand it, i'm took over leadership of the security council. so what does that tell us? well the security council is the more significant they are using the government as a scapegoat is an old trick and gothic saw. you know, they were them every time there's public popular unrest and the president promises, he's honest and you can help about the people who got their interest at harvest. but the secretary of the security council was actually the 1st president nurses another buyer, and they greatly increase the powers of that office right before he decided to step down as president. so that's what gave him the basis to effectively rule on equal terms, at least on equal footing with, with the kind of the fact that the car has relieved him about position means that technically he's not there by authority. and my country is pretty much at an end. he doesn't hold a powerful office at all anymore. bruce, probably a thank you so much for that. thank you. or let's take a look at small stores making news around the world. german foreign minister babcock is in washington on her 1st trip to the us and taking office. she's meeting us secretary state and to me, blanket talks focusing on the strange relations between russia and the west. climate change is also on the agenda. european union stop diplomat says russia would face massive consequences of any new military action against ukraine. joseph burrell pledge, the useful support in a visit to the ukrainian capital, and any russian aggression come at a severe cost affairs at rest is preparing to invade ukraine by $1.00. canada is to pay $30000000000.00 us dollars in compensation to indigenous children taken from their families or human rights tribunal found that officials discriminated over decades against the indigenous population around $55000.00 children should benefit of 40 $1000000000.00 hostages in nigeria have been freed 2 months after they were abducted, please say the hostages, including women and children, were released unconditionally armed gangs in the country often kidnapped for answer . and i to south africa where it seems the only crumb corona virus variant is on its way out without the feared surgeon hospitalizations and deaths as case number's drop officials of loosens restrictions. or they say there is still reason to be cautious. that was just over 6 weeks ago on the 24th of november when the worlds are 1st to our case of ami chrome was announced. south africa, new case numbers, a shot up peaking at a 127000. in mid december. daddy infections that dropped by a 3rd in the week leading up to christmas and they've been fallen ever since. on new year's eve, the government lifted a late night curfew. the authorities se omicron is still a threat. well, hannah hussy is a medical doctor and public health registrar at south africa university of cape town. i asked her if she was encouraged by this news. he does announce herself go down. okay, miss and admissions as well. so. and we still watching it all very closely, but at the moment it does seem very reassuring. what do you think is behind this? why have numbers dropped a despite relatively loose restrictions low with all surges? we see an increase in obviously case numbers have to go down at some point and it appears we're on a crown, been much more transmissible than at the variance. and this whole process has happened a lot faster. and, and so we saw a very rapid increase of case numbers and in november, december, and now we received a return on where the case starting to go down again. right. the world, of course, has been holding its breath watching the south africa experience as should the rest of the world. now be encouraged by what's happened there or other factors, particular for south africa that might have helped and it's quite difficult to see because obviously each country has their own experience of covered. and the situation for africa is, is, you know, it's very particular a couple of things. firstly, we've had 3 large ways before which is given as quite a lot of em protection. and we, and we've had a very large delta driven wave. and in june july, the other thing is that, you know, it's difficult asset in, with over crowding people reliant and having transport not able to work remotely. so it's been difficult for us to contain and to contain that there were some other countries might have it a different experience. and then also at the same time it is summer and people can gather more outdoors and, but at the same time it is also the festive season and the christmas and new year's and haul it and all the holidays at the moment. so it's, it's untangling, all these different bits and pieces is really quite complicated and we're still trying to unravel, unravel all of it all. but i do still think it is in the dark coming out of south africa. the moment is quite reassuring. right? and now there is another, another variant on the radar. this i, i, h u, which was identified in france back in november. is this is this, should we be worried about this, or is this just corona virus doing what viruses do? and just changing and mutating. and i think it's really too early to say, obviously we are, we will expect viruses to mutate and to continue to mutate. the real question is, what is mutations? what the, the real implications of these mutations will be. and what it will mean for disease guarantee vaccination and, and so it's, it's we to any to say how things are going with these would be variance. ok. thank you so much for joining us, dr. dr. hannah jose are from the university of cape town. thank you. what are some or developments in the pandemic or hong kong has imposed a 2 week a band on flights from 8 countries, including australia, india, britain, and the united states. polish president andre duda has tested positive for covert a poland has one of europe's lowest vaccination rates, and one of its highest death rates with few restrictions on socializing or a vaccine requirements. and friends, president emmanuel macro says he wants to make life or in vaccinated people so complicated that they just have to get jabbed, used a vulgar expression for getting on people's nerves. australia's prime minister says the tammy star novak jockey, which must prove that he sat at, but he has a medical exemption to play the australian open or he'll be on the next plane home . well, number one intends to defend his title in melbourne this month and has previously refused to reveal his vaccination status. is world number one and defending the australian open champion. novak joke of ich giving special treat men or not. people in melbourne are demanding answers. now that john commits the public and see vax, a person who really has advocated against it. hell those, you know, prominent tournaments last summer where kind of picked up kind of it himself. he's the one that gets medical exemption it's, it's not come down well at all. prime minister scott morrison applied some pressure, making it clear the joke of each one will be treated like every one else. he must provide acceptable proof that he cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and to be able to access the same travel. arrangements is fully vaccinated travels . so we are white, his presentation, and what evidence he provides to support that if that evidence is insufficient, then he might be treated any different to anyone else and he will be on the next plane. ok. so there should be no special rules for now that your coverage at all. just maybe there is nothing to see here. all stray an open organizer stays yoke of which had been given no special favor during the process to receive his exemption. they're not allowed to reveal the details of joke of is exemption application, but they urge the serve to reveal why it was approved, if only to call public outrage. and finally, organizations all over the world to come up with creative campaigns to encourage vaccination. here in germany and entrepreneur teamed up with a shepherd for a unique stunt in a push to achieve human earth, immunity, 700 sheep and goats were released and formed into a 100 meter long syringe. and they were tempted into position with pieces of bread . the stunts organizer said he was hoping to reach the emotions of vaccine hesitant people where scientific reasoning had failed. a sent you up, today's hello more world news of the tough off the hour in the meantime. of course, as the always at the website d, w dot com have a good day what secrets lie behind these was.

