A show we focus on africa here are some of the topics that well be looking at today. How rhonda hes trying to rebound a decline in needs be population. We also see how a sharing economy sconce resources. Into finally how young activists gonna fight imply healthy ecosystem. But foster to run the Bee Population there has been shrinking an anomaly great there as it has been in europe the main culprits are chemical pesticides and intensive farming practices but because contribute to biodiversity they are great pollinators so beekeepers in rwanda coping how can they talk of the problems we went to meet some of them to find out. His bees are dying and he cant do anything about it and same cut gabo is destroying which over the past 8 years more than half of his 70 colonies have perished. As if we were. All the bees that come back from the farms in fact the others are going to be hived off. Thats why they die both in the traditional and the modern times the mother summer because it is up for the number declines gradually i mean you can see going until there were no hes alive inside me because i get a lesson. Uncertain cabo has been raising bees for more than 20 years he uses traditional beehives to collect wild ones then he transfers them to small modern bee hives on his farm. The bees go in search of food in the fields around his village in northeastern rwanda. Families here and across the country are using more and more pesticides on their crops. These potato plants are no exception at the same time beat populations are collapsing farmers are aware that these things are connected. To go on a large number of bees die when the i was plants are in bloom. Whenever blaise land on the flowers after weve sprayed them we see them die. Pesticides are toxic and kill many forms of life that are not the intended target when they feast i b keep has suffered the economic consequences if you had to 1st of all we would like the government to support farmers to get chemicals that are not toxic. That way they can continue farming without causing us to lose our bees which is our design you can see the future but a shift to organic farming is still a long way off here biological pesticides are rarely used in part because theyre expensive the government is considering raising the tax on chemical pesticides and lowering the tax on organic ones that would be good for the environment farmers and beekeepers here in the meantime the Government Office training courses keep is one topic how to breed healthy and more productive be colonies. We want to. Develop. This which. Is the best. Of. Its. Its. Resigned to production. And the products. That wont solve the problem of pesticides but at least became this can learn how to breed queen bees and thats built new colonies. The beekeeper cooperative coop is a has been taking part in the Training Program for over a year instructors come and visit regularly. Every egg from a queen bee has to be taken out of the honeycomb and were placed in a new beehive so the it. Then the bees have to feed the eggs. After 2 or 3 weeks the new breed hatches. Were glad were getting this training now we can be sure the air is going to be more be colonies. Because we can look forward to having more be harnessed and that will guarantee increased Honey Production. For the cooperative has already managed to make up a large part of its losses. Here or do we have to see more since this new technique was introduced it is our business. We had lost a large number of colonies we only had 120. 00 beehives left out of a total of 400. 00 disagreeing. But since then weve managed to add 200. 00 thats a Great Success story over a short period of time. This Training Program has been running since 2015 and at no cost to be cute is the government once every beekeeper in the country to take the courses thanks to the program Honey Production has been rising again and so has the price of honey up 5. 00 fold in recent years to about 6 heroes a kilo in part because the Bee Population has shrunk. Despite. All the advances the honey still contain some toxins but other changes like making chemical pesticides more expensive and biological ones cheaper could help create better honey while keeping the peace in life. It sounds weird but it is true you can help the environment by cutting your hair hair is so bent on a hair dresser in france came up with the idea of using it all. Let us see how it works. Hand tear the a stylist in southeastern france cuts off 29. 00 kilos of it every year. But instead of just throwing it out ground collects every look to help fight Oil Pollution in the worlds oceans. Because there is life to feel like it had sores hydrocarbons that is to say hydrocarbon stick to the outside thats why you can wash them off they dont get inside the air. Founded the project is used or fat headdress says beauticians from across france and in hackney pings formally Unemployed People and School Dropouts stuff the head into nylon stockings to make pillows which will then be used to absorb fats and oils from water. The pillows to fisherman and harbor operators he pays his help us with the proceeds. Some of the pillows are now in use in a Pilot Project in the harbor of. More than 1000 boats adopt here. In the long run will try to use it around the port since the rain runoff water falls in the port and it washes out the soil picking up hydrocarbons so the idea is to go around the whole port under the boat and the refueling station and above all to convince other ports if. One kilo of hakon absorbs 7 liters of oil the head pillows are brought to a special company for washing and can be reused up to 10 times some sat on visitors might be happy to show to head to for a good cause. And how about you if youre also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send us a tweet. After doing your thing. Sharing your story. You can find in for. Settlements