Transcripts For DW Euromaxx 20240709 :

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx 20240709

a real contribution to the consciousness of an adult. this is jay fish j, but does the jelly fish rarely look like that? when the session is going well, those children leaning in totally engaged a dozen. you got that one working? yes. you guys with b e, u e d d e b a u e in w. two's in dandy, can they, can they go into the other one? yes, the medium is good. they don't need the mask on them until they go to the gym makes good or if you go to your drill down, they're not going to go on. look, what do you do? don't get on board with cracking software. so it is a good that you are, he was about a month with a 0 b b. i did go on with my internet connection. i'm going to go without the internet for i got the became dead. a few children listlessly playing the same games over and over again. then we got it back up. ah, i think 20 megabyte per 2nd speed, which is unheard of in that area. and go to godaddy, woke up from the dead with everybody near to downtown laguna, the one i wanted in middleton tosh. quick, long winded, but i wanted to kinda get marketed on what kind of what the dog i'm should i was i house in the 8 i wanted, but you're gonna be approaching. no, i'm not going to take them. was in a zone illustrator in the warrior way. she a get more, but the one was shocked as a witness for you with oh, okay, well so you can come to the computer, shall we do some work to be met so everybody can join in. oh, can you see. ready yeah, okay, let's have day. i have you see no m a another so i started to get coordinators to open and close the place, setup sessions with the guy needs to do all those things, which i thought would happen automatically. but that was something i had not expected at all. i wanted one demand i would like by anybody, anybody who with no background in education would into a school in the cloud environment with an interest in children become experts at many, many invasive education. they have become my biggest practitioners with some reason i don't want to do though, tink up with me as a teacher. otherwise they will stop them in if they feel it's like school, i need to communicate with them. generally we give the question more or less every day. and when i'm going to give a question to the children and they are not getting the interest to start the question, they will not start the proper answer for that unit. do lead a study he started giving questions to the children to solve. the one i remember was does to morrow exist and the children used a combination of being only 2 english translators. and the answer they gave was that to model does not exist because it cannot be experienced. it's not a question of whether children need the internet, but it's a question of whether children need to know how to learn more affluent children and have people who will help them to learn anyway. but it's children in desolate areas who really desperately need to know how to learn. and i know that the internet does that. i'm willing to take a bit that the evil influences of the internet, which will of course be that will be considerably less than the good it does. ah, no. i already vote will be my fire stick with when i went outside and i had this big jacket with my dad lives. how in europe bonded? i'm like, wow, if i want them away, i take the tray. you. oh, i'm with warning me could see it. we bought a lot of money to buy to buy with the bathroom. got it said when it was, they bought it at the corner and what is it that anybody as me miss? i'm barbara barbara. well, i do kind of get delano it's, it's like what, how did they them so a little by the time to learn by the bars. the wasn't supported on godaddy. oh, oh, i was a bit of them. we don't know what, what am i gonna get it over? they would have it in one of the big included with the system looks fog road, memorization of facts. you're supposed to sit alone, you're not supposed to use any assistive technology. you'll be asked a question and you have to produce an answer from your head. why? why any of these in life we use the internet and we talked to each other and we look at how somebody else does it in life, it's called best practice. to find the robinson crusoe examination if he was stuck on a deserted island. and in order to figure out how many cocoanut soup and get you needed to solve the quadratic equation, then you pick julian educational and save the day when a lot of electricity stoves in the culture of learning here has changed and shifted massive lay because the teacher think differently about how we teach and about how children learn. we've got 3. yes. now if data and every day we trying new things out. sharing ideas. i think it's just the beginning. ah, one would have thought that at the end of 13 years, the school in the cloud will just illustrate everything that hey, could predict any places, anything like that. ah, it does food. many things that i knew it brought in new questions. that's the best thing that he says project can do is not so much produce the answers as to produce the next set of wish ah, the future is rushing yes. mm. and we need to prepare children for the new. would that be a going to it? ah, india's rony are transforming the east scooter boom has begun. but hold on. what exactly does this mean? is traffic in india turning green? now? brands, models and possibilities. read. in 30 minutes on d w. i