Transcripts For DW Kick Off Spezial 20240709 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For DW Kick Off Spezial 20240709

some swine m u v. i a not hard to question one year after returning to sweden was she published the novel to jerusalem. taylor all based on that day if the ocean 9 jerusalem was the best seller in 19 o 9. so monotonous became the 1st woman to be awarded the nobel prize for literature. the american colony hotel welcomed many prominent guests. john steinbeck and graham green stayed there for weeks at a time. the hotel was also popular with hollywood celebrities. amazed at the mar thurmond and now when wilma thurman came, it was all last minute. there was no suitable room left for her because she was travelling with her nanny and child alia. we sent the hotel manager to a friend's place, and she got his apartments for a 118. would you? the history of the hotel is closely into woven with the history of jerusalem. it's come, makes competing interests and claims to power. jerusalem is wholly to muslims, christians and jews. the city has long been both covetous and contested. oh, in the 19th century, jerusalem was a walled city in the middle of the ottoman empire and a turkish royal ah . during world war one, palestine also became a battlefield. the british wanted to put an end to turkish rule in the middle east . jerusalem descended into chaos. many people were injured or lost, their lives. ah, the american colonies warden it off. the american colony was assign tasks by jama pasha, who was supposed to defeat the british in egypt, iowa lunchables allenwood. both party came to jerusalem and ordered the establishment of the red crescent to care for wounded soldiers. the wound at warden with a sang and the center of the organisation was at the american colony. had the american colony. ah, the commune provided humanitarian aid to the red crescent, took his largest relief organization. members of the religious community cared for the wounded. they also organized soup kitchens for the population. after feminine epidemics began to sweep through the city, the american colony avoided all political engagement and insisted on remaining neutral, especially amidst the war. the community followed the lead of anna spafford and her daughter, bertha, who later wrote. it was a tense moment in which i asked for guidance. my answer was that we had offered to nurse neither friends nor foes, but humanity. and that our offer held good. mm . mm. in late 1917. the push to control of garza jerusalem was surrounded. the ottoman troops surrendered without a fight. the turkish governor, he was passing, the american colony was told to put out what flag, which is very nice except he didn't have a white flag. so he went into the american calling, i took sheet from one of the beds, tore it, and 2, and walked out to find some british men to surrender to which he did. and the british who took it had no idea what to do with it, because they've never been in a position of accepting a surrender. and bearing in mind that one was a cook, a push officer, accepted the surrender. the historic moment was recorded by an american colony photographer. this photograph is the only surviving document of the moment that spelled, the end of 400 years of ottoman rule was captured before the booty should have fishy announced victory. ah, the mission now made miasma. in the end, it was mayor who seine, who informed the residence of jerusalem that the turks had surrendered. she was, and it was larson, of the american colony who documented it was amy valasics with anything ah, british general, edmond allenby and to jerusalem, was deliberate understatement. dismounting and walking through the jaffa gate on foot. on april 25th 1920, the victorious allied powers transferred administration of palestine to britain. under the british mandate, jerusalem developed into a modern city, attracting ever more tourists and business people, as well as our than jewish immigrants. edmund alan b, who'd been promoted to field marshal, became one of anna spotted welcome guests. business at the american colony hotel was booming. the colony had, by that time more or less v kumato. you could imagine coming in from england. you defeated the germans in the turks and you find, oh, these people are living slightly westernized style life at the american colony, the cities cultural classes, rub, shoulders ah, one of the most famous guests was thomas edward laurence, best known as lawrence of arabia and astute observer. brilliant writer, an avid teller of tales blue, $923.00 and especially died of a jewel. she carried on her spirit through her work and faith, bringing people together in creating places of refuge for her biggest concern. went to the cities disadvantage children. in 1925, she opened an orphanage was the orphanage would later become at the spot for children's center, a charitable institution that still occupies the original location in the old city . the foundation provides health, social, and