in most and not african cities Living Conditions are often really tough on young intern in south africa came up with a great idea to make things better. Indeed they built homes out of bricks made from recycled rubble the houses are safer and more sustainable than the usual metal shocks people were pretty skeptical at 1st but tenants are now moving into the houses hes built who went to sweat so to find out more about this. The township of soweto lies just south of johannesburg formerly a home to mine is the region now has around 4000000 residents no one knows the exact number. Most live in corrugated sheet metal shocks and thats just what young entrepreneur london wants to change he wants to have lots of brick houses built 50000 homes needed in the johannesburg metropolitan area. Coming to look for Work Opportunities so most of them to prefer to live in intelligence because its cheaper to live there when youre ready. To move from where i used to work so this creates an opportunity for homeowners to actually create a coalition for those people where the event. Starts. In a formal manner or the. Many South Africans could never afford to buy a home of their own so they rent shacks in other peoples backyards all crammed together side by side one little oval is a selftaught brick layer while building and out building in the backyard of his parents home he got an idea to replace corrugated metal shacks with brick houses his customers other people who own the land they pay for the building in monthly installments using the rent they receive from the tenants while the tenants themselves get to live in a better home plus the whole thing is more environmentally friendly as the house is a made of special bricks. Almost like their book brick so because. Of a different. Culture of britain caused by up to 10 percent. Unsecured incentives to live with this. Youre only. When are. You going to. Learn lets you know makes his bricks out of construction waste so he doesnt need to use sand that also means the bricks dont have to be fired in a kiln which saves on energy because the Building Blocks are interlocking the pressure of their own weight is sufficient to make the wall strong unstable its an unusual way to build but its less of a burden on the environment than traditional masonry. Comes to. People because. Its now more convincing than. This man was also interested and happy to learn more so than the c. B. S. Is among the 1st tenants to move into one of the brick houses the 35 year old car mechanic has been living in a backyard for 6 years until recently in a metal shock but not anymore now he has a proper home he used to pay about 35. 00 euros a month now he pays 40 he thinks its worth it. Actually i am very very very hear people. Say the. Human being actually. You feel more confident when everything next. Building rubble is a major environmental problem in the impoverished districts of johannesburg Many Companies just dump their waste in the townships to avoid paying disposal fees. C. B. S. Knows this all too well and every day dozens of trucks come to her neighborhood to illegally dump building waste for more prosperous areas this fall that her a lot until it inspired her to become an entrepreneur now shes founded a startup that process is waste. So a lot of people do it ways to move a variety of ways in the end. But then we take responsibility with the least and the they had visited roads with their waste we composted we also send it distribute it to organization that make you Service Organizations flight landed to House Building company. To startups plan to work together. Could use the plentiful building rubble for his environmentally friendly bricks. Now the 2 are working on ways to crush the waste and transported to the construction site they hope to get started seeing. Here. So we can replace all the shacks. And also training them to build their own houses. Another one being that in the rose bowl that is the stuff of the future right now each building is a major financial risk for london and his startup hes only been able to complete 3 homes with environmentally friendly bricks so far 3 more are under construction but hes been inundated with requests for more. Sharing is caring more and more people. Here sharing economy. And benefits. Are despite the restrictions and because of the. Sharing is catching on perhaps. Thats a look at how the sharing economy. Has clearly done this many times before hes putting together his transfer he can lend it to a neighbor for free of course thats nothing out of the ordinary for him he regularly lends out his belongings. Garden equipment. A chance mattress for sleep and. Neighbors these things so. They wont have to buy. But. I dont see this is being. Consumerist its about sustainability these things are used so rarely if you use something a lot then buying something makes increasing sense and. The 2 men got to know each other by and my neighborhood platform more than 1600000 users are connected to People Living in their vicinity maybe. People use it to lend and borrow stuff to swap information or to offer help. We have over 50000 entries linked to lending and borrowing and the range of items is huge from a grill to a car seat to a bike trailer to a ladder to a hand cart so many different things. When we. Also offer Services English tutoring guitar lessons all these things and more are exchanged. At the start of the set up in berlin in 2015 the portal is free of charge for users the Company Funds itself via donations and small ads placed by companies in the respective neighborhoods. Even some local authorities the platform to communicate with residents in a particular area. People have a whole range of Different Reasons for using the platform to often tend. To people increasingly live in smaller apartments they dont want to gather too much clutter and many people simply want to give