the chris pico, a german tradition. ah, we want to discover its origin and follow the sentence roasted almond forest and been dying to the christmas market. ah, one of the most beautiful german traditions checking with a these places in europe were smashing the wreckers step into a bold adventure. it's the treasure map for modern globetrotters. discover some of you up to record breaking sites on google maps, youtube and now also in book form. ah ah, this is d w. news live from the live, the netherlands antilles. a christmas corona virus lockdown hours before it came into effect shop has came out in force before businesses shut a doors also coming up hong kong pulse a vote on the new election laws on the candidates by jane considered to be patriots . are allowed to run ah matheney, how'd welcome to the program governments across europe are battling to slow the spread of the on the cron corona virus variant. the lattice country to impose the new restrictions is the netherlands. it has just entered the hard lock down that will last until at least mid january own on a central shops as well as businesses such as bar cinemas and theaters are closed. meanwhile, the situation and the british capital london, is so concerning that the cities man has declared what he's calling and major incident health authorities. they just reported the highest single tele of corona virus cases. since the pandemic began at other 26000 cases, the city in crisis mode, luminous being hit hard by the omi chron variant of the corona virus. it is already overtaken delta, as the dominant strain here, driving up infections and forcing the may of london to react hostile emissions are going up. but also stop absences. i guide up by, by massive level. so i've taken the position in consultation with our partners to declare a major incident today. the measure was last taken in january and allows local government to work more closely with emergency services. it's not just a capital that's in crisis for several days now. the u. k. has witnessed record case numbers in response, the government has stepped up its vaccination campaign over 3000 locations across england. what turned to make shoot vaccination centers on saturday? the world health organization says omicron has already been detected in 89 countries. more and more are responding to the new threat novels, dutch prime minister mac rota on saturday, announcer locked on, that will limit gatherings over christmas and clothes shops, restaurants and cultural venues. shop has rushed both em last minute purchased before the measures come into effect lockdown or none. the w h o expects omicron to become dominant in the countries where it has taken hold. scientists won the surgeon, cases could further burden overstretch health systems and lead to staff shortages across many sectors. oh, well they doubly reporter, although soccer has been following developments fours. although welcome, what do the new restrictions in the netherlands mean for the dutch now? well, this is basically a return to the type of locked on that we all remember from the beginning of the pandemic. the dutch have already had some restrictions over the last couple of weeks shops, for example, had to close by 5 p. m. but now all essential shops that is everything apart from suit markinson and pharmacies basically shut completely that will have no major effect for christmas shopping if you, if they haven't bought a christmas presents now you have to go online and see if they hope that they arrive by christmas, also bars and restaurants are closing, so you know, that also means you know, the last minute pre christmas drinks pre christmas gatherings are cancelled. schools and universities will shot until at least the 9th of january, but was probably the hardest of the restrictions for many in the netherlands of christmas will be that households are only allowed 2 guests to come around. so the exception is christmas and new year's when you're allowed for but still for big families. that would mean a big change in plans of the holiday period. so shopping celebrations, we had travel to that list. i guess. what about us planning for travel for christmas? what does that mean for them? well, some countries in europe are now imposing travel restrictions with in the european union. it won't be as bad as last year. it looks like if you remember back to last year back last christmas, it was very hard if not impossible to travel in europe. it will be possible this year, but there will be more testing and possible quarantines. we already know france has imposed some restrictions on travel from the u. k. this evening. germany has designated the u. k. what it calls a very virus variance area. and that means that if you are planning to travel from the u. k to germany over the holidays, you have to quarantine for 2 weeks in germany, and that is no exceptions that includes the vaccinated. germany is also designated many areas, high risk areas, many of its neighbors. and on the last few days and hours, france has been added, also denmark and norway and the restrictions are less than food from the u. k. but you have to get a p, c r test. to come in to germany. there is a mish mash of rules and regulations across the u, the lead to coordinate them when they met in brussels this week, but they did fail to do that. so if you are traveling in europe over the holiday period, it's important to check those regulations before you travel. broadly