Transcripts For DW Arts.21 - Is Our Future AI 20240709 : com

Transcripts For DW Arts.21 - Is Our Future AI 20240709

we've grown up with technology with algorithmic methods inventory mod magdalena. how shocking, how transparent we are. both artificial intelligence is pretty much everywhere and it can be helpful. but how creative can machine learning b, where are the limits and what are the dangers? an exhibition and they should gain a museum and dressed and gives us answers about a i and explains how it all began. plus a pioneer of algorithm art shows us how creative machines can be. and a i even makes music using algorithms and rivers to compose amazing sounds. but 1st, how transparent are we for a i? what do the data trails we leave behind on the internet? say about us? an unsettling experiment in the documentary made to measure skeptically nanine negotiation as a feeler. that nevada, it's 20 years of the was i transitions. i'm at google to get done dimensions. we can predict the kindling relations whooshed, unfamiliar warning from mentioned mc no leaning clicks for has adam. it's not a secret. the giant tech companies like google collect our data at how far they really go. and can we grasp it emotionally in the documentary made to measure the artist group, la old coon, from berlin in vienna. help us experience this through a surprising experiment. rusty's adap invoke as you go on soccer, we wanted to take a closer look at our daughter being collected daily by google and facebook and what it actually says about us. now we decided to explore that with a kind of artistic data experiment where we pose the question and it can reconstruct a person's life story based on their data. says vic, without ever having met them before, that's what we tried to do. while gazande hom on the something else probably it. ringback ringback the film follows the artist journey from the creation of a facebook add 2 years ago with a asked for anonymous data donations. ringback ringback ringback ready they then breathed life into the stories behind the data by using an actress. the common element i all 3 of us have a background in theater. and our goal was to find a way how to reproduce a person just by using their data. and we asked an app just to fill in the gaps from google searches with her acting skills smithy overcharged. oh, if has luna and dorothy gardens washington, these look. and now the movie sim only knowledge because they used dancing from an austrian woman. the group pied viennese actress natalie, probably as the doppelganger, using the information from the dancer. they created a few sit in which she took on a new life and played in recreated scenes or non gotta sign a beginning. then we introduced the woman who donated her daughter to her double gang on. and her life story was told to her by the actress who of course it never really led this reconstructed lion. but she made it sound real that down to the last detail, the others had failed at head as he escalate business. let's the other type in the documentary we see the 2 women sitting across from each other for the 1st time, a blind date with an increasingly oppressive intensity. hello dee had me done at seal it there seek lout, death. it's been as though it been i like planning commanding deal like upon the still follows the donors live from her 1st waitressing job to training is a pastry chef to her nervous breakdown. the film lead to speechless and shocked the views are to my anger the daunting sitting that the 3 artists came up with is so realistic that the embodiment of the data feels like a true story. it triggers the view is to think, can such a story also be created from our data? and could we avoid our data being collected by using a different search engine, or by deleting our facebook account reps them on the oven if one tries to escape data collection by not having a google account because there is a very, very high probability that these giant tech companies have other ways to collect our dogs and yet for an amazon that somebody called and ions on it. for example, when we open our smartphone apps, they track uses and share daughter with companies like google, i invite the game andes of orson dog garden, google on the projects website. one can have an interactive experience. it's possible to get involved in the experiment and see how it works. a much more daring experience than just watching a film. the participant answers questions about the donor in the film. and while doing so, the website collects their data. at the end, they receive a shocking profile of themselves as him. and what we're trying to show on our website is something that's never been done elsewhere, not just being observed, but that we are also being observed while we're observing this, we're not via, but obama. that's fine, but obama paid is if any, and part of the system, it is the interesting thing. nothing. we mislead like the system to try to design for it that is about being able to gather young decibel about ourselves, kind of like how participant that. and she left trails, i data and she and you know that she had left the missed and that was the scariest upon them. i looked at her date renew. we were looking at something shady amity and i know about herself. as is vice eating disorders, depression, a life in crisis. when confronted with the daughter, the participant was overwhelmed. i'd forgotten her with any roach left. the intimate nature of the art project