Party all the wheels finally coming off the Prime Ministers wife. Welcomes of confidence Prime Minister netanyahu is under increasing pressure over accusations of corruption which hes denied and his handling of the pandemic the Approval Rating or not seems to have sunk just on the 30 percent how long before the party that could party says enough and its time he stood aside at least temporarily. Well 1st of all shalom from jerusalem. I think the biggest challenge we have right now is the coronavirus the economics the medical challenges we have a large government of over 70 Parliament Members supporting it in the coalition. The issue you raise is not in the Critical Path of the challenges israel has right now. There are challenges on economics on the medical side and the trial d which is happening in parallel is not an issue for us israelis here mr barak at hes on trial on 3 serious counts of corruption and come january the court expects him to be there 3 days a week you really want a Prime Minister whos half in and out of the dark at the same time Prime Minister netanyahu was doing a very good job in managing israel. And so i think hes got a very strong support by the public has a Wide Coalition and everyone understands that we prefer the best Prime Minister and he will manage the trial he will manage to you will no doubt in my mind hell be hable to manage the country hes doing many many things similar tenuously now he will continue doing that with the trial remind you that hes innocent until Proven Guilty and everyone we want everyone that goes to court to prove his innocence he calls the whole thing a witch hunt what if hes convicted in the end you in the party would go down with him are you prepared for that. Political party is the leading party in the country we have the right ideology the experience we have a wide array of talented good people the likud party will continue even after netanyahu finishes his role i personally intend to run for office and replacement once he decides to step down the liquid has a long history and a big future ahead of us you know do you buy into the kind of conspiracy that he says has been waged against him elements in the police and the prosecution joined forces with the leftist media to manufacture baseless and absurd cases against me he said a conflict of interest that cries out to the have and leaving aside the rhetoric of the melodramatic rhetoric do you really expect people to believe that state prosecutors colluded to do all that the state attorney several judges state witnesses all part of this grand conspiracy you buy into that well lets put it this way. Believes in this innocence and he feels that he is getting an unfair treatment both by the press and many many other elements of maybe maybe also in the police and other elements of the d. Legal system in our country thats what he feels and hes saying that. You know but if i consider such a rotten job that is a system mr mr bucket is such a rotten Justice System as he paints it why did he not find out over the last 10 years and do something about it turns out its only a rotten system when he goes after him is not the truth. There are systems in our country and i believe also in yours. Needs to upgrade and change in time at any given moment in time we have to upgrade the legal system the court system the naturally the Government Parliament which im part of we must nobody has immunity from change and evolution and i think that part of the issues definitely we have to restructure some of the elements in the relationship between the parliament and the government and the legal system this is the 1st time mr barak at a serving israeli Prime Minister has been formally charged with criminal offenses why not do the honorable thing and stand aside in order to fight the indictment and clear his name or does this leak could lead government not worry about senior figures under investigation it certainly doesnt worry about past convictions of some of its members does it. Tim we have a law in our country and the law is specifically and explicitly says that the Prime Minister can continue serving in israel until the High Supreme Court decides otherwise and the reason this law exists is that if somebody wants to kick out a Prime Minister he could charge him and then what happens once the Prime Ministers found. That hes not guilty then youve overthrown the Prime Minister just by putting charges against him it doesnt make any sense thats why this really law says that he could continue serving his role until through until Proven Guilty by the High Supreme Court and so were just following the law and it makes a lot of sense you have to understand it makes a lot of sense of perhaps the letter of the law or mr bucket but theres also a morality something which has brought mr netanyahu scathing criticism from judges on the israeli Supreme Court may knock him out who said a situation in which a defendant charged with serious ethical crimes forms of government and heads it raises a public and moral problem whose magnitude is hard to overstate justice the focal man said that the knesset to choose a Prime Minister charged with bribery undermines the publics faith in its servants you have no qualms about any of this youre not interested in the morality that the Supreme Court is talking about here. The answer is that we had elections and all of what youve said was put right on