speaking, it's getting tougher everywhere. it's all meant occurred. the spread of the on the chrome variant. how confident are we? this is going to do the job. basically many people say it won't do the job. the german half minister callout about he is predicting, predicting a 5th wave of virus cases here in germany. we're already in the height of the 4th wave. he says, the meshes will slow down the spread of a micron, but it can't stop. but if you look at the u. k, there wave there is already, you know, on the way they predict as many as 2000000 cases per day. by the end of this month in just 2 weeks. and that is what other european countries are trying to prevent or late to slow down the beginning of this way. a tough christmas season head. all right, thanks so much. ok, let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the yo guys break that minister david frost has resigned due to disillusionment with prime minister birth johnson's government. it comes after a disastrous week for the prime minister with a bi election, the feet, and a rebellion from his own. in peace of the introduction of additional coven restrictions, thousands of people are protested in barcelona, against a court ruling mandating that 25 percent of school listen to be taught in spanish. demonstrate as say, will threatening education system, which is helped. bring the local cadillac language back into public use of the years of repression and the franco dictatorship. lynn hong kong polls of opened in the 1st parliamentary elections since the crackdown on the per democracy movement by beijing voters queued to enter this holding station when it opened. although overall turn out is expected to be low. it is the 1st legislative council elections since paging in post a sweeping national security law and reform. the electro system under new rules and the candidates considered patriotic to china can run many opposition. candidates have been silenced, jailed or have played hong kong. well, steven vines is a british journalist and author who has reported from hong kong for more than 30 years to not he joins me from london. welcome to steven some pro democracy activists are calling this a selection as opposed to an election had he said, well, i think the reason they're doing that is the under child instructions. the election system in our homes been entirely altered. and now the only candidates allowed to participate in the election. others have been vested and pre selected by a committee which is overwhelmingly dominated by trustees of the regime in b g. and indeed, the number of people directly elected in the new legislature will be greatly reduced from the previous system. and even in the previous system, only 2 percent book directly elected. so i see why this thing. so you mentioned the key point on the patriots are allowed to run in this selection. how does a candidate prove to the election committee? he or she is indeed a patriot? well, it's a black box. you know, i mean, many people have asked this question, what exactly is a patriot? and the answer which is always given is, you know, yourself what you're paying for. it is rather choosing the fact of the matter is that what it really means in practice this, that anybody who was advocated for the democracy movement, or anybody who believes in hong kong autonomy, which indeed was promised by china as part of the kind of hong kong from britain is not considered to be a patriot. so if those people are not there, thanks the question is the pro democracy movement now did? well, we'll see tomorrow late. the reason i say that is because i think what will happen tomorrow is that a very large number of people will abstain from participation in this election is one of the few forms of protest that is still available to people, which is in dangerous people trying demonstrating on the streets is really a very dangerous enterprise. so if a large number of people abstain from the selection, i think the level of passive resistance remains very high. david, i mentioned that you were based in hong kong for several decades. how much of the place you knew is now lift i'm afraid to say that the very rapid changing all cultures taking place since last year's in position of the national security law makes so many things in hong kong unrecognizable. there's been a civil service at the schools of all elected officials. so you know, the whole call, which was never a free democratic society, but was indeed a society where a high degree of liberty prevailed. a simply dis, it's very sad indeed. from london that was general. steven fine, thank you so much. staying in the region at least 49 people have died after super typhoon bry slammed into the central philippines province of bo official say, many people are still unaccounted for. hundreds of thousands fled their homes to escape the typhoon, which is lift, massive destruction and path it was the strongest typhoon to hit the philippines. this year. battering the country with torrential rain and a 175 kilometer per hour winds. the southeastern province of saudi gal done not a bore the brunt of the storm. here, residents are already counting the course of the devastation. it left behind. thousands of been left homeless of the stormed latin buildings. many remain in evacuation centers. in some areas, residents had to be rescued by boat of the heavy rain led to flash flooding. many have been left with little access to clean water. food with