made to measure gives it a highly political effect. cuss the dog safety with and does this fit once. that's also al. conclusion from this experiment, i know that a very, very big question needs to be put on politics in europe, because currently there is no control over dotted trading and thought take, for example, the so called real time bidding was where real time data packages and our personal profiles i being traded to data brokers, as soon as nobody really knows what these data brokers actually do with this information back on these, the data broker engagement these formats weren't. the only advice the artist could give us about our online behavior. windsurfing is to minimize cookie settings, to the bare minimum. we don't really have any other alternatives, at least not yet. ah, how was a i developed questions and answers about its beginnings, opportunities and risks at an exhibition, in the deutsch, as he gain a museum. this chauffeur never speak, nor does it swear. this is a computer that can make practical decisions. left, right, stapo go. based on calculating countless scenarios, an autonomous vehicle. it's decision making process is better than any humans. it's not witchcraft. it is simply a, i say we are taught at the center hygiene museum into the artificial intelligence is a technical nerd. in the sense that a machine and ai system can solve a certain task in a very precise, cheap and quick manner. oscar under certain circumstances, it can even do it much better than humans, but it can only do that one task. im no design of the exhibition a i machine, his men human dreams explores how humans have been searching for clever servants. for centuries. the automation chance play was an 18th century fake chess playing machine, maneuvered by a clever man hidden inside oh, of to the exhibitions introduction. we enter the exercise when the rat, neural network connects artworks and installations that show how a i is created. busy the benchmark is the marvellous brain. busy the method is machine learning the computer with an enormous memory lens to link information, almost like a brain, as if it were thinking independently. oh, it was an x for lots of it does from. so in this exhibit to principle an object recognition and you networks is as plan of the act won't id come up. for example, when we put an object under the camera, we see how the object is detected by the camera and pass through the different layers of the neural network door lived. this results in the ability to detect the object, the edges of the act, a country it. so it's the training station. intelligence system has not yet finished learning. this any straits that a i can only do what it has been taught, but still it's becoming more common. this is marvin a friend as a person id at you, and i was johnny's a cat over here. my phrase caused entry using is infractions to determine patterns and a barrier itself cuddly. i can react to new to feelings. but this kind of uses in no way comparable to deep fakes, which are much more sinister. i am a fake bear, a d fake to be precise. and as you can see, even ivy prime minister can be affected by them. there's the unregulated power of technology like this risk, fueling this information eroding trust and compromising back dad dad. democracy is chance. what a i can do, and what's more, it is a i, this is lead to the disruptive revolution that we are not quite yet aware of featuring names from amazon to us alondo. and that, and capital is a concentration process is stronger in dot to capitalism than it is in finance, capitalism, or industrial capitalism. so there's a close connection between the fact that companies with the greatest wealth of dawns and also work well with ai and also the world's most successful companies hang out to live ingrid and under. so salmon, the data are the most valuable resource for value creation to day for the vouch up for the u. s. and china route local ai powers. china has used facial recognition to perfect surveillance. i saw it, but jim in law enforcement also relies on it in special cases. here a i learned to recognize jess jones typical for assaults and found the alarm when it shows up in permanent surveillance with well, well, we're considering surveillance systems to humans. for example, it's justifiable that we must view this technology from a critical perspective. in any case. i order and we've got to put a great deal of work into regulating this technology and developing awareness for when we want to use it or not always the and when we're water and whooshed, we love to express ourselves on social media and reveal things about ourselves in the digital age, we can have many identities. now, an artist has created a fitting artwork and recreated herself literally blue skin face body, a 3 d body scan based on the oddest louisa claimant herself. encoded with an algorithmic simulation of her personality. common communication is the basis of our existence lines. my name is with with my chinese name is faith bane. i am very happy i am from the future. in today's world we see ourselves reflected in social media every day. how does that old to al perception about body our appearance? have we basically become our own doppelganger thus conditions? once i find interesting is that i don't think, boy, what sets me apart on that round the how i adapt in order to fit in does that. i am and feel sad, one minute than the month. but dan, who am i? oh, whatever makes