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Kazakhstan , Georgia , United States , Australia , Hong Kong , United Kingdom , Washington , South Africa , Cape Town , Western Cape , Melbourne , Victoria , Canada , Russia , Ukraine , Germany , India , Nigeria , Prague , Praha , Hlavníesto , Czech Republic , Poland , France , Polish , Britain , Australian , Ukrainian , Soviet , German , Russian , Scott Morrison , Hannah Jose , Eric ,

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Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240709 :

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20240709

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i'm demonstrates a storm and set fire to public buildings in our market, the country's biggest city, and that reports of attacks on security forces. the unrest was triggered by a shop increase in the fuel prices. also on the program. i tried to no stress, teddy stano back jock of it just grunted. special permission to play at the open. despite the silence over his vaccinations status. ah fine show gail, welcome to the program. a protest us of stormed and set fire to government buildings and cassock. stands largest city, violence and al match. he follows days of mass demonstrations over surging fuel prices, appealing for calm the countries president costume jermarta took. i have spoke of death and injury sustained during the protest. a said he would act forcefully to end the unrest. thousands of protesters venting their fury at the government. a rare sight in the authoritarian ex soviet republic. for 4 days. these people have been taking to the streets. protest started in the remote oil hub of gentlemen. but they quickly spread to other cities after the government announced an end to price caps on fuel. now the unrest appears to be spiraling and hitting the country's largest city. amity, in particular, protest is a calling for white or political changes. police if deployed in numbers in a bid to curb the unrest just to show what t a guests and stun grenades have done little to dissuade protesters. neither have hundreds of arrests, nor the imposition of a curfew and movement restrictions on several regions. cassette president kasim jamal took, i have had sacked the government and moved to reinstate price controls in response . but with protests escalating the president has vowed to hold firm. furthermore, cargo august, august the head of state and from from today, the president of the security council. i intend to act as tough as possible. filbert, no matter what. yeah, i will stay in the catheter. it's a catholic stones authoritarian government usually tolerates little real opposition . but this time the protest is angus seems to call the authorities of god. that's got that he's from bruce pannier, who's a journalist who's been reporting on central asia, and he joins us from prague. welcome to d. w. a. bruce, what are you hearing? well, it sounds like the government is having a hard time getting control over over any place in the country at the moment you mentioned on t and certainly there's reports that the airport is occupied by some protesters and the government buildings. as you mentioned, is this happening in other, other cities around the country, a large country. and you know, there's maps of this and you can see cities in the north, south, east and west, all having problems at the moment. so it's, it's really unfair what the future of the cause of government is at this particular moment i'm, we're hearing about injuries not only amongst demonstrators, but amongst police as well. you know, there were clashes, you know, certainly in almost either classes overnight and the interior ministry said there was at least 190 people injured overnight. and most of those were police. but again, this is also being repeated in other cities. so, you know, we're talking about hundreds of people who have been hurt during this fighting, and now we get reports to that. there's been some shooting, at least one protest or according to our house of service, was killed in the western city of walked out on the coast. there's reports or another for ester also there was shot and there's reports of cars in october, and it almost either driving around with no license plates and taking shots that journalists, or even in the case of all of the one opposition leader without speaking i'm what is the background of these protest really about the price of petrol. no, not at all. you know, i mean, this is the building up for quite some time now. you know, there's a 1st, there's a segment of society, very small. it's growing very rich under nurses on those are by many of our family members of course and associates. but more generally, you know, he stepped down in march 2019, and there was expectations on the part of a lot of people that this was going