communications and power also knocked out some a traumatized. i am an image of what it was unimaginable. the left, i thought we would all die as in our roofs were torn up by the storm. they're all destroyed, it was a, it was loud howling that never, i prayed, but i'm so rattle and the mom. i don't know what to do anymore. mercy. it'll take you long. i had a panic attack. finally got that muffled reconstruction closer estimate to run into hundreds of millions of dollars. that president rodrigo detached. a has warned that zone to really funding has been depleted by the pandemic. ry was the 15th typhoon to hit the philippines and 2021. that is also pro nation typically sees 20 each year cleanup efforts are already underway. but for todd filipinos, there's little end in sight scientist, walnut climate change is making storm stronger the football now and gotten closed out the year with a shock loss. and by lowering their colors, they had to berlin. oh, but dashed their title hopes falling a whopping 9 points behind by munich berlin's olympic stadium was lit up for the last match of the year with the sparse crowd of hair to fans enjoying the spectacle . and with their side hosting, dirt mend the match was set to be equally flashy. hair to fighting to avoid the relegation battle came out firing ms. yon melita burst ahead of norman's defense and tap home just 15 minutes in. but after a v r cheque teammate, you shock built, the deal was real to be a hair off side on the play. no gold. the visitors didn't squander their good fortune with elian, bland summoning a spectacular tight angle finish. 16 minutes later, one mill with dormant hopes of chasing barn still alive. but her to return from the halftime break, reinvigorated. bel fidel made good on his earlier infraction. racing past his opponents to equalize with a strong solo effort in the 51st minute. and 6 minutes later here to double their lead. marco victor's screamer, left doormen, stunned. before richter twisted the knife, making it 31 with 20 minutes left to play. stuck in tig is cut norman's deficit with elite header, but it was already too late. dorman, were dealt their 2nd loss, and 4 matches, a serious blow to any realistic title. hope's will heritage celebrated the holiday gift of a massive step towards mid table safety. that's all the nice found out a doubly report is next visit. and the german regents that were devastated by floods in the summer now facing a tough with a sty willis. welcome to the dark side where intelligence agencies are pulling the strings. there was a before 911 and after 911 he says after 911 the clubs came off where organized.

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Transcripts For DW Euromaxx 20240709 :

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx 20240709

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a real contribution to the consciousness of an adult. this is jay fish j, but does the jelly fish rarely look like that? when the session is going well, those children leaning in totally engaged a dozen. you got that one working? yes. you guys with b e, u e d d e b a u e in w. two's in dandy, can they, can they go into the other one? yes, the medium is good. they don't need the mask on them until they go to the gym makes good or if you go to your drill down, they're not going to go on. look, what do you do? don't get on board with cracking software. so it is a good that you are, he was about a month with a 0 b b. i did go on with my internet connection. i'm going to go without the internet for i got the became dead. a few children listlessly playing the same games over and over again. then we got it back up. ah, i think 20 megabyte per 2nd speed, which is unheard of in that area. and go to godaddy, woke up from the dead with everybody near to downtown laguna, the one i wanted in middleton tosh. quick, long winded, but i wanted to kinda get marketed on what kind of what the dog i'm should i was i house in the 8 i wanted, but you're gonna be approaching. no, i'm not going to take them. was in a zone illustrator in the warrior way. she a get more, but the one was shocked as a witness for you with oh, okay, well so you can come to the computer, shall we do some work to be met so everybody can join in. oh, can you see. ready yeah, okay, let's have day. i have you see no m a another so i started to get coordinators to open and close the place, setup sessions with the guy needs to do all those things, which i thought would happen automatically. but that was something i had not expected at all. i wanted one demand i would like by anybody, anybody who with no background in education would into a school in the cloud environment with an interest in children become experts at many, many invasive education. they have become my biggest practitioners with some reason i don't want to do though, tink up with me as a teacher. otherwise they will stop them in if they feel it's like school, i need to communicate with them. generally we give the question more or less every day. and when i'm going to give a question to the children and they are not getting the interest to start the question, they will not start the proper answer for that unit. do lead a study he started giving questions to the children to solve. the one i remember was does to morrow exist and the children used a combination of being only 2 english translators. and the answer they gave was that to model does not exist because it cannot