me unique, ours. what makes me dear friend, from every one else london, another louisa clement likes to go beyond the glossy surface of social media in her quest to explore issues of identity based in bon, this former student of the renowned photographer andreas gorski, is a rising star. in the international art world dulls and avatars make frequent appearances in her work. oh, work. during new york's lockdown, her video installation not lost in you was displayed on times square a piece about touch and human closeness. what happens to us when we can only communicate via whatsapp and zoom? lee allowed us what i think it can lead to intense loneliness of from so far. i can sit on the sofa post stuff online and when right stuff, you know who my and fill my life that way. and he's the one over the counter. mckee, i'm alone on the sofa. i'm not sitting in a cafe around the corner gumption. i think you can experience the reality check and start wondering what the point is, alice, when his sharing your life online and getting loaded likes happens when actually already just on your own. you meant a by but these days zoom conferences can't be avoided. the oddest is talking to researchers at the university of sob, hogan. they've developed a chat bought that allows the doll to talk her out. official intelligence system is based on 2000 personal questions. the doll responds and learns according to who is talking to her and about what as a, in a hyped a dental visit. ladonna said with information that we selected with louisa, especially in height. give it to you at the chat bought command, in addition to the chat box components that company which continued to develop and might no longer conform to what louisa wants to say. it intricate a mist mid evening. the dawn will still be like her voice message. me, you left him as an experiment that involves a deliberate loss of control in order to explore the ways we unwittingly succumb to prussia and nomes. louisa claimant is stringent with her subject matter but lavish with her visuals. she creates a universe steeped in references and allusions, nude photographs of the doe, not the artist, with their po, quantities of a mac. the doll allows me to do that with her and allows me to add a certain brutality. i would, i am on the i got directness that i might not have with my own body. i can cover like one which i might not want to show to the populate on it yet. i thought i didn't vote a thing for now. there are 3 of these avatars. 7 more will be made and sold to museums and collectors. oh, are you interested in history? yes. because you can learn a lot from the past and the present. and they each have their own experience. and with each of them, the oddest will be giving away a little pace of herself. at some point, she plans to bring them all together for a very unusual sort of family reunion and learning and self evolving machines. can they also be autonomously creative? a fascinating question for artists. mario cling amount is considered one of the pioneers in the field of algorithm art. or from an auto di jacked to one of the world's most popular digital artists. mario clingman has had a skyrocketing career in ai. he's everywhere. giving latches, holding workshops and showing his works and exhibitions, like here in madrid, his work is called memories of past by. it's the don't have tens of thousands of portraits painted from the 17th century until today, patiently programmed. now the eye is creating new faces, apparently on it's on, on the left, the more masculine, and to the right, more feminine. in woman to edition of that, the moment i would still say that i am the artist is line and the machine is just an extremely complicated tool. but one that unlike classic tools brings in its own ideas. i agony a day in mit building. right now he's working on a new installation with a robot. are it scans slides? said the artist has brain space for globally network vision. perhaps how a i i might look in the future. yeah, i love it. aesthetically? yes. i think that a, i will at some point, give us the impression that it's actually independent and is motivated to do what it does and what i'm not saying that it will really have that motivation. but it will make that impressions in the hut of us, but an angled of it weeks and months at the computer prove that i art is painstaking business. just look at hieronymus bush's complex work, the garden of italy delights. maria kingman has digitized it and built in little transformations. those imagery who have sharp eyes will discover images that dissolve or gain contours. it's a major artistic effort on the part of man and machine, but what's the point? thus it in his back. so what i wanted to show with this work and in a kind of simulation lexia, is that i feel that the world around us is constantly changing. and in a way that we don't even perceive eliza as it has gone as bon, even. what does a i do if you give it a 125 let is, and feeding quotations. i systems and known to be self learning. so can they actually formulate new intelligent sayings? just ask, take place at the nila to switch on the computer and preston. i begins to spout bits of wisdom that are actually pretty philosophical. ah ah, does it feel properties funds and it could be that i chosen neela for praying for an appropriate response interface. it naturally plays with the quandary between the reverence that we have for a i on the one hand yes. who and on the