educational support to palestinian children and families in east jerusalem. the seats of the charity were planted on christmas eve in 1925. when beth spafford, vesta encountered a bedouin, his sick wife, and their baby hospitals were closed. and the family had no place to stay. ah, as beth alicia rose in her memoirs, he before me stood a rustic madonna and bab. and metaphorically speaking, no room to then in even better arrange for the family to receive medical attention. but the next morning to father came this his baby and said my wife died. and i don't know how i can take care of this baby because i live in a cave. and so and gone to take to baby and barrett devils said he moved. of course, she took the baby golden ears, but all did he had in this building in one or 2 weeks high more babies for coming because a story like this gets around fatty sauce me show dish became a baby home and especially baby home. i shall also supported mattress offering help forever was needed most regardless of the recipients background or faith. me to help in there. i can donations soon expand to the orphanage into a children's hospital. busy ah, ah, 900 trinity's tensions began to rise. the british had promised support for national home for jewish people and also promised the arabs independence. both sides felt betrayed. ah! the escalation violence put the american hotel which did not want to take sides to the test. the situation became increasingly tense. in 1936, the arab revolt began palestine was on the brink of civil war, caught a false exit, isaac this 9 from 1936 to 1939 during the arab revolt. the american colony, which was right on the border, was very anxious to maintain strict neutrality. trash can avoid conflict or trouble with any party, and an conflict graphite or the aca to become in 19 says he, 3 jews began to flee germany for palestine by 1939. some 200000 had arrived. arab nationalists began to carry out attacks against the jewish immigrants in the british administration. the american colony hotel found itself in a precarious position during the 2nd world war, there was fighting here in the courtyard, hand to hand fighting between the arab legion and the israelis. i was and though as mortis blew up part of the lobby, the entrance lobby and rigid the old palm tree that we had in the in the summer. barstow had bullet holmes on it. at the same time, i mean the bertha was still going out to bridge parties to left a staff at vista was widow didn't 1942 by then she was well known as a hotel manager. but the hotels hopes for revival after the war would dashed. the conflicts in the city remained unresolved, and visitors stayed away. ah, on may 14th, 1948, the british mandate expired. that same day doth had been good and proclaimed to state of israel. i am with the next i admitted tree coalition of arab states attacks jerusalem again became a battlefield. the american colony hotel was turned into a field hospital, situated directly the frontline ah bat us baffled cut in standish, the adopt bertha spafford bag the arab army not to occupy the house. they didn't want the house to be considered arab territory because of course they never knew what would happen next i gave. and the fact that their request was complied with. must have been due to their good relations with the arabs, adequate of its yields, if it hadn't been for those good relations. neither side would have granted any consideration to the request at southwick fishkill on venice was disappointed at silk again. ha ha. in 1949, a truce was reached between israel and the arab states. the holy city was divided. israel received the western pers, jordan, the east border controls became come a place in the city. the american colony hotel fit for its future. as a night, the hotel was cutoff from israel, it was in the, our part of town. and the wall made things very difficult for it because it was a war zone on the american. connie was on the edge of the was it sort of a sudden it became a rather economy, bad thing for the american economy. the fact that this a new border had erupt. it plus of course it lost all its contact with ease. righty site, which was probably at the time the site was doing more business with by now. the american colony was a business, lost a lot of its clients, so out of its suppliers. so it was a big show shock on also culture show the face of the city, anti tel wood, linked in the coming years. the hotel was on the brink. oh, the problem was that we weren't and that reached ahead in about 1960 and that's when my father had to come out when the hotel was faced with bankruptcy. ah, beth his son horatio vesta was living in london. he decided to return to help site . the hotel horatio had grown up in jerusalem, but left for london at 17. he became a lawyer and married a high spirited axis. when he returned to jerusalem, horatio promised his wife valentine, that he would stay only 6 months. he reorganized the whole structure of the hotel and he started to try and build it up as a, as a hotel