be experienced. it's not a question of whether children need the internet, but it's a question of whether children need to know how to learn more affluent children and have people who will help them to learn anyway. but it's children in desolate areas who really desperately need to know how to learn. and i know that the internet does that. i'm willing to take a bit that the evil influences of the internet, which will of course be that will be considerably less than the good it does. ah, no. i already vote will be my fire stick with when i went outside and i had this big jacket with my dad lives. how in europe bonded? i'm like, wow, if i want them away, i take the tray. you. oh, i'm with warning me could see it. we bought a lot of money to buy to buy with the bathroom. got it said when it was, they bought it at the corner and what is it that anybody as me miss? i'm barbara barbara. well, i do kind of get delano it's, it's like what, how did they them so a little by the time to learn by the bars. the wasn't supported on godaddy. oh, oh, i was a bit of them. we don't know what, what am i gonna get it over? they would have it in one of the big included with the system looks fog road, memorization of facts. you're supposed to sit alone, you're not supposed to use any assistive technology. you'll be asked a question and you have to produce an answer from your head. why? why any of these in life we use the internet and we talked to each other and we look at how somebody else does it in life, it's called best practice. to find the robinson crusoe examination if he was stuck on a deserted island. and in order to figure out how many cocoanut soup and get you needed to solve the quadratic equation, then you pick julian educational and save the day when a lot of electricity stoves in the culture of learning here has changed and shifted massive lay because the teacher think differently about how we teach and about how children learn. we've got 3. yes. now if data and every day we trying new things out. sharing ideas. i think it's just the beginning. ah, one would have thought that at the end of 13 years, the school in the cloud will just illustrate everything that hey, could predict any places, anything like that. ah, it does food. many things that i knew it brought in new questions. that's the best thing that he says project can do is not so much produce the answers as to produce the next set of wish ah, the future is rushing yes. mm. and we need to prepare children for the new. would that be a going to it? ah, india's rony are transforming the east scooter boom has begun. but hold on. what exactly does this mean? is traffic in india turning green? now? brands, models and possibilities. read. in 30 minutes on d w. i the chris pico, a german tradition. ah, we want to discover its origin and follow the sentence roasted almond forest and been dying to the christmas market. ah, one of the most beautiful german traditions checking with a these places in europe were smashing the wreckers step into a bold adventure. it's the treasure map for modern globetrotters. discover some of you up to record breaking sites on google maps, youtube and now also in book form. ah ah, this is d w. news live from the live, the netherlands antilles. a christmas corona virus lockdown hours before it came into effect shop has came out in force before businesses shut a doors also coming up hong kong pulse a vote on the new election laws on the candidates by jane considered to be patriots . are allowed to run ah matheney, how'd welcome to the program governments across europe are battling to slow the spread of the on the cron corona virus variant. the lattice country to impose the new restrictions is the netherlands. it has just entered the hard lock down that will last until at least mid january own on a central shops as well as businesses such as bar cinemas and theaters are closed. meanwhile, the situation and the british capital london, is so concerning that the cities man has declared what he's calling and major incident health authorities. they just reported the highest single tele of corona virus cases. since the pandemic began at other 26000 cases, the city in crisis mode, luminous being hit hard by the omi chron variant of the corona virus. it is already overtaken delta, as the dominant strain here, driving up infections and forcing the may of london to react hostile emissions are going up. but also stop absences. i guide up by, by massive level. so i've taken the position in consultation with our partners to declare a major incident today. the measure was last taken in january and allows local government to work more closely with emergency services. it's not just a capital that's in crisis for several days now. the u. k. has witnessed record case numbers in response, the government has stepped up its vaccination campaign over 3000 locations across england. what turned to make shoot vaccination centers on saturday? the world health organization says omicron has already been detected in 89 countries. more and more are responding to the new threat novels, dutch prime minister mac rota on saturday, announcer locked on, that will limit gatherings over christmas and clothes shops, restaurants and cultural venues. shop has rushed both em last minute purchased before the measures come into effect lockdown or none. the w h o expects omicron to become dominant in the countries where it has taken hold. scientists won the