to usher in something of a new era. but you know, it passed our on to trust in georgia tech i have is eric eric eric. and even though another guy was no one, and he still has a lot of what was going on in the country in the way the country was govern, didn't change really at all. so all these people that have been waiting, you know, 20 years or something to happen, something new, something that might improve their life. i've been very disappointed that you know, for nearly 3 years now, there hasn't been been promises, but not really any actions to reform the system and their own lives. don't seem to be getting any better at all. so let's talk about the present political system because the president sacked the government as we understand it, i'm took over leadership of the security council. so what does that tell us? well the security council is the more significant they are using the government as a scapegoat is an old trick and gothic saw. you know, they were them every time there's public popular unrest and the president promises, he's honest and you can help about the people who got their interest at harvest. but the secretary of the security council was actually the 1st president nurses another buyer, and they greatly increase the powers of that office right before he decided to step down as president. so that's what gave him the basis to effectively rule on equal terms, at least on equal footing with, with the kind of the fact that the car has relieved him about position means that technically he's not there by authority. and my country is pretty much at an end. he doesn't hold a powerful office at all anymore. bruce, probably a thank you so much for that. thank you. or let's take a look at small stores making news around the world. german foreign minister babcock is in washington on her 1st trip to the us and taking office. she's meeting us secretary state and to me, blanket talks focusing on the strange relations between russia and the west. climate change is also on the agenda. european union stop diplomat says russia would face massive consequences of any new military action against ukraine. joseph burrell pledge, the useful support in a visit to the ukrainian capital, and any russian aggression come at a severe cost affairs at rest is preparing to invade ukraine by $1.00. canada is to pay $30000000000.00 us dollars in compensation to indigenous children taken from their families or human rights tribunal found that officials discriminated over decades against the indigenous population around $55000.00 children should benefit of 40 $1000000000.00 hostages in nigeria have been freed 2 months after they were abducted, please say the hostages, including women and children, were released unconditionally armed gangs in the country often kidnapped for answer . and i to south africa where it seems the only crumb corona virus variant is on its way out without the feared surgeon hospitalizations and deaths as case number's drop officials of loosens restrictions. or they say there is still reason to be cautious. that was just over 6 weeks ago on the 24th of november when the worlds are 1st to our case of ami chrome was announced. south africa, new case numbers, a shot up peaking at a 127000. in mid december. daddy infections that dropped by a 3rd in the week leading up to christmas and they've been fallen ever since. on new year's eve, the government lifted a late night curfew. the authorities se omicron is still a threat. well, hannah hussy is a medical doctor and public health registrar at south africa university of cape town. i asked her if she was encouraged by this news. he does announce herself go down. okay, miss and admissions as well. so. and we still watching it all very closely, but at the moment it does seem very reassuring. what do you think is behind this? why have numbers dropped a despite relatively loose restrictions low with all surges? we see an increase in obviously case numbers have to go down at some point and it appears we're on a crown, been much more transmissible than at the variance. and this whole process has happened a lot faster. and, and so we saw a very rapid increase of case numbers and in november, december, and now we received a return on where the case starting to go down again. right. the world, of course, has been holding its breath watching the south africa experience as should the rest of the world. now be encouraged by what's happened there or other factors, particular for south africa that might have helped and it's quite difficult to see because obviously each country has their own experience of covered. and the situation for africa is, is, you know, it's very particular a couple of things. firstly, we've had 3 large ways before which is given as quite a lot of em protection. and we, and we've had a very large delta driven wave. and in june