with more commercialized um facilities. and he convinced my grandmother that we should have somewhere to have drinks a kind of bah. because before that you were younger, you are allowed alcohol, but on if you had it in your room. when the sunsets in jerusalem, the hotel turns on its light. in the summer, the garden bar is a favorite gathering place. it welcomes israelis and palestinians, locals and tourists from all over the world at the hotel, the mood is one of hospitality to all with russia, vista managed to avert bankruptcy, but he felt he was still needed at the hotel. his wife joined him with a heavy heart, leaving england living on here was great for horatio as a native arabic speaker and just felt was coming home. and it was not such fun for val, who didn't really like it here and was very fond of england. so as tough valentine refused to give up. eventually she found a new passion. the hotel's garden. oh, she plunged into her project with enthusiasm, designing the landscaping, composing the flower beds oh, if it's paid off today the drowns are known as one of the most lovely of the world's hotel gardens. only. but the mag, you know, in war shall geena bless her. but i knew nothing about gardening when i started here, go over, they were only olive trees here. telemachus reversed where that vow was very tough . she explained everything to me. however, she gathered all the seats herself behind him. she loved flowers and collected them from all over the world. go. van sanibel told me to use light colors so you could see them at night time. amongst them seemed to behold white pink and bright red in your casino lin. mccormack of rainbow lama mccomb was a mix of both boys in 1967 at the situation again. great. hence the arab states began to mobilize, fearing an attack on 3 fronts. israel decided to launch a preemptive strike. on june 5th, 1967. israel began an air attack against its neighbors, egypt, jordan and syria. ah. during what became known as the 6 day war. israel also captured east jerusalem. the man in no hut the defer. i lo was that the, the hotel was right on the front line is lit, a few rockets hit the square in front of the hotel. i mean that there were no casualties who i am. let's read them as you, as my country, a drop. well, but when the israelis captured east jerusalem already and there were no problems for the hotel, any man, everything went on as normal. a muscular lab at the low moral up of at o israel security tree. it now rolled over a 1000000 palestinians in the west bank garza and east jerusalem. the american colony hotel remain neutral. ooh, oh, this is beth advanced, who died in 1968 hospitality in warmth. had succeeded in transforming the american colony into the american colony hotel. ready his son horatio and his wife valentine, took over the helm slowly, transforming the hotel into a luxury establishment. they installed a swimming pool and fitness for him to accommodate the wishes of a new generation of tourists. ah, we started to get a reputation for food. and so they both started to come juice started coming out from tel aviv to non cursor food. we were the only place that we were, we were importing lobsters. so these railways could come in a lobster, the american cup. i asked her, she asked my father, i cuz they used to keep the lobsters in the fraser. and i asked my, so i sort of nobody loves to. i knew his i said, how did you deal with the loves is, are we get it out of the freezer? we got 2 out of the fraser every day. and i said, well, what if nobody, it's a lobster, though we put it back in the fraser. these days there's no re frozen lobster on the menu, but you won't find hoard cuisine and 5 star shifts in the kitchen. he either the menu is unpretentious in international featuring fresh fish and vegetables. med sir, and club sandwiches. the now planning to admiral gannett, products to the menu, the hotel news with the times and the wishes of the guests. in the 1980s, the swiss, hotelier became general manager, perhaps yet another not to the principle of neutrality. don't go dexter geopolitics . they'll kill your a to spit and see during the geopolitical context, especially here in jerusalem. so i think it was very wise to turn to switch management because switzerland plays a neutral role all over the world knows holiday aquarella. morning ursula bell, many events were held in the hotel book, including many meetings of diplomat will in ovalo dealt with arkansas gl model daily gather more big. the larger glasses as we saw tell group took the management of the american colony hotel for the staff is who remain involved in all major decisions. many of the hotel staff, a palestinians. they work prospects in jerusalem a limited and anyone lucky enough to find a job he intends to stay. ah, ah, the hotel exists amidst a state of uncertainty. israeli military road blocks and violent unrest, unknown uncommon. will egan downfall follow that this bank up get eagle food when there was any sort of incident and the west bank