other, the fear that we don't know what this new technology will bring this unless on said is annoy picnic. putting the i exhibition at the hygiene museum and dressed in is interactive as well. maria clingman has loaded in countless photographs. visitors can use a touch screen to choose to for pause and design a fashion. and then e, i goes to look using algorithms for similarities and patterns implanted by the artist and he would have yes, is a logical chain of relationships between old vases and own min. mateo clingman creates his works with artificial intelligence mainly to surprises. oh yeah, i is also driving innovation in music. beethoven's 10th symphony completed. what the composer couldn't do in his lifetime a i has accomplished other programs, let forces of nature create melodies or music composed by a river escape or to be precise. the rivers, many bends, are analyzed and transposed into notes. the rhythm is set by the forces of nature. oh, and when the river has lots of bends or has a more complex visual structure, then the musical structure is also more complex one and when the course of the river changes. then you also hear that as acoustic feedback huffman, as a kind of live re interpretation based on the data acquired by the i then from the blue it's algorithms. ringback are fed with countless examples which teach the ai what turns sound into music. it can then suggest what themes the melody can embark on next. music made mathematically. but is it creative? is it art? oh, ah, it's almost, it's another approach that's the way you need to imagine it. and i'm thinking about i belong to a whole generation of new composes and also artists who have grown up with technology, with algorithmic methods at mission mentor. and what a has now opened up because or machine learning to put it more precisely is a kind of sparring partner is on a hot springs pop. a partner that helps in the composition process and react to suggestions at the ars electronica future lab in linds use. ition aline crohn has been developing a program for 10 years. that can write sophisticated compositions was this written by a man or a machine? civil to tell his big breakthrough came with the program, muse net, which can compose pieces in the style of everything from mozart to chappelle. ah, there is french feeding. if the listen to that piece of music that is composed by me, isis them and it is able to, to gamma responses in us because of the exact in all day i, system has no understanding of our emotions. classical pianists, glenn gould's performances, were emotional and unconventional. ah, though he died in 1982, his style is still alive and well, thanks to a i. okay. so what we're doing is we're analyzing language audio recordings to see how he interprets a given piece of music and try to teach to an a i system so that the a i could play in expressive style of mr. girl, i'm bringing going go back life. ah, it's, it's glen gould's. ghost is sitting at the piano. those who knew him are stunned. ah, christian louis that doesn't just want to imitate human creations. he wants to explore unknown dimensions through his art. with help from a i, he's collected some other worldly signals, transcriptions from space, interpreted by ai, using familiar harmonies. it's a bit back, a bit bizarre, yet somehow sublime, ah, you enter a question and get a reply. you never would have anticipated that can move things forward in the composition or creative work, which allows it to take a turn you simply couldn't predict. i had to think that's quite exciting. the, the out of the set bumps. and that was all today from arts 21. we hope you found our show on a i just as captivating as we did. here's to a new year full of energy and optimism. in 2022. everything is possible, but luckily only of humans and machines work together, stay healthy and happy and join us again next time. ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah with ah ah ah, shift your guide to life in the digital world ah. explore the latest online trends. navigate your way through the digital jungle. get a global perspective, will be your guide and show you what's possible. you decide what really matters to you know shift in 15 minutes on d, w t is back the latest successor. oh, undress rights in the new canter of light seats, world famous choir, the to monarch. why? oh mom, it's a chance to lead a classical music tradition into a new era. and for the swiss choir director, it's a lifelong dream. come true. 6 in 30 minutes on d w ah, i will interest the global economy our portfolio d w business beyond. here the closer look at the project. our mission. to analyze the fight for market dominance. east, this is when get us to the head with the w business. beyond on you to where i come from. we have to fight for a fleet breast. i was born and raised in a military dictatorship with just one tv channel and a few newspapers with official information. as a journeys i had work on the trip of many cameras, and their problems are always the same. for do social inequality, a lack of the freedom of the press and corruption would gone the for to stay silent when it comes to the defense of the humans on seaman whitefield goals will have inside to prevent drug enough. my name is jenny perez and i work at b w. ah, ah, ah ah, this is the w news live from berlin. a major blaze ravages south africa's parliament building. this is devastating you. it's a terrible, devastating event.