july, the other thing is that, you know, it's difficult asset in, with over crowding people reliant and having transport not able to work remotely. so it's been difficult for us to contain and to contain that there were some other countries might have it a different experience. and then also at the same time it is summer and people can gather more outdoors and, but at the same time it is also the festive season and the christmas and new year's and haul it and all the holidays at the moment. so it's, it's untangling, all these different bits and pieces is really quite complicated and we're still trying to unravel, unravel all of it all. but i do still think it is in the dark coming out of south africa. the moment is quite reassuring. right? and now there is another, another variant on the radar. this i, i, h u, which was identified in france back in november. is this is this, should we be worried about this, or is this just corona virus doing what viruses do? and just changing and mutating. and i think it's really too early to say, obviously we are, we will expect viruses to mutate and to continue to mutate. the real question is, what is mutations? what the, the real implications of these mutations will be. and what it will mean for disease guarantee vaccination and, and so it's, it's we to any to say how things are going with these would be variance. ok. thank you so much for joining us, dr. dr. hannah jose are from the university of cape town. thank you. what are some or developments in the pandemic or hong kong has imposed a 2 week a band on flights from 8 countries, including australia, india, britain, and the united states. polish president andre duda has tested positive for covert a poland has one of europe's lowest vaccination rates, and one of its highest death rates with few restrictions on socializing or a vaccine requirements. and friends, president emmanuel macro says he wants to make life or in vaccinated people so complicated that they just have to get jabbed, used a vulgar expression for getting on people's nerves. australia's prime minister says the tammy star novak jockey, which must prove that he sat at, but he has a medical exemption to play the australian open or he'll be on the next plane home . well, number one intends to defend his title in melbourne this month and has previously refused to reveal his vaccination status. is world number one and defending the australian open champion. novak joke of ich giving special treat men or not. people in melbourne are demanding answers. now that john commits the public and see vax, a person who really has advocated against it. hell those, you know, prominent tournaments last summer where kind of picked up kind of it himself. he's the one that gets medical exemption it's, it's not come down well at all. prime minister scott morrison applied some pressure, making it clear the joke of each one will be treated like every one else. he must provide acceptable proof that he cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and to be able to access the same travel. arrangements is fully vaccinated travels . so we are white, his presentation, and what evidence he provides to support that if that evidence is insufficient, then he might be treated any different to anyone else and he will be on the next plane. ok. so there should be no special rules for now that your coverage at all. just maybe there is nothing to see here. all stray an open organizer stays yoke of which had been given no special favor during the process to receive his exemption. they're not allowed to reveal the details of joke of is exemption application, but they urge the serve to reveal why it was approved, if only to call public outrage. and finally, organizations all over the world to come up with creative campaigns to encourage vaccination. here in germany and entrepreneur teamed up with a shepherd for a unique stunt in a push to achieve human earth, immunity, 700 sheep and goats were released and formed into a 100 meter long syringe. and they were tempted into position with pieces of bread . the stunts organizer said he was hoping to reach the emotions of vaccine hesitant people where scientific reasoning had failed. a sent you up, today's hello more world news of the tough off the hour in the meantime. of course, as the always at the website d, w dot com have a good day what secrets lie behind these was.

Related Keywords

Kazakhstan , Georgia , United States , Australia , Hong Kong , United Kingdom , Washington , South Africa , Cape Town , Western Cape , Melbourne , Victoria , Canada , Russia , Ukraine , Germany , India , Nigeria , Prague , Praha , Hlavníesto , Czech Republic , Poland , France , Polish , Britain , Australian , Ukrainian , Soviet , German , Russian , Scott Morrison , Hannah Jose , Eric ,

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