was sealed off. i had employees who had to travel 3 to 4 hours just to get here for c vada, stuff for them. it was really critical because they weren't supposed to be here. she had to meet, he is on duty. and if they had been caught and they would have been legal consequences at this, you least should consequence. and he gave no, they take a lot on themselves to keep the hotel running will allow for him to hold the american colony hotel has succeeded in what remains elusive elsewhere in the country. a peaceful coexistence and no bother with a $1000000.00 a i can really say that the management takes very good care of the entire staff of yahoo. it doesn't matter if they're jews, christians or muslims, them the matter they care about us. also about our economic situation was athena. and how did m swaim good? many employees live under difficult circumstances. mister mccoy, from my home and a notice very shy at the very if ah, the situation to palestinians grew more difficult. in the 1980s, young palestinians resolved to fight against these rally government and the occupation in 1987. the 1st intifada, which was soon dubbed the war, the stones began. the conflict brought with it violence and death. ah. in 1993 secret talks began between the 2 hostile parties in norway, which became known as the oslo peace process. bought negotiations will also held in jerusalem in room 16 at the american colony hotel. these us to him of this were to give us citizens. this room was booked to the meeting room behind us. but i cashed out of the we noticed when the cars pulled up that it was a mixed delegation. the commission delegates, fioma israeli, palestinian, and international into nocturnal. one of the journalist lea, a norwegian cast invite a car, came over and spoke to me, come down to me on south and you know what's happening was had no clue. ah, it's historical blue negotiations in room 16 continued for days would began to get out. ah, knocked him by the ugly humidity. after that we became the local meeting point to fall to bomb up. i made my private apartment available for board meetings and we became very close unconscious. as in our son, it was an incredibly exciting time. and it's a time of hopes and dreams from your health. toppled a gland, gusta and mal and my opened the back door of my shop and made my carpet storage room available. every feller, fuel camry is to me on the side. all the negotiators gathered there for 2 to 3 hours that it was happening right before my eyes and i live in america darling. she had a new of many secret things about tyler the and we had the strong feeling that the results would be good for both people that loved the law can assess how we enroll. cooler there is unit dashed, ivy. the shabby. ah. on september, 13th, 1993. the eyes of the bold watching is ready, prime minister to tack robina and yasser arafat head of the palestinian liberation organization, met in washington dc. ah, yes, our fat and shimon peres than israeli foreign minister signed the interim agreement of the os level codes. the 2 sides had come together. piece seemed within reach the any b and does it during the oslo accords we palestinians were very happy because we thought the piece would happen and conditions would improve. ross silhouette, the ha, those hopes have yet to come to fruition. the dream, everlasting pace is still but a vision. the political situation remains fragile, changing from one day to the next. for the american colony hotel, a hotel spanning 2 worlds. there is only one choice to remain a place of hospitality and welcome open to every one. the environment only live it is changing all the time and the was the outside can change and if people don't trust each other on either side, we can help. we can only hope people continue to trust us and people will continue to come to the hotel knowing that we're above it. ah ah ah ah, a an unequal gain. women and climate change with lower income changes unless he said they are the west affected by its impact. but women not just going to stand there and watch, they have tangible ideas against the consequences of global warming. eco, india. 30 minutes on dw. welcome to the dark side where intelligence agencies are pulling the strings. there was a before 911 and after 911, he says after 911, the clubs came off. were organized crime rules were conglomerates and make their own laws. they invade our private lives through surveillance. hidden opaque, secretive. what's true? what's vague? it doesn't matter. the only criteria is what we'll hook people up. we shed light on the opaque world who's behind benefits. and why are they a threat to what's all opaque world starts january 5th on d, w ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin. franz introduces new measures to slow the spread of corona virus. as the country's prime minister says, it's facing the highest number of cases since the start of a pandemic will get the latest from our correspondence in paris. also coming up on the show. he's real begins.