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New York , United States , Nevada , Madrid , Spain , China , Italy , South Africa , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Switzerland , France , Berlin , Germany , Reunion , London , City Of , United Kingdom , French , Swiss , Jess Jones , Louisa Clement , Maria Kingman , Andreas Gorski , Christian Louis , Glenn Gould , Aline Crohn , Glen Gould , Jenny Perez ,

© 2024 Vimarsana
Transcripts For DW Arts.21 - Is Our Future AI 20240709 :

Transcripts For DW Arts.21 - Is Our Future AI 20240709

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we've grown up with technology with algorithmic methods inventory mod magdalena. how shocking, how transparent we are. both artificial intelligence is pretty much everywhere and it can be helpful. but how creative can machine learning b, where are the limits and what are the dangers? an exhibition and they should gain a museum and dressed and gives us answers about a i and explains how it all began. plus a pioneer of algorithm art shows us how creative machines can be. and a i even makes music using algorithms and rivers to compose amazing sounds. but 1st, how transparent are we for a i? what do the data trails we leave behind on the internet? say about us? an unsettling experiment in the documentary made to measure skeptically nanine negotiation as a feeler. that nevada, it's 20 years of the was i transitions. i'm at google to get done dimensions. we can predict the kindling relations whooshed, unfamiliar warning from mentioned mc no leaning clicks for has adam. it's not a secret. the giant tech companies like google collect our data at how far they really go. and can we grasp it emotionally in the documentary made to measure the artist group, la old coon, from berlin in vienna. help us experience this through a surprising experiment. rusty's adap invoke as you go on soccer, we wanted to take a closer look at our daughter being collected daily by google and facebook and what it actually says about us. now we decided to explore that with a kind of artistic data experiment where we pose the question and it can reconstruct a person's life story based on their data. says vic, without ever having met them before, that's what we tried to do. while gazande hom on the something else probably it. ringback ringback the film follows the artist journey from the creation of a facebook add 2 years ago with a asked for anonymous data donations. ringback ringback ringback ready they then breathed life into the stories behind the data by using an actress. the common element i all 3 of us have a background in theater. and our goal was to find a way how to reproduce a person just by using their data. and we asked an app just to fill in the gaps from google searches with her acting skills smithy overcharged. oh, if has luna and dorothy gardens washington, these look. and now the movie sim only knowledge because they used dancing from an austrian woman. the group pied viennese actress natalie, probably as the doppelganger, using the information from the dancer. they created a few sit in which she took on a new life and played in recreated scenes or non gotta sign a beginning. then we introduced the woman who donated her daughter to her double gang on. and her life story was told to her by the actress who of course it never really led this reconstructed lion. but she made it sound real that down to the last detail, the others had failed at head as he escalate business. let's the other type in the documentary we see the 2 women sitting across from each other for the 1st time, a blind date with an increasingly oppressive intensity. hello dee had me done at seal it there seek lout, death. it's been as though it been i like planning commanding deal like upon the still follows the donors live from her 1st waitressing job to training is a pastry chef to her nervous breakdown. the film lead to speechless and shocked the views are to my anger the daunting sitting that the 3 artists came up with is so realistic that the embodiment of the data feels like a true story. it triggers the view is to think, can such a story also be created from our data? and could we avoid our data being collected by using a different search engine, or by deleting our facebook account reps them on the oven if one tries to escape data collection by not having a google account because there is a very, very high probability that these giant tech companies have other ways to collect our dogs and yet for an amazon that somebody called and ions on it. for example, when we open our smartphone apps, they track uses and share daughter with companies like google, i invite the game andes of orson dog garden, google on the projects website. one can have an interactive experience. it's possible to get involved in the experiment and see how it works. a much more daring experience than just watching a film. the participant answers questions about the donor in the film. and while doing so, the website collects their data. at the end, they receive a shocking profile of themselves as him. and what we're trying to show on our website is something that's never been done elsewhere, not just being observed, but that we are also being observed while we're observing this, we're not via, but obama. that's fine, but obama paid is if any, and part of the system, it is the interesting