the table to the israeli public and israeli public decided to vote for Prime Minister netanyahu and the government the 70 plus Parliament Members that are part of the coalition out of 120 Parliament Members are the answer the public understands exactly what youre saying what the what some of the judges said and went to the ballots and voted. So the answer is we understand all that we understand that there is a law we understand that other people think otherwise but the public decided to support an attorney in spite of these challenges therefore i feel comfortable that we are 1st of all working by the law unable the public. To choose their Prime Minister the Prime Minister to now is able to create a large Wide Coalition and that is the answer to the courts the israelis that understand and while we were a democracy the only democracy in the middle east nobody around out has out thats a strong you say that you say that but one of the judges justice and about and said that appointing but Prime Minister whos indicted on serious charges doesnt accord with the fundamental principles of israeli democracy but youre not much interested in what the judges on the Supreme Court think are you thats not true the d fact factually youre wrong because give us an example let me give you an example what is what is particularly annoyed your party especially about the Supreme Court is the fact that it struck down the law you passed in 2017 which retroactively legalized illegal settlements and that was something your party hasnt been able to forgive wasnt it we had howls of hysterical protest in june settlements minister tzipi hotter valley accusing the court of dilip clarin war on the right of jews to settle in the land of israel really declaring war on the right of jews is that what you think that the Supreme Court has been up to. We are not at war with the High Supreme Court everyone respects and they have maybe sometimes an. Extreme opinion on matters specific matters but we all accept the High Supreme Court judgments we believe that the relationship between the parliament and the High Supreme Court there are other places in the world that have different relationships for example in israel the High Supreme Court. For a few times ruled that laws that we are weve created in the parliament are illegal and there are other democracies in the world that dont enable the High Supreme Court to rule out laws that are defined by the parliament where youre setting in this man is going to take that status not the case your settlements minister didnt accept the judgment from the Supremes Court do you accept what the court told you with that law that it legalised illegal building by jews in the west bank and had deeply harmful consequences for the substantive rights of palestinians question is then why are you passing laws that are so harmful for the palestinians for the subs their substantive rights why do you pass laws like that in the 1st place 1st of all i respect the High Supreme Court i will always respect them even if i dont agree with them. On the other hand we are now in the parliament on the Parliament Member from the likud party i want to change the laws so that we have better quality of life you want to change the answer to that was mayor of jerusalem that we want to bully the corps let me go to the 2 there are 2 things god forbid no use at the time is come to restore thought about power between the branches of government whats that mean another attempt to bully the court. God forbid no the answer is that we look at other democracies in the world and we see that the relationships are different then the balance is different in the United States the president of United States he chooses the High Supreme Court judges in other places theres not theres different balances and we learn from other democracies so let me just focus on the point you said. Injured in some area anyway you put a shovel in the ground you find jewish roots and jews are allowed to live anywhere they want in the world in new york in germany in london in jerusalem anywhere in arab countries they can live anywhere they want especially in places that any way you put a shovel you find our roots in our history in the bible and thats not in the bible ok now from my perspective jews could live there and right now applying israeli sovereignty is really laws on the israeli cities and towns into this an area is the right thing to do for my political perspective of a large one to come i want to come on if we want to martial law that i want to come on to the issue of an exception a bit later i want to talk 1st about the issue of hate speech which has been coming from your party this year state Department Report on human rights from your friendly trumpet ministration accuses your party directly of promoting hatred it said during the april and september National Elections last year the likud party deployed messages promoting hatred against arab citizens including a chap message on the Prime Ministers Facebook Page saying the arabs want to destroy all of us women children and men facebook have to spend it on the Prime Minister said he wasnt aware of the message was only could really so desperate in those elections that it had to resort to such cheap tactics i was mayor of jerusalem for a decade 10 years and only time i heard somebody. To speak hatred to any side i was always against it the likud party as a