Related Keywords

Arkansas , United States , Norway , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , United Kingdom , Paris , France General , France , West Bank , Washington , Tel Aviv , Syria , Russia , Jordan , London , City Of , Germany , India , Egypt , Langley , Northumberland , Iowa , Hollywood , California , Sweden , Oslo , Switzerland , Berlin , Turkey , Norwegian , Swedish , Turkish , Germans , Turks , Britain , Swedes , Israelis , British , Swiss , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Wilma Thurman , Amy Hoffman , Gilly Ocean , Beth Alicia , Shimon Peres , Lama Mccomb , Thomas Edward Laurence , Edmund Alan , Sophie Elko , John Steinbeck , Horatio Asa , Mister Mccoy , Horatio Vesta , Ursula Bell , Yasser Arafat ,

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Transcripts For DW Kick Off Spezial 20240709 :

Transcripts For DW Kick Off Spezial 20240709

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some swine m u v. i a not hard to question one year after returning to sweden was she published the novel to jerusalem. taylor all based on that day if the ocean 9 jerusalem was the best seller in 19 o 9. so monotonous became the 1st woman to be awarded the nobel prize for literature. the american colony hotel welcomed many prominent guests. john steinbeck and graham green stayed there for weeks at a time. the hotel was also popular with hollywood celebrities. amazed at the mar thurmond and now when wilma thurman came, it was all last minute. there was no suitable room left for her because she was travelling with her nanny and child alia. we sent the hotel manager to a friend's place, and she got his apartments for a 118. would you? the history of the hotel is closely into woven with the history of jerusalem. it's come, makes competing interests and claims to power. jerusalem is wholly to muslims, christians and jews. the city has long been both covetous and contested. oh, in the 19th century, jerusalem was a walled city in the middle of the ottoman empire and a turkish royal ah . during world war one, palestine also became a battlefield. the british wanted to put an end to turkish rule in the middle east . jerusalem descended into chaos. many people were injured or lost, their lives. ah, the american colonies warden it off. the american colony was assign tasks by jama pasha, who was supposed to defeat the british in egypt, iowa lunchables allenwood. both party came to jerusalem and ordered the establishment of the red crescent to care for wounded soldiers. the wound at warden with a sang and the center of the organisation was at the american colony. had the american colony. ah, the commune provided humanitarian aid to the red crescent, took his largest relief organization. members of the religious community cared for the wounded. they also organized soup kitchens for the population. after feminine epidemics began to sweep through the city, the american colony avoided all political engagement and insisted on remaining neutral, especially amidst the war. the community followed the lead of anna spafford and her daughter, bertha, who later wrote. it was a tense moment in which i asked for guidance. my answer was that we had offered to nurse neither friends nor foes, but humanity. and that our offer held good. mm . mm. in late 1917. the push to control of garza jerusalem was surrounded. the ottoman troops surrendered without a fight. the turkish governor, he was passing, the american colony was told to put out what flag, which is very nice except he didn't have a white flag. so he went into the american calling, i took sheet from one of the beds, tore it, and 2, and walked out to find some british men to surrender to which he did. and the british who took it had no idea what to do with it, because they've never been in a position of accepting a surrender. and bearing in mind that one was a cook, a push officer, accepted the surrender. the historic moment was recorded by an american colony photographer. this photograph is the only surviving document of the moment that spelled, the end of 400 years of ottoman rule was captured before the booty should have fishy announced victory. ah, the mission now made miasma. in the end, it was mayor who seine, who informed the residence of jerusalem that the turks had surrendered. she was, and it was larson, of the american colony who documented it was amy valasics with anything ah, british general, edmond allenby and to jerusalem, was deliberate understatement. dismounting and walking through the jaffa gate on foot. on april 25th 1920, the victorious allied powers transferred administration of palestine to britain. under the british mandate, jerusalem developed into a modern city, attracting ever more tourists and business people, as well as our than jewish immigrants. edmund alan b, who'd been promoted to field marshal, became one of anna spotted welcome guests. business at the american colony hotel was booming. the colony had, by that time more or less v kumato. you could imagine coming in from england. you defeated the germans in the turks and you find, oh, these people are living slightly westernized style life at the american colony, the cities cultural classes, rub, shoulders ah, one of the most famous guests was thomas edward laurence, best known as lawrence of arabia and astute observer. brilliant writer, an avid teller of tales blue, $923.00 and especially died of a jewel. she