thing. nothing. we mislead like the system to try to design for it that is about being able to gather young decibel about ourselves, kind of like how participant that. and she left trails, i data and she and you know that she had left the missed and that was the scariest upon them. i looked at her date renew. we were looking at something shady amity and i know about herself. as is vice eating disorders, depression, a life in crisis. when confronted with the daughter, the participant was overwhelmed. i'd forgotten her with any roach left. the intimate nature of the art project made to measure gives it a highly political effect. cuss the dog safety with and does this fit once. that's also al. conclusion from this experiment, i know that a very, very big question needs to be put on politics in europe, because currently there is no control over dotted trading and thought take, for example, the so called real time bidding was where real time data packages and our personal profiles i being traded to data brokers, as soon as nobody really knows what these data brokers actually do with this information back on these, the data broker engagement these formats weren't. the only advice the artist could give us about our online behavior. windsurfing is to minimize cookie settings, to the bare minimum. we don't really have any other alternatives, at least not yet. ah, how was a i developed questions and answers about its beginnings, opportunities and risks at an exhibition, in the deutsch, as he gain a museum. this chauffeur never speak, nor does it swear. this is a computer that can make practical decisions. left, right, stapo go. based on calculating countless scenarios, an autonomous vehicle. it's decision making process is better than any humans. it's not witchcraft. it is simply a, i say we are taught at the center hygiene museum into the artificial intelligence is a technical nerd. in the sense that a machine and ai system can solve a certain task in a very precise, cheap and quick manner. oscar under certain circumstances, it can even do it much better than humans, but it can only do that one task. im no design of the exhibition a i machine, his men human dreams explores how humans have been searching for clever servants. for centuries. the automation chance play was an 18th century fake chess playing machine, maneuvered by a clever man hidden inside oh, of to the exhibitions introduction. we enter the exercise when the rat, neural network connects artworks and installations that show how a i is created. busy the benchmark is the marvellous brain. busy the method is machine learning the computer with an enormous memory lens to link information, almost like a brain, as if it were thinking independently. oh, it was an x for lots of it does from. so in this exhibit to principle an object recognition and you networks is as plan of the act won't id come up. for example, when we put an object under the camera, we see how the object is detected by the camera and pass through the different layers of the neural network door lived. this results in the ability to detect the object, the edges of the act, a country it. so it's the training station. intelligence system has not yet finished learning. this any straits that a i can only do what it has been taught, but still it's becoming more common. this is marvin a friend as a person id at you, and i was johnny's a cat over here. my phrase caused entry using is infractions to determine patterns and a barrier itself cuddly. i can react to new to feelings. but this kind of uses in no way comparable to deep fakes, which are much more sinister. i am a fake bear, a d fake to be precise. and as you can see, even ivy prime minister can be affected by them. there's the unregulated power of technology like this risk, fueling this information eroding trust and compromising back dad dad. democracy is chance. what a i can do, and what's more, it is a i, this is lead to the disruptive revolution that we are not quite yet aware of featuring names from amazon to us alondo. and that, and capital is a concentration process is stronger in dot to capitalism than it is in finance, capitalism, or industrial capitalism. so there's a close connection between the fact that companies with the greatest wealth of dawns and also work well with ai and also the world's most successful companies hang out to live ingrid and under. so salmon, the data are the most valuable resource for value creation to day for the vouch up for the u. s. and china route local ai powers. china has used facial recognition to perfect surveillance. i saw it, but jim in law enforcement also relies on it in special cases. here a i learned to recognize jess jones typical for assaults and found the alarm when it shows up in permanent surveillance with well, well, we're considering surveillance systems to humans. for example, it's justifiable that we must view this technology from a critical perspective. in any case. i order and we've got to put a great deal of work into regulating this technology and developing awareness for when we want to use it or not always the and when we're water and whooshed, we love to express ourselves on social media and reveal things about ourselves in the digital age, we can have many identities. now, an artist has created a fitting artwork and recreated herself literally blue skin face body, a 3 d body scan based