whole believes in living together in cooperation we have in the likud Party Muslims christians and jews and jews and others we have all kinds of you know. Reading which is ultra orthodox and secular we have it all we are a party that focuses on how to live together sometimes people may step off line in terms of their speech i will always be there to remind them that hatred is not the way that we are not part of our d. N. A. Mr gandhi i did you did you remind. Me of wilma did you remind them in the course of the elections which brought a torrent of false charges against arabs the Prime Minister himself said that if it hadnt been for voting fraud in the april election the arab party ballot would not have passed the electoral threshold same from the tourism minister yariv levon the suspicions are that there are over 100. 00 polling stations that are heavily suspected of irregularities what was the reality nothing of the kind the director general of the Central Elections Committee said a Police Investigation after the april election found suspicion of fraud in 2 polling stations in the arab sector not 100. 00 just 2 and theres fraud he said i dont do that benefiting likud as well as shots another right wing party so these allegations that came forth during the elections i dont remember you challenging any of them but they were. Breathtaking level of dishonesty from your party wasnt it. People get carried away in the lections all sides not just that it could practically all parties unfortunately sometimes get carried away in their election. In the elections unfortunately this is not just an israeli issue i think its the same in the United States and in europe in many many places. I the person that seeks to focus on the common denominator of people to unite people and i will always be against such statements yeah but not hardly and as a new york your attempts at unity and not happening are signals no wonder your president ruben rivlin commented in january this year when the nation witnesses its leaders spewing hatred at one another boycotting entire communities and seeking votes via a strategy of divisiveness whats left for them to believe in theres nothing in that statement of his for your party to feel proud about is there. Tim i said earlier people get carried away in the elections i personally and i know that this is part of the d. N. A. Of the likud is seek the common denominator and if people step on the line in what theyre saying i will always be there and i always was there to say that it must we must focus on a different ways to speak and this is not just for the could im saying this is a liquid Parliament Member its true for all our parliament unfortunately in the elections people get heated up and sometimes mean misspeak its just its not just about elect local issue not just about hashes its not just about elections now where is the hardship that the palestinians live under more apparent than in the city that you ran for 2 terms as maggi recently again your american friends in the trumpet ministration a scathing about the lack of services for non jews in jerusalem the latest report says arab christians and muslims druze and ethiopian citizens face persistent institutional and societal discrimination this is disgraceful enough isnt it but if you go back and look at previous reports this discrimination has been flagged up year after year and nothing was done to improve the situation why well i think you are describing the situation in the United States of america and many other European Countries i can tell you and they are trying to israel they are like of that fine im just saying that. If you look at the fact the quality of life of arab residents in East Jerusalem is far far better than any of the arabs countries around us and the reason they have is not much of a comparison which is a city of jerusalem. Of course it is the alternative they have is far worse and so all the non demarc democracies around us none of them are democracies their quality of life is far far worse if you look at the. d home of the wages of people the Arab Israelis their wages is much much higher than in the in the against of area the wages of Arab Israelis in jerusalem. Residents is far far greater than in jordan and in any other world in egypt in syria or any other place and this is just the background what does that about and it had to do that mr back at the proof of neglect and double standard lies lies in the statistics 1000 figures quoted by the state department from the Jerusalem Institute for policy research for 2017 show the dire conditions in which palestinians live in jerusalem 78 percent of our of residents there and 86 percent of arab children in East Jerusalem lived that year in poverty and thats a policy decision isnt it are you proud of that. God forbid thats not a policy and by the way you forgot to mention that we have a huge a large ultraorthodox community in jerusalem that is very similar to the arab communities the arab communities around the country if you look at all villages in our country you find that there are social economic status is lower unfortunately now what ive done is i focused on education improve the quality of education there and unfortunately some of the arab residents choose the palestinian system the system which is far far less better than the israeli system weve done everything to prove both quality of life infrastructure