Something Back to their community and we believe that if you people give it makes them very happy and it strengthen social bonds when we borrow something from someone we come into closer contact with those we live right next door to. Me. And by contrast you never meet any of his customers. He offers high quality tools for one euro 50 an hour you can preserve them by an app. Tool bought is built around the classic Business Model of the sharing economy where Companies Money by renting items out for a particular period of time. Anya shunts is one of his customers shes a dancer who travels around the world in my work for small household tasks she borrows what she needs from tool bought an electric drill in this instance. When youre 50 is a lot less than the president and i can always come here and borrow it again. That means i can get it as often as i needed to. Is launching a crowd Investment Campaign to help him grow his business he believes his model could also work with other items and on an international basis. As g. M. We have limited budgets and the amount of c o 2 we emit is limited to if we won people in emerging and developing economies to enjoy the prosperity that they deserve then we have to achieve this prosperity in a 0 carbon and eco friendly manner. Despite social distancing the lockdown actually brought. And his neighbors closer together in many ways they redecorated the apartment of a neighbor who was killed and helped out with jumps all that for free. Back to africa now preserving the local for the mission of a group of young environmentalists. They are fighting against the slash and burn practices that are so widely used in agriculture in the country where. Farmers used to resolve organic replied yes but all too often the bush plan to get out of control on these halls hadan disastrous consequences for the environment the activists we believe young voices Education Foundation travel to the country to people to change such a home for traditions. These young people are willing to act. Isnt gold in flames the group is trying to minimize the damage but its a losing battle. The home began long before the fire. Too many trees have been cut down in the area explains david from the Young Voices Educational Foundation the entire harvest is lost and then students like this are becoming a problem here in ghana its a nightmare for the farmers. This is the 1st time i hear this. Do you know the cause of the fire and no but i believe it was. Said by somebody extend that. Into my farm and destroyed you. Back in the town of new barca David Bradley meets with team members to discuss strategies to tackle widespread slash and burn practices designed to talk about it at a village meeting between january and march over 115 bushfires were reported in the region the local fire chief who works closely with the young volunteers is concerned for the future you cannot signator so once we have decided to be there 1st. As over decided to let them lead and falling down the trees or cutting down the trees bending the bending down to it will go to. Cover does not plan to all be gone under. The 1st. Date wed be able to keep that from happening he started to become a teacher and breeds pigs to finance his education the earnings also allow him to pursue his musical and visions i even saw some of these to raise funds for my. This song forestation. Some of the money also went into producing a music video to fund the promote environmental awareness a group dances from his hometown supported him by appearing in the video. Do you. Know what its. Just that. Music is one of the ways to get the message across but why the group also does Community Outreach to inform people about the consequences of cutting down trees the effects are clearly visible in this region nearly all rivers have dried up but the only ones to run in is a dire river. Its a lifeline for more than 20 communities for the down the stream but many fail to take into consideration. This composition a traditional method to produce palm oil. In the process they pour the waste directly into the water it is soon swept away by the current but the Environmental Impact will linger much longer while june and july mainly use for Tree Planting activities the environmental activist spend the rest of the time educating the population about Nature Conservation and the effects of Climate Change i wasnt doing is wrong. I dont know about you know what. And. Old habits are hard to change so the activists have founded awareness clubs in more than 50 schools in the region as a part of a companion in afforestation they have helped to organize a demonstration for schoolchildren. Through planting a mound a student doing this we. Monthly but i want to go up with ranking of 3 and indicate when extend this idea to the other us houses and we could be out there in time to get their hands dirty planting trees in the school yard welcome response from the regular routine so that through our friends we need to align them in our Community Get them what and then the business planting trees is more than a symbolic act for David Goodwillie the children have learned a lot about the crucial role that trees play to provide shade to protect rivers and soil and play a vital role in tain in the health of our environment. Weve come to the end of todays show about the environment and interesting ways to protect thank you both for joining us and of course your company. It is a goodbye from founder to nobody here in kampala and ill be looking forward to seeing you once again next week just a quick reminder that you can always check out the video feeds. Well on our website until next time its goodbye from me in new york state nigeria. No. No. These works of art are made using stamps not brushes. Impeccably captured snapshots sprayed frederico. An artist with extraordinary technique. To create a perfect combination of motifs and