on the oddest louisa claimant herself. encoded with an algorithmic simulation of her personality. common communication is the basis of our existence lines. my name is with with my chinese name is faith bane. i am very happy i am from the future. in today's world we see ourselves reflected in social media every day. how does that old to al perception about body our appearance? have we basically become our own doppelganger thus conditions? once i find interesting is that i don't think, boy, what sets me apart on that round the how i adapt in order to fit in does that. i am and feel sad, one minute than the month. but dan, who am i? oh, whatever makes me unique, ours. what makes me dear friend, from every one else london, another louisa clement likes to go beyond the glossy surface of social media in her quest to explore issues of identity based in bon, this former student of the renowned photographer andreas gorski, is a rising star. in the international art world dulls and avatars make frequent appearances in her work. oh, work. during new york's lockdown, her video installation not lost in you was displayed on times square a piece about touch and human closeness. what happens to us when we can only communicate via whatsapp and zoom? lee allowed us what i think it can lead to intense loneliness of from so far. i can sit on the sofa post stuff online and when right stuff, you know who my and fill my life that way. and he's the one over the counter. mckee, i'm alone on the sofa. i'm not sitting in a cafe around the corner gumption. i think you can experience the reality check and start wondering what the point is, alice, when his sharing your life online and getting loaded likes happens when actually already just on your own. you meant a by but these days zoom conferences can't be avoided. the oddest is talking to researchers at the university of sob, hogan. they've developed a chat bought that allows the doll to talk her out. official intelligence system is based on 2000 personal questions. the doll responds and learns according to who is talking to her and about what as a, in a hyped a dental visit. ladonna said with information that we selected with louisa, especially in height. give it to you at the chat bought command, in addition to the chat box components that company which continued to develop and might no longer conform to what louisa wants to say. it intricate a mist mid evening. the dawn will still be like her voice message. me, you left him as an experiment that involves a deliberate loss of control in order to explore the ways we unwittingly succumb to prussia and nomes. louisa claimant is stringent with her subject matter but lavish with her visuals. she creates a universe steeped in references and allusions, nude photographs of the doe, not the artist, with their po, quantities of a mac. the doll allows me to do that with her and allows me to add a certain brutality. i would, i am on the i got directness that i might not have with my own body. i can cover like one which i might not want to show to the populate on it yet. i thought i didn't vote a thing for now. there are 3 of these avatars. 7 more will be made and sold to museums and collectors. oh, are you interested in history? yes. because you can learn a lot from the past and the present. and they each have their own experience. and with each of them, the oddest will be giving away a little pace of herself. at some point, she plans to bring them all together for a very unusual sort of family reunion and learning and self evolving machines. can they also be autonomously creative? a fascinating question for artists. mario cling amount is considered one of the pioneers in the field of algorithm art. or from an auto di jacked to one of the world's most popular digital artists. mario clingman has had a skyrocketing career in ai. he's everywhere. giving latches, holding workshops and showing his works and exhibitions, like here in madrid, his work is called memories of past by. it's the don't have tens of thousands of portraits painted from the 17th century until today, patiently programmed. now the eye is creating new faces, apparently on it's on, on the left, the more masculine, and to the right, more feminine. in woman to edition of that, the moment i would still say that i am the artist is line and the machine is just an extremely complicated tool. but one that unlike classic tools brings in its own ideas. i agony a day in mit building. right now he's working on a new installation with a robot. are it scans slides? said the artist has brain space for globally network vision. perhaps how a i i might look in the future. yeah, i love it. aesthetically? yes. i think that a, i will at some point, give us the impression that it's actually independent and is motivated to do what it does and what i'm not saying that it will really have that motivation. but it will make that impressions in the hut of us, but an angled of it weeks and months at the computer prove that i art is painstaking business. just look at hieronymus bush's complex work, the garden of italy delights. maria kingman has digitized it and built in little transformations. those imagery who have sharp eyes will discover images that dissolve or gain contours. it's a major artistic effort on the part of man and machine, but what's the point? thus it in his back. so what i wanted to show with