surgeon, cases could further burden overstretch health systems and lead to staff shortages across many sectors. oh, well they doubly reporter, although soccer has been following developments fours. although welcome, what do the new restrictions in the netherlands mean for the dutch now? well, this is basically a return to the type of locked on that we all remember from the beginning of the pandemic. the dutch have already had some restrictions over the last couple of weeks shops, for example, had to close by 5 p. m. but now all essential shops that is everything apart from suit markinson and pharmacies basically shut completely that will have no major effect for christmas shopping if you, if they haven't bought a christmas presents now you have to go online and see if they hope that they arrive by christmas, also bars and restaurants are closing, so you know, that also means you know, the last minute pre christmas drinks pre christmas gatherings are cancelled. schools and universities will shot until at least the 9th of january, but was probably the hardest of the restrictions for many in the netherlands of christmas will be that households are only allowed 2 guests to come around. so the exception is christmas and new year's when you're allowed for but still for big families. that would mean a big change in plans of the holiday period. so shopping celebrations, we had travel to that list. i guess. what about us planning for travel for christmas? what does that mean for them? well, some countries in europe are now imposing travel restrictions with in the european union. it won't be as bad as last year. it looks like if you remember back to last year back last christmas, it was very hard if not impossible to travel in europe. it will be possible this year, but there will be more testing and possible quarantines. we already know france has imposed some restrictions on travel from the u. k. this evening. germany has designated the u. k. what it calls a very virus variance area. and that means that if you are planning to travel from the u. k to germany over the holidays, you have to quarantine for 2 weeks in germany, and that is no exceptions that includes the vaccinated. germany is also designated many areas, high risk areas, many of its neighbors. and on the last few days and hours, france has been added, also denmark and norway and the restrictions are less than food from the u. k. but you have to get a p, c r test. to come in to germany. there is a mish mash of rules and regulations across the u, the lead to coordinate them when they met in brussels this week, but they did fail to do that. so if you are traveling in europe over the holiday period, it's important to check those regulations before you travel. broadly speaking, it's getting tougher everywhere. it's all meant occurred. the spread of the on the chrome variant. how confident are we? this is going to do the job. basically many people say it won't do the job. the german half minister callout about he is predicting, predicting a 5th wave of virus cases here in germany. we're already in the height of the 4th wave. he says, the meshes will slow down the spread of a micron, but it can't stop. but if you look at the u. k, there wave there is already, you know, on the way they predict as many as 2000000 cases per day. by the end of this month in just 2 weeks. and that is what other european countries are trying to prevent or late to slow down the beginning of this way. a tough christmas season head. all right, thanks so much. ok, let's take a look now. some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the yo guys break that minister david frost has resigned due to disillusionment with prime minister birth johnson's government. it comes after a disastrous week for the prime minister with a bi election, the feet, and a rebellion from his own. in peace of the introduction of additional coven restrictions, thousands of people are protested in barcelona, against a court ruling mandating that 25 percent of school listen to be taught in spanish. demonstrate as say, will threatening education system, which is helped. bring the local cadillac language back into public use of the years of repression and the franco dictatorship. lynn hong kong polls of opened in the 1st parliamentary elections since the crackdown on the per democracy movement by beijing voters queued to enter this holding station when it opened. although overall turn out is expected to be low. it is the 1st legislative council elections since paging in post a sweeping national security law and reform. the electro system under new rules and the candidates considered patriotic to china can run many opposition. candidates have been silenced, jailed or have played hong kong. well, steven vines is a british journalist and author who has reported from hong kong for more than 30 years to not he joins me from london. welcome to steven some pro democracy activists are calling this a selection as opposed to an election had he said, well, i think the reason they're doing that is the under child instructions. the election system in our homes been entirely altered. and now the only candidates allowed to participate in the election. others have been vested and pre selected by a committee which is overwhelmingly dominated by trustees of the regime in b g. and indeed, the number of people directly elected in the new legislature will be greatly reduced from the previous system. and even