carried on her spirit through her work and faith, bringing people together in creating places of refuge for her biggest concern. went to the cities disadvantage children. in 1925, she opened an orphanage was the orphanage would later become at the spot for children's center, a charitable institution that still occupies the original location in the old city . the foundation provides health, social, and educational support to palestinian children and families in east jerusalem. the seats of the charity were planted on christmas eve in 1925. when beth spafford, vesta encountered a bedouin, his sick wife, and their baby hospitals were closed. and the family had no place to stay. ah, as beth alicia rose in her memoirs, he before me stood a rustic madonna and bab. and metaphorically speaking, no room to then in even better arrange for the family to receive medical attention. but the next morning to father came this his baby and said my wife died. and i don't know how i can take care of this baby because i live in a cave. and so and gone to take to baby and barrett devils said he moved. of course, she took the baby golden ears, but all did he had in this building in one or 2 weeks high more babies for coming because a story like this gets around fatty sauce me show dish became a baby home and especially baby home. i shall also supported mattress offering help forever was needed most regardless of the recipients background or faith. me to help in there. i can donations soon expand to the orphanage into a children's hospital. busy ah, ah, 900 trinity's tensions began to rise. the british had promised support for national home for jewish people and also promised the arabs independence. both sides felt betrayed. ah! the escalation violence put the american hotel which did not want to take sides to the test. the situation became increasingly tense. in 1936, the arab revolt began palestine was on the brink of civil war, caught a false exit, isaac this 9 from 1936 to 1939 during the arab revolt. the american colony, which was right on the border, was very anxious to maintain strict neutrality. trash can avoid conflict or trouble with any party, and an conflict graphite or the aca to become in 19 says he, 3 jews began to flee germany for palestine by 1939. some 200000 had arrived. arab nationalists began to carry out attacks against the jewish immigrants in the british administration. the american colony hotel found itself in a precarious position during the 2nd world war, there was fighting here in the courtyard, hand to hand fighting between the arab legion and the israelis. i was and though as mortis blew up part of the lobby, the entrance lobby and rigid the old palm tree that we had in the in the summer. barstow had bullet holmes on it. at the same time, i mean the bertha was still going out to bridge parties to left a staff at vista was widow didn't 1942 by then she was well known as a hotel manager. but the hotels hopes for revival after the war would dashed. the conflicts in the city remained unresolved, and visitors stayed away. ah, on may 14th, 1948, the british mandate expired. that same day doth had been good and proclaimed to state of israel. i am with the next i admitted tree coalition of arab states attacks jerusalem again became a battlefield. the american colony hotel was turned into a field hospital, situated directly the frontline ah bat us baffled cut in standish, the adopt bertha spafford bag the arab army not to occupy the house. they didn't want the house to be considered arab territory because of course they never knew what would happen next i gave. and the fact that their request was complied with. must have been due to their good relations with the arabs, adequate of its yields, if it hadn't been for those good relations. neither side would have granted any consideration to the request at southwick fishkill on venice was disappointed at silk again. ha ha. in 1949, a truce was reached between israel and the arab states. the holy city was divided. israel received the western pers, jordan, the east border controls became come a place in the city. the american colony hotel fit for its future. as a night, the hotel was cutoff from israel, it was in the, our part of town. and the wall made things very difficult for it because it was a war zone on the american. connie was on the edge of the was it sort of a sudden it became a rather economy, bad thing for the american economy. the fact that this a new border had erupt. it plus of course it lost all its contact with ease. righty site, which was probably at the time the site was doing more business with by now. the american colony was a business, lost a lot of its clients, so out of its suppliers. so it was a big show shock on also culture show the face of the city, anti tel wood, linked in the coming years. the hotel was on the brink. oh, the problem was that we weren't and that reached ahead in about 1960 and that's when my father had to come out when the hotel was faced with bankruptcy. ah, beth his son horatio vesta was living in london. he decided to return to help site . the hotel horatio had grown up in jerusalem, but left for london at 17. he became a lawyer and married a high spirited axis. when he returned to jerusalem, horatio promised his wife valentine, that he would stay only 6 months. he reorganized the whole structure of the hotel and he started to try and build it up as a, as a hotel with more