this work and in a kind of simulation lexia, is that i feel that the world around us is constantly changing. and in a way that we don't even perceive eliza as it has gone as bon, even. what does a i do if you give it a 125 let is, and feeding quotations. i systems and known to be self learning. so can they actually formulate new intelligent sayings? just ask, take place at the nila to switch on the computer and preston. i begins to spout bits of wisdom that are actually pretty philosophical. ah ah, does it feel properties funds and it could be that i chosen neela for praying for an appropriate response interface. it naturally plays with the quandary between the reverence that we have for a i on the one hand yes. who and on the other, the fear that we don't know what this new technology will bring this unless on said is annoy picnic. putting the i exhibition at the hygiene museum and dressed in is interactive as well. maria clingman has loaded in countless photographs. visitors can use a touch screen to choose to for pause and design a fashion. and then e, i goes to look using algorithms for similarities and patterns implanted by the artist and he would have yes, is a logical chain of relationships between old vases and own min. mateo clingman creates his works with artificial intelligence mainly to surprises. oh yeah, i is also driving innovation in music. beethoven's 10th symphony completed. what the composer couldn't do in his lifetime a i has accomplished other programs, let forces of nature create melodies or music composed by a river escape or to be precise. the rivers, many bends, are analyzed and transposed into notes. the rhythm is set by the forces of nature. oh, and when the river has lots of bends or has a more complex visual structure, then the musical structure is also more complex one and when the course of the river changes. then you also hear that as acoustic feedback huffman, as a kind of live re interpretation based on the data acquired by the i then from the blue it's algorithms. ringback are fed with countless examples which teach the ai what turns sound into music. it can then suggest what themes the melody can embark on next. music made mathematically. but is it creative? is it art? oh, ah, it's almost, it's another approach that's the way you need to imagine it. and i'm thinking about i belong to a whole generation of new composes and also artists who have grown up with technology, with algorithmic methods at mission mentor. and what a has now opened up because or machine learning to put it more precisely is a kind of sparring partner is on a hot springs pop. a partner that helps in the composition process and react to suggestions at the ars electronica future lab in linds use. ition aline crohn has been developing a program for 10 years. that can write sophisticated compositions was this written by a man or a machine? civil to tell his big breakthrough came with the program, muse net, which can compose pieces in the style of everything from mozart to chappelle. ah, there is french feeding. if the listen to that piece of music that is composed by me, isis them and it is able to, to gamma responses in us because of the exact in all day i, system has no understanding of our emotions. classical pianists, glenn gould's performances, were emotional and unconventional. ah, though he died in 1982, his style is still alive and well, thanks to a i. okay. so what we're doing is we're analyzing language audio recordings to see how he interprets a given piece of music and try to teach to an a i system so that the a i could play in expressive style of mr. girl, i'm bringing going go back life. ah, it's, it's glen gould's. ghost is sitting at the piano. those who knew him are stunned. ah, christian louis that doesn't just want to imitate human creations. he wants to explore unknown dimensions through his art. with help from a i, he's collected some other worldly signals, transcriptions from space, interpreted by ai, using familiar harmonies. it's a bit back, a bit bizarre, yet somehow sublime, ah, you enter a question and get a reply. you never would have anticipated that can move things forward in the composition or creative work, which allows it to take a turn you simply couldn't predict. i had to think that's quite exciting. the, the out of the set bumps. and that was all today from arts 21. we hope you found our show on a i just as captivating as we did. here's to a new year full of energy and optimism. in 2022. everything is possible, but luckily only of humans and machines work together, stay healthy and happy and join us again next time. ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah with ah ah ah, shift your guide to life in the digital world ah. explore the latest online trends. navigate your way through the digital jungle. get a global perspective, will be your guide and show you what's possible. you decide what really matters to you know shift in 15 minutes on d, w t is back the latest successor. oh, undress rights in the new canter of light seats, world famous choir, the to monarch. why? oh mom, it's a chance to lead a classical music tradition into a new era. and for the swiss choir director, it's a lifelong dream. come true. 6 in 30 minutes on d w ah, i will interest the global economy our portfolio d w business beyond. here 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