in the previous system, only 2 percent book directly elected. so i see why this thing. so you mentioned the key point on the patriots are allowed to run in this selection. how does a candidate prove to the election committee? he or she is indeed a patriot? well, it's a black box. you know, i mean, many people have asked this question, what exactly is a patriot? and the answer which is always given is, you know, yourself what you're paying for. it is rather choosing the fact of the matter is that what it really means in practice this, that anybody who was advocated for the democracy movement, or anybody who believes in hong kong autonomy, which indeed was promised by china as part of the kind of hong kong from britain is not considered to be a patriot. so if those people are not there, thanks the question is the pro democracy movement now did? well, we'll see tomorrow late. the reason i say that is because i think what will happen tomorrow is that a very large number of people will abstain from participation in this election is one of the few forms of protest that is still available to people, which is in dangerous people trying demonstrating on the streets is really a very dangerous enterprise. so if a large number of people abstain from the selection, i think the level of passive resistance remains very high. david, i mentioned that you were based in hong kong for several decades. how much of the place you knew is now lift i'm afraid to say that the very rapid changing all cultures taking place since last year's in position of the national security law makes so many things in hong kong unrecognizable. there's been a civil service at the schools of all elected officials. so you know, the whole call, which was never a free democratic society, but was indeed a society where a high degree of liberty prevailed. a simply dis, it's very sad indeed. from london that was general. steven fine, thank you so much. staying in the region at least 49 people have died after super typhoon bry slammed into the central philippines province of bo official say, many people are still unaccounted for. hundreds of thousands fled their homes to escape the typhoon, which is lift, massive destruction and path it was the strongest typhoon to hit the philippines. this year. battering the country with torrential rain and a 175 kilometer per hour winds. the southeastern province of saudi gal done not a bore the brunt of the storm. here, residents are already counting the course of the devastation. it left behind. thousands of been left homeless of the stormed latin buildings. many remain in evacuation centers. in some areas, residents had to be rescued by boat of the heavy rain led to flash flooding. many have been left with little access to clean water. food with communications and power also knocked out some a traumatized. i am an image of what it was unimaginable. the left, i thought we would all die as in our roofs were torn up by the storm. they're all destroyed, it was a, it was loud howling that never, i prayed, but i'm so rattle and the mom. i don't know what to do anymore. mercy. it'll take you long. i had a panic attack. finally got that muffled reconstruction closer estimate to run into hundreds of millions of dollars. that president rodrigo detached. a has warned that zone to really funding has been depleted by the pandemic. ry was the 15th typhoon to hit the philippines and 2021. that is also pro nation typically sees 20 each year cleanup efforts are already underway. but for todd filipinos, there's little end in sight scientist, walnut climate change is making storm stronger the football now and gotten closed out the year with a shock loss. and by lowering their colors, they had to berlin. oh, but dashed their title hopes falling a whopping 9 points behind by munich berlin's olympic stadium was lit up for the last match of the year with the sparse crowd of hair to fans enjoying the spectacle . and with their side hosting, dirt mend the match was set to be equally flashy. hair to fighting to avoid the relegation battle came out firing ms. yon melita burst ahead of norman's defense and tap home just 15 minutes in. but after a v r cheque teammate, you shock built, the deal was real to be a hair off side on the play. no gold. the visitors didn't squander their good fortune with elian, bland summoning a spectacular tight angle finish. 16 minutes later, one mill with dormant hopes of chasing barn still alive. but her to return from the halftime break, reinvigorated. bel fidel made good on his earlier infraction. racing past his opponents to equalize with a strong solo effort in the 51st minute. and 6 minutes later here to double their lead. marco victor's screamer, left doormen, stunned. before richter twisted the knife, making it 31 with 20 minutes left to play. stuck in tig is cut norman's deficit with elite header, but it was already too late. dorman, were dealt their 2nd loss, and 4 matches, a serious blow to any realistic title. hope's will heritage celebrated the holiday gift of a massive step towards mid table safety. that's all the nice found out a doubly report is next visit. and the german regents that were devastated by floods in the summer now facing a tough with a sty willis. welcome to the dark side where intelligence agencies are pulling the strings. there was a before 911 and after 911 he says after 911 the clubs came off where organized.

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