commercialized um facilities. and he convinced my grandmother that we should have somewhere to have drinks a kind of bah. because before that you were younger, you are allowed alcohol, but on if you had it in your room. when the sunsets in jerusalem, the hotel turns on its light. in the summer, the garden bar is a favorite gathering place. it welcomes israelis and palestinians, locals and tourists from all over the world at the hotel, the mood is one of hospitality to all with russia, vista managed to avert bankruptcy, but he felt he was still needed at the hotel. his wife joined him with a heavy heart, leaving england living on here was great for horatio as a native arabic speaker and just felt was coming home. and it was not such fun for val, who didn't really like it here and was very fond of england. so as tough valentine refused to give up. eventually she found a new passion. the hotel's garden. oh, she plunged into her project with enthusiasm, designing the landscaping, composing the flower beds oh, if it's paid off today the drowns are known as one of the most lovely of the world's hotel gardens. only. but the mag, you know, in war shall geena bless her. but i knew nothing about gardening when i started here, go over, they were only olive trees here. telemachus reversed where that vow was very tough . she explained everything to me. however, she gathered all the seats herself behind him. she loved flowers and collected them from all over the world. go. van sanibel told me to use light colors so you could see them at night time. amongst them seemed to behold white pink and bright red in your casino lin. mccormack of rainbow lama mccomb was a mix of both boys in 1967 at the situation again. great. hence the arab states began to mobilize, fearing an attack on 3 fronts. israel decided to launch a preemptive strike. on june 5th, 1967. israel began an air attack against its neighbors, egypt, jordan and syria. ah. during what became known as the 6 day war. israel also captured east jerusalem. the man in no hut the defer. i lo was that the, the hotel was right on the front line is lit, a few rockets hit the square in front of the hotel. i mean that there were no casualties who i am. let's read them as you, as my country, a drop. well, but when the israelis captured east jerusalem already and there were no problems for the hotel, any man, everything went on as normal. a muscular lab at the low moral up of at o israel security tree. it now rolled over a 1000000 palestinians in the west bank garza and east jerusalem. the american colony hotel remain neutral. ooh, oh, this is beth advanced, who died in 1968 hospitality in warmth. had succeeded in transforming the american colony into the american colony hotel. ready his son horatio and his wife valentine, took over the helm slowly, transforming the hotel into a luxury establishment. they installed a swimming pool and fitness for him to accommodate the wishes of a new generation of tourists. ah, we started to get a reputation for food. and so they both started to come juice started coming out from tel aviv to non cursor food. we were the only place that we were, we were importing lobsters. so these railways could come in a lobster, the american cup. i asked her, she asked my father, i cuz they used to keep the lobsters in the fraser. and i asked my, so i sort of nobody loves to. i knew his i said, how did you deal with the loves is, are we get it out of the freezer? we got 2 out of the fraser every day. and i said, well, what if nobody, it's a lobster, though we put it back in the fraser. these days there's no re frozen lobster on the menu, but you won't find hoard cuisine and 5 star shifts in the kitchen. he either the menu is unpretentious in international featuring fresh fish and vegetables. med sir, and club sandwiches. the now planning to admiral gannett, products to the menu, the hotel news with the times and the wishes of the guests. in the 1980s, the swiss, hotelier became general manager, perhaps yet another not to the principle of neutrality. don't go dexter geopolitics . they'll kill your a to spit and see during the geopolitical context, especially here in jerusalem. so i think it was very wise to turn to switch management because switzerland plays a neutral role all over the world knows holiday aquarella. morning ursula bell, many events were held in the hotel book, including many meetings of diplomat will in ovalo dealt with arkansas gl model daily gather more big. the larger glasses as we saw tell group took the management of the american colony hotel for the staff is who remain involved in all major decisions. many of the hotel staff, a palestinians. they work prospects in jerusalem a limited and anyone lucky enough to find a job he intends to stay. ah, ah, the hotel exists amidst a state of uncertainty. israeli military road blocks and violent unrest, unknown uncommon. will egan downfall follow that this bank up get eagle food when there was any sort of incident and the west bank was sealed off. i had employees who had to travel 3 to 4 hours just to get here for c vada, stuff for them. it was really critical because they weren't supposed to be here. she had to meet, he is on duty. and if they had been caught and they would have been legal consequences at this, you least should consequence. and he gave no, they take a lot on themselves to keep the hotel running will allow for him to hold the american colony hotel has succeeded in what remains elusive elsewhere in the country. a peaceful coexistence and no bother with a $1000000.00 a i can really say that the management takes very good care of the entire staff of yahoo. it doesn't matter if they're jews, christians or muslims, them the matter they care about us. also about our economic situation was athena. and how did m swaim good? many employees live under difficult circumstances. mister mccoy, from my home and a notice very shy at the very if ah, the situation to palestinians grew more difficult. in the 1980s, young palestinians resolved to fight against these rally government and the occupation in 1987. the 1st intifada, which was soon dubbed the war, the stones began. the conflict brought with it violence and death. ah. in 1993 secret talks began between the 2 hostile parties in norway, which became known as the oslo peace process. bought negotiations will also held in jerusalem in room 16 at the american colony hotel. these us to him of this were to give us citizens. this room was booked to the meeting room behind us. but i cashed out of the we noticed when the cars pulled up that it was a mixed delegation. the commission delegates, fioma israeli, palestinian, and international into nocturnal. one of the journalist lea, a norwegian cast invite a car, came over and spoke to me, come down to me on south and you know what's happening was had no clue. ah, it's historical blue negotiations in room 16 continued for days would began to get out. ah, knocked him by the ugly humidity. after that we became the local meeting point to fall to bomb up. i made my private apartment available for board meetings and we became very close unconscious. as in our son, it was an incredibly exciting time. and it's a time of hopes and dreams from your health. toppled a gland, gusta and mal and my opened the back door of my shop and made my carpet storage room available. every feller, fuel camry is to me on the side. all the negotiators gathered there for 2 to 3 hours that it was happening right before my eyes and i live in america darling. she had a new of many secret things about tyler the and we had the strong feeling that the results would be good for both people that loved the law can assess how we enroll. cooler there is unit dashed, ivy. the shabby. ah. on september, 13th, 1993. the eyes of the bold watching is ready, prime minister to tack robina and yasser arafat head of the palestinian liberation organization, met in washington dc. ah, yes, our fat and shimon peres than israeli foreign minister signed the interim agreement of the os level codes. the 2 sides had come together. piece seemed within reach the any b and does it during the oslo accords we palestinians were very happy because we thought the piece would happen and conditions would improve. ross silhouette, the ha, those hopes have yet to come to fruition. the dream, everlasting pace is still but a vision. the political situation remains fragile, changing from one day to the next. for the american colony hotel, a hotel spanning 2 worlds. there is only one choice to remain a place of hospitality and welcome open to every one. the environment only live it is changing all the time and the was the outside can change and if people don't trust each other on either side, we can help. we can only hope people continue to trust us and people will continue to come to the hotel knowing that we're above it. ah ah ah ah, a an unequal gain. women and climate change with lower income changes unless he said they are the west affected by its impact. but women not just going to stand there and watch, they have tangible ideas against the consequences of global warming. eco, india. 30 minutes on dw. welcome to the dark side where intelligence agencies are pulling the strings. there was a before 911 and after 911, he says after 911, the clubs came off. were organized crime rules were conglomerates and make their own laws. they invade our private lives through surveillance. hidden opaque, secretive. what's true? what's vague? it doesn't matter. the only criteria is what we'll hook people up. we shed light on the opaque world who's behind benefits. and why are they a threat to what's all opaque world starts january 5th on d, w ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin. franz introduces new measures to slow the spread of corona virus. as the country's prime minister says, it's facing the highest number of cases since the start of a pandemic will get the latest from our correspondence in paris. also coming up on the show. he's real begins.

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Arkansas , United States , Norway , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , United Kingdom , Paris , France General , France , West Bank , Washington , Tel Aviv , Syria , Russia , Jordan , London , City Of , Germany , India , Egypt , Langley , Northumberland , Iowa , Hollywood , California , Sweden , Oslo , Switzerland , Berlin , Turkey , Norwegian , Swedish , Turkish , Germans , Turks , Britain , Swedes , Israelis , British , Swiss , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Wilma Thurman , Amy Hoffman , Gilly Ocean , Beth Alicia , Shimon Peres , Lama Mccomb , Thomas Edward Laurence , Edmund Alan , Sophie Elko , John Steinbeck , Horatio Asa , Mister Mccoy , Horatio Vesta , Ursula Bell , Yasser Arafat ,

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